Will you join the Ethno-State-Simulacrum?
Will you join the Ethno-State-Simulacrum?
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Or we could, you know, do the more tangible and realistic thing and simply make sure that white people do not become minorities in their own countries. It isn't inevitable.
I find it amusing that the left thinks its even possible white people would let it get to that point before they start fighting back.
Shit thread and of course I’ll lock myself in virtual goggles and hook myself up to a feeding tube. Not.
Even if that happened, we'd still be opposed to crime and try to exterminate criminal elements for its own sake. As such we'd end up trying to kill niggers anyway.
I think its because they are so far divorced from reality that this even seems likely. They think people who are opposed to immigration/niggers/jews do so from an irrational perspective. They actually believe all people are the same. In their minds this is ABSOLUTE FACT. If all people are the same, our views don't make any sense and do seem evil.
Their minds do not function correctly anymore. They are no longer able to discern fact from fiction.
The reality is that intact families born from black-white miscegenation are so incredibly rare that just equating a family of whites to a mishling family makes it appear that they occur with the same frequency, which they do not.
Didn't work out for the white spheres, they were still invaded by space niggers and for all intents and purposes were genocided.
They have let it get to that point.
If all people are the same, we wouldn't have different views. Our very existence is a negation of their "theory".
Sounds like a great idea. Modern academia really recruits from special ed schools.
How much does this dipshit professor get paid to fabricate straw men about ideologies he doesn't understand?
He probably played fall out and had an "epiphany" about the future of whites. Most professors are 115-130 IQ so they are hardly intelligent people.
You're not wrong, but some countries in Europe are taking it seriously, such as Italy, Hungary, and to a lesser extent Denmark and Austria. It won't happen everywhere.
i think the world today: sweden, germany, britain, australia, canada, DOES show that people will become a minority without fighting back. as long as bread and circuses continue, the White race will not fight back. this comment won't be read or understood.
My gf lives in Vietnam and I'll be there in a month or so. Anyone want me to go to that location?
true. most White cannot be saved, because they dont think they need to be saved. if they have lost their ability to spot a predator and recognize a threat, they wont live. nothing we can do unless we somehow seize power. i dont think we will.
the theory isnt unfounded. Whites do lean toward escapism nowadays: food, drugs, sex, video games & other fantasy worlds. ffs sex dolls are now a thing!
Sure, but have you seen the comments on Youtube, as well as many other places? Too many people are fucking angry. And whenever some company tries to market their product in terms of social justice or diversity, they start to lose a lot of money. I do feel that a lot of people are starting to wake up.
"could" , lol
Let's terraform Venus and make it a White Heaven
Im a white aussie and lived in Hanoi for 3 months. Banged a few political figures daughers lmao.
Anyway, its a good place and you will enjoy it to a certain extent. I lived in Thailand for 12 months and I met my Jap wife there. Going back in 2 weeks.
Tbh I kinda let go of all the worlds problems in those places. I don't fill with hate for anyone.
I know its selfish of me to hide from the problems of the west but to be fair Im 30 and need a fucking break from it all…. 14 years of being redish/black pilled gets to you.
The reason why it hasn't taken off in America is that White America has this stubborn or delusional belief that every form of legal system from lower courts to government isn't compromised or can be saved. This stems from their schooling where Americans are taught how American government is based on the division in government so powers are separated. This translates into a false sense of security; a delusion that somehow that prevents total corruption.
This is why whites, ranging from cuckservatives to the alt-kike, believe that the solution is getting republicans or Trump to fix things. They seriously believe that the solution to government is fixing the government and even though they treasure their guns they believe there will never come a day where they have to have a violent retaking of government.
While I do believe that Whites should not completely withdraw from government, I view not withdrawing as a delay tactic more than anything else. Even if White America magically decided to prepare for a race war and a final solution to jewish control, they shouldn't let the jews and their puppets get total control. While (((they))) do have control, (((they))) have to roleplay like if they don't. Instead of calling their bluff and thereby getting the jews to move at full speed ahead, whites should mobilize while the jews LARP their controlled opposition RPG.
The only way to get Whites to mobilize is to end their trust in the jewish infested system. Directly addressing the fact that the American system can in fact be corrupted like it already has, will do that. Redpilling more Americans on the controlled opposition jewish trick is also necessary. Once this is done, the rest is easy. It goes without saying but it is clear that the sheer magnitude of jewish corruption in America shows that jews prioritized controlling America before anywhere else.
