Look, we've created the two halves to the red0pill. The first being that we know the problems; destruction of family, downward spiral of moral and sexual degeneracy, mass immigration, (((multiculturalism))), (((Communist))) "Values", emasculation of men, objectification of women (Yes this is a social-justice point, but women shouldn't be treated like whores; because that teaches the female youths of today to whore themselves out to a nigger.) and other things of the such. The second half being the sources; (((They))) are the prime factor, however (((they))) have far influence on pretty much everything, both the (((Democrats))) and (((Republicans))) are controlled by (((them))) and blacks usually get influenced by (((them))) through (((Rap))). We need to stop talking about it and we need to start red-pilling the masses. I've created a guide to doing so:
We collectively need to make sure all of the neutral people know the issues with the world they grew up in. I'm not calling for Optics Cucking, I'm calling for a logical, "frog" approach to this. Slowly introduce them to the most obvious of problems, like men who are very emasculated, and slowly turn up the heat as soon as they're on that level. They now believe that contemporary men are being emasculated? Great. Now move up to how the family is being destroyed. They get it? Good, now talk about how women are taught to suck off of men's wallets and go only for the dick, completely ruining themselves in the process. They up to speed? Move on. Keep doing this until they fully swallowed the first half of the red pill.
This is the part of the pill that's harder to swallow. The (((Media))) has fully supplanted the idea that the Jewish people are so good, nothing bad is happening behind the scenes, nothing is going on, anything that disagrees with this is a Hitler. This is why we need to explain the problems first, not the sources. Full acceptance of all the problems leaves some blanks. Per se; "If the men of the world are getting emasculated, then who is doing it and why?" well then it's easier to explain that the Jews are behind it. You can fill in any blank with "The Jews" and have substantial evidence to back it up. Therefore, you are able to fully red-pill someone.
With this said, if we are able to mass red-pill people, the army we can create will be immense. It'll be a domino effect. With a milllion armed men on our side, we can do anything.