Well what the fuck do we have here?
Spread this shit anons
Go now!
Other urls found in this thread:
this is fucking gay ops, nice try FBI.
stay cucked and never rise up, you fucking fringe nazis.
hmm really makes me think
'''TIMESTAMP IS 23:06-23:10
writing /U as N
Its almost time anons
can you feel it?
You expect better from a jewish supremacist organization founded by rapist pedophiles?
Also, shilling my white genocide video while were on the subject
I used to keep a copy of Godwin's Law on my office wall too, but that went away about the time Trump declared.
Hide your power level.
That's old data. We are closer to 55% and currently on target to drop below 50% before 2030.
Heres a link to the documentary.
Leftie propaganda basically.
lol faggot says sage and doesn’t do it hahaha
Jew laden fuck-up unfree first post.
Kill jews.
You realize that isn't a sage and neither is this right?
He's also tracking on Europe.
The 56% meme was right, Zig Forums is always right, whether it's cuckchan or this shithole.
Don't forget that this ~50-60% number of "non-hispanic whites" includes millions of Northern Africans, Arabs, Hispanics, Slavs, and various mixed, relatively light-skinned non-whites. Pic related.
This is ineffective. They use "Annudah Shoah" fears to get political donations. The guy who shot up "Tree of Life" cost us the House.
You have to expose them. If we have learned anything from the Jews it is that bullet wars are not the most effective way to reduce or neuter a population.
Shit you remembered me about this banter image that would get posted by 56% crossposting shitposters from cuckchan.
WTF, I love NH now.
At this point the jews are going to have to start giving the world a reason as to why they should be allowed to live.
That’s not white genocide though, goy. That’s just diversity, goy. Quit being a conspiracy theorist, goy.
(((Mark Potok)))
You know every time that it goes down a percentage point, that kike strokes his tiny circumcised peepee, cums everywhere, and makes a mess of the inside of his cubical.
This made me have a bit of a giggle.
Jeez, this kike truly is demented. Truly fucking demented, beyond words.
Their inability to admit the truth even when found out I think makes me hate them more than their intentions alone. The dishonesty is beyond schizophrenic tier and blood boiling more so than if they just admitted their intentions.
They breed a hatred that can only be achieved by their own existence for being the most dishonorable creature that has ever walked this earth.
Gypses are more evil and filthy rat like beings but jews have a capacity for a broader horizon of stragegic thinking.
So, how do we know if he thinks that it's a positive or a negative thing? Until now I have never heard of that guy.
I absolutely agree, and well said. No wonder why they're universally hated wherever they go. In my more bluepilled Judeo-liberal days, I used to think that it was unthinking and stupid prejudice, but each and every year that passes makes me realize that the so-called "anti-Semities" were correct, even if, albeit, occasionally crude and foul-like in their language. But that's understandable.
Lurk 2 years before posting faggot
It's both; negative since the SPLC smears people as genocidal nazis for citing that fact and positive since Jews will be inevitably attacked by non-whites for appearing white and wealthy.
They're trying to push race mixing as a means of easing racial tension, but it just makes people trust the whitest demographic of that type. Take a look at Brazil, India, and Mexico. All of the famous/wealthy people are light-skinned instead of dark-skinned.
I think that they're trying to prevent a Pandora's box by shaming people who openly brag about knowing it. They only trust themselves and us for knowing about that information since most of us aren't motivated to shoot people in a synagogue after hearing it.
They know that the public wouldn't handle it diplomatically if they knew that a demographic of people were contributing to their child's illness and decline.
Mein sides. If you can stomach the revolting, mind numbing mental gymnasium that is the "documentary" you will get a lot out of it:
The two factions proving without a doubt it's useful idiots having a "red vs blue" all over again. For anyone like me who doesn't watch any Goytube you can learn things in a short amount of time.
here's the frames from the video showing it
Spread this shit like wildfire!
Kikes will get into the ovens!
How is it happening, exactly? Do you know what a happening is? No one is doing anything about this. No one is fighting back. No one has learned about the jews.
