If you are given 40'000 $ by a generous rich man, you could waste in right away by buying cars, PCs, smartphones, luxury, … And waste it all in less than one year and produce nothing in the end.
Or you could be sensible and invest that money in a project that will better yourself and make you a long-term source of income..It will take time, patience, abstinence (of hedonist cosumerism/buying) and work, but in the end, you might end up with a project that will earn you revenue in the long term and become profitable and actually create something tangibly great for you.
Sexuality is like that too: You are born with sexual energy and sexual instinct, and you can use this energy hedonistically, meaning masturbating, watching erotica, pornography or taking part in the casual sex/hookup culture and screwing as many women as you can and make "pussy fucking" your main drive in life and your main use of your sexual energy. In the end, you'll end with nothing tangible, you'll produce nothing great for you and you'll end-up be miserable.
Or you can be sexually continent, not masturbate, not watch erotica and not watch pornography, not lust, and retain your semen and not have sex before marriage. And then, you use this sexual energy to do great things in life, like improving yourself, and then you marry as a virgin with another virgin pure woman and finally, you'll be "fruitful and multiply" with that woman and have many children. And when you'll be 60 years old, you'll have 18 grandchildren and you'll create a world. While the other hedonist man who screwed around with (((tinder))) and degenerate casual sex and orgies will be lucky to have one or two grandchildren.
Sexuality is like finance. You have to invest it wisely or you'll be miserable
Other urls found in this thread:
Just watch this and you'll understand.
How much does the JIDF pay for christian astroturfing? Been noticing a lot of, "us christians," derail posts and you basically reposted the same set of images as the last time. No amount of hiding your (((christian))) agenda behind family values can redeem the religion as the jewish subversion that it is.
Moreover,pair-bounding is very high when both partners are virigins. However, when you screw around, you become less and less able to pair-bound effectively. In other word, you corrupt yourself and you corrupt women by screwing around, and thus you undermine the very foundation of society, which is marriage, because a successful marriage relies on pair-bounding and happiness. Do you want your fellow neighbor and your children and grandchildren to live in a such corrupted society because of fornicators?
Really, just two roles for women in society now? What are the 'two roles' for men? ;) I will give you a hint on the first one…just kidding I am sure you can figure it out for yourself.
Also, no woman worth her salt would follow the SUICIDAL AS FUCK 'man who values the Patriarchy' aka the self-serving enemies of men who are going to destroy as many males as they want via 'serving their own needs financially or in war'. You obviously admire the Martyr Cult, but I want nothing to do with it. Go die for the Patriarchy, your mortal enemies, on your own time without dragging innocent women and children into your fucking Martyr schemes.
>How much does the JIDF pay for christian astroturfing? Been noticing a lot of, "us christians," derail posts and you basically reposted the same set of images as the last time. No amount of hiding your (((christian))) agenda behind family values can redeem the religion as the jewish subversion that it is.
It's actually a very effective tactic that corresponds to the controlled opposition paradigm:
This is what Zig Forums astroturfers have been doing for a while now.
OP reposted most of the images from the now maxed out thread, where that thread was derailed by Zig Forums astroturfing too:
One good repost deserves another so here's a repost of someone's pasta:
Christianity is how jews monopolized morality and commodified it. It is commonly repeated by the most vehement adherents on Zig Forums that somehow following christianity is akin to being moral; they will go as far as saying that whites would not be moral without christianity.
That level of delusion is brought about by christianity selling itself as providing morality while also accusing non-followers of not being moral. It's the same as with any jewish label that (((they))) invented.
Christianity possesses the same level of brand imaging seen in commercial goods. Go to any christian bookstore and the art for it is based around things that whites invented to rationalize its usefulness but innately possessed. Rationalizing any use of christianity is how whites learned to cope with it. Meanwhile the complete lack of morality in non-white christians remains a mystery to christians trolling Zig Forums. It's almost as if morality is something instilled in genetic behavior.
On that note, it's infinitely insulting and telling of how spiritually cucked a christian is when they say that only through christianity can one be moral, when that directly names jews as the originators of being moral and thus masters of what it means to be good. Jews. Morality. Jews will go as far as to own a monopoly on what they do not deserve nor what they're able to create, and the first thing they monopolized was morality.
What is with bizarre and out of place posts appearing today?
Your post is incomprehensible.
The jews are the enemy of the whole planet.That's the bible's position.
