Germanic Conformism/Moral Authoritarianism

Why do so many Germanic People exhibit this kind of conformist Autism? I am German and the stereotypes about Germany like avoidance of open Rebellion, Conformity (see what Napoleon said about us) seem to be true.

Sometimes I think whether this comes from it actually being true or our countries having the highest number of Non-NPCs, who notice this kind of thing and call it out, while it would be seen as just typical human behavior in other countries.

You have Swedes going over an icey, muddy lane, while ignoring the free and unused bike lane.
At the same time they have no problem with letting Migrants break their rules in a hundred different ways. From not paying taxes (Germany cannot properly audit foreign restaurants for example), making the streets dirty, raping, killing, etc.
This shows that we are not really moral. It's just conformity. Look up Germany in Google Maps. Now switch to Google Street View.
As you can see even countries like Belarus have full access to Street View, while our German Autism about Privacy chased Google off. Seems like many are content to let the world do whatever it likes, as long as they have freedom inside their mind.

Why are we this way? I can see potential for it being used, once we gain power or at least once our views have become the Mainstream and anyone else deviating from this gets shamed as we do now.

But what untill then? Why can't we be more like Latins? Like the French, who love Revolution. Granted, it was pretty disappointing, they only rise up, because of boomer welfare reasons, but still. This would be unimagine in Germany.

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stopped reading there

Remindes me of this

It's telling though, if one of most important countries in the world doesn't have street view, because we are autistic as fuck about Privacy.

just shows that your not 3rd world monkeys.

Post nudes or fuck off you wanker

please go back

Northern "germanic" Europeans (even the English) are just like that. Similar to the Japanese. It works pretty well when there aren't outsiders like kikes and various other shitskins shitting up the system of trust.

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If you say so. What about the other markers or our Autism? What's your verdict?

Why do Germanics almost never seem to revolt and be extremely obedient and conformist?

No, that would derail this thread, if not get it banned.

Since QTDTOT is full and you're German, can you tell me where to download Hitler speeches with German closed captions? A torrent would be ideal.

I'm sure there are many on Youtube. Just go on Hooktube. It gives you the option to download the video or watch it uncensored.

Also make sure you have Proxytube installed.

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goebbels speeches with captions would be good too

fucking retard, it's not like it is hard to walk in a little snow unless you are some southern dipshit…
Why don't you go lie down on an "unused" traintrack.

I can't find any big collections with German subtitles. They've all got English subs, or are are short one-off vids with English subs. I guess I need to learn enough German to do better internet searches for it. Thanks anyways.

Why don't they have a smaller blacktop for walking? If they are going to be sticklers for rule following they should also fix the problems caused by rule following.

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Why not turn it in your favor?

Get a bunch of guys together, speak so every sentence is full of subtle redpills, make it almost like a game. Then, peer pressure the other germans to doing it too.

do you know why india and china will be the first nations to implement cashless? i believe farm animals were the first to adopt rfid tags.

Brainwashing fucked them up.
Fucking the wrong enemy fucked them up also.

Fucking stop using this blanket term/jew-pillpushing pseudo-"condition".

Can you people start learning adjectives?

Are you from northern Germany, OP?
The whole bovine obedience I think is more of a northern German phenomenon.

Southern Germans, especially teens, would be more likely to not give a shit about the bike trail and would just get out of the way if they heard a bike approaching.

Moralists have always been braindead conformists, OP. They're the type of people who think its evil for man to kill but don't question it if its the governments will.

NRW, but 3 of my 4 grandparents came from Eastern Germany.

Doesn't work. The lizard brain knows, when it's just a mnority doing it, which make them identify this as a cult-like behavior.

Pretty sure you will take it as offense but I and many other people who worked with Germans noticed that you're extremely bipolar.
Your fellow Germans can't stop sucking cocks. You need to either suck on Merkel's weiner, or on dead Hitler balls because you can't fucking stand modesty.
Every single god damn german I've met in my whole life is either an absolute merkel followin white genocidin, nation hatin, refugee lettin, guilt feelin NPC
Hitler praisin, holocaust denyin, slav dehumanizin, aryan worshipin, goebbels listenin faggot who thinks that Hitler and nazis could do no wrong.

Spoken that,I know where I am, and that many of you are the second tier, letting your passion overtake your sane approach but for me it's as suicidal as the first option. Absolute obedience to master, no matter what ideology, is a foolish thing ,and germans perfected obedience to unreal level.

