Brendan Fraser unJUSTening stream invitation

Hey Zig Forums. The day is soon upon us where Brendan Fraser will pay his final $50,000, his final alimony cheque, and that day is 31st January. To celebrate, /just/ hosts a stream of some Brendan classics so feel free to join us as we call an end to Brendan's JUST and unfuck his shit.


Pre-Stream begins at 6pm EST with the movies starting from 6:30pm EST, January 31st.

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This made my morning. Thank you

How much for Child Support for the three crumb snatchers 2002, 2004, 2006, until they are 18, then if negotiated in divorce cars and four year college?

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Let me guess. Ex has been performatively single for the purposes of collecting the maximum alimony. And two weeks after the gold digging pass expires she'll get married to the man the children have long identified as "New Daddy".

Are they even his?

What great news. Thanks, OP. Maybe I'll stop by

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This actually made my day. Thanks /just/

What the actual fuck, does the audacity of these kikes never end?

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I am deeply genetically programmed to want a woman, have a wife in my home. I just paid cash for a 5 year old house, and not being a total loser anymore there are women that are very interested in my. I knew a guy that inherited a prosperous business, a shop worth several millions and a 3.5 million house in a really great neighborhood. His name got out on a network; he had women flying in from across the country to knock on his door and "introduce" themselves. This made his blood run cold with fear. But in the end he married a woman and had a couple kids. She took it all. ALL.

All he has now is an old pickup truck and some gardening tools and he goes around doing gardening to stay alive. He's getting old. He's got a bleak future ahead of him.

Chinese here. I was so sad by his justing. Glad that he can start fucking stacies now and move away from that harpy who justed him.

He was lucky he didn't get on the hook for life. Tradcuck whiteknight niggers won't ever tell you that permanent alimony is a real thing.

North America, Day of the Woodchippers.
''Hey stop that, ladies aren't supposed to piss themselves!
Now wewa… oh yeah, ever seen Misery, that movie by Stephen King? The part with the log? No? Spoilers! ''

Don't hate women. Hate the jews that infect them and enable sociopath behavior, and the jews that gave the west feminism and family courts.

May they be reborn as aborted post-birth (((fetuses))) in Virginia.

Just avoid these states:

New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, North Carolina, West Virginia, Florida, Oregon, California, New York, Colorado.

This is symptomatic of this board; "all evil comes from the jews".

uh…no. The jews are indeed slimy scumbags that deserve a dip in a vat of boiling caustic soda over at the Hooker Chemical facility but even if you removed them you'd still have lots of horseshit to deal with on this planet some of it even coming from deep inside the soul of each individual. We're no saints. In fact the jews would be powerless if they didn't observe and exploit our own idiosyncratic propensity for certain vices. If we had no vices how could the jews sell us cocaine for example? The cocaine would be worthless because nobody would want it. No demand + infinite supply = cocaine is as valuable as sand in the Sahara.

Go read Njal's Icelandic saga. Gudrun is evil as fuck and stirs up a shit storm of chaos and bloodshed and sorrow with an evil smirk on her gorgeous face and there's nary a jew in view.

Women are the willing vectors of jewish attack. Being wise on the jews won't save you when Uncle Sam puts a gun to your head and tells you to fork over half your belongings to your based tradpilled wifey who went for a divorce. And it won't save you when you're looking at 18 years of child support debt, and a lifetime of slavery making permanent alimony payments to your bitch ex-wife

One more thing. The states having community property are Louisiana, Arizona, California, Texas, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wisconsin, so avoid them.

Georgia seems to be the best state to get a divorce from a cheating spouse.

Holy shit, you kikes are quick today.

I dunno man. I think if I won the lottery I'd buy me a luxury condo in Bal Harbor…yes, I do.

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You think your safe? New legislation is always coming. Soon enough, permanent alimony will be standard, and paternity tests will be outlawed so you won't even know if it's your kids you're paying child support for.

How do I know these things will come to pass? Because whiteknight niggers keep making excuses and never oppose the shit when it happens.


You are very naive..

Njal's Saga….Gudrun Long Legs. Vikings in Iceland. No jews for a zillion miles. Just vikings. Gudrun was the most beautiful Gunnar had ever seen. His best friend told him she was evil and to avoid her but he wouldn't listen. His little angry red head was telling his big stupid head what to do and that's always a bad bad idea.

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Being a cucked limp-wristed pussy-worshipper makes you the perfect goy. If I'm a jew, you're already sucking my dick.

Doesn't have to be a tradpilled wife now. Doesn't even have to be a "wife" per se.

All she has to do now is live with you for 6 months or so (depends on the jurisdiction, could be 4 months or 8 months whatever the jewdge decides on a whim of her quim). One of the key plays is for her to receive some kind of official document in the mail at your address; a VISA bill, a government cheque, an Amazon delivery, shit like that. Now she has hard evidence of residency in your house, you louse. If she has her bastard sprog with her you'll be on the line for him/her/xe till it's 18 or so too…the gubmint is frantic to offload the financial burden of these misgenated bastard offspring by hook or by crook.

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Finally a fun thread. I'll try to make it OP. Thems some good movies.

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Bumping because we're starting.

I've workshoped this with my team. Record your wife or girlfriend saying something racist and hide assets. This is the only play to somewhat protect yourself. She has to feel she'll be socially destroyed for trying to divorce rape you and get very little. You got a better move?

I've see your wife's assets every other weekend, faggot.

Bet New Daddy, younger than her, is out of work Gym Rat (some story of selling idea to a company and Surfing until money ran out, which is right about when he met her) she met him at Gym when she was trying to shed some pounds thinking she can snare another meal ticket at her age, not realizing men her age with money can date 25 year olds… She will get him a job at one of her remaining rich influential friends companies, or open a Real Estate office/franchise…
New Daddy will not adopt children, live off Child Support, talk her into selling/mortgaging giant house, buy small condo on beach after kids turn 18.

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More likely her kikenvermin divorce lawyer. Women don't go for gym rats so much as they go for guys in tailor made suits and $800 shoes and $80K+ German sedans.

Not really an either or, sense there are all kinds of fat old men looking for fat old women on dating apps, and the lonely fat old women play on their phones during work, gushing over them like teenagers. Jesus Christ, 50 year old women do this, its the most degenerate and pretentious behavior I've seen from them. Worse than trannies, who kill themselves quickly.

fuck off chaim

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