Why would they astroturf it? Makes no-sense, unless they want to astroturf (((Christian-zionism))) like Mike Pence.
we did it Zig Forums
>find a woman that says she loves you
>in a world where your "loving" wife can and will JUST you consequence free after fucking half your friends
Trying to build a family in this world is like trying to build a house on a sand dune, pointless and fucking stupid. We talk about this shit every goddamn week and I am sick of having to explain the same shit over and over again you reddit niggerfaggots. Killing all shitskins and kikes is the only answer. If you aren't browsing Zig Forums, building an arsenal, and preparing for the collapse then you are no better than a fucking shitskin.
Not yet, I can get Zig Forums our of here with a dialectical question. Watch.
If masturbation is done without thoughts of lust, in a self controlled manner, for the glory of God, and comes from faith, is it still a sin?
Honestly I like to smesh 2 girl a year until i find wife. is this cool guys ?
You are aware that there are images in the OP, right? And that they are a part of the OP's position as much as the words he speaks? Right? Usually when someone sees something relating to a specific aspect of the OP and they don't understand it, the reflect on the comment that caused the remark to clarify why someone would make such a comment. There is nothing 'out of place' about my comment though…I have hit the issue dead on…no one but a crazy person would follow a man that is hell-bent on his own and his children's suicide at the Patriarchy whims and at their service. They are insane and they use men for their own personal advancement until they have murdered the men for money and power.
Only a batshit insane woman would follow a man who was insistent that this was a good system. It will eventually kill him or rob him or destroy his nation to advance its own power and financial gain or murder his family and his children in front of him for its own financial and power gain. That is all the Patriarchy does, destroy Beta males opportunity at reproduction by spending their lives and their children's lives like water to advance their own agenda. Nobody but a blind person (beta woman) would ask a blind person (beta man) to lead them. Both of them will fall into a trap and break their stupid necks because they entrusted their lives and the lives of their offspring to fat, gluttonous greedy fucking hogs that deem themselves 'leaders' in the modern world. Not only have these same 'Patriarchs' destroyed your nations but they are coming to genocide your people, wives, children and families and you still support and uphold them. Thus you are part of the Martyr Cult and not something I deem 'worthy' or worth saving since you will not take personal responsibility for your own offspring and yourself.
This! Finally someone with some COMMON FUCKING SENSE!
So you are ready to get yourself tricked into not reproducing yourself and thus ending your genetical tree because some kikes made CIVIC marriage a fiasco?
Marry in the church and be done with it, there are not divorce garbage and ruining your life with church marriage. Separation of church and state allowed the degeneracy of the feminist civic marriage we have today.
But if you let this civic gynocentric marriage trick your into not reproducing, then the Jews effectively convinced you to exterminate your own genetical tree yourself by not reproducing and that looked to be very easy to do for them. So will you really won't marry and reproduce because some kikes attacked the foundation of marriage? This is a bad way to think for the future.
care to explain this?
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God’s truth, so that the promises made to the patriarchs might be confirmed and, moreover, that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written:
“Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles;
I will sing the praises of your name.”
Again, it says,
“Rejoice, you Gentiles, with his people.”
And again,
“Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles;
let all the peoples extol him.”
And again, Isaiah says,
“The Root of Jesse will spring up,
one who will arise to rule over the nations;
in him the Gentiles will hope.”
For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.
I think anons should fuck their own people like there is no tomorrow. That is the only appropriate response to being exterminated by the Patriarchy for shits and giggles (which includes your 'church' btw).
However, they should not be part of a system that has betrayed us all balls to bone at every step of the way…government, finance, religion, education, entertainment…all of it was designed to cuck you, destroy you and murder you while living off your fat and toil. I don't think anyone in their right mind would touch your 'church' or any other government institution with a 10' pole if they were in their right mind. WHO THE FUCK SUPPORTS INSTITUTIONS WHO GENOCIDE THEM AND THEIR CHILDREN? Gear up, protect your kin and your family…fuck these douchebags who have lived well off your death and your labor. Think only of your immediate family and your kin, PEOPLE YOU KNOW, NOT KNOW OF BY REPUTATION.
Don't leave the side of the thing that is absolutely most important to you out of all things on the planet, your offspring and wife. Fight for them to the death because they really are everything to you, your one true investment in this realm.
There is only one currency on this planet and it is the currency of sexual reproduction or sexual success.
Don't 'go off to fight for someone else's interests' no matter how appealing it might appear to 'have an adventure' where you get to rape and fuck the enemies women, for the same will be done to yours if left unguarded (this is the sole purpose for importing 100 million+ half niggers into our nation).