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Because they've been trained for a high-trust society without the corresponding ruthlessness and intolerance of outsiders and foreign moral/cultural norms. See .

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No offense taken. I agree with you.

There are a few other Germans like me, who used to be Ex-Libertarian.
Although I admit, on Zig Forums deutsch/pol/ I am pretty much alone with being an Ex-Libertarian. At least when I used to be active there. On Kohlchan it's not that much better. Most of them are casually on the second side. Not the "frothing at the mouth" variant though. But I am very disappointed about how few Bernds on Kohlchan know anything about stuff that happens outside Germany. Very uninformed.

Germans are very anti-libertarian. They really hate any libertarian position. They don't know a lot about it, except it's "american capitalist insanity from overseas".

Bui I don't agree with your "there are only 2 Germans" experience. A lot of us, the casual Normie even doesn't agree with mass-immigration, refugees and all that. But they are just completly uninformed, energieless and rather disloyal to any political movement that wasnts to change that, because that would be too much commitment.

Just fucking kill yourself, you don't belong here and you'll never belong here

I belive that under shell of blind obedience there is some personal identity.
I as a Pole am kinda conflicted, I absolutely hate immigrants and would support strong,independent Germany ,proud of it's culture and people. But I know that if actual nazis will take over my country will be reduced to lebensraum and your brethren will kill me and my children.
I would love to live in Europe of brethren nations, where no one parasites on another,but it doesn't seem to be an option in the picture.

This same thing makes the Germanics the most terrifying people in the world. When ruled by traitors and pacifists they will be seen as a weak and cowardly people; but give them a warmonger and they become the most blood-thirsty and destructive force on the planet. The most glorious thing is that they can do both things at once. Look at the British at the height of their Empire; simultaneously a people ruled by manners and etiquette, and also a people ready to genocide any who might even in a small way hinder their ascension. So too with the Prussians, and then again with Hitler's Third Reich. We are a people so concerned with justice, which we perceive to be imbued entirely within law (for that was its original purpose); that we can wholly dedicate ourselves to something in a way that no other set of peoples can. It does take our people a little longer most of the time, which is also why so many Germanic ideals centre around free-thinking and open debate; because without it we become dedicated to lies and perform horrors on a scale unimaginable in any other society.

That desire for justice is still there though, do not be mistaken. Social 'justice' is how the jews poisoned the Germanic; they portrayed vice as virtue, with small truths about 'unfairness' giving a veneer of reality to their more absurd claims. The people are not stupid though; they are waking up to the truths all around them, and their hearts are turning to stone. The wrath of awakened Saxon is an apt poem for it rightly describes this occurrence, even if its context is in opposition to your views. Slowly, slowly our people's eyes are opened; they are not willing to stir things up prematurely, they are aware that they may have made a mistake; but all the while a hatred grows within them, a hatred that lets them; nay, encourages them to be as brutal and destructive as possible in the pursuit of restoring order and justice.

The masses are waking up, and all they need is a single leader to sanction their righteous slaughter. The world trembles when our people decide that the time for peace is over. The Franks decisively changed the balance of power. The British then did it again. Then the Germans. Their patience has run out; its only a matter of time before the Germanics march forth once more.

There are various reasons as to explain your complicated question. The first and foremost being North Europeans are social animals and conformism plays a huge part in species that live in a social manner. Secondly our high degree of civilization means we have learned to articulate our basic instincts in ways that are not degenerate to our society.

In my estimation it's a display of higher intelligence of first observing the problem and displaying patience and then when the limit is reached explode in an efficient, clean purge. Unlike other societies where violence is more frequent and not targeted very well. Just you wait and see, this conformism only lasts when things are looking up. It's like an exponential in certain ways, once people stop being afraid of collective punishment and are invested way too much in a certain situation, things go from normal to full scale escalation very fast. The difference being here is ruthless efficiency and a very articulated knowledge of the given problem.

We just understand the power of mass data, it's a principle.

Mostly Germanics lived under tight hierarchies where personal liberties and priviledges are intertwined with the greater central state, often manifested as the military gravitational point. So being for small state doesn't seem very Germanic in some sense, it's just that the state must be in correspondence with Germanic culture. This is probably why so few Germans had any problem with the Third Reich, he was basically an dictator like Charlemagne was. The question of course is what would Hitler his policies have been in a postwar situation where different folks require different laws.

It's pretty simple. Everyone who has an independent spirit already left Europe & the UK. They already were subject to a breeding program of docility. Essentially, they were bred to take it up the arse and shut up, by the ruling class, generally some dum fuk (((king))) or dum fuk (((priest))).

