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Is it finally the death of halfchan? (if it wasn't already dead)
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Is it finally the death of halfchan? (if it wasn't already dead)
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They are doing corporate sponsored threads too.
For example, if you post in a thread on 4/v/ about a game and your comment is negative, and that thread happens to have been a corporate sponsor thread you will be banned for 30+ days for "off topic".
Nobody fucking cares.
They've been spamming corporate memes too nigger
It's getting too fucking absurd
no, this will actually improve cuckchan because it's only for mobilefags and is specifically designed because certain individuals figured out they could put their phones into "airplane mode" and spam any board to hell.
this will do nothing against tethering your phone's connection to your pc and doing the same thing, which i certainly don't condone
We should really encourage people here to have a bigger presence on half-chan. They are our natural allies, and quite frankly it really seems like they need some direction. Their catalog is full of some terrible shit.
Take your meds.
Kill yourself.
There's a story about how the owner of Gawker media's niece tried to kill herself and how he was pretty connected, and subverted cuckchan from within, replacing the mods with SJW's.
There's also an obvious coordinated shilling effort on Zig Forums which is unrecognizable since the election. It seems that bots (probably) are creating thread after thread thus sliding any and all helpful discussion. Good threads are regularly deleted, and demoralization threads stay up forever.
Basically, it's psyops. That place is deader than dead. It's a necrophage cancer. Sadly I see the same thing happening here but on a much lower scale. The board going global was a mistake. Because now people make threads like these.
There is nothing fucking organic about all those cuckchan wojak edits nigger
See that /doomer/ board cancer? It's a meme made by feds to shill beers.
Put a bullet on your brain kike, you're just proving me right
Most of the actual Zig Forums posting goes on on /v/ at this point.
I think you can explain the wojak edits due to the fact patreon and shit exists. All the draw-fags realised they could get paid for drawing, so instead of spending their time doing stuff for free they are drawing furry/loli porn for pay-fags. Draw-fags have disappeared from every board on 4 and 8.
I see a lot of chinkcom shilling there.
Wikileaks is going to leak another memefolder with all the memes that they use, show that the *oomers where made by feds, and you will see that I'm right
kys CIAnigger
In fact have this, I need no reason to be belitlled because I am right and I know it. You niggers don't know basic OPSEC
the one that I can't be sure is the wendy's one, since it's a girl and can be used for drawings. I still think it's pure garbage due to showing what imageboards have become, brands and products are considered memes now.
Oldfag BBS veteran here. The maximum functional lifespan of any online community is five years. It's like clockwork, usually because one Chad has fucked too many of the women and others get on with their lives. Even Facebook wasn't the same after five years of normalfag drama, I stopped using it other than for logins and shit in 2013.
Caveat: I've never been in an ANONYMOUS community with no meatspace social interaction ever than here on Zig Forums and that was shortly after Five Guys, which is coming up on five years in August. We shall see.
Monster energy drink was a /fit/ meme called "sips" then somehow it got grafted onto the 30 year old boomer meme.
Say what you want about halfchan, but 4/fit/ is a pretty good board and it making new memes still.
The only downside is all the faggots, but there are enough people from Zig Forums there that niggers and faggots get told to fuck off.
I bought one because of the meme. That shit tastes like cream soda and Roundup mixed together. I thought I was going to Jonestown.
the good part is that it would siphon a part of the funds of the ennemy shills.
Still doesn't make it less product placement, of a brand that has 666 in yiddish. That place is filled with kikes and this "meme" still was surely made by kikes. See what this causes ? It even prompted their stock to rise, from the constant spamming they did here. This shit ain't natural, I'm still convinced from it
The fed here would be the escaped mental patient acting the part of the stereotypical "tinfoil hat" character, screencapping himself, and claiming alphabets are trying to get you to buy energy drinks, fast food, and beer by making cheap memes from a base without artistic talent required.
I did too and thought it was okay
You're even more of a joke than Smiley at this point.
I'll go even further than you and mention than anything except for the term "boomer" and the demographic it represent (which are relevant from an historical perspective as the post WW2 generation) is unnatural and artificial.
Noone talked about gen "X" or "Y" in the 80's and 90's.
Noone talked about any generations before either, save for the boomers as a demographic.
oh my god…
those poor, poor little guys.
30 year old boomer meme is because the userbase of 4chan is so broad at this point. You have people from their 40s to people in their teens posting. There is a huge gap between people who grew up before 9/11 and people who can't imagine a world where facebook doesn't exist. Thus the boomer and zoomer memes were born. 4chan is having an identity crisis because of the huge gap in age and mindset between the people posting there.
i can belive seriously insane conspiracy theories like flat earth. but this is too schizo even for me.
