Super soldiers from Ghana. Are you afraid yet whiteys?
Wakanda Rises!
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It's literally a HALO cargo cult.
Gay niggers have cosplay conventions in Ghana?
I thought they were action figures.
Is that the GNAA?
Clearly the good guys.
They feel no pain because they are alcoholic. They fear no death because they are suicidal.
Good lord we are doomed
This entire clip was pure gold.
They look like homosexual niggers, possibly from outer space.
This is some GI Joe level shit right here.
It also feels like in a Civ game when a stone age civilization is given new tech and start pumping out submarines and armored vehicles.
the only thing coming out of africa that scares me is ebola
Literally looks like some Fallout New Vegas type shit.
This isn't 4chan
Go shill on halfchan, shlomo.
My sides.
black people are le gay
The comments give me hope. Youtube has a lot of work to do on the automatic hate-speech filtering.
how will the bugmen evar be able annex bakawandaland when they are up against this juggernaut of high tech engineering?
niggers >>>/out/
They look ready to fuck up the knights of the round table. I bet they even had hexes put on those suits to get protection from Merlin's spells.
I'm dying over here.
Niggers are really just 40k orks but more retarded and less original.
I once tried to teach a spic to swim. He could never quite get it.
it has tyres! cargo cult is real
epic LARP for whatever whites that built that for them.
Railguns are worthless anyhow.
They unironically (poorly) copied the JewSA star on their military hardware
Wyitebois' fuxed
How do they even manage to conquer each other?
Lack of mutually assured destruction?
I know it's fake and can't fly, but even if it somehow managed to attain flight…
Holy fuck I didn't notice that. I waa distracted by the fact it looks like a little kids drawing of a helicopter.
I like the 7-11 security camera on the front.
Don't forget about their cutting edge aerospace programs
Inb4 those are actual battle-mechs and power armors
did they just put estes rockets and launch pads on some sort of rack? my brothers and I had a bunch of those as kids
meant for
I recognize the function generator above the oscilloscope.
Da whyte man gib em da gatrachet
A very biased documentary, but, it's still an eye opener into the eyes of niggers.
NASA needs to design more spacecrafts with mustard yellow.
Where is the device that dispenses fried chicken MREs?
When you can't even get a job reporting at buzzfeed you know someone in the cosmos hates you.