So do it in massive parallel, and concentrate on one institution at a time.

Do it all at once to one institution. People will cave. I guarantee, because this is what leftists did in the 60s all over the place and obviously it worked pretty well for them.

Germans probably would be uniquely likely to both execute it and be influenced by it, since they seem to be such naturally cooperative people.

A man never leaves his home, economy fails and reinvents itself, state become authoritarian and then become moderately free again. Fortress Europe is the motherland and if you don't like what's going on you can either run like a coward or organize for your cause.

Mostly it were opportunists and the extremely poor who went to the USA. Don't forget the Renaissance and the Enlightenment started here already debunking your overly complicated argument.

Common folks were part of the greater organism and as long as this organism was virtuous the people worked there asses off, when it grew corrupt the brave organized and the cowards ran.

You still don't get it? I am not saying that's bad, just indicative of a larger phenomenon.

Don't worry. As someone, who is actually Prussian (3 of my 4 grandparents were Prussian), I don't want to exterminate you for Lebensraum.

But a few things:
1. I don't see stock standard Eastern European Conservatism as an Ally. Just because you were poor enough to never receive Immigrants and then maintained that, doesn't make you moral. This boomer conservatism can't be an example to us. Our movement has to be transformative. We don't have your luxury of just needing to be a bit right-wing.

2. I don't want to genocide or displace Poles, but I would like to see your selfish policy of not allowing Germans to resettle in their old areas to end. When I read up on what exactly the Polish Goverment introduced, I was quite pissed.
They don't even let Germans BUY their Property back and live on it. They are prevented from owning property and using it to live there. That means Chinese-style Investing and buying up property is allowed, but People from the Bund of Vertriebene to maybe live on their old land is explicitly disallowed.
The best case scenario would be private compensation for Germans, while Poland still retains it borders. I was in Poland once to visit my Grandma and I saw a ton of abandoned buildings. I heard that one of the reasons was that rather than solving the problem of ownership, the polish goverment was fine with it just staying abandoned.

Honestly this is quite a touchy subject and I don't want to talk about it too much. For some reason there is an unreasonable amount of hatred towards Germans from Poles, even though we lost so much Land, so I never talk that much with them.

If only we had some Capitalists, who would support our cause with some money. It would be nice to be funded by someone that's on our side.
But that's the problem with the right-wing, you'd have to be very idealistic to do that. And so many of use are just blackpilled/ironic and want to watch the world burn or have no energy.

You're using the word ironic which is kind of ironic because there is a certain sense of irony behind your judgement of low energy while you your self are waiting for the venture capitalists to invest in your cause.

Nobody gives you anything for free in this world you have to make it your self. The problem with a lot of people with extreme views is that they lack any sense of common knowledge regarding diplomacy. You need certain people skills to be able to be influential and spread your ideas outside of this pool on the shit side of the web.

If you believe in something, work your ass off, formulate a plan to progress and aim high. Of course you'd have to start as a wage slave and talk to normal people. If you're too proud to do this you'll never have any chance of influencing anybody and nobody will invest in you likewise.

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Oh, I have a completly different plan for my life. I am not going into IRL Activism or party politics.

Doesn't mean I am a faggot, who morally justifies that by calling my old ideology stupid, infantile and ineffective. I just support you guys in other ways.

My ancestors were Anabaptists from Alsace-Lorraine. What the fuck are you talking about nigger?

Why does it take money to flood a place with subtle redpills via words?

The left didn't always have money.

Maybe you could end up forming little informal groups and socially supporting people who are most effective/productive at furthering the narrative. Maybe over time that could turn into financial support networks like leftists have. Just a thought.

Get your boys together and redpill your church, your school, your gun club, your gym. Treat the guys who do a good job like heroes.

Caring about privacy is an implicit revolt against mass surveillance.

The enemy successfully demoralized the germans to the core..

This is true, but its more than a need for people skills.

Our enemies are very wealthy, very powerful and not at all ashamed of doing untoward things to win. Further, they advocate, both explicitly and implicitly, against White European attempts at advocacy for their own group, because such actions, even conceptually, represent the end of their shame and guilt-induced hegemony in our lands.
Not surprisingly, they don't want that.

So, not only do you need to have 'people skills', you need to be in a position wherein its hard for the opposition to leap in and fuck you over.
Like, just as an example, being married to a Jewish woman secretly (at least to your supporters), or being a homosexual, or having a fucked up extra-marital affair with your father-in-law's wife.

