UK: More than Half of boys in young offender Jails are from Black or Ethnic Minority Backgrounds, Highest on Record
UK: More than Half of boys in young offender Jails are from Black or Ethnic Minority Backgrounds, Highest on Record
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Must be because of uh the legacy of slavery and jim crow or something in the UK amirite
Has to be, the UK has more niggers in jail than fucking yanks do
UK has more blacks in jail proportionately than the US:
When will people realise the shitskins are subhuman everywhere they go?
And so, the Brits, who were famous for trashing Americans due to the American's "racism," start to slowly become educated in the ways of the nog.
Yes, most of our prison inmates are non-white, (orientals excluded, they seem to be civilized), and it's not because "everybody's racist," it's because they are drawn to crime like flies to molasses.
And it's not because they're "hungry" or "disadvantaged," it's because they have a tendency toward savage behavior, with little emotional control.
As the Brit population becomes more and more brown, you WILL see the entire country slipping into third-world status, just as you have seen in the areas of the U.S. which have come under brown control. The Appalachia's, for instance, are a poor region, but they have the lowest crime rate in America…because they are over 90% white.
Chicago is also poor, but it's browntown…the crime and murder rate is off the charts.
I feel bad for Brits, because, while in the States we can move out of the brown third-world regions (we are a big country), Brits are on an island, they have nowhere to go, except to abandon their country, altogether.
How long will it be, I wonder…as things get browner and browner, and the infrastructure enter that long, slow, collapse…before the government, in its desperation, makes it illegal for whites to leave the country, as thy have already started doing in South Africa?
Their end game is clear. They want whites around to keep things running smoothly, and to come up with magical answers to the problems they're creating, but the non-whites want to be "in charge" by virtue of their hordes of teeming masses.
Enslaving Whitekind is the answer they inevitably choose.
Pic related: your eventual prime minister.
ah shit, britain will be american-tier at this rate.
the truth isn't racist nigger. niggers are subhuman, here's proof:
white vicitms of nigger crime archive
this is the same all over europe, how is this news?
Sounds like institutionalized racism. Better release those apes back into society.
It actually isn't since Europeans and leftists tend to make excuses of why American niggers are so subhuman due to history yet there's no excuses for anywhere else like the UK or Australia. It's kind of over at this point, I'm betting that while humanity won't unite against jews soon, they definitely will against niggers and probably jews will be at the center of it like what they doing to niggers in israel. You can't really think of a single race that likes them, not one.
Don't tell this to the 30-year old childless-underage-fucking-bisexual-wine-aunt-cat-ladies in the US. Between their Marxist mom motherly instincts, the psychosis, and virtue-signaling victim points, they'll be floating their fat asses over to the the UK to bust the quasi-retards out of prison.
The Brits have been bringing Caribbean nogs to the Island in mass since the 70's
Never had a vote and definitely not a referendum on it, so by Brits you mean the jewish politicians calling themselves British.
This whole article is another jewish crime in process…keep an eye out for calls to reform the European prison system to better handle the ongoing crime wave. What they want to achieve is to transform the perfectly constructed prison system (for Europeans) into the nightmarish, industrial slavery hell that is the US system. But more jail time for savages is good you say? Nope, it will be for everyone and the whole system was created to enslave the one white in a thousands shitskins for life. The jews in charge don't care how many niggers end up as a number in prison, it's all fine as long they can take out the whites for life. Well, life and then some, since they've also corrupted the justice system into dishing out insane verdicts for multiple lifetimes…imagine creating laws based on impossibility. Only possible in jewish hell.
This is what you have to smash into the heads of blacks…if whites ever get taken out, then the jews will either throw the blacks back into slavery or slaughter them all wholesale. And no other race would even blink an eye about it.
Perfect. Just what's needed for white people to fork over mo' money fo' dem programs.
That's hate.
you goddamn right nigger. fuck you and your subhuman tribe.
newnation .org
institutions do literally nothing but "entrench and exacerbate" societal divides, fucking mouthpiece
that fucking muppet MP isn't complaining that his poshy school divided him from the working class shmucks he's oh-so-benevolently ruling over
musn't be very popular if he's this desperate to inflate his vote count with literal criminals
democracy is a lie, freedom is dead
I wonder how many of them are white Brit hooligans who call themselves BME to get the preferential treatment Bong cops give niggers.