Learning is one thing, doing something is another.
The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. I'm so fucking ready
The kikes are so "comfortable" with white genocide that they didn't even consider taking that incriminating evidence down. That kike was more concerned with a cup of a coffee than hiding their agenda.
I can no longer defend the existence of any who see this and do nothing, not even post about it online, nya~
As mentioned. Nothing can be realistically accomplished without raising the awareness. There is a reason why they've spent hundreds of billions, possibly trillions if you connect the spiders web, to deliberately keeping this knowledge hidden for 75 years. Most people just aren't aware of it or will see it and see it as something that's "odd" without connecting the dots. That's why we're there to not only show it and how it backs up what we've said all along, but how this connects to a much bigger issue.
Despite that people have tried to do something and paid the price. You don't have an iron grip on reality for that long without massive underhanded techniques. COINTELPRO being one of the biggest leading to further incidents of the 90's with Ruby Ridge and Waco. Any time 5 or more pro-white people get together it because a terrorist cell in the eyes of our government. This is why propaganda and repetition is where we are at until enough people are angry and then things naturally play out accordingly, with some guidance.
Do I have to know everything?
I'd like to see a source. This is literally the first time I've heard of them.
Why don't we goad Scientology to attack the slpc. Whats the dox on these slpc participants?
Chanology was reddit shit.
That fact is true. A girl I dated in college had red hair, green eyes, and very pale skin. She was ethnically Italian, but from Argentina, so that makes her Hispanic. The trick they do is taking dark brown Indio gang members and counting them as White for criminality numbers, but non-White when they count as victims.
So did the camera person have a "Wait a minute…." moment?
Oh, fuck off.
Facing blatant genocide by smirking subhumans does that to you. Glad to have you aboard. You may yet live
This is the last line of defense they have. Smoke and mirrors, words, pilpul. But I don't expect the attack to be very effective.
You're a literal tool bro. Every possible variation of the political approach has been tried - and has failed - for decades. Do you know why? Because it's based on the assumption that somewhere, some part of the system is neutral. That buried under the rotting carcass, infested with jewish maggots, is an equal opportunity arm of the law with which we can smite the kikes irreversibly, fairly, and most importantly, without getting some middle class faggot's hands dirty.
But that's not how the jew system has worked in its century or so of existence, and no amount of propaganda is ever going to make whites risk their lives and livelihoods in even the pacifist forms of resistance for the promise of an equality before the law that never existed and belief in which led us here to begin with. If you want liberation, you have to make it with your own hands.
He probably got red pilled at that exact moment realizing all the "lies" about jewish agenda were truths.
Yeah, and they don't need to anymore. Whites openly call for their own genocide. They don't give a fuck about race, culture, history, tradition, rights, or work. They care about sex, food, drugs, beer, sex, welfare, sex, netflix, and sex. That's why this shit is becoming public now. They're not afraid of telling the truth anymore. They don't have to be.
I get "Okay, and? Things are better than ever today" whenever I do this.
You're truly not exaggerating. And you still think people are magically going to fight back?
Ya, the camera was panning and it paused at that one spot.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
It still baffles me how I could have been duped back then. I too thought the same about the poor Jews. A simple question like "why did Hitler hate the Jews?" never really got answered. Hand waved off as some bigotry and irrational hatred of them.
Messages that reach a mass audience need to be simple and memorable and obviously true. "Make America Great Again" is a wonderful political slogan because it:
A. Is short
B. Is positive
C. Is active
D. Is vague enough that members of the target demographic can superimpose whatever meaning they're comfortable with and get with the program. They don't need to lurk two years and get all redpilled to vote the right way.
What kind of slogan can we spread that tells the truth about all this?
"Love your race" is very good, for the reasons noted above. It also uses the word "race" in a fearless and very positive way, which is part of the battle.
I was at a relatives house who put on polar (Netflix movie). All the scenes were the same: sex, drugs, women killing sleazy men, sex, voilence, etc. it was shit; I left during the movie.
They have prophecies that they fulfill collectively.
