In 2001 Alex Jones somehow snuck in and took footage of an annual meeting in the bohemian grove, from then the man started to change for the worse.
In 1967 nixon and reagan met in the grove (in the picture). Nixon's presidency-January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974
Reagan's presidency-January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989
Bohemian grove, old Alex Jones
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a sex party. They don't let trash attend.
Slide thread. But here's Nixon's opinion of the grove.
Is that it? A fucking fag fest?
i saw his footage of it and all that ages ago, what was the cause for him to be invited in the first place?
He didn't get invited
I think Alex Jones had a level of honesty when he did this. He has never again tried actually doing anything like this.
A fag fest in which politicians and the ultra-rich get together for nothing at all, nothing special.
Stop asking about it.
(((stop asking about it)))
Its the most faggy goddamned thing, and I won't shake a man's hand from san francisco. Miss me with that gay shit.
Bob Weir's great grandfather started the Bohemian Grove. He's a member himself.
"workingman's dead"?
The history of the hippie movement as we know it is a lie.
There's a video of him confronting some notable guy that attends the Grove and the guy got really mad when Jones asked him about it. Something like "That's a sacred place and you had no right to be there" blah blah or something, but Jones should have asked him wtf is it for, why are prominent people going there, what's going on, etc. But all Jones did was pump his fist and said YES, got him! Let me try to find that vid…flounder!: sorry it's a youtube link…
I have never met a gay Bohemian. Not my crowd though.
Yeah that guy's way too sketchy
I should clarify, I was invited. I haven't gone. I was invited to a Bohemian meet up elsewhere. I was denied there because of my rank being to high at the time in that area.
The "infiltration" was done at the jew Jon Ronson's behest, for a Channel 4 show.
As for how noble and honorable he tried to act, he totally lost his shit that day. teehee! I'm sure he was sacrificed for that.
Do you really think they're that stupid, that'll they just admit it's a real child they're sacrificing and not just an effigy?
Keep in mind there are tons of normal fags in the bohemian grove on the lower levels, just like with the masons. 95% of the people in those societies just see it as an old boys' club and aren't privy to the shit going on in the back rooms or private gatherings. Sage for weak thread
For a board full of radicals supposedly hell bent on overthrowing the establishment - you guys sure have a lot of hate against the concept of secret fraternal orders. Something everyone of you should actively try to build.
there are a couple of books out there on Mind Control MK ultra stuff that specifically reference kids being raped and sacrificed at the grove. Unsure specifically, but It may be connected to the Franklin Credit thing, & Cathy O'Brien. Kids were witnesses to be smuggled there and raped in cages and some brutally murdered, passed around by politicians in sex parties etc.
They wouldn't sacrifice a real child at a ceremony that open to the public. Around half of the people there at any time are guests of members, and the fire department is there for the fireworks display.
These "secret fraternal orders" are part of the jewish establishment, nigger.
A mock lynching
a little nigger boy strapped to a table surrounded by old drunk white men in an assortment of bizarre costumes late at night..
Gaylord ballet dancing ritual with young men in tights
yes they're normies alright.
Find it hard to believe that Alex "infiltrated". Got a feeling it was allowed to give this little gatekeeper some credibility with the dissident "conspiracy" crowd.
But so many of them are BASED Republikikes? James Woods is apparently an attendee, and he's definitely /ourguy/, I mean, he stands up for the ZOG Emperor and starred in that great movie defending the BASED nationalist pedophiles from McMartin.
I don't know what or who Alex really is but he did make some good documentaries.
That was Jason Bermas, not Jonestein. All of Alex's documentaries were pretty bad looking back, like the one 9/11 one includes a 45 minute interview with some kike about how Hamas was involved.
I like the part when he pretends Israel attacking the USS Liberty was really LBJ's fault, and the jews dindu nuffin.
Weird how in that documentary, Michael Moore was just controlled opposition trying to control the dissent, but now Alex claims Moore being anti-Trump is proof that the ZOG Emperor is moving against the "deep state".
Funny that documentary both pushes the lie that Bilderberg is part of a Nazi conspiracy, but also features Jim Tucker, who was hired to investigate Bildeberg by Willis Carto, who referred to himself as "America's biggest Hitler fan", celebrated Hitler's birthday, and was directly involved with NSDAP figures like Leon Degrelle and Otto Remer.
Accidentally posted the crappy version.
You'll burn with them. Hope it was worth it.
Was Bohemian Grove where Alex acquired his taste for feminine penis?
Bill Cooper exposed him then got shot up by the cops. He's a fraud. A disinfo agent. His wife is a Jew.
Bill Cooper was also Jewish. The cycle never ends. Jews jewing Jews.
Whatever you think of Alex, I find it impossible to watch Bill Cooper for more than a minute or two. He's an idiot.
Sauce, plz.
My dad works at nintendo
They are all actors.
Not an argument
Truthers are a psyop to discredit us and sow disinfo. You'll always know them because they never mention or imply Jews. Somehow they always end up sewing aliens and unrelated bible shit into it, toss on a few flakes of random schizophrenia, and call it a day. You won't find them backing claims with evidence either. Never.
That was two CIA actors pretending to have a fight.
It's literally WWE-style scripting.
Jon Ronson is MI6. Alex Jones is CIA.
It's intelligence agency scripted entertainment.
Mega CIA. (Well, everyone in Hollywood is CIA, but James Woods receives extra-special assignments from the Agency such as propping up the 9/11 Al-Qaeda myth on live television).
Seems to me (((they))) sent out their thugs to pay him a visit after sneaking in the grove, and started becoming kosher ever since
Another CIA con-artist piece of shit.
A pretend idiot. He was another CIA/US military actor.
That's not a good metric because all the white supremacist and neo-Nazi figures are intelligence spooks too. They're just as bad if not worse.
Exactly this