Greetings, I am a 19 year old physically fit, socially adept intellegent male with no criminal record who Is looking to join the attomwaffen division. How and where do I sign up? My local area hunington beach Ive heard alot about these guys but they still remain in the shadows. Ive approached several guys with t shirts relating somewhat to their ideology and actually managed to befriend them yet they denied time after time. Being suspicous of outsiders is a logical thing to do however I have much to offer to the group. I am capable of drawing propaganda, photoediting and graphics skills and getting the message out there. I am capable of running a 17:06 3 miler at 164 pounds.
How do I join attomwaffen?
No Muslims allowed on Zig Forums.
Delet this thread.
sadly, I Have no other options besides here to look
Stop shitting up this board. Also daily reminder that even Slavros and the old NA elements hated you retards after Odin fucked up.
t. Ironmarch oldfag
make me
Greetings fellow nazis, how do you do?
Gas yourself, you glow in the dark nigger.
Unironically don't join AW. Its full of mega retards, feds, and satanists. There are a few good guys in the group I can name, but the rest are mentally ill and deranged. When Ironmarch was around, it kept them more professional and in line. However, slavros' pet site no longer exists, and they have been off the rails ever since.
I still wanna join thought normal is boring
This tbh.
Then form your own cell, and if you have any sense, shut the fuck up about it.
shit thread
You were not around for the old era. Slavros was right, they needed to kick the bad elements out. He warned them that Odin's second in command was unironically going to shoot them up, and that is exactly what happened. 2 members died because of that, and now the leadership elements that made it good are gone.
Although I know you don't care anyways, because you are probably already a member of the group. Got sent here to post a shill thread and keep it bumped to recruit? Who stuck you to do it? Also if you see blood eagle, tell him I said hi. He is a good guy, needs to work more on his music shit.
You don't. Found your own splinter cell with close and trusted friends/family and keep it tight against non-members. Makes it for the glow niggers much harder to subvert or counter.
You don't. What you do is find people that have the same interests as you start building a community on the basic of escaping capitalism, protecting each other and surviving the jewish onslaught. Do not shackle yourself to any symbolism, instead use common sense and enforced morality to make a movement.
Their signup page is kind of obscure. Go to then keep the tab open and move your mouse over the picture for 14 seconds, then a contact form will appear. Sage to not bump, mods please delete it so newfaggots don't see it.
Go to your nearest gay bar, they have some LARP events going on sometimes
I also heard you have to click the picture exactly 88 times during the 14 seconds
you lied to me its no there
Greetings fellow kids!
it is easier and safer to kill niggers on your own
national action? those guys were successful because of their constant shitposting, it's bizarre that nationalist groups haven't realized this yet. the formula for creating a successful youth group has already been tried, tested and proven. all of this
shit doesn't really appeal to anyone except social rejects and freaks
I am no advocate of violence or homicide
why do you want to join a militia then you fucking retard?
Send an email to our Fuhrer at
[email protected]
sad, looks like there is no hope for you
did you see it?