The Patriarchy is your mortal enemy and the sexual competitor to Beta males…they won't hesitate to step over your corpse and latch onto your lonely wifes pussy to sire themselves bastards on them, whether you are dead or alive. But you will have left your wife to other mens whim while you went off to die and be maimed for the Patriarchy's interests so if you are cucked and you raise a bastards, whose fault is that?
I'm a 30 year old virgin and so far I haven't found a man to marry me. I want nothing more than to be a housewife and a mother of as many children as possible but I can't force someone to marry me. Most men lose interest when they find out I'm a virgin. How are women like me supposed to cope with the fact that we will be alone and childless forever?
That much money is greater than the threshold needed to become a day trader.
If I were past that threshold I would basically have a license to print money. I would never have to see a mudskin piece of shit person ever again.
I would never have to see another fucking ledophile in my.life, and never get assaulted by a degenerate babysitter using the kids she's being paid to watch to try and extort me.
Mexicans and brown are shit. Wannabe whites are even worst.
The kikes aren't talking about you, you dumb fuck. In order for their 'messiah' to come, they believe you must be genocided. So they are saying that the niggers and bug people are going to love the jew messiah, not that you will have hope in him because you and ALL your family will be fucking dead. Comprende? Who gives a fuck what niggers and bug people rejoice in when you are not part of the living.
Quit reading the Jewsplaining you moron.
Prove it.
They aren't losing interest in you. They want a quick fuck and they realize that you aren't a whore and they buzz off…to find someone that will wet their dick for the cost of a few drinks and a meal. I suggest that you start thinking about finding a good sperm bank and producing offspring. The men that you will have to choose from at your age are not going to be the cream of the crop, so to speak. They will be addicted to porn and five finger Sally and will have ridden the pussy parade until they have all manner of STD's (one of the Alt-Kikes has mentioned that he has slept with 1,000 women, do you know how much nigger pussy reject that is? A lot. Do you want a dick like that all up inside you?)
Anyway, even if you did find a 'good man' more than likely he would run off at the drop of the hat and leave you and your children defenseless while he 'got some adventure' under his belt (aka raped and killed half niggers) while you bore him children ALONE and did everything by yourself ANYWAY and quite possibly he wouldn't come home at all and you would get the pine box love note from the government.
Better off to find really high quality eugenic sperm at a bank and bear your own choice offspring from someone who will further the race and not bolt like a coward at the first sign of 'adventure' leaving you alone to fight off savage niggers, drug addicts and subhumans by yourself while he got blowjobs from desperate subhuman whores and underage children he collects on the battlefield as legitimate booty. At least the turkey baster isn't going to spend its time watching porn and cheating on you when it gets bored of you, as one user said, like it would no matter how beautiful you are in a few months anyway (it is almost like they have no idea what a marriage [such that it is nowadays] is anymore).
First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then they bargain with you ←- you are here
Then they die on DOTR.
Women are tools. Not people.
Women are to be used for the interests of Men. Not to be cared or protected.
Use women ,and discard them when they are not useful anymore.
Or is it a talking dog (woman)?
Patriarchy rules the world. Always had, always will.
Women are tool.s to be used and discarded. And they are being already replaced by better and artificial tools.
Manly Men will always rule. Everything else will obey or be killed.
Sperm banks have standards. Meaning that you can select just as easily from a high number of high IQ candidates that are accomplished and driven personalities with a proven track record. They keep detail records on the candidates and they screen them for lies and falsehood better than she will be able to do on her own. She isn't going to get criminal tendencies or low IQ sperm if she doesn't want that. I am just saying that if she is interested in EUGENICS she should go for a system that can supply them to her OR she can find the highest quality man with the traits she desires and contract him for children ONLY. But she isn't going to be able to do a better job than a sperm bank in terms of researching a candidate or selecting from multiple high quality candidates without the hassles of having to wash dishes for someone or pick up their dirty underwear…I am just saying…you know, it is a way to go.
Would you prefer it if she was too old to have children and there was no high quality eugenic Europeans born from her?
So much for 'patriarchy' understanding history…LMAO good for you kikel, that is the spirit, attempt to hold on to what has already slipped through your grasp.
Building a fireteam of sons is part of preparing for the collapse.
Stop going for men that above your league. Look for engineer types with decent base genetics. Good luck.
