I said it before and I'll say it again, no matter how many times the jewish mods try to delete:
Instead of wasting time dropping redpills on the already redpills and endless posts about celeb bullshit and useless crap, Zig Forums should organize and put together a guide on media manipulation. It should contain all the known methods the media uses to mislead, lie, obufuscate and so on, complete with examples. Everything from camera angles, lighting, selection of whom to interview, misleading titles, word usage and what they are NOT saying, and so on.
We could then desseminate this guide all over the internet or distribute it on USB sticks or whatever. The goal is to get the gears in NPC's heads turning. The entire guide could even be "marketed" at lefties, who will think it's a guide to spot right-wing media lies, but once they know the mechanics, they will begin noticing it in their own news and it will start to gnaw at them in the back of their heads.
There literally is no donwsides to making this guide. None. It weakens the power of the media jew and helps peopel take redpills.
You are thinking the right way, I've been saying we should sabatoge the media with more bs stories and fake joke interviews once we find out who to send "tips and juicy stories" to
This is a list (no longer updated, but already 250 or so entries long) of wrong thinkers getting purged. So basically, its a list the people the Jews used their media to fuck over for telling the truth.
Cameron Green
I have an idea for the structure of this thread. Phase 1: posting as many (unique) media lies as possible Phase 2: attempt to categorize each one by type (lie by ommision, propaganda, exaggeration, etc.) Phase 3: finding patterns of these lies, and attempting to explain how these media networks do it, and pointing out red flags. This way, instead of showing someone a bunch of media lies, we can tell them HOW the media lies.This is the ultimate goal.
Cooper Brooks
Everyone post as many unique media lies (preferrably, if there's a specific lie, post as many sources peddling that lie in one post)
Austin Davis
This is an excerpt from Basically the Serbs gave the Bosnian refugees legit refugee camps. The BBC took pictures from BEHIND BARBED WIRE FENCES to make it look like a concentration camp! The Bosnian refugees could leave at anytime…
You stupid faggot, I'm saying to work together to make a list and write good descriptions of each method complete with examples.
If you are going to disseminate something, then you need to make it look good and professional.
Austin Richardson
The most annoying tactic I see used non-stop is manipulative emotional language turned into buzzwords or phrases. For example, in the UK, all stories in the newspapers or on tv regarding Britain leaving the European Union repeatedly refers to Britain "crashing out" of the EU. Not "quietly withdrawing because this whole EU thing isn't really our cup of tea after all", but "CRASHING OUT OMG!" Big scary "crash" that implies danger and wreckage and subconsciously makes the reader/ viewer fearful instead of a neutral expression like "leaving", "separating", "withdrawing" etc. I call this kind of manipulation out constantly everywhere I go, and always make the point of asking normies: "If someone is obviously trying to manipulate you in a sneaky manner, do you really believe what they are saying is in your best interest?" "Or are they being manipulative because they are trying to get you to think and act in a way that is not in your best interest, but in THEIR best interest?"
Kevin Lewis
The No Agenda Show is really good at this media deconstruction game. They aren't avowed anti-semites and have some boomer-tier takes on race but they're fairly wise to kikeish tricks and those of the (((intelligence community)))
Justin Roberts
I think MSM has unironically been done to death (not that we shouldn't keep beating on it anyways), cnn has less primetime viewership than Hallmark, less than 30% of those viewers actually believe their drivel, and I'm assuming the other 70% are people waiting in airport terminals. What really needs torn down though is the (((organic))) news provided via social media, which is where most people get their news these days (especially by the demographics who need the truth the most) without even realizing that it's being manufactured and targeted at all, much less by the same fucks that own the MSM. Does anyone have the webm of all the (((free press))) stations warning their viewers about the dangers of getting info from social media by all reciting from the same script? See also: Pic related at
Andrew Diaz
you pick on CNN like its the only one Fox News is also doing this why do you think everyone is so polarized? EVERY (((news))) organization is doing this. you-tube ecelebs are doing this the Q-Larp is doing this Its all put in place to set people against each other
Levi Peterson
(((MEDIA))) and (((INFORMATION OUTLETS))) are what is killing people and setting them apart from each other to cause them to fight amongst themselves. Big corporations don't give a fuck about a nigger killed in Ferguson - They only care that they can use the story and twist it so that we can fight amongst ourselves.
Charles Mitchell
I used the word "amongst" twice there. Sorry - wasn't paying attention
James Rivera
This might be helpful. All TV is propaganda, literally. Pic related is perhaps some of the most wretched example.