Trauma from the wars and even more so, the years after plus massive foreign indoctrination. Blah, blah, blah. Don't worry, as the society crumbles they're starting to wake up. Even dummies now see that being such and such a way only works when it's all the same type of people.

Nah, he didn't. He did do some serious mind-fucking to them though.
So long as you live, and are strong, you can come back from any trauma.

The same is true of the Germans.
Get their occupiers out, get someone with tact to appeal to them in historical terms, and they will be what they always were, have always been. Its just a matter of getting the collar off the wolf.

It was all of the brave people. It was all of the creative people. It was all of the visionaries. It was all of the passionate people.

But it was very few "beautiful" people. See "Uglism":

No it was NOT dude, what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm an American and even I'm like "Get the fuck outta here!".

He was right:
That doesn't mean they were trash, mind you, it just means neither were they "the brave creative visionaries".

Yes they are wealthy but they understand what constitutes wealth. First and foremost, if we're talking about (((certain))) banking dynasties, they're very involved in communal lives and have very tight communities where they gather frequently. I'm not talking about your Eyes Wide Shut parties I'm talking about orthodox jewish communities which are very tightly knit and play a meaningful part of their lives. Which is logical to do so and if you are bitter and asocial you'll never belong to any ingroup which exponentially increased human learning and social security.

Wealthy people don't think in terms of digits on a bank, although it certainly helps, but it is nothing more than the promise of economical potential. What matters much more are your social connections and the means of be self sustainable. From this position you can grow very fast when the opportunities are right.

What I'm saying is very simple, seek a community and actively engage with them, first and foremost your family should be sacred. Secondly try to make the system work for you, being an owner of a small business brings you enormous wealth. Not the useless digits on your bank account but having the respect of your community and if you treat your workforce right you have people which are personally loyal to you. This should be your aim if you want to be a treat to anybody.

Basically everybody who is bitching on this site should aim to form his own small sleeper cell. Global games only penetrate local communities by abusing conformist behavior but it would be ill advised of them to bet too much on this simple social behavior because it only affects the outer layer of one's public image. Go out there, start at shit tier and educate your self so that you can start a business. Get to know your people.

True wealth can only be found in social context, the rest is just an effect of it.

Because we're deeply conservative by nature (not the pozzed type, the genuine type that strongly prefers stability over many other things). Ordnung muss sein.
We like things to remain as they are, because we like to plan ahead, and if there is only chaos, there can be no planning. We want to plan our life right up to the moment of our death and actually be able to execute that plan. There can be no comfort, unless you know what tomorrow brings, and the only way you can do that is through order and planning. I, and most Germans, want to sit down in the evening after a good day of work with a glass of wine and a smoke and look forward to a nice and comfortable tomorrow that will be exactly the same as today.
The main reason you can see the mood in Germany starting to turn is because Merkel has fucked that up, and it's probably not repairable without quite a bit of bloodshed. We'll see it in a few years.

That's likely where people are walking, except it's not cleared of snow. They only clear the cycle/car lanes for some reason in some places here.

I see absolutely no reason to harm any poles, given that they return the parts of Germany they are currently occupying. I would even say there's no problem with Poles living there. German ground is holy ground, that goes for Danzig as much as Königsberg, Tsingtau, Tientsin, Triest, die Nikobaren or Togo.


An interesting French type of troll has been unveiled, the "you're not from here /that's not what 'we' think" gaslight.

That one's a very interesting one, it's one to watch. They are definitely operating against the white man with that one, mark my words, and their actions will be revealed, soon enough, though they are arrogant, and believe they are hidden.

Because they’ve been brainwashed for the past 80 years. Do you not know how badly they were treated after WW2? Anything to do with Hitler or the Nazi’s was burned, everyone who did not do as their new American/Soviet overlords demanded were executed. Who do you think ran the schools and taught the children of Germany everything they know? It sure as fuck was not the Germans. They’ve been raised to hate themselves and be conformist slaves. Once you realize how horrifying what the Jews did to Germany you’ve taken the ultimate red pill.

I blame christianity.

That is so depressing that I'm suddenly thankful that all the german men in my line, preferred Irish women…

China doesn't have it and they have been far more important than Germany for the last 50 years


Look at pic related. See those red welts on the bee? That's Varroa destructor, a parasitic mite. It crawls over the bodies of worker bees (Apis cerana) with impunity. These mites weaken the bees by sucking fatty tissues out of their bodies. They also bite the larvae and cause a disease that results in badly deformed wings. If these mites get into a colony, they eventually run all over it and kill it off.