This is terrible advice. Who would shoot for 'average' genetics? Is that what you do when you are searching for a wife and what you tell other men, "just go for the ones who are average, like you, Billy Bob, no reason to elevate European DNA" Amirite? I am right. At the very least she should offer herself as a broodmare for someone with exceptional genetics so that she has a chance at exceptional offspring. You can be a mistress or contract sperm for this purpose, since a man has no reason to horde his sperm if you have no claim on him…it fucking gets recycled every two weeks anyway, so what is the problem? Why don't you just tell her to bed a nigger? Why not get the VERY BEST that she can achieve genetically for her offspring? The best way to do that is contractually, at her age. And she better DO IT SOON or she is going to turn into a potato farmer.
This is a paid jewish shill.
How do you imagine that someone which is definitionally lustful and which objectively does not glorify God (insofar as it is a rejection of the natural order) can be done “without lust”? Go be a degenerate somewhere else, you fucking weakling kike.
lol, I remember stories of sperm bank doctors using their own semen for all the donors.
Why do MGTards prefer matriarchy over patriarchy? You cannot escape the rule of patriarchy. If you refuse to form and participate in patriarchy a foreign one will soon arrive and put you at the bottom of their hierarchy.
I was with my gf for almost ten years and i found out she cheated on me. We were each others onlies. This thread hits home.
freedom.jpg's struggle is real.
But, in the ZOG, a man must have a deconstructive period, if he is to be himself and not an NPC zogbot.
She said it was better with him? Or did she at least lie to you?
There is nowhere safe, not until we:
1. Name the Jew
2. Shame the Shabbos Goy
3. Chain the money changers.
4. Change the money
Until then enjoy your life as a regnegade, maybe like Varg from ThuleanPerspective, or enjoy your POZd slow genocide.
True. But that was ONE CASE and it was not a reputable sperm bank. This is an investment in her genetic future for a lifetime and into her old age, only a fool selects something low quality or worthless when they are making this type of life decision. Rather than give her body to a Beta who may or may not produce quality offspring on her body which she will have to raise and care for she should search for the highest possible ROI.
I get the feeling you all are not appreciating the fact that I am not encouraging her to cuck you but telling her to be responsible for her own offspring and genetic future. Would you prefer it if she married you and then impregnated herself with a higher quality offspring? Are we interested in Eugenics here or not…she will be providing high-quality offspring for the continuation of the European race, and that is what is important, right?
Speaking of poz, i got blood trsts done and i found out my doctor just ordered further specialty testing for hiv. What should i do if my cheating whore ex gf gave me aids
Your 'patriarchy' has done nothing but murder YOU, not so much the women because we have something they want, genetic/procreation currency. They are your own WORST ENEMY ensuring that you do not produce or that your own offspring are culled by them, in war and by foreigners (they are literally giving your nations and wealth to foreigners) and you still support them…well there is no end of retardation these days on Zig Forums…I really don't expect anything more than an 84 IQ from someone who can't figure out the riddle of the patriarchys HATRED of themselves and their offspring.
If you want more detail you can look through my posts in the qtddtot sticky. She says he was nicer to her and that I'm always mean and we always fight which is bullshit. I lived with her and her family for years and they're like wtf is she talking about.
Varg is the greatest of all time, truly an inspiration. I feel like shit years ago I'd debate him in his comment section but he was right…
I agree, but nevertheless you should still try to find a woman with moral values, don't give up, giving up is what the kike wants you to do
I'm not going to be a single mother. Why would I have a child whose life is guaranteed to be ruined by not having a father
That might be true in some cases. God does tolerate evil (even though he hates it), because evil can sometimes bring a better good.
For example, E.Michael Jones was hired as a professor at a "christian" university and got fired one year later for being against abortion. It was because the feminists had taken over the university. Anyway, this is the EVIL.
But in that case, it was a great thing, since he decided to go independent and wrote many books about the core of the Jewish Question so that people like us can read it and understand what kind of Jewish social engineering is going on right now.
So the evil allowed for a greater good. If he hadn't been fired, he would still be professor and writing articles about feminism and stupid degenerate books, and he would be given degenerate pro-feminist university courses.
And that's how evil can sometimes bring a greater good. For us, the fact that a lot of us are asocial and do not part-take in the Main Structure Culture allowed us to take some recoil and to free ourselves, to some extends, from the NPC matrix. But then, you have to get out from this phase and act or you'll end up demoralized and a parasite in society and for yourself.
If you want to know more about the example I used, see video related.
