The soyim are now using robotic assistance to open their soylent

The soyim are now using robotic assistance to open their soylent.
What are the political implications of soyim using robotics to augment their strength??

Also, general thread on weak, soyfueled men and the problems they create for society.

Attached: 551c2afb92a0922467572bcc24b361b965b3c5e919dd010cf7bcce399f21ee76.jpg (800x450 25.44 KB, 2M)

That has to be the gayest application of technology that I have seen. On the plus side, when the final war comes, this will be the enemy.

They will be fatty and provide both meat and oil for our lamps. But mostly oil.

Daily Reminder: Mark, head rabbi of /v/ has sent nudes to his real life gay friends and they have been leaked to 8ch.

Attached: only to a gay friend.png (1600x1200 7.01 KB, 811.46K)

I guarantee you're as pathetic as the "dude" in OP. Probably like Randy Stair except with a nazi fetish.

Reminder that, while Mark is a disgusting fat kike, those pictures are fake. Mark is way hairier than that anyway.

Yea, thats oldish news, but its important new-fags know about this.

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Attached: A499E2A4-8C96-4597-A06C-1F78CC0D9EF7.jpeg (1002x857, 55.41K)

true to that

Attached: mark the beautiful hambeast.jpg (2048x1152 66.22 KB, 164.28K)

This was always the endgame. TMNT knew all along.

Attached: krang.png (339x287, 193.5K)

Wrong, those pictures are from when Mark was 18. The ones posted here are more recent from when he is much older. Also, he stopped shaving himself after he stopped hanging around gay bars when he was younger.
I agree though that he grew hair on his chest.