Get around it lads
Recently BHP fired 80 Australian Sailors to be replaced by cheap asiatic workers. What do?
Get around it lads
Recently BHP fired 80 Australian Sailors to be replaced by cheap asiatic workers. What do?
tiki torch march where you chant "jews will not replace us"
sexy af
Come on, mate. Do your job.
Here's an archive link to the fired sailor story:
It's all a bit tiring really. Is there any precedent for governments requiring shipping be done with ships from the home nation? So much of Australia's economy is shipping shit to other nations. Australia really ought to have a mercantilist policy.
Yeah they should.
This shit reminds me of the debacle of 1873
78* fucking nigger
I killed a Jew once near Melbourne. I ended up beating the murder charge, because the filthy kike had a stolen firearm they pointed at it. Felt great.
prove it
Do you mean Aboriginal Nationalism or British Nationalism?
Australian Nationalism you nigger fuck off
Are you retarded…
So British Nationalism?
§ 8
Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson may be regarded as typical pioneers of indigenous culture in Australia. Whatever their faults, their work has an outstanding quality of being drawn direct from Australian life, and not from a bookish or “literary” idea, in imitation of English poets. Lawson and Paterson were both Australian born, and wrote for Australian readers primarily. Their work is crude enough in parts; it is the raw material of an Australian culture, but it is of high national significance, as being truly indigenous. The poet Kendall, who immediately preceded them, was also Australian-born, but his mind had an “English” cast. His first poems were sent to England to be published; he wanted to please the English. Kendall wrote of Australia, but in a prim English way, not in a robust Australian way.
Adam Lindsay Gordon was English-born, an immigrant to Australia, and never saw Australia except through his English fox-hunting squire’s eyes. He is, therefore, acclaimed, in England, as the typical Australian poet. In Westminster Abbey his bust is placed with the absurd, indeed impertinent description, “Australia’s National Poet.”
From Gordon, the Englishman writing about Australia in an English way, to Kendall, the Australian writing about Australia in an English way; thence to Lawson and Paterson, the Australians writing about Australia in an Australian way, is the evolution of our indigenous culture. This evolution, in a general way, went on, in the works of Australian writers, or writers in Australia, throughout the whole of the nineteenth century, the process of Australian self-definition gradually becoming more clarified, until, with Paterson’s and Lawson’s work, it could be seen plainly that Australian literature proper was beginning to stand on its own feet.
To dissect these two elements, the indigenous and the imported, from Australian literature, is a fascinating task, worthy of a book in itself.
In the broadest sense, Australian literature comprises everything written in Australia, or about Australia, or by Australians—everything from Captain Cook’s log to D. H. Lawrence’s Kangaroo; but this definition would be very wide indeed. Visitors to Australia, in addition to Captain Cook, D. H. Lawrence, Adam Lindsay Gordon, and Professor Cowling, have been numerous and frequently very distinguished. Charles Darwin, Henry Kingsley, Orion Horne, Havelock Ellis are notable visiting Englishmen who have contributed to the literature of Australia in the widest sense of the term. Marcus Clarke is another visiting Englishmen. Can it be presumed that these visitors ever saw Australia through Australian eyes? I think not. They were Englishmen abroad, in foreign parts; England was home to them—Australia was merely an interesting. foreign colony. But to Lawson and Paterson Australia was home, the native land. They had no other native land.
Henry Lawson (or Larsen) was of Scandinavian extraction, and to such a man, born in Australia, the European tie is irrevocably severed. Such a man will fight passionately for his Australian nationality. He has no direct sentimental tie with England. Australia is his only motherland and home. Even though his ancestors, of a thousand years ago, may have raped, raided, plundered, colonised, and settled England, Ireland, and Scotland, and put the red-headed spirit of adventure into the British race—even though he be a direct descendant of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes—he has no lively interest in his present-day collateral cousins, no vicarious “home” and “motherland” in the British Islands. Australia is home to him, the only motherland. If Australia is not a nation, then he belongs to no nation. This same feeling arises in the second and third generation of Australian-born, no matter what their ancestry, whether it be English, Irish, Scots, or Chinese. England is “home” to the first-generation English immigrants to Australia, and sometimes by legend to their children. But to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Australia is the only convincing homeland. The pretty legend that England is “home” to all Australians arises from a figure of speech, or a habit of speech rather than from any reality of thought.
