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kike free first post
Macron Decapitation.
It's not original french, but
here's some zoglings doing what zoglings do
Behead the ZOG
Thread theme:
egg macron.
hardboiled, deviled, scrambled.
this will not stop until macron eat's a bowl of eggs at the roundtable of frenchman
The real question is, should Macron's head be hung and from which gate?
Good, good! Keep fighting!
I think the shills are trying new tactics.. I dont see any fucking nose within this thread..
Keep it up you fucking frogs, i'll never talk shit about you again!
Macron said the boxer "doesn't sound like a gypsy" and that his lawyer was from the "extreme left". He's scared.
That's a shitty crop. Please post original.
Turnout has been declining slowly for the past four weeks (I get my figures from the independent French police union). I don't want to blackpill but people seem to be losing hope that peaceful protests will get them anywhere. The rogue government is not backing down. With that in mind I believe the time is ripe for yellow vest leadership to employ new tactics and strike where it hurts worst.
Peaceful protests were never going to work. It's all about black-pilling the normies. On both sides of the political spectrum.
in another thread turnout started decreasing when macron offered his fake negotiations and someone said that participation would probably return again in march once the stalling talks were over. is there any truth to this?
Looks like kosher sandnigger Soros got antifa to start attacking yellow vests.
Hearing about full on clashes and attacks happening between #antifa and the #yellowvests Does anyone know why this is becoming more common in Paris now? #GiletsJaunes #Acte12 #ActeXII
To be fair, it is winter
To be fair it’s been winter
It will be easier for the jews to get their favorite color golem to fuck things up when the weather gets warmer.
Who want to taste water canon during winter? Who want to lost his eye or hand?
I am suprised they even protest for 10 or 11 weeks in row. If you would tell me about this 2 years ago, i would say it is nice joke. Whites protesting? Impossible.
Cuckchan refugees have never been exposed to the yellow vests, and are likely to disregard them. They're here to have fun and throw shit at each other, not really caring about real world politics.
Shills go for the slide, lately. They ignore good threads like yellow vests and stand your ground, propping up useless shit.
so when is the smoke going to turn the heavens dark?
Checkeroni und kekkeroni baloni poni
Are you serious? How can they not know about this by now?
Have you bern to cuckchan recently? Its absolute shit, its like a combo of /r9k/ and /tv/.
People losing their naivete isn't a blackpill, its a whitepill.
wtf i love Macron now
its a blackpill as far as I see it , black isnt pessimist here … its honest.
Honesty is efficient. You could say that all the hope without honesty is a "black" pill as farm as pessimism
The thing is this type of stuff is not really conscious … its a chemical reaction very much like what happens in the body.
Its natural and god always wins
Here’s a little .png for you brave froggies to use for your propaganda in coming weeks/months…
Bon courage!
It goes in the top of the Louvre. All masons bankers etc should get their turn at the top of the pyramid.
What are their class perks and feats?
Bring Macron
My salvadorian maid has a yellow vest.
Reminder that the french apparently are settling on 8ch, they're hundreds, and they're lusting for blood. Kike blood
Nothing has ever happened in the past few weeks. this has grown into a boomer meme
a lot of streams right now, i've decided to multi-stream
maybe, but if you can't muster the strength to break the skull, was it fruitless in the end? Also one of the streamers is claiming a bunch of people have `masked up`
Your goal must be the killing of all jews in your country.
Never stop before that is accomplished.
anyone got a pic of the police officer splitting blood
Guy picked up a flashbang and is now missing his hadn
Someone lost his fucking hand
Wild shit dude. Not being covered anywhere in the US in any detail.
Good luck Frogs.
Do they not have guns there?
lol, dumbass. Yellow vests are literally controlled opposition. They pose no physical threat to the ZOG whatsoever, and so they’ve been allowed to blow off steam.
This kike's pants are more yellow than their vests.
You mean their opposition to the state is controlled, they haven't dehumanized enough to raid the No-Go Muslim zones for weapons.
They pose a lot of threat to ZOG, and exactly why even Zig Forums mods barely allow talks about them.
The current YV situation is exactly what they fear most. No leader. No way to pacify without coming off at the aggressor. Refer back to the US Civil War chart and realize right now, France is in it. If one of these days, the Police open up and kill more than 2-4 in a single incident on a single day, any mercy for Police will be gone. Add the fuel to the fire that these are the same cops who protect Mudslimes, and that's all you need for the worst optics ever. Following an incident like this, YV needs to storm a TV studio, broadcast a call to arms nation-wide live on a captured news set, and spark the keg.
