Sheriffs in eastern Washington says fuck off to liberal state gun grabbers
Balkanization of America Imminent
This is exactly how gun control will go across the country. Sanctuary cities and weed showed the way. Also, America is un-governable now. We will see feds and local LEOs in standoffs soon.
I heard a rumor that certain governors in certain shitlib states are currently attempting to purge state police forces of constitutionalists and those sympathetic to gun rights… good luck with that. The average joe has way more in common with local police than with the feds, and the average cop has way more in common with the local citizens than with the feds. Local communities will come together and resist tyrannical laws.
Get the fuck out.
Local communities don't exist thanks to niggers and spics coming in and politics polarizing everyone.
At least with the civil war there were geographical boundaries that seperated the conflict.
Everyone is mixed up now.
There are no strong white communities left.
We have already lost.
That's fucking stupid because we're seeing libs ruin states like Oregon.
not really.
Why don't you set an example and off yourself first?
Okay, you're done.
Fuck off back to reddit.
Can't wait to marry an Aryan wife who will cook European pastries in this new United States
What happened to that Obama litmus test?
you deserve whatever your gook insectoid overlords do to you you fucking slut
Fun fact: every word he said is true and you can't refute any of it. And only jews complain about truth.
eat a gun.
Been hearing about this. It needs to happen across the country, and cops need to escalate arrests of shitskins and refuse “sanctuary city” laws, report and deport
>literally defending jewish lies and calling for (((balkanization)))
If they hold to this I'll actually start having a modicum of respect for police. I predict that they'll cuck out though.
Except the feds won't take them. Local police just need to shoot them and bury the bodies outside of town.
wasn't that for military? Trump probably scrapped it all immediately so they wouldn't get too shooty.
we will have to take a play out of the Muslims "no go zones" play book
dob jej
no, I'm just talking about the reality, it is the result of hyper-polarization and natural self-segregation according to partisan ideology
you do you, glowdark
Point to them.
The reality is that you're repeating jewish narratives and expecting us to believe them. The reality is that all nonwhites will be deported or killed, period, and that claiming anything else is a solution is working for the jews.
A man can dream…maybe one day
it's never happening. you'll never get off your fat ass or stop fucking some slag long enough to regroup.
don't worry, just sit back and do nothing, it will get fixed :^)
This is actually not a bad idea. Ghettoization is more likely than balkanization. It's better than "moving to Cascadia" or getting that mortgage in suburbia.
Frankly I believe this is literally the only approach that will save the Republic at this point. There are still many patriots in the ranks of the men and blue, who are both awake and armed.
Am I reading that map right? Never would have expected that.
the US was always meant to be ancapistan with the states having more rights than the feds, not the centralized bureaucratic abomination that it has become in the past 100 years or so. things would sort themselves out fairly quickly if we go back to states rights
Remember, the thread would have been deleted at this point under the old mods.
wasnt around then. did they get shoah'd by some kike feds or something?
They found a way to imprison the sheriff who proved Onigger's birth certificate was fake. He will back down eventually.
The federal government has been waaay overreaching since Lincoln, probably earlier. But at the very least since then. Only a real uprising will have a chance at overturning the grotesque blob the Federal govt has become. There are still many patriots in the military and LEO, but precious few in the legislature. The Judiciary is already a complete travesty.
Actually he was pardoned by Trump.
No, that's not enough. America needs a North Korea/Cambodia-tier vengeance cleansing.
Some college student had an ar-15 that he converted into a real m16 or MG. It was found in his car. His answer to the cops?The law is unlawful, and basically they can kiss ass.
Things are changing.
At least imkampfy got rid of the shills, sad that he had to be an absolute faggot from 2016 onwards and filter the word nigger. This place is fubar now, the smirkening didn't help it in any shape or form, it's just a matter of time until another exodus is made again
obama is a literal gay nigger from kenya and a pedo with a tranny "wife"
you would have to cut all the 20 year old boomers off from their vidya and social media and porn for them to get off their asses and do somethign about the soft genocide.
tornigger, ask yourself this, who controls the police and military? who can cut off the funding for the military? who indoctrinates people? people are far too domesticated and complacent and we don't have hearts and minds on our side, because their hearts are clogged and their minds are dulled.