I think this degeneration of the language is pure garbage, they're dumbing themselves down like niggers and it's thanks to the jews and this "constant consumerst add" society where they've been grown. Too much time to understand terms that were from before, better just add the latest term that has been thrown around and change a letter to it. Too hard to make over a new meme, let's just change a few facets of wojak and call it a day. The worst part is that this is due to the fact that they have no time to rest, people in this day and age has to be on constant movement everywhere, doing their biddings, without allowing times for themselves. It's ridiculous, this is also a reason why obesity is more regular than many years ago, the degradation of imageboards and the internet can be linked to it pretty easily
most of the memes on 4chan are forced, just like the "operations" here (and on 4chan)
NPC meme was forced and so were many other
I guess every time someone posts a Pepe, they're shilling Matt Furry's shitty comic then.
So much retardation in one post. Off yourself for that alone faggot.
Boomer meme was forced nigger, the NPC meme was garbage and it may have been forced, but Boomer shit was just the same as lennyspam. At least Lennyspam was just some characters
I'd rather not create white ebola, thank you
Boomer meme makes sense in the context of 4chan as I posted here the meme is not for you, its for people on 4chan. Just because you don't understand a meme or it doesn't apply to you doesn't mean it can't be a meme.
Boomer memes predate Zig Forums faggot
(Oh, shit, nigga! What if he's right?)
Why are zoomers into this nu-rap shit? It's a rehash of 2000's nu-metal but gayer.
What level of schizophrenia are you on?
Now you're just talking out your ass
get a load of this
Then what about this faggot, faggot?
What you mean forced? It is funny meme or it is not. IDF thots are forced meme. Q user is forced meme. Jews run this sad planet but they are not allmighty.
No clue. I am in the 30 year old boomer camp so I don't understand them. They have shit-taste in vidya, music, and everything.
the "everyone is a schizo" meme is conspiracy theorist 2.0
anyways, not all memes are forced by CIA, some are forced by Zig Forums and various of other groups, but you can sense it
Millhouse isn't a meme. Its a character from the simpsons.
(I'm not adding a picture so fuck you.)
The boomer meme was forced and inorganic, but you are wrong thinking it was used to simply promote energy drinks. The first 30 year old boomer memes were astroturfed to mock white Americans and their supposed lack of culture, taste, identity etc and so on, however they were quite endearing actually and accidentally ended up as a celebration of simple Americana life. Seeing as that failed, they now quickly pushed out the zoomer, doomer, bloomer etc. feels guy edit memes in rapid succession in order to sow intergenerational D&C and discord among Whites. While it wasn't quite as much as a turnaround as the first attempt, these too either fizzled out fast or took on a life of their own absolutely not as what they intended them to be. So now, finally at last we come to their ultimate secret meme weapon… the NPC. They produced some esoteric arcane lore about souls and reincarnation to back their hopeful attempt and unleashed it on Zig Forums first, rather than 4, hoping it would captivate the minds here. And the rest, as we all know, is history…
Reminder fellow Zig Forumslacks, there are much more insidious things to worry about than this.
Yea, you have no understanding of how those memes developed. Read this post
if you want to understand.
That's them preying on on the intergenerational differences and insecurities in your post exactly the way I described it.
It depends though, any meme that is just shared to have a fat laugh around I will always consider it made by a human being. If it's something that it purposefuly dumbs down the place it's being posted, I have reasons to doubt that it's posted by assets
Now this is a quality post. I still feel dubious about all the edited wojaks, they're pretty low effort and just an equivalent to the rage comics, only that even more cancerous, since tecnically they're still all the same meme. The fact that people agree with it and don't seem to question much of them about their origins and purposes is also a warning sign
Its nothing sinister. Its basically console wars except between generations.
An unholy conglomeration between scene kids, hipsters and rap. Hipsters and Rap merged together in "cat daddy", done by some nog, and fuck knows where the "synthwave feelsbait" shit came in.
Nice story faggot. Care to expand a little further into it?
i hear you about the degradation of language.
It's absolute horrifying, even from an outsider's perspective.
Terms are being used completely out of place but, in a sense, it gives also an edge over their work.
An example would be the use of the word "tolerance".
It's used as a sort of "virtue".
When in fact it's the exact opposite.
You don't tolerate a nice weather and a gentle gust of wing.
You tolerate rain, chilly cold or scorching heat, ie: bad things
You don't tolerate health and fitness, you tolerate disease and affliction, ie: bad things.