In denying that England is, in contemporary reality, “home” to the Australian-born, I insist and reiterate that I am not arguing politics, imperial or otherwise. I am seeking a basis for indigenous culture in Australia, for a state of mind from which Australian culture can emerge. One of my model Australians, Banjo Paterson, is, I believe, a convinced imperialist in politics. There is no reason why a good Australian should not consider it expedient for Australia to remain forever in the political-economic-military alliance called the British Empire. England would not try to keep us in by force if we ever wished to secede. This question does not, at the moment, arise. The point is that, on the basis of nationality, of theoretical equality in nationhood with all the other nations of the earth, within or without the British Empire, we must find our own culture and define it; we cannot suck pap forever from the teats of London.
native to the soil, circumstance and people of Australia. A People, culture and worldview forged in this land and unique to this land
“‘All white men who come to these shores—with a clean record—and who leave behind them the memory of class distinctions and the religious differences of the old world … are Australian. In this regard all men who leave the tyrant-ridden land of Europe for freedom of speech and right of personal liberty are Australians before they set foot on the ship which brings them hither … No nigger, no Chinaman, no lascar, no kanaka, no purveyor of cheap coloured labour is an Australian.’”
J. F. Archibald, The Bulletin 1887
>(((religious differences)))
Ah, multiculturalism.
t.ethnocentric yuropoor applying that logic to colonies.
absolute D&C shitdcunt shill fuck off
I'm an Anglo-Saxon Australian. Four generations. Swing and a miss.
It's just sad to see people push for a fairy tale Nation and hurting British Nationalism.
British nationalism is for deadset faggots
The Victorian Parliament, in 1855, and the NSW Parliament, in 1861, passed laws to restrict the massive influx of Chinese immigration. These laws were not disallowed by the British Government, although Britain’s then Colonial Secretary, Lord Carnarvon, was not pleased – and stated “that exceptional legislation, intended to exclude from any part of Her Majesty’s dominions the subjects of a State at peace with Her Majesty, is highly objectionable in principle”. Later on, as the influx of Chinese abated, these laws were then found to be unnecessary and were therefore repealed.(122)
In 1876 the Queensland Parliament passed a Bill to amend the Gold Fields Act of 1874 which levied a higher gold licence fee upon Asians – in order to discourage their immigration into Australia. The British-appointed Governor of Queensland reserved the Bill, and the British Government supported his actions – thus the Bill did not become law.(123)
In 1896 an intercolonial conference was held where the question of Chinese immigration was discussed, whereupon the colonies decided that “the further restriction of Chinese immigration is essential to the people of Australasia”. Accordingly, during 1896, Coloured Races Restriction Bills were passed in New South Wales, South Australia, and Tasmania (and an Asiatic Restriction Bill in New Zealand). These Bills were reserved, and “did not receive Her Majesty’s assent”; hence, they did not become law.(124)
In December 1900, the Queensland parliament passed an amendment to the Sugar Works Guarantee Act 1893 to 1895 which would stop the employment of any “natives of Asia, Africa, or of the Pacific Islands” in any sugar mill subsidised by the Government. This Bill was reserved for the Royal Assent, which the British Government refused to give; and so, the Bill did not become law.(125)
It was known that the Australian people were determined to stop Asiatic immigration, so in 1897 the Japanese Government specially asked that an effort should be made to induce the Australasian Colonies to adopt the same course as the Government of Natal, and thus “in deference to these representations Mr Chamberlain once more brought the question before the Colonies”.(126)
Joseph Chamberlain, Britain’s Secretary of State for the Colonies, therefore suggested to the Australian colonies that they copy the Immigration Restriction Act of 1897 that had been passed in Natal (South Africa). This law could be used to stop non-European immigration in a “roundabout” fashion, by admitting only those who could pass a dictation test – which could be given to non-Europeans in a foreign language so that they would fail, and therefore could not enter Australia as migrants.(127)
This Natal Act tactic, was opposed by many Australians for being “underhand”; but, faced with Britain’s opposition to the specific exclusion of non-Europeans, this was the only course open to the Australian parliaments (unless they were to declare some form of republican independence). Therefore, Natal-like immigration laws were passed by several Australian colonies.
