Why are Jews so evil? Is it just an evolutionary strategy like K Mac thinks or do they enjoy destroying the Goyim?
Why are Jews so evil? Is it just an evolutionary strategy like K Mac thinks or do they enjoy destroying the Goyim?
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The vast majority are likely just following an evolutionary strategy but I have no doubt there are a number of perverse kikes that take pleasure in fucking over the goyim.
John 8:44
They are literally the children of satan.
Because they can read the rules and you can't.
Jews are evil because they believe what they're doing is good. Their belief stems from religious theology and the culture which it breeds.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
checks out
Inbreeding has made them miserable little shits, and the only way they can get a rush of dopamine is to see those mroe beautiful than they are have their lives ruined.
Undisclosed in-group bias.
I wouldn't say they are inherently evil, just like other parasites aren't inherently evil. They're just acting based on genetics and a different moral code that benefits by exploiting others to make up for a lack of self sufficiency. Are we evil because we can't eat dirt and sunlight and choose to eat plants and animals instead? If all sources of food dies off we would starve. Likewise for a jew if he can't milk shekels from goyim. They are a menace from our perspective because they sap resources away from our race but from the nature perspective it is simply a common pattern manifesting itself. Animal produces energy, parasite saps energy from animal. One does not need the other. Depending on how much demand and long term planning the parasite has, the source of food could die off, which would kill the dependent parasite. In our case, if the rest of humanity dies, the jews will fall with us. Therefore, while the jew is a naturally occurring parasite among us and a way nature keeps organisms in check it may ultimately grow too much and wipe out humanity in it's own greed. Ultimately, the jew must be removed in order to stop their undermining of human progress and a system must be put in place to prevent similar creatures from rising in it's place.
Also a little bit of incest might've fucked them in the heads.
They're a genetic neurotic disease. counter-currents.com
It's not complex, they're just a race of neurotic untalented* incels who subvert instead of fighting. They'll ultimately bring about their own destruction and erasure from the face of the earth.
*Jewish success is mostly due to nepotism and wealth. In fact their supposedly high IQ (not true by the way) was fostered by breeding up incel rote-learners over generations. And they make their wealth through fraud and treachery and lies and nepotism, and being willing to do things others aren't (pornography, usury, swindling, degeneracy)
MacDonald is a pseudo scientist celebrity
Zero effort, QTDDTOT, niggerjew.
That's not a bad thing, I mean wouldn't you want to do everything in your power to make your life better and easier even if it comes at the cost of other people's livelihood?
I mean, I would even fucking stab my mom if I could get to stay in a nice prison like the ones they have in Norway.
Reading all the time, fucking around, getting free food and stuff. It sounds like the fucking life.
The Jew dictates the liquidity crisis. They won that war and are holding down "w" just racking up xp on compound interest. All this financial shit is eliminated from history. House of Rotheschilde, House of Sa'ud. House of hesse. Private armies fought wars like game of thrones. Most of the jews disappeared in the 1890's. Conspiracies are just real. Sorry folks. I keep the jew around for entertainment. He doesn't even know how fucked his progeny is.
You're already lost. You think your ideas come from reasoning, but they actually come from a completely broke endocrine system and past.
Phone number (888) 448-9696 tell me why jews are should die
It's K-selection adaptation with no frontier, i.e. a Dark age adaptation. They are vampires, they have adapted to breed stupid people, put them through misery as slaves, and feed from their blunders and confusion. Doesn't matter to them if you can do it better without slaves, they don't need to do it better as in faster or more efficiently, because in their brains the environment is sealed and there is nowhere to go, no need to improve efficiencies to focus energy on expansion or exploration or anything else, because that kind of thinking will only get you enslaved in the cruel imperial austerity. It's defeatist thinking, and ends in suicide, unless someone braves it, bucks them all, transcends their petty games, and reestablishes the infinite expanse of the Imperium.
Every man has his price, that's all I'm trying to say. That and morality being subjective.
After all, being evil is in our genetics, we're animals to our very core.
I always believed it was that they were cursed by each group that boored them and god for killing his son.
You're wrong. Some men are incorruptible and die for what they think it's correct.