The altkike is why
CodeGook has deleted these but there are archives
I bet those posh ivory tower champagne socialist cunts retreat away in their estate far from their shitskinned pets. Fuck them and everything they stand for.
Go be mentally ill somewhere else.
The chans are full of weebs what do you expect?
There is going to be a statistically higher number of people cooking rice on 4/8 than in the general population, even among those who are racially conscious.
Read and understood. and agreed
Funny how none of the countries you listed are even close to as fucked as the US
My dad saw that "inclusion" CWTV commercial yesterday and got really worried that it would turn people into degenerates. He seemed to cheer up when I explained to him that old marketing techniques rarely work on Millennials and Gen Z. He said that once his generation (gen x) is gone, liberals are going to start dying.
If only he had learned of the JQ after the internet, maybe he wouldn't have gotten permently blackpilled by the time he was my age.
Your meme is self destroying. Murder is an unjustified killing. Defending your land and people is justified.
Stop using jewish coined terms like white and whiteness. There is no such thing as a white race. There are European races. Don't group me in with Italians or Anglos. We have our own accomplishments.
Unless you agree with jews and the blending of all races, stop using their kiked up terms WHITE and WHITENESS. The same goes for black. They are AFRICANS. That is their region of origination. Remind them of it constantly. That is where they ought to go back. Call Jews Africans too, that'll rattle them. They are after all, the result of negroid and arab/semite mixture.
What's the mental disorder where the patient is worried white men somewhere would rather be left alone, than join a gay as mohels egalitarian shithole? I'm going to call it judaism.
Just bring back racial segregation.
Nobody compares crime statistics before and after desegregation.
"Our gaze turned ahead, because we reached the point of no return."
So the Prof and editor of the article have basically just admitted diversity is a horrendous failure that has to and will always have to be forced onto people. Got it.
Transmetropolitan was supposed to be absurd, not real.
Burger already has minority white births and is on track to be minority in absolute numbers quite soon.
Americans will say anything to excuse the fact that they're all talk and no walk.
As if virtual reality would keep one safe from roving murderous nigger rape gangs or the inevitable societal collapse and starvation that would ensue in a multi-cultural society.This is some retarded leftist that thinks he's being cleaver but only manages to expose how shallow and divorced from reality his world view is as well as his hatred for white people.
If whites do nothing the niggers,spics and arabs will eventually try to murder what is left of the white population with government backing as demonstrated in history or even presently with South Africa.
The 1950s were a jewish trap.
Do not fall for the Hollywood interpretation of the 50s. They’re still POST WAR. They’re still totally under jewish control. If you build your world around the FOUNDATION of jewish hegemony, you can ONLY end up with today. We’re not going to retreat. We’re going to restore.
It's called a HOA or a gated community, and it's even better with streloc/k/s.
Reminder that there's also a big 50's fetish movement out there as well, and it;s less degenerate than furries. Bettie Page can make me dinner anytime.
Genx here. I figured out about 1988 that the future was unsustainable and that there was a (((negative))) influence so I put off having kids (male privleige, LOL) until I studied the problem enough.
The blackpill is tempting. I only confronted the JQ a few years ago and I figure it's only a few more years until society rights itself. Be optimistic, I am.
That's one godly white woman, why haven't any of you incels manned up and want to raise those fine mulatto brats?
It's a sentiment nobody here is willing to accept and it pains me every day.
Not to fight and rebel to their globalist multicultural authoritarian world they are building but to run away into our corner and die off
It wouldn't be allowed any more than you're allowed to segregate. The left wants to control every aspect of your life. You know what would actually happen if you entered a "white" Matrix? After all white nationalists were hooked on it they'd probably get reprogrammed into good goys.
They'd infiltrate the project's codebase and insert a tranny CoC
It's not just non-libshit whites who don't want diversity. Nobody wants diversity. Los Angeles is a great example of this. Every ethnic group has its own part(s) of town. The Japanese have Little Tokyo, the Koreans have K-Town, the Armenians have Glendale, Mexicans have East LA. Nobody forces this to happen, it's what the people living there do naturally. Even people who will preach all day about their love of diversity don't want it on the nights and weekends. I've never heard them make one single peep about the fact that Mexican gangs ethnically cleansed most of the blacks out of Compton. But if a White guy buys an old building, fixes all the broken parts and paints over the graffiti, then it's called gentrification and they shit their pants in anger.