In your opinion.
go back to England you pommie faggot
Huh, that sounds more like your true colours, but no I will not.
You're just Statists trying to meme a non-British nation into existence but the further you push away British values the more foreign and unfamiliar your imaginary land sounds.
If you're not an Australian, go back to Britain
lol imagine being an angloid
So you don't know the difference between Nation, State or Citizen.
Sounds about right.
Give back the paddle board you thieving brown cunt
Four generations, born native to the soil. You still don't identify as an Australian you must be an absolute urbanite retord
Nativism is fucking gay lol
The crown has only ever benefited Australia we just support the crown at all costs
haha ok faggot not an argument
Swing and a fucking miss.
I identify as an Australian citizen, and all the responsibilities that such entails, a citizen of the state known as the Commonwealth of Australia and am proud of how it is a part of the great British Nation. Of course I am, it's the greatest Nation on earth.
A separate and distinct Australian culture has been identifiable from the mid-1800s. The late 1800s saw it in full bloom. Over the years, patriots have had to face the question of an Australian nationality emerging from the colonial era; we therefore have had to face the confused issue of our British past. Australia’s relationship with its “Motherland” has given birth to both Anglophilia and Anglophobia (although, in recent years, the problem has all but vanished, and Australianism is the norm). The Anglophile element has always been anxious to deny the very existence of an Australian national culture and an Australian People. Any Australian sentiment in politics or economics was likewise blackened as “subversive” and – instead – a doctrine of dependence was propagated. Today – when Britain claims no power over Australia – this element, through a number of Conservative groups, continues to deprecate the emergence of an Australian cultural identity, as they believe that just the existence of this nativist identity constitutes an attack on “our British Heritage”.
However; Australian Nationalists, rather than being overawed by the promotion of “our British Heritage”, have come to recognise that there are actually several main aspects to our national heritage:
Australian identity is British we are the new Britain hail Britain
It's sad but you may be absolutely right.
I feel you really mean White Nationalist
Nationalism without a people isn't Nationalism.
The British people of Australia don't have to like the State governing the British Isles but that doesn't change who they are. Unless you have some evidence of some insane freak genetic mutation that occurred in the mid 1800s
I’m a U.S. citizen who just moved to Aussie for school. Your country is so fucked. Worse than America. The only culture shock I experienced was not even being able to carry a simple weapon in self defense. I gotta take up martial arts so I don’t get fucked up by Sudanese gangs. How did that happen? I like the Asian girls though.
We're predominantly British by blood yes. But a nation is not just blood, it's culture too - and as such the cultural development native to the soil of Australia has forged a new nation; the Australians
a British descent by blood, and old cultural traditions taking new form in the time and circumstance of Australia
Are you in Melbourne? Might want to consider a change of city/state
Don't bother, self-defence is shat on by the law here
Ah, Civic Nationalism. Good luck with that.
Yes, and of all the States within the British Nation, Australia is the fairest due to our new form. It's fucked what's going on in Britain
Why are you post that Lebbo Cunt
I'd take Lebbos over the sudanese any day
learn to speak fucking english you stupid cunt
Who even the fuck are you cunt I bet your some wot
Native to the soil mate. Not a wog; British descent
okay, wog
you wish you had chad wog genes faggot
We're so fucked
Melbourne is poz capital of the world. Gotta escape the cities to find memories of real Australia.
