I’ve heard some people argue that the left/islam poses a larger threat to international jewry than the right does. What are some good retorts to this? I know of at least one in that the alphabet agencies, along with the media, school system, television, legsl system, as well as powerful Jewish and civil rights organizations ability to crush any far-right dissent any time it shows up, whereas the left wing is left generally untouched by this. Anything else? I’ve noticed that the left-wing/islamic JQ is radically different than the far-right JQ.
Antisemitism from the right vs the left
Left wing JQ is intersectional, much like under Hitler. Right wing JQ is not, and therefore weaker.
Sage for JIDF thread.
the average IQ of muslim countries is in the 80s
not a threat to jews
Biggest threat to Jews is from Muslims, especially those associated with Iran, which explains US foreign policy towards this low-iq Muslim nation. We are told by right wing propaganda outlets and President Trump that these low IQ Muslims are developing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles to carry them.
Something doesn't add up.
Pretty simple, the left isn't against jews, they're merely against Israel. They don't see it as jews being a problem as a people, they just see Israel's government as too authoritarian and cruel, they think that any mention of the typical jew being subversive by their very nature is merely ignorant and not based in anything other than irrational hatred.
Nigger what? Lmao. So in other words, Hitler saw the JQ through the lens of “Jews are white colonialist capitalist crackers, who are out to oppress brown people. It’s not like they reject the notion of whiteness and adopt a Jewish identity, or the fact that they want to breed white gentiles out of existence or something, lmao”.
You Zig Forums niggers need to stay in your containment board.
also see>>12741286
Soros funds the left and moderate islam. The only threat to international jewry right now as Chinese Asians.
but how do we turn the left against jews?
You humiliate them. Leftists care about social reputation foremost. That is why they're obsessed with saying 'degenerate and proud blah blah'. You humiliate with arguments and emotional appeals.
Alternatively, you don't convert. You usurp their (((shepherds))).
goes on something like this.
dont look into ideology, look into groups in practice.
the palestine thing has been a success for decades now.
also pointing out who the big capitalists are every now and then leaves a cut
It means Unite Against the Kike.
While the left offer no actual threat to jewish power they do have a handle on isreal and its interference in the Western political system as they recognise its criminal existence in the ME while unwittingly fighting for jewish upheaval and power.
The right on the other hand only suck on jew dicks without offering even so much as a little bit of BDS to rattle the kikes and fight for jewish power playing along with their left/right paradigm.
The left is equal to the right in that they only serve jewish interests, the left/right fight over who is their favourite jewish owner.
leftists(especially radical leftists)/islamists pose a greater threat to the Jews than the conservatives
However leftists are a threat to them because they support Islam, not because they hate the Jews
Nationalist socialists and Islamists wants to remove the Jew, by assimilation/genocide/deportation/enslaving them
bump for clearly tiggered Zig Forums
What a crap image
gets the basic point across doesent it?
you can make a better version anyday
No, Hitler saw the need to enlist allies in the struggle and so does the modern Left, while the Right does not. Hence, Leftist anti-semitism is intersectional, while Rightist anti-semitism is not.
The left and its allies have action plans, such as BDS, which are effective, hence the need to ban them. The right does not, precisely because "whiteness" which has a place when whites are in power, is a handicap to practical action when whites are out of power.
Pretty simple, but probably beyond your level of strategic thinking.
Since Jewish power is rooted in capitalism in our times, rather than communism as in the 20th century, the redistributionist, pro-labor Left (not the identity politics Left) offers the greatest threat to Jewish power. Jews push identity politics on both left and right because they know it will divide their enemies.
Class struggle between wealthy Jewry and the poor masses, as well as Islam, are the biggest threats, hence the suppression of pro-Labor politics in their western strongholds, especially the US.
*suppression of pro-labor politics and Islam in their western strongholds
Netanyahu downplays right-wing anti-Semitism, contradicting Israeli study
Also this damning expose of Jewish political power in the US, produced by a leftist Muslim outlet (Al-Jazeera):
The Lobby USA
This is more true in America because Republicans are philo semites.
The right isn't even against Israel though
Found the Progressive
No, I'm an intersectionalist, like Hitler was.
The best way to neuter anti-semitism on the Right is to push identarianism.
1.5 BILLION vs. 20m worldwide, not a threat…
The only fucker who should care is jews. For everyone is, the good news is, jews are fucked either way. Shlomo's days are numbereed.
elaborate, your ideas sound either intriguing or total nonsense.
found the boomer. Fuck off and die. Remember to not squander your children's' inheritance before you do.
I use this frequently in my dealings with (((fellow whites))).
Orthodox Jews are usually more woke on this thanks to the late Rabbi Meir Kahane. Also inside Israel, Likud is buddying up to foreign Rightists like Orban and Bolsanaro. Bold Gambit, highly controversial among Jews
Essentially, once they literally imported Palestinians, Labour went anti-Zionist. Muzzie voters now outnumber Jew voters. They can't say SHIT without either losing donors or voters.