It will end up just like Zig Forums
Brown people logging in to pretend to be white.
This has literally already happened. Why do you think so many young white men are hooked on vidya? Why do you think GoyimGate had such a large impact. Personally, I can't wait until the faggot mafia finally rips the vidya safe space away from the white man and forces him to face reality.
It's just seejfags.
wtf, I thought we were all Aryan Gods?
pic related
They already did.
Why do you think Gamergate supporters all voted Trump?
It's more than a little ironic that Matrix is breaking due to them forcing poz into it.
I don't prefer my people because they're different or better - I prefer them because they are mine.
I still remember HWNDU.
I know what you're all mystery meats, Jews and HAPAs.
If you still think white women compete with asians, you are a retard.
Competition for male attention basically doesn't exist except for teh elite, that is the Alpha male.
Meanwhile, niggers are actively turning Africa into a Chocolate Communist Continent. But that isn't enough for the jew minded nigger; no, they need to Brown Europe, the Americas, Australia/New Zealand, and eventually Asia, rounding out Earth as a low-IQ, true Brown dwarf.
They actually want this for the majority of humanity eventually. Because once automation reaches a certain threshold, they'll introduce a virtual world economic zone for a population to engage in as real world jobs vanish. It effectively quarantines people from having any real life influence whatsoever, treating them as digital cattle to harvest ever more data from their existence.
At that point they wouldn't even need to care what you believe in personally, just whenever or not the data you generate is worth anything.
try 90-100.
"those who can do; those who can't teach"
professors are the muck at the bottom of their fields. these days they only exist to administer online courses.
Figures,another jealous mongrel jew, just like kalergi ,planning their next move.
Just a lefty incapable of imagining that some people could simply think in a different way. Why the fuck would we want to retreat to a simulation? We're focused on reality and bringing about the right reality, not perpetuating delusions like those fags.
Modern media presentations of the 1950s give an image of a “spic and span” world, triumphant off a war. It’s portrayed–purposely–as a “white utopia” that media would now say is a “regrettably racist, yet squeaky-clean vestige of traditionalism.” This was a psychological programming tool. The 1950s were made to appear “perfect,” because people who lived through them still remembered true social freedom. The National Firearms Act of 1934 was still recent news. People were still having kids who could remember mail-ordering tommy guns. It was essential to paint a very specific picture while deploying weapons against whites to keep them from revolting en masse. In the decades since the 1950s, the media portrayal of the decade has had the effect of polluting your idea of how society should look. It’s not a coiffed housewife in a perfect home with 2.5 kids, a white picket fence, and dad coming home from the office to smoke a pipe in the evening. Think of how many times you’ve seen that presentation of the era in history books, media, or elsewhere. That’s a sterile, controlled prison, made to look nice for the photo-op. The media, since the 1950s, have been very careful to make the decade look good and to present it as an “ideal” lifestyle. Why? Because we’ve only lost freedoms since then. Three generations have been born in the interim, and the real story of the past is long lost. We’re told that we are “free” today, but we have lost freedoms in every way imaginable.
You can’t imagine a world where you can legally enter places that prepare food barefoot or where you can mail-order guns. You can’t conceive of being told, “Be home by dark!” and that meaning being allowed to hitch a ride on the train to the next town as long as you came home before you couldn’t see at all. You have no frame of reference for taking your rifle to school and leaning against the wall in class. Most of you probably don’t even know what an M80 is, and the idea of buying an entire stick of dynamite (or a bottle of morphine) at the general store is probably outside of your imagination. You think it’s “sensible” to require licenses for vehicles or to practice medicine. You don’t know what it’s like to live without a registration number of some sort (SSN). You can’t imagine being free, so you settle for looking good. And what “looks good” today? Thanks to the media, the 1950s. The media wants you to embrace their version of the 1950s. Their words. Their concepts. Their thoughts. If you embrace what it represents, you will always be trapped by what it led to–today.
Embrace, extend, subvert. They really are master gaslighters.
The actual selling point would be how to ensnare people into embracing their carefully tailored virtual worlds over the real one. Then emphasize on the misery of the real world crumbling apart from a myriad of circumstances, to enforce a self-imposed "house arrest" for all the population (which is their ultimate aim, not just at a specific group).