And yet, nothing will happen to them. They will achieve their goal because in reality, the average white is devoid of any sense of their heritage. They will continue to watch Netflix, wage slave, focus on menial interpersonal relationships, meaningless sex, eat and relax. What's the point when we're so comfortable?
Whites are comfortable and mostly ignorant, as planned.
We will all be mixed up into mutts.
There used to be a private group on faceberg called '603 savages.' (603 is NH area code). It was for uncensored offensive memes or whatever. Quickly turned into hilarious racism and shitting on coal burners all the time. I lived there for a bit. You still encounter sweet white girls up there. Stay strong NH.
White genocide is a myt-
You should have asked yourself how everyone everywhere in history has hated them and they got themselves expelled six million times
On that note, you should consider blacks to be great allies, at least against jews because blacks are the ones literally beating the life out of jews and there's nothing they can do about it because their promotion of blacks will be the death of them through hubris
Yeah, pretty much this. (((Them))) controlling both sides, especially with alphabet agency niggers like Dicky Spencer. Nothing is organic about this at all.
I remember Chanology being a thing before Reddit got real popular.
>Polar (2019)
>Has (((Richard Dreyfuss))) play one of the characters
A shame. I grew up watching Jaws.
Ever alluding to race is an instant red flag for normalniggers. Any political movement associated with race (whites only, of course) is dead from the outset.
This deserves a bump because it is truly fucking insane.
New England is amazing, man. It has potential to be an ethnostate.
It's Okay to Be White, Rabbi.
Interesting times are ahead
US Citizens, you are one of the only countries in the world where open carry and concealed carry is not an issue. Most of the world has cucked laws about guns. With great power comes great responsibility.
Imagine looking at somewhere beautiful and thinking to yourself "Golly gee, this place sure could use more niggers".
Goddamn I hate the jews.
He may be 56%, but he had more white genes than every huwhite in all of Europe.
well i can't deny it anymore i guess you guys weren't crazy after all white genocide is actually real.
We're all too aware of that the anticipation is killing me
Good video.
If we don't get the wall, I'm going to vote in the Democrat primary, for the shittiest communist-est motherfuckers, and, only those for those crazies, in the general election.
Also, your id is checked, and your video's thumbnail's trips are also checked.
Read the story of Lot the jew. They have been doing this for thousands of years, and not just the Khazar.
is this a troll attempt or is the taysaches really getting to this guy?
Good video
thanks america.
if you had killed off every single hooknose when it arrived on the boats, the world would have been spared this.
you had one job.
I was gonna post this. It's a huge pill for normies that trust the splc or think it's an actual legit org. Fuck the SPLC. I am so sick of these splinter organizations of kikes that actually have credibility running around doing this shit. These splinter orgs that work on their own(not directly connected to the jewish power structure but working with them) need to be eliminated BUT with each org being taken down the jewish role and the anti white agenda espoused by these orgs needs to be the main narrative we can't keep letting faggots like Jordan Peterson and the red hat retard squad control and dictate every single narrative. Before the election we dictated the pro trump in fact we thought of him as OUR actor now it's the opposite. We were left behind and faggots like the red hat reddit maga squad took over and made super liars like JP Sargoy etc. their gods.
checked user
lmfao ded ya, but i'm not into this comedy routine wherever it came from.
I think it's something from Xurious soundcloud.com
You don't like the Whitest Kids You Know?
- Post stats on jewz getting booted out of everywhere (year: location)
- Post stats on jewz getting slaughtered throughout history (numbers: locations)
- Post jew info for SPLC, ADL, AIPAC, publicly
- Post pro-Hebrew Israelite info showing Blacks as the original, most authentic Israelites with a firm covenant with God. Show the appropriation by the jew, specifically the ashkeNAZIm
Let's stoke the flames a bit. The Black Hebrew Israelites are standing up for Congressional member Ilhan Abdullahi Omar who was given 'poster child' status as the ultimate modern day 'Antisemite©®™'
There is a common element between the WN and the Black Nationalist waiting to be recognized