Go back to Reddit faggot.
truth is hate to those who hate the truth
pretty much this, and you cant organise to otherthrow the kikes without the fear of being arrested for wrongthink.
Its just part and parcel, the brits need to learn to be more tolerant.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Sure thing Moishe.
Did they just completely ignore the US as an example of how niggers destroy everything due to their own inherent violent retardation?
It's time to put away the toys and the illusion of optics. Put all concerns about triggers, fee-fees and emotions on the shelf. Nothing you ever do will be good enough, except of course your death. Now, they want to murder you just after you exit the womb.
Burn these motherfuckers down.
no, he is 126% correct, bloody ef'n coons are evil incarnate, a violent subhuman other species that can pollute other HUMAN species with their evil !
welcome to Zig Forums nigger.
now get the fuck out.
Found the nigger
I love how undoubtedly the solution proposed to this isn't going to be have shitskins stop committing crime - but to put more Whites in jail
I bet someone could post a picture of fish bait on a hook and you retards would try bite it off your screens.
hahah you’ve posted that same gay ass line in multiple threads the last few days. i guess nobody should talk to each other because we might be worried its bait?
fucking KEK man! is this the best you can do? your are useless and probably a triggered nigger hahaha
Niggers ruin everything
Serena Williams is a beast and a man. Biblical beasts. I was walled in by the fuckers. And recently tied to a bed in a hospital and injected with drugs while a black woman beast observed me and retied my arms and legs to a bed.
- finn
"We never thought such a thing could happen"
Awwwww…. Did the "Humanitarian Superpower" get "too much" of its own "generous" policy? Awwwww. When is too much too much? How much rape, violence, fraud, riots, terror, how much is too much? Where do you "draw the line"? RAYCISS!!!!
Roll out the libshit nigger-apologists.
This is the same bitch who tried to confront Jared Taylor when she interviewed him.
Niggers nig, film at 11?
How bout no
Your Kings and Queens made a deal with the Jews almost a thousand years ago. You can bring up the expulsion edict, but the damage was already done and influence gained to matter. The only way I'll ever trust a Brit is if the royal family gets sent back to germany.
I really am posting with a bunch of 12 year olds, aren't I?
dont worry guys hes just actively ruining your discussion for no reason and keeps using language hooks implying he belongs here
england has hope even if i hate the anglos for what they did to the whole of the celts
brothers fight inside the house, not on the street like dravidian insects
They are victims.
how do these cunts get into power?
Because the dice are loaded.
UK, USA, Canada, etc. You'll notice the governing parties change but the immigration policies never change (in fact, they continue to expand). This proves that immigration policies come from something greater than the governments; meaning the governments answer to something other than its people. And that creature won't have dissenting threats to itself in its parliament, senate, congress… and that creature wants to destroy you.
That's how.
That's nu/pol/ for you. Literal reddit-tier NPCs. At least it's fun to piss them off occasionally.
It's always good to remind ourselves of what the userbase here actually is, and that trying to rally them to anything effectual beyond memeing is a fruitless endeavor. I still love it here.
Look on the bright side: at least the younger generation isn't a bunch of passive pussies like the millennials (in general).
damn that last image is brutal, it basically take 2.7 whites to pay for a latino shitskin, and it takes 3.4 whites to pay for a nigger
I wonder if the latino shitskins and niggers knew this would they still be willing to embrace more diversity? Sounds like they have it pretty good and don't realize it.
Are you serious? Zoomers will undoubtedly be the first to accept transhumanism, which is the basis of nearly all degeneracy.
That is true; they would. But they are a lot more violent and have a lot less tolerance for the SJW bullshit that millennials pushed for.
No, diversity itself does that. See
Daft posh cunts I can't tell they're willfully ignorant or what but from what we've seen over the years even they don't want to be near the wogs. Hope we flood every posh school, waitrose, lord, David Cameron's estate, and posh neighbourhood with diversity they oh so love.
wew laddy