Local communities don’t fucking exist anymore. Do you even know your neighbors? Even if they aren’t niggers, you probably don’t and barely interact with them. We are isolated.
The Executive controls the military, by definition. The LEOs are beholden to their own feudal lords. The kikes indoctrinate people ofc.
And frankly I'd advise everyone not to give up on the hearts and minds of honest, racially-motivated White men just yet user. We have a habit of delaying action overlong, but when we finally wake up and act we tend to be quite decisive in the end. We've been around for 40K+ years. Our end is not at hand just yet in my opinion.
why are people isolated? the silicon jew. zuckerborg.
the biggest targets have got to be the things that send the NPCs their script updates and everyone complacent.
in that order, those things are keeping people totally complacent and unaware of the soft genocide. knock out the internet for a few months and that's half the fight. all it takes is one dude with a moist nugget and a shovel and an angle grinder or bolt cutter or something. Basic tools. or maybe some russian bots will get their hands on an EMP, who knows.
the fact of the matter is, this isolation is totally unnatural. Humans are social animals, we're meant to have IRL communities. But what the siliconjew and political kike have done is isolate everyone to the point where there are skyrocketing rates of brain-gut-immune axis diseases (the cure, by the way, is extremely expensive biologic drugs made by the pharmajew). The guardian just put out an propaganda piece shilling for a potential pill for loneliness, which is obviously total horseshit. This world is such a fucking evil abomination.
Said the lowercasing brown creature from Tel Aviv.
I wish, this government will limp along for another ten years at least.
you use the state department's software.
you are a filthycasul and a cybernigger, probably a filthy phone poster too
Based sheriffs.
better put all your assets in buried precious metals or overseas swiss account or buttcoin or dogecoin or something first.
Actually TOR was created by the US Dept of the Navy, not the State Department, and as far as they are concerned it's in the wild now. They have no special leverage over it beyond trying to inject pwnd nodes. Your claim is similar to saying that Mathematics and Science is controlled by the kikes. There may be some influence there, but the Truth is outside the bounds of their racial stranglehold. lrn2tech user.
how do you know your exit node is not compromised by CIAniggers?
why should I care. that Ron's problem.
One day I'll set up a laptop with TAILS / VPN / no HD to do spooky spook shit and not get buttraped by CIAniggers.
But right now IDGAF, I see zero reason to care.
you know you are already on the lists so be prepped to bug out when the time comes user. none of this Davy Crockett shit OK?
And also, no time like the present to prepare. You can play around with Brave and set up IP block tables quickly and easily at the least.
I would consider balkanization a massive failure. It would take China a matter of days to move nukes into the nigger states and point them at the white states. The only option is expansion until the world is conquered or somebody with equal strength forces a truce/delay.
I'm on every list, user
The bugmen won't have the balls to pull the trigger for 30+ years imo.
then get started on the list user.
Davy Crocket was a very poor tactician/strategist who obviously didn't like winning, and enjoyed getting the gaddafi treatment from mexicunts.
kek, fair enough. he was also a more badass frontiersman than you or i will ever be in this life.
the insectoid gooks can swarm us, but we can still nuke the shit out of them. even if we're balkanized, someone will still be manning the controls, especially the subs. maybe it's an AI, who knows. in any case, the jews will probably poz them with a nigger infestation first, they will have to deal with that.
If a fight between Israel and Iran ending in a compromise leading to balkanization of Israel, would you wait 30 years to finish them off?
That's frankly a side-topic and certainly not the likely end-game for apocalypse. I don't actually the think the US will make it to the very end of the world thanks precisely to the Chink's espionage.
Then end of our beloved Burgerland does not equal the end of White men, however. I give it about 40-45 years before Babylon the Great goes up in smoke tbh.
I think you're greatly underestimating them. China is going to be arming the Mexicans and niggers day one of the civil war in an attempt to denuclearize the US without losing any of their people.
This. Saying the government still controls Tor, is like saying Colt still controls my AR15. Nope, it's not in their hands anymore. Just cuz you build sonething doesn't mean you control it forever.
this scenario is no good.
only if the US has Putin by the nuts somehow will WWIII not occur. In that case, Iran gets nuked to shit, regime change occurs, and Greater Israel is established.
muh civil war isn't happening. there will just be new deportation orders predicated on mandatory IQ testing. It will be deportation this time, not liquidation, but the trains will rumble once again. when huwhites chimp out, it's nice and orderly. IBM will probably be involved.
