NEET is not only a lifestyle, but also a personality type.
He is a product of genetics, having a low clustering of dopamine receptors
which makes him numb to the stimuli of his environment, causing him
to become bored with it and disengage. This is the beginning of the NEET cycle.
1 -Become bored with the environment/world
2 -Disengage with it and do nothing
3 -Become depressed and try to do reengage with the environment/world to alleviate depression (loop back to phase 1)
The cycle intensifies effect with each subsequent loop, and thus it is self-strengthening and becomes harder to break out of.
The longer one stays in it, the harder he will have to work to get back to his normal level of functioning. In severe
cases, depression becomes so bad that he may never recover and will spend the rest of his life in a state of non-being.
The key to avoid falling victim to this cycle is to raise the everyday baseline level of dopamine through hacks. Such hacks
Listening to upbeat music
Smiling more
Using nootropic drugs that boost dopamine production (nicotine, for example)
Engaging in non-escapist activities that one enjoys (this means, not vidya but deadlifts or chess, for example)
Socialising with friends (extremely important for mental health in general, if you don't have friends ensure you make at least one)
Winning in real life (what you win at isn't really important as long as it's positive and real)
Eating a more healthy diet
Spending more time in nature (one of the most important things for brain health, even boosts IQ by a few points)
Exercising (cardio is the best if you want to feel happier but weights are good as well)
Avoiding time wasting activities (like image board surfing, which is inevitably depressing long-term)
Dopamine is a form of energy, essentially. Without it, you can't really perform. And without dopamine energy, you have no ability to gain
momentum nor do you have any ability to focus. Without momentum and focus, you won't go anywhere, which will lead
to you falling victim to the NEET cycle. So, your mission, if you are a NEET who doesn't thirst for annihilation, is to raise your
dopamine levels and maintain them at a generally high level.
Once you start winning, you will start the WINRAR! cycle.
1 -Win
2 -Experience neurochemical reward
3 -Desire more more of that feeling
4 -Find a way to win again (loop back to phase 1)
The WINRAR! cycle is the key to keeping yourself away from the black hole of the NEET cycle.
Hopefully by now you have an understanding
of how to overcome NEET nature by hacking your environment. If you are so blackpilled that you
you have no desire to better yourself, remember, that's just your brain tricking you. Don't believe it.