You don't tolerate wealth and plentyfullness, you tolerate poverty and scarcity, ie: bad things.
So whenever the leftie and its handler whine and ask to "tolerate" niggers, faggots or whatever fad they fancy, they essentially confess that the shit they are pushing is intrisically a bad thing.
And yet, here we are, with hordes of brainlets who speak the language as their native tongue who gobble it all down.
It's absolutely atrocious.
Same applies with "educated" and other terms.
In fact, entire artificial processes of abherrant "thoughts" can be broken down in the same manner.
For example faggotry, remind people that "shove it up your ass" is a detterent, because it's repugnant, and that should raise a few concern.
Jews did really quite some work on the anglos' language.
Nothing completely un-fixable, but it would require access to higher ressources.
I'm only posting this for reference purposes.
ne xt ch an. org/pol/thread/55
The list mentions Pepe, Wojak, and smug anime girls among some of the most frequently used memes by Zionists.
Could use some updating and there are a lot of kikes making their way in at the end of the thread insisting that the memes are organic and just throw around ad hominems.
I think jews just use smug anime faces so they can blend in. The thing is, they use them incorrectly so you can always tell who is who.
Its the same way you can tell when Kampfy is proxy hopping and shitting up a thread with his bullshit.
Literally "yea im trying really hard to fit in by posting anime but im totally not using them incorrectly so you know i'm safe"
Or it could be that your tribe is constantly posting smug anime with malevolence to faggotize the board. All your posts so far have been shilling for these memes, especially the generational warfare ones.
Some memes from the list (for genuine posters):
Pepe the Frog: Straight up Zionist creation, never legitimate, even though it has been used in various incarnations for years by legitimate posters. Matt Furie is analogous to a pre-Twitter “Weird Twitter” spook. Furie lived in San Francisco when he created Pepe, and the Bay Area is basically spook central, even more so than New York City. Gentile whites make up less than 10% of SF’s population. SF/BA is home to so many tech companies and counter-cultural movements despite being one of the most expensive and tax-unfriendly metropolises in the world. Consider anything out of San Francisco, no matter how benign, to have Jewish fingerprints all over it. Furie now lives in Los Angeles, another spook haven.
Kek: The whole pseudo-frog cult actually is Kabbalistic origins and predates the internet. Posters with the Kekistani flag on 4chan tend to be the most antiwhite, such as wishing rape on Germans, or attacking and defaming “Europoors”.
Shadilay: 1986 Italian disco song by P.E.P.E. The album cover features a frog holding a wand. Popular amongst Trumptards. More proof that the frog meme is part of a very old Jewish mysticism.
Anything that has to do with Trump: “Build a wall”, “make x pay for it”, “you have to go back” (not originally a Trump meme, but it has morphed into one), etc.
Wojak: Aka Tfw man, he is probably a legitimate creation by a Polish user, but has been so thoroughly coopted that Wojak should be considered analogous to Pepe. Some faggot on Endchan was trying to shill for its reclamation as a White Warrior, even though Wojak is supposed to be a beta male.
Based: Nigger-hipster lingo, now kikes bestow it on any puppet they try to shill as being somehow against them, like “Based Putin” or “Based Assad” or “Based Farage”.
Fam: More nigger slang, short for family. Zionists are aggressively pushing black slang on imageboards.
T H I C C: More niggerism, pushes black sexuality among whites, in this case the fetishization of the buttocks. Objectification of the butt is in line with homosexual programming, such as anal sex and that big butts can also be found among men and are probably popular in some homosexual niche, but big breasts can only be found among women. THICC also has the masonic 33 numerology in it (CC = 33).
We Wuz Kangs: Thread after thread is made on an hourly basis on 4chan’s Zig Forums. It is unfunny and dead in the water, even though niggers are astronomically stupid. I feel it is more about demoralizing whites than it is making fun of blacks. Include Alberto Barbarossa in this list.
Dindu: Faggotized way of saying nigger. Amounts to self-censorship and used by alt-right retards. Also appears suspiciously similar to Hindu, maybe it’s the Jews’ way of attacking Indians, which they have done for millennia.
Is X, dare I say, /ourguy/?: Used to astroturf Zionist internet celebrities and Zionist world puppets.
Strong style user, let chaim drown in his panic mucus.
Do you own a pair of functioning eyes you dumb cunt?
And here we have the endchan/megooka/jewch/nextchan/nanochan kike shilling for his next exodus site nobody will ever use with lies and disinfo as always.