Get out.
imkikey would have left this thread up.
checked and kekd. more likely jewgle tbh.
you've been drinking too much of the glownigger koolaid user.
And it's happening.
Different situations. Israel and Iran are not the primary trading partner of each other. US goes, US economy goes with it. US economy goes, China's (and the global economy for that matter) go with it. The Chinese also have a dismal record of foreign conquests. See the Sino-Soviet and Sino-Vietnamese war for modern examples. They are merchants not fighters, and they don't have a navy capable of reaching the US mainland in any sizeable numbers. Worse case scenerio, we nuke or we take a road trip down to the CDC headquarters and their Cat IV path lab in Atlanta, ask to see smallpox-chan and get busy.
They try to move the nukes and we move the nukes to Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Hong Kong. 5hr express flight, no returns accepted.
honestly that shit is scarier than any nuke or chemical weapon
Those closest to the poz learn to hate the poz faster and harder.
lol I know get fucked!
Get your guns and kill leftists and jews.
If you don't kill them, they win.
What part of that statement implies (((balkanization)))?
Daily reminder that (((balkanization))) is shilled by kikes and vultures who want their nation, China or Russia, to be the main world power and conquer the former USA. All (((balkanization))) shills deserve the oven.
Who are you talking about, Hail and Skeletor were more than obviously kampfy and coonman
>Daily reminder that (((balkanization))) is shilled by kikes
whew, lad
Keep tor constantly filtered its seriously improves quality
Well, it'll start around 2025 due to the boomers beginning their mass dying off, which will leave a power vacuum the "revenge presidency" after Trump will be only too happy to fill with shitskins. Interestingly enough, some calculate the end of the Kali Yuga (vedic time of darkness, horror and immorality) to end around 2025. At the very latest, by 2050 we will be outnumbered 4 to 1 and literally about to go extinct, so no later. We're already outnumbered, since the vast majority of the USA that isn't empty land is becoming shitskinned. Even New Hampshire has a bunch of Jewish orgs pushing hard to get niggers to move into special charity houses. People returning to rural towns are noticing how scarce whites have become in only 5-6 years. We're outnumbered, and the whites that will do more than vote and watch TV are a minority among a minority. How many Zig Forumsacks do you know within a 1000 milr radius? Maybe 5? 7? We're too spread out to take back all if the USA, which is going to become majority brown very quickly. Regrouping somewhere safe so we can raise our grandchildren to reconquer our land is the only remaining option. We gave peace a chance, now it's time for war.
No, minor conflict between governmental departments won't do anything. ZOG has the biggest military on the planet (even though it is slowly becoming more and more incompetent due to shitskins, women quotas and diversity hires in the leadership). You think a local sheriff is going to go fight against tanks, helicopters and columns of soldiers? Americans have been grumbling and just accepting whatever the higher ups burden them with. Occasionally they can eke out a compromise through lobbying (but only when the law itself didn't really matter). Nobody fights for anything anymore, they just sit on the couch or at the computer bitching and hoping the next shabos goy they vote in will change anything.
Were you not here during the summer of last year? Fuck's sake.
You're not even trying.
If you listen to Vox Day he talks about how balkanization is inevitable too. Hes worth a listen if you can put up with how much he jerks himself off over his own IQ.
Oh lol are you talking about the lain avatarfag
Nobody should be killed or caged but sent back to make their country great is the goal. The only population group of concern in Hispanics from Mexico, Cental, and South America. They are like 50% of all immigrants rn and most are poor mayan, aztec, and toltec people and not their Iberian countrymen. If permanent immigration and seasonal labor migration were reversed, the next decade will see another boooming 50's/60's of European culture.
Is a mod pulling a polvol6 again?
Kikes are already investing heavily in china. Your implication is weak bait as they wouldn't be killing the US right now if they needed it intact and strong. They'll squeeze every last penny out and move on to the next host while the US is turned into 50 different minicountries that get overrun and conquered by everyone else.
Spoke like an actual luddite brainlet.
I don't vote.