The professor fails to even touch on the more unsettling consequences that could easily apply to everyone. He uses a 1950's example as a basic analogy of what constitutes an ideal world to a specific group; instead of realizing the power of uniquely tailoring worlds to each individual interest, essentially isolating people from reality.
Can we? I'll take my pitiful neetbux back to the 50's and not have to deal with shitskins in a heartbeat.
You're resuscitating what a Jew's mind once conjured up.
–Bel Kaufman, _Up the Down Staircase_ (1974)
Excuse me, but what the fuck?
115-125 (keeping in mind that IQ isn't perfect, especially as a measurement of individuals rather than populations) is prime midwit territory, where you're smart enough to realize how dumb everyone below you is but not smart enough to realize how dumb you are
By which IQ scale? The one I was assigned to take by school psychiatrists some years back said I was at 103.
Reminds me of 'Expelled from Paradise'.
Seems legit.
Your wrong on not being read or understood, but we need to do something, we need to organize in real life not just talk! That is the solution user.
Whites do nothing and niggers,spics and arabs will eventually try to murder what is left of the white population with government backing as demonstrated in history or even presently with South Africa.
Its already happening user, look at criminal cases against whites. Go to a court where a white man or women is accused of something, a first time offender, go to a guys case that isnt a clear crime, where there is doubt. My guess is, you will find him innocent, and see how the jews in the law system lock him up with a bad joke of a trial.
They already do it, just toned down, they will stop caring about hiding their crimes against whites as whites decline in numbers.
Thats almost 1SD under mid-wits
I have met 4 Californicators that swore up and down that all humans are exactly the same and any differences in skeleton, musclature, nervous system are due to culture and used buzzfeed articles to "prove" it. They broke down into name calling near the end. One of them actually said Europe has a duty to take in any and all comers, then went on to vent about illegal Mexicans. The absolute irony.
115 is the avg (or was) for white college students. 130 and above is genius level. the world's iq is about 90 (according to Lynn) but the average white iq stayed at about 100, with Jews slightly above it in the 105-110 range (mostly because of the cultural homogeneity and good social status and education, they lack in other intelligences where whites are king, similar situation with Asians). An IQ of 115 is not midwit, it's slightly above average. for a nigger in america, it would be comparable to genius.
Building a open world VR game with only white characters could be a potential gold mine for redpilling normies. Once they see what it's like living without "diversity" they'll understand everything. The game will have to be immersive though. Maybe add some Jew and nigger AI that you have to defeat by outsmarting them. If I were good at unreal engine I would do it myself. But I'm a noob really don't want lefties steal the idea to make the opposite of this game.
Before WW2 Jews were a little lower. I think the stupider ones went to the Brap Barns first. They were like "Free train ride? Hey, it's free."
This. they bought the bait of a manufactured reality as all their institutions magically turned into shabbos goy synagogues rigged against them. The only reason the jews have achieved what they have is because they have been manufacturing reality via money, media and subtle infrastructure take over
No one cares
Any woman can make her pussy tight if shes horny. Shit she doesn't even have to be horny to make that shit tight.
I have a 142 IQ and I am no where near being a genius. Being a genius is more than just a number. I have a friend who is much sharper and quicker than I am and he has a sub 130 IQ. The only thing that is certain is that once you're below the 100 IQ line you're going to have a much harder time learning abstract concepts. Intelligence is a much more complex thing than what one test score says.
i would expect racemixers to sterilize themselves and not post here
this must be the latest in bots. they parrot the typical semantic sperging that goes on here. notice how it only responds to buzzwords, and not context.
based kekestani post. shadilay my dude
He’s right though and it matters when jews seek to control language. Jews can pass themselves
Thats not you, I know this because you got that off of a rate me thread on /b/
You don't understand what IQ is. If you both pick up a random game or task, and it doesn't require any other skills or intelligences he might have, you will by definition (if your iq test wasn't shit which I doubt) after a certain number of games and with equal practice be doing better at it than the other fella. This other fella might just either be older than you, has a good combination of quick thinking skills (not IQ, that's general intelligence which applies to everything) or maybe one of you 2 used either different or- even worse- bad tests. Watch out for ANY internet IQ test, normally they're old and badly calibrated so you get a higher estimated score rather than lower.