I mean, yeah. You can use this video as redpilling material. This is good shit. And truth. People, in general, don't give a shit about it though. Remember that you are dealing with lemmings - NPCs - that no matter how hard you try to get through their thick skulls, It doens't even go in one ear and out the other. Pertinent information bounces off their heads like they are made out of granite. They want to remain ignorant. Ignorance is bliss. Lemmings/NPCs want to just feel happy with their iPhones, their cable TV, their fiber-optic internet, their Google, their Gmail, their Air conditioner in the Summer, their Heat in the winter, their 800+ credit score, their new car, their barbecue, and the list goes on and on about these creature comforts which they take for granted. You start taking those things away - and now you have something to talk about. You see them. You see them all the time. They are in the waiting rooms, logging into facebook on their phones, waiting for fulfillment that someone will 'like' their post. All this information is just too heavy for them. They don't want to be bothered. it is disruptive to the ILLUSION that they live. Once the ILLUSION is disrupted, and they can't stop it from being disrupted, then they will post it on social media about how unfair so-and-so is. Or how bad it is.
Who wants to do this well? Pol ops rarely go anywhere, at best a webm or a screenshot or infographic will be made.
What about dissemination? And why not make the effort look professional?
If any of the people^ above want to make this more legit then reply here. We should collaborate in private so that shills can't copy and doxx us. I'm extending this idea only to the people who have replied so far since this thread is monitored by feds/JIDF/CFR and an open invitation will just be infiltrated/subverted/doxxed.
We can communicate via matrix im
Brandon Bell
I am at work I will be back around 6. This is a hugely ambitious project. I can help in getting primary source and some screencap explanations, but I think we need someone who can do some video editing to really demonstrate what is going on. I think it should be organized with three folders, one for text, one for images and one for videos. I will be thinking about this until I come back.
Chase Gonzalez
Here are the methods I've observed again and again:
1) Cherrypicking certain stories/details while excluding others to create the impression of an organic pattern. Some examples:
2) Taking statements and events grossly (and deliberately) out of context in order to create the impression that statements were made or events took place which actually werent/didn't. Some examples:
3) Enforcing the "Overton window" by categorically excluding any voices that fall outside of it. Some examples:
Ayden Turner
Because I know their viewership statistics offhand. Feel free to look up other subsidiaries if it tickles your nanny. >EVERY (((news))) organization is doing this. Who the fuck do you think refers to?
I'll post a link to my matrix.org username, then you (and anyone else I mentioned above) can open a chat with me*, then as confirmation that I haven't been contacted by an interloper I'll ask you to post in this thread that you've contacted me
*matrix.org and its flagship client Riot.im is pretty much the only safe, private, and easy-to-use medium out there (although there are others like Jitsi). Email is a pain in the ass to communicate with.
Riot.im, by app or browser, literally takes 20 seconds to make an account on. Chats can also be encrypted, and the company is pro privacy and free speech (this is the reason it was created). I have a private instance of the protocol also which is just as easy to make an account with. This is more private from feds and spying but requires trust that I'm not spying on you instead. I dont care which method you prefer.
I agree, seeding the media with bullshit is always a good idea. Also, just vaguely threatening journalists is a great idea too. They can't help but kvetch about it. I remember during the election there was a group of Anons that were sending journalists pictures of themselves and their kids with big red crosses on them and telling them they were "added to a list". No real threats, just telling them they were added to a "list". I think they even wrote a couple articles about it crying. Its really easy to contact journalists, their personal emails are usually on their bio pages on any news-website.
Are you doing so ? Do you need help or guidance ? I am a son of Odin. They call me Djǫrn Brássðíck Rágnąrssón.
Benjamin Peterson
Putting aside for a moment the fact that globally, whites are a minority, why is this phrase so common? To convince half the white population that the 'us' in 'us vs. them' is minorities, and 'them' are white males. Otherwise white women wouldn't vote for open borders.
Tyler Gutierrez
You think normies don't know, OP? They worship the idiot box. They were raised on it. They have an infinity towards it greater than most of their family members and why not? They spent more time with the fucking thing. The leftist and NPC type will dismiss ANY AND ALL FACTS. You get the 'gears going' and they turn on vidya and smoke a bowl to forget that which makes them uncomfortable. What do you think, 'triggering' is about? These fucking faggots literally lose their mind over words.
It's a waste of time. WHICH IS YOUR MOST PRECIOUS RESOURCE. But it's your life so you do what you like with it. You don't need anyone here for your plan.
Charles Miller
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?
Ayden Rodriguez
This is somewhat true but you don't need to be a blackpill faggot about it Being brainwashed is a drug. They are all so hopelessly addicted. Freedom can be frightening if you've never felt it before Great Linkin Park qoute. This song is how normies really feel on the inside. 15 years ago they just barely had enough self awareness to understand their feelings on the inside but even that is completely gone now. archive.is/FN5LJ genius.com/Linkin-park-part-of-me-lyrics
Cooper Butler
One of the best thread ideas I've seen in a long time.
Learn more about how masons regognize eacht other. The salute / right hand of recognition, alliteration use of words in certain combinations, the use of lowercase, etc. Read Albert Pike's books for masonic terms, they use initialisms all the time, for example: CP means child porn but it also means Cardinal Points (N,E,W,S) and TP means toilet paper but it also means tessilated pavement, the checkerboard pattern in a lodge. Also ladders, anything to do with bees or honey (Buzzfeed but also any woman named Deborah or Melissa) and a zillion other things found on masonic tracing boards.