Is it bad I've kissed and made out with a girl? I'm still a virgin (19) and although she wanted to have sex with me I didn't and I think I made the right choice in that department. I kissed and made out with her 3 separate times, each one I remember distinctly and it was one of the best feelings of my life and very emotionally powerful for me (the way your first kiss should be). But was it the right choice?
Women should have husbands and children should have fathers.
Your child has a higher chance of having its life ruined by learning how to be a slave to the patriarchy from its Beta father than it has of being a single child at your hand. What will a 'father' in this culture teach his child other than slave morality and a lifetime of slave values and obedience to those who are their own mortal enemy and hate them. LOOK THE FUCK AROUND YOU WILL YOU? You aren't really processing the way a modern man functions as a Beta slave (and instinctively teaches this to his offspring) so that they can never revolt or stand up for their own interests.
You want THAT taught to your child because you are afraid that without being taught to be a 'proper slave' he is going to grow up with a FUCKING SPINE? About Goddamn time someone didn't grow up with slave values and like a fucking cuck who genocided their own GODDAMN PEOPLE FOR THE PATRIARCHY'S 'FINANCIAL INTEREST'.
Fucking THIS. How can I make this sink into my boomer dad's brain?? I'm glad I caught onto this at my young age because now I have a fighting chance to break free of this poison way of life.
There was a time when having a father in our culture had value because they taught their sons values, community, nation, and people, but modern men are worthless slaves who teach their children to be worthless unquestioning and feeble slaves to their 'Gods' or the men they allow to genocide and rule over them.
Just sad.
I don't think you can rewild things that are feeble because they were taught to be that way. People have to recall who were were and where we came from. The words that describe the opposite of slave are engraved on this language from the names of our tribal people, Vandals, Barbarians…we were a proud and fierce people who could not be brought to bend the knee.
Don't forget to play the Forex, goyim!
The collapse won't happen for at least 15 years, in the meantime you should have a bunch of sons and train them. Even if I'm wrong a trained 7 year old with a hunting rifle protecting his farm is going to be more effective than a nigger with a glock. The earlier you start having children and the more frequently you have them the better. It's also easier to raise infants/toddlers right now than it will be when society collapses, but if you've already got some older kids they can help raise the younger ones.
Hey shariablue/media matters, you are going to have to go and get your friends in order to dogpile me here…I think when it comes down to it people will understand that you are supporting the system that is genociding them and I am supporting their right to Life and Freedom.
You guys do nothing but LIE 24/7 but eventually people are going to see you for your agenda the longer we work through this together.
Like much of everything else in the body, semen is broken down, recycled, and made anew every few weeks or so.
You start off by failing to understand basic biology, so why should we believe anything else you say?
Very difficult to do so, as a person gets older they get more stubborn on changing their ways of thinking, it takes a a high amount of willpower for a man to change his point of view on certain aspects of life, that's why kids are so vulnerable, they're way of thinking fluctuates the most when they're very young, by their teens they're already fixed on a way of thinking, so for your dad his a goner I'm afraid
It goes against the basic biology of males and is sort of criminally insane to confine a dying race who is numerically overwhelmed into 'not breeding'…I mean when you think about male chastity does this seem logical to you when you have had your numbers systematically reduced by the 'church' (they brag about murdering 100 million of us native Europeans up to 1859ish…so that 100 million dead at semites hands does not include the war dead from the 20th century; basically it has been a full blown massacre of our people at the 'patriarchy's hands for 2,000 years). I would think that we could and should suspend the 'moral regulations' about reproduction during a time of GREAT DURESS and CRITICAL SURVIVAL of our people due to their genocide.
Just saying, who does it make sense to push male chastity an insane notion in the best of times for males at this point in a critical juncture of our GENOCIDE?
"Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold.
We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet."
~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn
This isn't cuckchan, some people here know how to read.
OP is Taoist Master Wang
I care nothing for your fucking kike D&C and your Hegalian dialectic…if I could burn you alive myself, I mean turn on the gas to the gas chamber I would for what you are trying to do to my people. Hitler hasn't got anything on me, kike.
I care only for the RESULT and not your insane fucking kike machinations which obscure the truth and ensure that we will be genocided by our continued slavery to your system (either by you or your shitskin fucking filth nigger slaves).
You're an openly admitted antifa shill, no amount of spewing "kike" is going to convince anyone. You are here promoting feminism and telling people to "dismantle the patriarchy", despite the obvious fact that the patriarchy hasn't existed in 100 years.