No, it's not. We're naturally good, and we stay good as we grow. Once we're not hungry, empathy rules our behavior.
The only thing I got from you is that, if I every get hungry, I can stab my mom and/ or children. And It'd be justified.
yeah, the risk is the pogrom that Jews all know is coming. I personally have a more of a Jewish way of thinking. I would pimp out my own wife it it ensured that I could buy a McDonalds franchise an have a decent life with a good salary.
Because that's what you want to justify. Kill yourself or stay away from everyone.
Fuck off with that leftwing bullshit.
They are a people punished by god forever, so they take it out on us.
The Jew is a biological parasite who exploits specifically the white race and reduces his biological fitness through behaviour modification and subversive policies so as to prevent detection and expulsion from the host.
Despite what you've been told, fear is the true root of all evil. Fear makes people drop concern for good behavior or the wellbeing of others. Fear makes people do rash/cruel things to others for self preservation. Insecurity(derived from fear) makes people spiteful, cruel, and sadistic.
And heebs are well known for being the most pathetic, limp wristed, cowardly, and insecure race that has ever existed. It's what compels them to hoard money like they do. They're weak so they hate and envy the strong. They're ugly and disgusting, which compels them to hate anything beautiful.
Only correct answer
To understand jews, you really have to read their books. For example, a practicing jew is defined by their 613 mitzvots. Out of those mitzvots, there are several that are terrible, and to follow them puts jews directly against the constitution. There is a mitzvot that literally states they are forbidden to make a covenant with isolators, which would be the united states. That alone combined with the book of ester and holiday of purim should be enough to disqualify jews from office, which is exactly what has taken place, historically, around the entire world, for thousands of years because of their degenerate perversions of nature and god and their relation to gods creatures.
A great insight into jewish psychology is to read the book "You gentiles" by maurice samuals. It very clearly explains how jews feel about gentiles and what motivates their extreme cruelty.
Another book that sheds chronological light on the history of jews overpowering europe, "The Court Jew" by selma stern. It discusses the relationship of jewish war commissars to the despots of europe during the period of absolutism.
The general gist of jews is that in this world, they are all constantly at war with non jews, necessarily, by the definition of their sociological rules of organization, and by the dictates of their god. They believe the non jews are like animals. Not that they should all be killed, but they should be brought to heel under noahide caste law aka universal law of atheism. How they achieve that is completely wide open, they have no rules, although they have always favored secrecy while weak, they avoid direct participation in war due to its inherent high risk and prefer to use proxies to kill each other.
They are playing the game of the turtle and the rabbit in a race. Except a large part of the turtles strategy is not only to not tell the rabbit there is a race, but invest serious energy into disinforming the rabbit about how there's no race and races are bad and then getting the rabbit to go around and murder other rabbits while declaring races are bad.
Rest assured, they are drawing a cordon around the global population with control of money. They are only tightening now but if they are successful, they fully intend to put all nations of the world under global government directed from the Sanhedrin in israel. They plan to accomplish this by causing a massive war out of which all the weakened nations are then put on the tit of global currency. They intend to pass new laws which will result in mass conversion of Christians and muslims to noahidism and then decapitate all dissenters as the standard capital punishment.
All of this can be read about in Rambams code, "law of kings" aka Maimonides noahide laws.
aside from other anons ITT, there's also the fact they pick jew kids with the smaller mass of Amygdala in their brains for breeding future generations while healthier ones get to be sent to the nearest bloodletting altarguys for their cannibal orgies or be circumcised to devolve and destroy the natural growth cycle of their mind as well as altering the way the chemicals in their body react to it.
In other words, it's also a deliberate form of (un)natural selection by the kikes
pic related its all about revenge even though they were shitty swindlers to begin with. evolution sorta. /thread
Find and read the protocols of the elders of zion. Translated by a russian that escaped the jews before the soviet take over. He apparetly could only translate for an hour at a time as having to read the jews tricks made him physically ill.
Wait is that tiddie inspection day? See what a world with out jews might have gotten us? Instead we get penis inspection day. Thanks (((Goldberg)))
Why is that graphic using kiked era?