Reparations (to own the libs)

For decades Dems have got the nigger vote via promising gibs. They leap-frogged the GOP "equal rights" bs.

Have you noticed that the most Liberal White and "fellow White" neighborhoods are not very diverse? Cali is like 2% Black. There are enough Blacks to populate 5 states, but they are majority in none.

If we "Diversify" them by shipping a caravan 2.0 of niggers from 50% Black Georgia, Michigan, Illinois, suddenly they're Red again. What's more, once they arrive, gibs are mostly payed at a STATE level. The New Californians would have the votes to rule over the shitlibs with an iron fist. Either the shitlibs get enriched or the nogs get pozzed. It's win/win!

Now imagine Dems fighting this idea in public. They'd look like Dinesh D'souza's wet dream.

Also a single lump sum for nigs making Aliyah to Africa under a Black Right of Return could help us. That's a separate idea though. Happy Black History Month.

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solid idea but honestly user, how would you accomplish this.

We gotta sell it to the GOP first. They understand Demographics, just can't say it publicly.

Niggers love the idea. One of them actually GAVE me the idea. He was a based Hotep.

You can actually make a pretty simple cash budget on this.

The state that wants to offer reparations merely needs to calculate the average lifetime cost of a nig to the state. The average is like $700,000 if you include federal.

Boom. There's your budget. Pays for itself in one lifetime.

Blacks must pay whites reparations for 50 years of illegal and unconstitutional Affirmative Action. If they don't have the money to pay up front then they can work it off at some place that uses unskilled labor, like a cotton farm.

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If blacks are your concern you should keep an eye on the abortion issue. See slaughtering babies to Moloch is evil and all, but imagine the jews stop financing the left, and the abortion laws are getting kicked to the curb by overexcited right winger. 40% of all abortions are from Blacks, 30% from Latinos.That's a shit ton of unwanted non white kids on welfare. What I'm trying to say is this…don't fall for the jewish trick of brother wars. The liberal left wing as you see them now, will be sitting in their own piss once the economy crashes and the blood flows through the streets.

we should also adopt black babies and bring them to our friends and family for them to become red pilled as well

They already get reparations. Blacks are a drag on the state, they cost a tremendous amount over their lifetime, but whites are net payers into the system.

Pic related, already true.

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That's how we got into this mess. Make sure the farm is in a foreign country. Preferably Africa.

You REALLY see the people voting for open borders as fellow Whites and want to protect them from diversity while preserving your own diversity?

Who's the shill now?

user theyre not even cost effective when you calculate room and board or feeding them. Then you need to actually lord over them because they wont work for shit.
Just getting rid of diversity alone in and of itself lifts such a burden that whites in america might see the sun again in their lifetimes.

niggers wont move back to cali because they were pushed out by spics through gang organized terrorist type acts such as firebombing nigger neighborhoods in south L.A. and targting niggers that refused to leave for execution, all under the direction of central and south american orgnized crime cartels. cali is lost unless we genocide all the spics and niggers there

Good idea.

Back to kikechan moshe.

I mean convincing all the Nigs to go to Cali is genius. But you forget the Taquitos ran them out in the first place.

Fuck that, I want them gone.

So why don't they support controlling mass migration of shitskins into the USA?

Because they want that. They hate white people too.

The idea is good OP. The real problem is on our side though. How do we separate right wing whites from leftist whites so only leftist areas get enriched? If you haven't noticed, leftist whites flee their commuities and ruin ours. How do we stop these subhuman traitors fron doing this? Califags ruining other states is an example of this. I say we propose capital controls. Whites leaving blue areas have a tax of 90% on their assets. This prevents them from being able to buy property in red states. Call it the "Stopping White Flight" bill.

cali is fucked as long as the 9th circuit is pozzed.

If you can point to one single study that shows niggers and spics give a single shit about laws or licencing, you might have a point. Otherwise, banning abortion really means banning white abortion, not nigger abortion, which is why the kikes are full court pressing it now.

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Nigger, we know for a fact that this isn't true. And even if it was, why do want leftist whites to have kids? Politics is heritable to an extent. You are here so you should have no problems killling traitors and niggers, but when they are killed in the womb, you have a problem?

Do it. How do we make this habben?

