US announces suspension of nuclear arms treaty with Russia
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an atomic clock?
So, so fucking sick of these neo-cohen scum trying to pull ZOG into a nuclear war with Russia just because it's the only major nation left hat's making even a (weak) attempt to hold onto its Christian traditions in some form and to allow itself to be completely plundered by Western kikes as they did in the fucking 90s.
So, so fucking sick of this, and if these kikes do manage to ever get us into a war with Russia, i'll be doing everything i can to report possible troop movements to Russia, since at least they have (with the exception of their muslim vermin0 a mostly White army. AND, during their parades they have females who actually wear skirts and men who wear trousers ad MEN's SHOES, rather than fucking high heels! Fancy that!
Silver lining,
Looks like kikes want another war in Europe.
Well Russia isn't abiding, why the fuck should we? Time to pull the mirvs out of storage and get our kinetic impactors public testing shared on social media.
As if they had ANY say. That's like Wal Mart security telling Sam Walton how they are going to secure the parking lot.
If anyone is still wondering why the West is fucking doomed…thanks, jews…
Can i ask you a completely serious question? How long have you been here? i already know you didn't lurk the 2 years before posting, and I already know you're at least 50 years old. Using "we" for decisions the Us get makes. Not realizing that, 99% of the time this edays, ZOG IS the bad guy.
After the break-up of the USSR, Yeltsin got a verbal promise the borders of NATO would not push past Germany. Now, he was a miserable useless drunk and didn't get it in writing, but hat has ZOg been doing since then, until at this point they're fuckign arming UKRAINE with tank-killer missiles (a historical part of Russia)?
user, russia is epicenter of all modern communism alongside china. russia is lousy with jews of the most insidious nature and the Li family rules china like the rothschilds rule europe. they are all in on the deal just as the kikes in america are. there is no true tension between these nations and ours. the people in the house and senate would gladly cede all power to russia or china but can't because it would trigger a civil war earlier than they have planned
So… where again is the proof Russia violated the treaty?
Russia isn't abiding because the US has been developing Anti Ballistic Missile defence in breach of the treaty already, and in response they are developing new offensive missile systems.
those are subhumans honoring communism and its soldiers, gtfo kike
Every day I grow more and more convinced that Trump is compromised.
I dont care about any of this because both of the countries leaders are cucked by the ZOG. Enjoy another white war my friends, it's so easy to get white men to kill each other, and get them to support welfare for niggers.
Stopped reading right fucking there. Where in the hell do you get your fucking information? If anything, russia is the LEAST communist place in the world and the place wiht he most resistance, since they remember the bread lines and misery and what it was like.
also, you won't answer the question as far as how long you've been here. On Yt, the oliver stone interview with Putin is free as an audiobook. Go listen to it. You are so far divorced from fuckign reality it's frightening.
Ever fucking BEEN to russia is last 3 years user? Know anything about it? and Yes, the "duma" may have almost no power, put know what, russia has an almost 1,000 year tradition of autocracy. Look at this fucking country and where (((democracy))) has us. Is Putin corrupt? Yes, ut like Solzhenitsyn used to ay (I fucking HATE he's noe associated with Juden Peterstein) user Putin, Corruption has returned to "normal" Russian levels of corruption. The sort people have lived with for century upon century.
Not news, nothing new about it.
This is just Trump trying to stir up shit to get re-elected as a war president. It's a tried and true tactic that has helped many failed presidents to get a second term.
Please come back home
Your parents are very worried
We all love you
Your father is trying to contact you
Pick up the phone
Your Grandma is in hospital crying
Nobody is mad at you
Many people make mistakes at your age
Viv forgave you. She wants his brother back.
Your mothee told me that you are into Nazi stuff. So maybe we can talk about that. But, you gotta come back Billy.
==Everyone, please if you are my grandson Billy here then tell him to call us or at least receive his father's phone call.
Explain to me why he has Israel-appointed people inside his administration, actively sabotaging his plans, like Bolton, if he's not compromised?
Thanks, I'm sorry, I'm coming hime. Is grandma really sick? Can I bring anything to the hospital? what is her favorite flower?
Not sure if you're fucking serious or just the high schools let off today and you are trying to stir shit. Not one of those people marching was fucking even alive was Russia was the communist USSR you brainless piece of vermin
wow what a triggered little shill, they are marching to commemorate commie victories, stalin cultism is still strong in russia
stay mad russian bot
More nukes, more likelihood for nuclear combat.
Someone wants a 'limited' nuclear war between Russia and America. They've been planning for this for decades, and with Trump in office, are behind schedule.
But all is not lost. They can still raise tensions between brother nations, after all the truth is only what they advertise it to be, they can still endlessly pester the President until he does their bidding, and use that to ignite their 'limited' war… if only they had smaller nukes to fire off.
Hmmm, wonder how that's gonna happen. Oh looky here, it just did.
Why does this action suspiciously follow a novel with a bad end for everyone?
Longer than you, jew.
Nigger NO ONE WAS ABIDING, however the US was at least pretending.
Explains why Hillary was so eager for war with Russia. The lunatic elites aren't satisfied enough with just sacrificing chickens and children to moloch.
Full on RIDF thread here. kek.