Australia is the best positioned country in the world to be self sufficient (as much as is reasonably possible), yet we're reliant on the chinese, the mutts and importing foreign workers.
When the fuck are they going to publicly hang Niall Blair to set an example for the bureaucrats?
For any anons interested in a possible tavistock connection to port arthur (and a conspiracy kino website)
I came across this looking for an article about an armed mob scaring the shit out of menzies, but couldn't come across.
by reliant you mean the jewish politicians, lobby groups, corporations and media have brow beaten you into accepting foreign workers rather than train and pay australians what the market says they are worth.
Like every other "civilized" country, under attack from jewish psychological warfare operatives.
certainly, and the funny thing is the push for us to be globalised (which means polluting a lot more than we would if we were self suffient) are the Greens
It was such a shit quality pic I thought it was a boong
fun fact I think in some states you can be fined if a burgler hurts himself in your house
The future is too dark for me
There's a reason they're called watermelons m8. Depopulation (of the third world would be best) is the only effective environmentalist position.
While they are from the Mediterranean they're not Meds, they're Celtic
never heard that one, unless you're refering to the Sudanese
also have this
Really? Because they're Green on the outside and Red on the inside
We're talking about the Castille Spaniards right?
Northern Spain is definitely "celtic"/gaullic
What are Portuguese then
Ah, though they do suck Capitalist dick quite hard, but hey isn't that most "Socialists"
Zig Forums is a bit high strung imo. They've got that yank fervor that fires you up or grinds you down. You gotta embrace the 'No worries, too easy' lifestyle or you'll go nuts
Starbucks Socialists
Caught in between their iPhones, Soylent and neoMarxism
You're right, Australia is a fair beaut, she'll be right
Pity he's half leb
cunt we need a better name, I mean are starbucks even a fucking thing here
It's why he's anti jew tbh :^)
They all went bankrupt like 10 years ago
Is he anti jew? I knew I liked him for a reason.
He's definitely pro gun and anti fag
I don't think he fully is but he seems to support a lot of things he's against, and remember he let Anning stay in the party after "the final solution" thing so at a minimum he's not a ScoMo tier kike dick licker
I met the guy once and there was a lot to like about him, for a politician. There was never even a hint of being JQwoke. Though he may just be hiding his power level, as I doubt it's possible to be in politics that long without knowing about the jews.
If you've never heard of them it might be worth looking into the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia. It probably ticks a few of your Zig Forumsfag boxes
eh there always is misdirection mate, maybe he things the big bad is just an Abo behind Joondalup Dan Murphy's taking dexies
See the thing is I actually heavily support abos getting their own ethnostate
Even one of the hags from studio 10 defends him, he's just a nice guy.
Apologies for pic related
I've got nothing against that but in practical terms I don't think it'd work. I believe there is a way to harness them in a productive manner and everybody would be better off for it. I don't see why we need Ranjeesh driving a taxi when Merv could.
I also don't support the CEC but I think most of aus/pol/ has never heard of them
Forgot to attach the pic of old joe
And wasn't that fucking glorious?
Would you feel safe with an abo behind the wheel?
I personally think that as the first they should at least have some land that they get their say on
the issue would be getting them behind the wheel and not siphoning sniff, but once they're on you're set since a being whose 50% petrol is bound to be the perfect driver
Sure I'd squeeze into his VL commodore before I'd get into a taxi with Lo Pang behind the wheel
Like a reservation system or full on sovereign nation? I just see it ending in tears really
Full on Sovereign since they have much more right over Australia then Israel does, give them North West WA or something
I meant than China should
fuck me I'm on the goon
Granted Abo-Land should be based on the Israel model
Think you should worry more about chinksects than jews m8
The chinks are only a problem because the kikes and boomers let them in.
even if our last PM was literally Jewish and our current one is a massive Shabos goy