No, Alexandria, it's "like" 7%. And over 10% in major cities.
Reparations? If anyone deserves reparations it is White people for having their nations destroyed by kikes.
Sage because stupid thread is stupid.

You don't really get it yet, do you? As a white person in current year, you have no friends in the US government. The whole thing is corrupt and rotten to the core, and every bit of it is against you, your family, and your interests. Any attempt to infiltrate and change things will be met with nothing but hostility on both sides. The Republicans aren't dumb. They see what's going on, and they're helping the enemy! The Republicans are just Democrats driving the speed limit. They keep the white population still and pacified by providing the illusion of a two party system, while the communist Democrats steamroll over white civilization and do their damnedest to kill us all.

The one and only solution is the final one. None of this will come to an end until we drag these rats kicking and screaming into the streets and blow their heads off. Anyone with any meaningful power within the US government right now is a traitor. They are complicit in the plot to destroy us. All of them need to be violently purged, along with their families. Snuff out their bloodlines.

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I have ideas about this. End all section 8 and build public housing. Massive amounts, Stupendous amounts and all of them in pro diversity States. Mass produce them like the Chinese company "The Broad Group". They can build a mass produced 30 story building in 15 days. Move the Negros into the public housing in the Diversity districts. Win.

Then to cap the whole thing off promise reparations to Blacks. 40 acres and a mule…maybe $250,000, but, they have to move to Africa. The catch is we do it in payments. $50,000 for any she-boon and $50,000 for each kid UP FRONT. $25,000 per year after til it's paid. They have sign up to move to Africa to get the money. Hire every crooked shill and advertising company on the planet to brainwash them to take the cash. How many she-boons do you think could pass up $50, $100, $150 thousand cash? They would of course think they can welsh on the deal later but we won't let them. We build apartments, just like here, super fast in Liberia then round them up and ship them out. The beauty of it is the ones with the least time preference will all be shipped. The Negros with any sense would stay here and get nothing. Those we could get along with easier. End all affirmative action with the reparations in a package deal.

Yeah, gone or no deal. I am sick of nigger daycare on a state level. They can never pay us back for everything they have cost us. Hundreds of thousands of us dead, over a million raped, and they have cost us trillions. Whole rival superpowers would be toppled by a fraction of what these things cost us. Why do we have to keep pretending like they can be our equals? I think we've excessively proven that they are not.

They need to be physically deported back to Africa and all foreign aid to them canceled. But there is still the problem that they will destroy all the resources in Africa in a short time if they cannot be contained, so I suggest a sort of catch neuter and release policy like we have for stray cats.

We do not win by shoving niggers into the only mostly white areas left. Fuck you and your gay ass plan. Helping the Kike infested Republicans win more elections so they can keep ignoring the pressing demographic shifts is not real high on my priorities anymore. They have failed to protect us, and the demographic shift from the south will mean republicans never win again. By destroying our strongholds you can buy an extra couple of years tops. After that the republicans will never wield power again and conservatives will have failed in ever conceivable capacity.

Protect our race first now. The niggers and the spics all need to get the fuck out.

It's a start by stopping the plague of locust destruction of White areas by section 8. However weak it is a plan that works for us. It forces the people whose Representatives worship diversity to live with that decision. The high rise public housing will be built in their territory. Right now it's spread everywhere and Negros like to move to White areas which they promptly destroy. It stops the bleeding.

The second part allows them to voluntarily deport themselves.

I just don't see "race war now" happening at this time. I also don't think it's necessary. We can still control things by limiting voting. The Supreme court has said that you can't limit voting by pol taxes or intelligence test but Congress has the explicit right to limit the Supreme court to deciding on these cases…if they would only do so.

I don’t get why the butt hurt over reparations? Blacks were slaves for hundreds of years. All that work went into the pockets of white people, where it collected interest.
Blacks could be paid reperations and white would be no worse for wear.

Why do they have to move to Africa? When are white people going to move back to Europe? Don’t you all want an ethnostate? You practically got one already, just head back to the mothership.

"…Why do they have to move to Africa? When are white people going to move back to Europe?..,"

Whites fought for the USA. We should keep it. We need the territory. Do you know how big Africa is?? It's massive. Europe is very small and why should we be pushed into a small territory.

"…Blacks were slaves for hundreds of years…"

By numbers 40% of all slave holders were Jewish. The Jews should pay reparations.