They want their nuclear war to scare everyone on the planet into the arms of world government.
Build the wall!
Here's the biggest sticking point that got the US to respond. Hypersonic tech. We've tested and used the shit long before Russia came out with their #UsTooski. The problem was they said they were doing it to stick a fucking bomb on the end of it. While that was our intent when we started making them we didn't say it.
So their attention whoring got them bit. >Looking at us, we hanvink bestski weapons!
US response is "orly? Foul, 2 shots at the free throw." Womp womp.
Stop shitting up the thread, niggerskin.
It's a jew that is mad that you aren't posting IDF females. Also have an obligatory:
If he is compromised, they would not sabotage him. Why is Bolton there? I don't know. I don't have inside information.
No, you're a shill. Still think you have people believing that russians are the boogeyman? You're right, we should ally with israel against syria and russia, they are the true threat to the western world! I am so incredibly tired of talking to jews.
Fuck off jew. You will never be white.
It isn't that he is compromised, it is that he is stupid and ineffective. He is surrounding himself with people who are israel 1st and then trying to do things that aren't israel first. So, if anything, he is sabotaging himself, on purpose, 4d chess against his base.
The same pissrael that russia and china are cozying up to, niggerjew?
so in my retardation I guess my point became that he might be compromised.
Mil shill confirmed. Filtered.
russians are neo-commie subhumans and certainly not high iq enough to be considered boogeymen
Yes israel is cozying up to russia who is aiding Syria and Iran. Your analysis of geopolitics is awe inspiring. Please teach me more about international relations.
I'm a hohol but the shit ZOG pulls on the daily makes me sympathetic with putin/assad
No but the jews behind them are. The problem with russia like the us when it comes to jews in control is both countries are powerhouses. Each one could take over the world without breaking much of a sweat if it came down to it. But we're white and try to get along. jews use this to put us against each other when we would be perfectly happy on our own side of the planet minding out own business. Like when the speaking og the US rarely are the jews separated. This is the standard D&C wedge the jews exploit. Qualify statements to take power from jews.
Then you have useful snowniggers like this that actually thinks their goyiment leaders are victims in this. The Kremlin much like the White House is a nest for vermin.
I'll ask again.
Are you shitting me? Russia is 15%-20% muslim. They have more muslims than England, France Germany and Sweden combined ffs.
Why sabotage someone you have control over? Why not make him do your bidding, like move am embassy, appoint Bolton, launch Tomahawks at Syria, let nogs out of jail, break promises on The Wall, and so on. They have their perfect agent.
No, you're not, Akhmet.
Looks like there is definitely going to be war for Israel
American education
CIA said they did so it MUST be true.
>everyone's dirt poor besides (((oligarchs))) and politicians
Sounds like communism to me.
Sounds like you were intent on what it what was regardless of reality
kike shills gtfo
I'm a hohol-american, in fact
I bet you think the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy.
That's a funny way to say you're jewish.
So are you telling me Russia was a communist government in 2008?
So the US is also communist, is everyone you don't like a communist
No, America isn't officially democratic nor leftist either. Oh look at more tan half of their gov! Leftists.
Stay ass blasted vatniks. We won't buy into your shit propaganda.
I hate kikes, I hate communists, I hate leftists, I hate shitskins and mutts. Oh wait, that is most Americans and Russians.
Well they sure celebrate 1945
The US is certainly trying.
have some more russian commielovers, shill
So tell me what is the date and meaning of "Victory Day" in Russia since 1945.
Where do you think all the people from the USSR goverment went? Right, nowhere. They're still in power until this day.
Never said that you pootinbot. Russia is only "capitalist" on the outside. They're communist through and through.
Hello kike.
The exact same as V.E day, The US really takes it far though they celebrate D day and nuking the Japanese on top of killing Germans too
I wish I could change IPs in under 15 seconds
Fuck the allies, kike.
For it? Christ, go back to kikechan nigger.
this so much, be it russkike or mutt, they both doomed the Aryans
And there's the MUH ARYAN well poisoning. I hate the shabbat ramp up.
Sorry to disappoint, im uncircumcised
Maybe this is for the best. The world is ending soon anyway, everything might as well burn.
Fuck off.
does it pain you that you needed to human wave 10 million soldiers just to defeat one man?
Many jews skip the bris.
Marx grave is in England. Entrance to Lenins mausoleum in Moscow is free. Guess why?
Protip: it starts with Commu and ends with ism.
You would know
Yeah, I'm white and can read. Your uncle Ari have to explain it to you?
Bump ;)
Why are you being such a faggot in the first place?
You're only changing the end which people are paying for it. In russia's case which was the point they need their capitalism to keep their communism going. Like the jews charging to see the marx grave. Hope this helps.
Russians never cease to humor me. They really are not Europeans.
Don't come back jew.
Bump, commie kike.
Just kicking ridf in the teeth. Want to act like a bitch, get treated like one.
Oh fugg…. Sorry.
So basically you're saying that in England the visitor pays(capitalism) and in Russia "someone else pays not me lol"(communism). Glad we agree.
Shill-Billy. I am the real Billy and will be bringing grandma some yellow roses (her favorite).
Russia isn't purely communist retard.