Learn the gang signs, but don't use it to fuck young boys, because THAT is evil, but fucking with masons is fun!
Landon Walker
I haven't found the source yet and have to go to work, but I recall some study showing that white cops hesitate to shoot at blacks out of fear of being called raycis, as compared with how readily they'll open fire on white goys. Black cops, obviously, do not give a fuck and open fire the moment some blond woman in a nightgown walks towards his car.
Joseph Price
Well, here's some proof of how dishonest the media's narrative on police shootings is. This bullshit narrative was literally the foundation of BLM.
This was already an op. Did Operation Redstick go the way of Vegas/Pizzagate/Tavistock investigations and any semblance of board quality since the (((globalization)))?
Jacob Flores
As odd as it sounds, the average Lemming NPC Trump-Tard does not equate Fox News to the MSM. Seriously. They think it is "Right Wing." They think that Fox is some sort of 'rebellion' news station because they have mouthy Neo-Cons like Cucker Tarlson and Laura Bingraham. They equate being mouthy to being Trump-Like. are you following my train of thought on this? bruh, do you even lift?
Elijah Bennett
Well after Fox got sold to Disney, the news channel stayed separate
William Martinez
Haven't forgot about this. Hmu here if you want to proceed. I have more recruits also
Logan Adams
Just got done with dinner. If we are seriously trying to organize all this info we should also work with people in so we don't divide efforts.
Should I install riot I guess? To me there is no point in comsec as if you use a mainstream chipset you are compromised at the hardware level (Odin's Eye). So I am fine doing whatever. Nothing we are doing is illegal.
nevermind got around it. sorry I haven't signed up for an account in like 6 years on anything so I am not used to this shit anymore. I only do user stuff.
Brody Wood
The reporters lurk on reddit…there is a list of them somewhere..especially local ones.
Robert Allen
riot looks like the same shit as discord
Lucas Ramirez
Cool. You can DL the app or just use the browser. Its better to use our private server anyway
Can a mod delete these two posts so I don't dox this place?
Levi Cox
I thought we could delete our own posts?
@jannies, pls delete my last 4 posts
Jose Gomez
Thank you for doing this. I was about to make a post like this. Threads for Zig Forums ideas inevitably die, and since everyone is anonymous it is impossible for there to be any hierarchy or division of labor. This kills any project which would need to be labor-intensive or long-term.
I'll be joining the Matrix shortly
Dominic Morris
My pleasure brother. I'll see you shortly
Aiden Stewart
Holy shit so you retards know nothing about OPSEC? Learn this before even trying to (((organize)))
Jacob Ortiz
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I can't PM the ordoevangelistarum account. Should I try the Matrix one?
Nolan Williams
This is the wrong attitude.
Let's say you are using perfect communications security, but your hardware is compromised. This means the only way your chat logs will be leaked is if the NSA singles you out specifically.
However, if you are using a compromised communications platform like Discord, your chat logs can be leaked by the platform itself as well as through the hardware vulnerabilities. If you use that compromised platform without a VPN then they can be leaked by even more parties, such as by your ISP. It's a greater risk and more potential points of failure.
Your goal should be to minimize points of failure, and that's why comsec is always important.
Robert Anderson
Does Fox News actually do anything other than repeat every hour "Look at all the ridiculous bullshit CNN said today!" All media is a construct. Why are all cable news networks crypto-commie except for one? Media wants you to believe that this reflects a nation that is overwhelmingly leftist. Fox is the offset; a sugar pill for those who get why all the leftist prop exists. Joe Blow sees Fox trashing proggies, and thinks he doesn't have to lift a finger because, hey, those guys are on the case. Fox is also "the bad guy" of the bunch, just like professional wrestling has bad guys. CNN is telling you the truth in one sense. Forget their stories, the "news" is basically clickbait, vehicles around which they can express ideology. The truth is in how they frame things. The truth is in how their standard for what is good and what is fact step further and further left every day. CNN's value is that it blatantly reveals the globaleftist agenda; ignore the soundbyte subject matter and examine their perspective, they aren't hiding much.
Andrew Rogers
Yup. Media today doesn't really do research or fact-checking anymore. They just copy whatever source got the new first.
Aiden Foster
I like this idea.
Adrian Russell
Formulas are no substitute for the wisdom of experience. You’re essentially shilling for university instruction in putting on your jew goggles.
Asher Diaz
Speaking of which. I have noticed that the media here in the west always refers to news outlets in these countries as "propaganda" while western media is just as biased and censoring "wrong" opinions as much as, if not more, than lets say North Korea. Most people here think they can't fall for propaganda, because that's what the news tells them. The irony is astonishing.
Xavier Kelly
I sampled from this clip in a video I put together (attached)