Take your meds. Memes that are just edits of others are old as time. Where was your MUH FEEEEEEEEEDS crying when Pepe and 666 gorillion edits were the big meme?
Take your meds.
Take your meds.
Being stupid on purpose is still being stupid.
It still doesn't take away from the validity of the content.
I have an opinion on the topic and I am arguing in a thread in favor of that opinion. I hate to break it to you, but thats not really an argument. Thats the point of image boards to discuss topics with other people and support your opinion with arguments. You are retarded.
moshe please you don't fit in anymore
added to the filter.
by the way, i found this site called ZOGforums, which scrapes 8/pol/ and repoasts every thread and every comment to their own site, all to earn shekels from the shadiest fucking popup and popunder and click-by and virus advertisers. they even generate fake names for each and every one of your poasts, since they have a problem with everyone being Anonymous.
as JewgaFaceTwatSnapGram become worse and totally unusable, even to the illiterate Zoomer masses, the value of no-BS tell-it-to-me-straight using anime memes on Anoymous forums goes way, way up. the (((media gatekeepers))) always have to chase where ever the conversation is going, so now that the chan format has become the dominant platform for information dispersion, the kikes move in to take it over and subvert it.
This is tumblr tier blogposting
So, when is the Zig Forums emigrating to the dark net?
I've come across these mirrored spam sites for various cuckchan boards before. It was called sheekyforums years ago and now seems to be supforums. It's the strangest thing, it takes threads, attaches usernames and sometimes avatars to every post and fills the pages with pop-ups, clickbait and other spam. I have/had no idea what this is supposed to be for.
I mean completely of course
Hiro is a nigger-faggot. And as much as im against phonefagging. He's ONLY doing that because he knows "zone banning" only works on PC's. You can't zone ban phones as easily.
It's close to time for 4censored to be denied, itself. It's worse than reddit and no better than the fake stream media right now
Okay, here's the deal: (I'm an old man so I don't hardly give a fuck about nothing!)
Back before Moot sold 4chan to Hiroshimoot he'd been in a jam with the FBI around 2012 or so… Something about CP and how it's a big no no and Moot shoudldn't let Anons get away with posting that shit and we don't like what you're doing so we're going to try to nail your head to a coffee table unless you suck our dicks.
You get the picture.
That shit went on for a while and then, two years later, the whole fucking lame, artificial and completely contrived cuck thing happened with faganons accusing mootiekins of selling out to SJW Tumblrinas and Leftist Redditards but mostly the Tumblrinas.
I remember whole fuck-load of you left around 2014 or so.
A year later Mootard sells 4chan to Hiroshimoot and basically says fuck all of you to those who'd been loyal enough to stick around for that long.
Since that time Hiroshimoot's been pushing Halfchan toward the mainstream, against the loud wailing and butthurt of those few /b/tards who chose to remain after 2014 (myself included. What can I say? I'm fucking LOYAL.)
So, pushing the whole thing toward the mainstream means working to get rid of all of the old /b/tards, Zig Forumsacks, all the /v/fags and any hangers-on that would cause the stench of the old 4chan to linger on the site because the reality is that Hiroshimoot (bless his widdle heart) is actually going to try to turn half-chan into some kind of profitable venture!
So, how does Hiroshifucktard plan on doing this?
Based on what I've seen so far, he's going to start putting advertising from either major porn sites or major corporate manufacturers like Nike or some other big company.
It'll be interesting to see what kind of retarded, Fellini-esque, rats-nest, kindergarten freak show it turns into in the coming years.
This was actually funny, thanks.
Take your meds, cool it with the enter key and stop coming up with stupid fucking "mootX" or any "funny" and "witty" names because you're just fucking terrible at it.
How is this something to be suprised about? Swaglord admitted that he's working for advertisers back in 2014 or so. Shortly after the luggage incident.
Here's that hebrew again
You're so bad at trolling, junior, it's enough to make me cry for all of the truly long-gone trollers of days gone by.
Which is the case with almost all trollfags these days because, being retarded zoomers, you're FUCKING LAME! YOU DON'T EVEN TRY! (So, fuck you. The game. You lose.)
>>>/qresearch/ has brought quite a few people with some kind of mental illness to the board.
Its a new thing ever since Q started getting literally shilled on billboards
He's already taking money to drop threads and ban legit users
Yeah, really! What's with all the hebes in the threads, today?
(Quick! Hide the red pills! They've found us out!)
The swirling pink and purple skies make that first one look straight out of a Lynch movie.
They don't seem to know that meds have chemicals that fuck up your brain, they want to make shooters or zombies apparently