Police & security forces then and there have the choice to defect or stand on treasonous ground.
It is just retarted shill. They don't care about facts. Just to post some shit and run away and switch IPs. Hasbara pigs.
YV is first real European revolution since 1989 fall of USSR.
burn the banks
Wouldn't want us to learn there are other ways of getting things done.
If coopting the movement has to be done this weakly, im not sure what to think anymore. Seems like they wont be able to find a unifying handle on things. This pleases me.
Burn banks after whipping (((bankers))) with the (((bankers))) still inside them.
yeah non-violent only does so much against people who are actively trying to eliminate and replace you. in Czarist russia prisoner hunger strikes were very effective but when communists took over and starvation became a national past time it didnt get you anywhere but dead. Just remember when going up against this same group of individuals(central bankers) Jesus (aka The Prince of Peace) effectivly went full on indiana jones and kicked ass.
I'll just leave this here.
Literally using foreign women to assault the indigenous French.
Good catch. You probably know. but it's nothing new. (((They))) have always used foreign mercenaries.
I don't know about you but I don't understand what they want now. Taxes were reduced… I rented apartment in Paris
I read somewhere that the anti-riot trucks have UN flags on them instead of the frog flag.
I would get such a raging hard on if they rolled out one of the historic guillotines for Marcon. It would put the fear of God in anyone running for office that execution by public mob beheading is always a possibility in France.
The museum realizes it get stolen so much that they have to have a special curator who goes out with it to maintain it and attempt to protect it. Like they have a portable little tent for it to keep UV and rain off. Protests are going on and he's just talking about the history of the ting with protesters. They are chopping off someone's head and he's just sitting there getting shots for the museum archives and with the proper cleaning supplies like, "Don't use bleach it will stain the wood. Don't forget to return it to Such&Such street when you're done so it can be enjoyed by future protesters."
Like it becomes a family profession to be a curator for this thing. Like those fancy butlers. They train to go without food for days and fight and handle being in a mob just to track and protect it. Most of them just talk about it in the museum but every other generation or so the family gets a great new story and their grand kid ends up talking about how their grandfather was actually there for some such event, secretly enthusiastic because he longs to live up to his legacy and have a chance to do his duty some day. He sees some protest growing on the mindVid and gets excited.
I hope it stays a tradition forever.
They will do the same thing what they did to the kike-right. They will get some Spencer lookalike to pretend is the leader and then completely destroy him. Demoralize the movement, just as they are demoralizing Zig Forums on daily basis.
The concept of, "If you have a large enough table, why not share?" is the logic to import millions more brown people that turn Paris into a shithole like Hati. They have been raped and murdered more in the last 5 years then the last 50. Everyone is nervous about it, no one can talk about it, and as long as the state had tones of money it was continuing.
Turns out they are fucking broke. They don't have a big table to share. The state was putting new taxes on lower and middle class people to pay for inviting in the 3rd world. So people protested. They can't afford these actions and it's disgusting and dialog has been shut down.
Then it escalated with several cases of police brutality. There were about a dozen cases where zogbots beat healthy young men and women into being cripples. No due process, no evidence that it was deserved, and sometimes videos proving how helpless someone was as they got beat.
The protests got bigger and the solution was a half ass reduction in some of the taxes but the lives of most yellow vests are ruined and Marcon still wants to being in 10 million more brown people. Some (((Schollars))) even suggested turning the country into two states, one for refugees that could be an official Muslim caliphate, and the other France as we knew it. But one of those sides would have to keep taking in refugees, because their shrinking poor population clearly still has so much extra to share.
Make no mistake, this movement is connected to the immigration, just no one can talk about it as you already know. The state proposed solutions turn whites into a marginalized group that gets taxed into slavery until they become a tiny remnant. This is madness and the ultimate betrayal leaders can have on their people. Folks aren't stupid. This is like the civil war in Germany after WW1. Let's pray that the Jews don't win.
Off with MArcon's head!
Happy to see that even after the US government shutdown ended to fund the shipment of antifa over there and shoot an eye out from the yellow vests leader, there are still not only thousands protesting but kicking antifa's ass. And Trump thinks he can take on countries who haven't been demoralized by decades of judeo-capitalism like China and Iran? He's out of his mind.