Thanks for shilling the patriarchy, round 2. Unemployed feminist, most likely laid off from Buzzfeed or HuffPo, itt. I told you to beat it a few nights ago.
It's not polite. Go somewhere else. Leave us alone. Go troll the retards in the Foxnews comments.
That is what you shariablue/media matters kikes call me, yes…that has nothing to do with who I am or what I believe. I trust that people on Zig Forums can figure things out for themselves.
Ok you dumb fucking piece of shit kike. Le Gaurde is not considered to be part of the 7 financiers with 10 heads of state. THEY ARE ALL FUCKING MALE.
see photo…I wish I could strike you, fuck that; I wish I could run over you with a tank.
I knew the rest of the media matters crew would be dog whistled over to destroy the thread when it got interesting. I sure would like to know how much they pay you JIDF fucks.
I know it's difficult, but at least TRY to stay on the pertinent topic instead of spilling your stormfront spaghetti everywhere.
I like spilling semen, do you want to drink it OP? It will provide you with valuable nutrients.
Leave it to JIDF to claim on a Nat Soc website that it 'isn't the jews' who are the problem.
If i don't already have aids i got it from your post
I am astonished you clicked that!
Haha are you kidding me. This aint my first rodeo. I didnt click that shit.
If you think that Matriarchal societies don't wage war, you are as dumb as your menstrual pads are soggy.
It's just a shill.
Not an argument. Not part of the OP. Stay on target Media Matters shills.
I know, I just wanted to get those sick quads
It is what you called yourself in the other thread. You didn't just admit to being antifa, you even said antifa were heroes fighting for freedom against the evil patriarchy. Quit fucking crying, you're getting paid either way, why are you so upset that we don't fall for your shit?
LMAO…you need to keep your anons straight kike. Now you are just 100% lying flat out. I have never said anything like that in my life…someone is trolling you but it isn't me.
Give me the thread, I wanna see someone troll you hard. Which one was it…I don't get to spend that much time on Zig Forums because I am busy now.
Love doesn't work this way. What you're talking about is arranged marriage as social and economic utility. Those days are never coming back, larper.
Sometimes I think Zig Forums is nothing more than reincarnated Christian monks that died during the medieval period due to flagellation.
Come on, we all know its coming.
We need the thread user…not your 'version' of what was said…since we already know you are a 100% liar or incompetent. I would like the thread you are pulling from, in writing.
Jesus ducking Christ user, critically analyze your own ideology. How do you propose instituting anarcho-communism on others if not through the mob? You’re bullshit is nothing more than mob rule.
If I am wrong than answe this question, what if I choose to opt out? What if I choose to create currency and hire workers for a wage and own property? What are you going to do? Are you going to impose your will on me?
Imagine living your life for your precious little cummies to such an extent that the idea of a little bit of sexual restraint looks like violent masochism to you. Pathetic.
You need to give the feminist a (you) if you expect her to respond dude.
▶Anonymous 01/30/19 (Wed) 11:54:31 8ee8f2 No.12738477>>12738484
Trump should issue antifa hunting permits at SOTU
▶Anonymous (You) 01/30/19 (Wed) 11:55:30 698db6 No.12738480
Forgot the link:
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature
▶Anonymous (You) 01/30/19 (Wed) 11:57:10 698db6 No.12738484>>12738512 >>12738525
Hunting permits for people who want you to be free from slavery? LMAO I am sure he will consider it, you should send him a note to his twitter feed, be sure to reference this OP.
That is better…yes, clearly not accustomed to sarcasm are you? Trump has no interest in eliminating the 'patriarchy' because he is part of it. That was a joke user…too bad you are too dull to understand humor. The joke and I will try to explain it to you with tiny words, is that Trump as part of the existing people who are destroying this nation would gladly issue hunting permits for people like me who are in disagreement with his methods for flooding our nation with half niggers and other assorted TRASH at the whim of his entire kike family.
Are those words small enough that you can understand the humor? If you let me know who you are in advance I will note everything I say to you in red text
so that you can know humor or
when you media matters faggots see it.
Didn't want you to 'miss that last sarcasm…and think that I might be serious…jesus fucking christ…
That was a humorous statement user (wouldn't want you to accidentally 'misconstrue' that one as well) fuck me this is going to be a labor of love communicating with you 84 IQ kikes…
I wasn't gonna take your bait anymore; but that formatting, wew fucking lad. Take my (you).
No worries user.
I am glad you appreciate it.
< $40 k
< buying cars
< cars
< s
< cars
< being a millennial