The infograph show made a video about the Rothschilds and it back fires.
Are liberals starting to redpill themselves?
The infograph show made a video about the Rothschilds and it back fires.
Are liberals starting to redpill themselves?
I don't know.
yeah not falling for something that retarded
What's wrong with it?
Because it's "Roth-schild"
roth (red), schild (shield)
Their family weapon has a red shield.
How the fuck does anyone manage not to realize this when they research a subject and make a 10 minute video on it?
Are you nitpicking the pronunciation of a German surname in English? Otherwise I am genuinely not understanding what you are on about.
It isn't pronunciation, it is interpertation. They aren't "childs of roth". If you make a video on a family but you don't even bother to read the second paragraph on wikipedia it is a good indication that your content is garbage.
I don't disagree with you but have you considered that there may be a secret meaning to that interpretation?
yeah like how the daughter of the jewish roman soldier that killed jesus was called roth
Been noticing more and more historical videos with similar themes. If history and (((odd characters))) continues to be a popular theme amongst normalfags, that's to our benefit. Keep in mind that jewtube openly mentions they're redoing how recommendations spring up and are trying to bury topics and channels, greylisting them in the process.
Stop being retarded. You're either autistic or a shill. They're designated as the rothschilds and that's how they're kept track of. The similarity between Rothschild and Rothchild serves as another example of how jews bastardized European surnames and did minor alterations.
They don't show up on billionaire lists and supposedly the excuse is the people on these lists can have themselves voluntarily removed from yet when some Chinese and German billionaires tried they refused. It's obvious these fucking red shield kikes own absurd amounts with such ridiculous influence as we've seen in cable leaks.
That's not what is being talked about
that is mostly stupid americans that cannot pronounce 'roth-schild'
red shield
Also, good to see these kikes' names in more and more people's heads. The Gilets Jaunes song that named them was great!
This is retarded. If someones surname is Kruger meaning innkeeper you don't introduce them as "Hi this is Johan Innkeeper" in America. Holy shit user.
You absolute brainlet, if someone makes a info video 10 minutes long, you would think they looked up the meaning of the name that the video is based on.
If they did, they would realize that Rothschild translates into red shield, and so even with zero understanding of German pronunciation, as long as you're not a brainlet you can understand that pronouncing Rothschild is Roth-Schild because it's Red-Shield.
Yes I am dumb for not saying Werner von Brown hair when speaking about rockets.
They own Reuters, whom is the agency which makes those lists.
You're not supposed to "fall" for it, retard. Yes they got the pronunciation wrong. That's because they are fucking retarded as well. I'm assuming OP made the thread to make fun of retards trying to shed good light on the founders of Israel.
Kek, that's not even in the right ballpark.
His daughters fuck monkeys. I bet he would give his kingdom for a daughter that prefers humans.
post accurate estimate then
Every dollar issued by every bank in the world, excluding North Korea, Iran, Iceland, and Syria.
Publicly, 2 trillion. Fuck off, retard. This is one of the most basic things anyone who belongs here learns.
I don't think they've ever been audited so I'd like to know where you came up with that figure.
most european banks since the 19th century, and the US since 1913 have been owned by their umbrella subsidiaries.
that means every loan issued by these banks was from them.
that means every dollar of profit, either from bussines or fiat currency lending was legally theirs.
now calculate the profit generated from collecting loans given to world goverments and projects ranging from the EU to supporting war efforts. note that the rothschilds usually supported both sides to maximise profits.
right now the US has 21trillion of debt.
some of the debt has been constantly payed in the past while some was forgiven in exchange for destroying countries like iraq, or previously when britain was given some "help" in exchange for issuing the Balfour declaration.
now the US 21trillion alone is alot more than some fucking nobody like that windows guy has.
pic related.
either youre a total newfag or a shill. you tell me.
Ignore this moron.
Why would you watch that trash
Lol this isn't god like productions. Fuck off sperg
Did you even read what he said?
The part where he had a melt down over spelling is all I needed to read
because theyre literally going "ministry of truth" on everything
yeah okay sentence-fragmenting no-format shill
So why do libniggers keep defending the trillionaires ? Whats in it for them?
Who funds NGOs?
two reasons:
basically stupid dumbfucks that follow anyone that promises good money
The video is obviously extremely low quality, and is made either to mislead or made to clickbait money. It doesn't deserve it's own thread. Liberals aren't "redpilling themselves" the video is just poorly made.