The Endless Zionist Wars Saga
Pt 1
Cant host this anti semetic stuff on jewtube so I hope you watch and enjoy.
The Endless Zionist Wars Saga
Pt 1
Cant host this anti semetic stuff on jewtube so I hope you watch and enjoy.
Other urls found in this thread:
gas the kikes
This reminds me. When's the last time anyone used cuckservative? It really hit zionist conservatives hard. Could bring it back along with "israel-firster," which brings direct attention to cuckservatives' true loyalty.
i like the israel firster insult, great idea
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
Israel did 9/11 >>>/b/8627124
You and I are on the same frequency. Cuckservatives are the traitors in the quote about the single bullet.
Check the /b/ thread on 911
Why not? It takes months for them to find it, flag it and remove it.
By the time they've shut down your account you can have 10 new ones.
i uploaded my first video to jewtube and like within a hour it was striked.
perhaps ill try to make multiple accounts .
You’re right. I post fuck Jews and Niggers a the time on YouTube and never had a problem. It’s amusingly saturated with white nationalist. It’s one of the last open platforms we can openly hate the Jew.
if you get banned on one jewtube account will it ban all your accounts?
The wall was just an esoteric metaphor for the red wave made from the DACApedes we naturalize along the way
Zig Forums is so much better than 4fags.
lets me post muh red pills faster
I’ve never been reported. So I have no idea.
Thanks for these.
gdamn commies
got a few more
its christmas
This triggers the hippie
so many lost …
seriously ? It was a term used by zionist shills like milo and steve bannon
That third image is clearly wrong. Stop well poisoning.
What kind of revisionist history is this? Even if zionist fags use terms that we make, it doesn't mean it came from them. I seriously hope you're just new and not a retard.
Next you'll be saying Juden Peterstein made pepe because he considers himself a messiah figure and wants to be seen as the incarnation of pepe. Yes, he actually tried that.
please tell infowars you resign and wish to seek more honorable work, and get a nose job
I can't think of anything since 911 that fills me with so much raw hate for the chosenites as this little video
bump user, agree with you 100%. This greasy, leering, hook-nosed KIKE is sitting there telling families like mine (landed here first in 1603, came back to permanently settle in 1605) that we should die out, when this fucking like's family has been here probably 7o years and never built any part of this fucking nation, fought in any of its wars, etc.. This makes me…I can't even say it in writing what thoughts it gives me….
When looking at America, the public does not see "jews" commiting atrocities, they see "white men" and gillete ads.
When they see Israel, they see "ally" against terrorism. Then the public wants to help the "good" muzzies and their ally in the middle east, when they see the horrors there.
The muzzies by the way play both sides as well. They get funded by the jews for their own rape conquests and blood lust. Zionists are more than happy to fish out the jews into Israel. The muzzies are more than happy to oblige.
Americans have vipers and cobras in their backyard fighting over territory under a rock. It's quite the debacle. Send in the mongoose.
What if "jews" are a comminist construct? The whole 6 million narrative was communist beginning in Soviet Russia.
I'm not just saying Jews tend toward communism. Jews are fake. They are maybe 95 percent white in the US but maybe 85 percent middle eastern looking in Israel.
Do you see where I'm going with this pol? They're all a bunch of crisis actor commies. It's all a big fundraiser. They don't just happen to be left leaning. The whole thing is a communist rouge, especially their rightwing "opposition".
It's all a torchmen Lenin order. They're all crisis actor strawmen. It's ALL fake and gay.
None of the founders were Jewish. Not a single one. Remember that.
what have we learned from veterans affairs health systems? Oh right, that yet again more government bureaucracy means more bumbling twat bags making decisions for us. In what world do they live in where government institutions aren't run by dumb niggers and filled with wasted time and resources?
the future aint looking too good
You're late for temple moshe.
Sauce on pic 4? It can't be that high.
Think before you speak. If you read you would know that answers to those questions. Stop being autistic and read a book, nigger.
You said it, the Devil.
The sad thing is, every one of those things could be fixed with ordinary rope.
Steven Anderson can't keep getting away with it!
Best post in this thread.
He must have meant "after Israel! AMERICA FIRST…. after ISRAEL!" Got it goy?
I'm tempted to say "Oh well, you thought you knew best".
Cough cough.
Stop whining and reap your rewards!
have a bump
I use it constantly. It's a great word.
fuck israhell
New Video is ready!
The Endless Zionist Wars Part 6 - Gay Degeneracy