That's the canary in the Libtard coal mine. Ted Cruz knows this. That's why he plays up the "Muh greatest Ally" spiel. He knows better, but those donation shekels have to go somewhere.
Reform are going schizo over this. Some are jumping ship, others are literally becoming anti-Zionist to preserve Globalism. It's astounding to see in person.
Sidenote: I discovered a magic phrase that is Normie friendly. "Israel is our greatest role model." In reference to their effective guest worker, illegal alien, & wall policies.
Except leftist antisemitism isn’t antisemitic. You don’t understand what the leftist JQ really is, do you? Leftist “antisemitism” is basically “Jews are bad because they’re white neo-colonialists with Israel as their neocolonial state”. They sympathize with the Palestinians because they’re brown people and brown= oppressed in their postwar indoctrinated minds. Left-wing JQ does not simply mean “let’s team up with the Muslims to destroy the international Jew”.
Further, left-wing antisemitism is more “anti-Zionist but not antisemitic”. They hate Israel precisely because of what they’re doing to the brown Palestinians, but if they had their way, the Jews would be forced to move back to Europe where they came from. If the Jews turned white Europeans into Palestinians, then they wouldn’t give a shit.
Unless they become the majority in a Western party just big enough to vote against Zionism.
It's already happening. See Linda Cockroach Sarsour.
Lurk two more years until you understand the concept of secret controlled opposition.
read this
i think it is destiny, anons.
There is an opportunity there. Did you know that every Passover ends with the toast "Next year in Jerusalem"?
Separate the Zionism from the Judaism and the Judaism will fall. They believe Assimilation is their greatest enemy. They don't want to be "Hellenized" as they call it.
Pit your enemies at each other's throat and invest in popcorn.
Plus the fact that islam was founded by jews in the first place.
Islam has been the sword arm of the juden from the beginning.
Which is why no right wing group has ever been banned and JLR was definitely not murdered to stop his relentless march toward victory.
That may be the beginning, but today every Muzzie I know hates Juice.
The males aren't exactly pleased by the Poz they see here among the People of book going full atheist.
Perhaps we can leverage this? After all, we aren't bombing them anymore. Juice still are.
Is there a way we can red-pill Muzzies? How hard could it be?
The pro-labor left isn't merely anti-colonialism, it's also anti-capital, which is the source of Jewish power. In my post, I distinguished between the identity politics (anti-colonialism and pro brown) left and the pro-labor left. I guess you don't know enough history to know there is a difference.
Right wing groups are banned for different reasons. Britain's NA isn't banned for the same reason as National Socialists are in Germany.
Also, who is JLR? Do you mean GLR? If so, you should know that Huey Long was assassinated because he was a threat to them, and so was Yasser Arafat.
Except it is. The practices and policies they did and had where different too. Hitler even said that they should've used a different term than socialism, but that came a while after he was elected.
I doubt you can actually find the sources of him saying that, did you hear it by second hand on the Shapiro show?
State Socialism started with Bismarck and was implemented in many other countries before Marx was even born, neocon idiot.
If they are intellectually honest they will become right wing anti semites once they put together more of the puzzle. A lot of people started from the Iraq war and after a decade of happenings gradually began to hate them.
They best way to move these people forward is to expose them to the worst chutzpah. They need to understand that there is something very wrong and dark about them. They need to learn to hate.
They have cucked religious doctrine that says Jews are mostly ok. But the end times related Hadiths say that we will eventually slaughter them all for their evil.
German antifa loves them some Israel apparently
because the german radical left is generaly split into two factions;
the radicals/anarchists and the general left.
the radicals are siding with palestine because of"muh opression", while the left is siding with israel because of "muh german guilt".
thats also why youll see more high quality (and expensive) posters advocating for israel (they have govt funding) while pro-palestinian leftists will usually be parts of demonstrations and riots
Leftist "anti-semtizms" are just a cover for so many things.
For one, the kikes have spent decades convincing western golems that "trad family bad, faggotry good, religion bad, schience good, reproduction bad, abortion good" etc. etc. Now they are importing million of their mudshit golems that are the exact opposite of what they are preaching, so it's an easy trick to have their golems protest "muh poor treatment of palahstiniunz" and then lump all mudshits under that umbrella. And since they have also been pushing "white bad, nigger good," it's easy to pull off.
You must also remember that jews thrive on pretending to be victims. They have created to classes of golem, and one of them has been tricked into calling israel a "holy land." By necessity, the other group of golems has to see israel as an unholy land.
It is also important to remember that kikes need to keep up the lie that their mudshit golems are "enemies" and not good little half-jew nigger pets.
Nah, the natsocs had to participate in a parliamentary government, of course they looked for allies at home. They found allies abroad, because the English and Soviet empires had to be fought on all fronts. Had nothing to do with intersectionality, which is weakness, more to do with deciding who would actually rule Europe.