The honeybees are completely helpless. Even though these mites are huge relative to the bees, honeybees of these two species have no mental mechanism for fighting them off. Imagine something the size of a baseball cap crawling over your body and biting you, and then hopping into your niece's crib to suck out her blood and give her AIDS. I like to think you'd have done something about the problem as soon as you noticed it, but these bees just can't; their brains don't work that way.

The reason they don't is that honeybees have very simple programming. If something is in their nest, it's overwhelmingly likely to be another bee of the right species and colony, so they leave it alone. The necessary neurons to fight these mites just aren't present.

There is, however, one species of bee that can fight. Apis mellifera is the Africanized bee; the killer bee. These violent motherfuckers rip the mites off of each others' backs and bite straight through the arachnids' carapace. Mortally wounded, the mites are left to die in the waste pile at the bottom of the hive. Nobody knows how long it took the African strain of bees to learn this trick, but it could only have been after eons of exposure to the mites in Africa. The European bees haven't had long enough to evolve a defense yet. And so, the straightforward honeybee programming that has been the key to the European bees' success so far ironically leaves them wide open to attacks from a complete fail parasite.

Swedes and Germans are like this. To succeed in the past, they learned to trust each other and always extend the benefit of the doubt to their kings and chieftains. When the sad modern era arrived and these countries got taken over by pro-parasite traitors, the trusting Swedecucks and Deutschefags did what they always do, what their genes have prompted them to do: Trust their authorities, who were telling them all that the mites are good and loyal fellow honeybees.

It takes time to evolve a defense to this, and it will require gradually teaching themselves that sometimes the Queen is a whore, and the colony needs her to die too.

The question is, is there enough time now, and can they learn what they must quickly enough?

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They've only been around since 1956, dude.

The adaptation comes from africa before they appeared in the new world.

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Shhhh this amuses me

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I don't know if East African lowland honey bees (Apis mellifera scutellata) possess the same anti-mite behavioral trait as their killer bee (Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier) descendants, but it may be the case.

"The trouble with Germans is not that they fire shells, but that they engrave them with quotations from Kant." – Karl Kraus

the Queen IS the hive, even if she is a whore, she is vital since she is the only one who can reproduce. genes don't tell the workers to accept authority, the theory is that they are controlled via pheromone combination produced by the Queen. every one of the others in this eusocial system exist only to serve it. I know you know this, stop pretending bees don't have more in common with communists than fascists. I don't think insect and human politics go together well metaphorically.

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Because your people have been feed Allied propaganda for close to a century and know nothing of German History.

He’s a communist.

Your country is demoralized. Their is jewish subversion infrastructure to deny you a 'proper' leader.
You'd need to think up a way for German citizens to become un-demoralized first without triggering the automatic jew toad response.

People would support in private but not pubic-ally, German people hate to be 'shamed'. The activity of #ImANaziToo thing, or whatever is was, was a good idea, it removes the shame and stops the guilt forced by jewish lies.

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Mongoloid Hun blood? Germans think very mechanically but you do have the best engineers on earth along with the Japanese.

lol yeah this guy sounds like a slavposter.

the reason they are targetting sweden germany and england is because those were the most warlike people and they are afraid.

No Shlomo. Nothing you said is correct at all. Varroa are a complete non-issue for healthy natural hives. They only cause problems in artificial hives with large spacing and dosed with poison. Nigger bees have the exact same problem with mites as good bees do.

This only works for the peaceful cuck route. They have made such an road impossible kid.

The guy that rises next. Well, hes not going to have a jew wife, because our men, his men, will put him on a pike and watch as his vile spawn are cut down in front of him while he slides down the blade. Homo is pretty much same department minus the family part. The guy that rises is likely going to flaunt his superiority of maleness over his cucked father-in-law unless the bitch is old, fat or ugly. Worrying about what cucks think is about the last fucking thing on anybodies mind whom rolls into warlord-hood.

That said, people skills will be very very important. Just not the uniquely cucked approach our civilization has believed lies only in word play and sweet sounding lies. There are other kinds of people skills most westerners have never even contemplated, and are far more important to being an warlord than pretty faggot words and making people think. Some people skills are actually very manly, and savage, and inspiring. Jews wouldn't know the first thing about those tho, so they ignore it and just parrot their own narcissistic view on interpersonal relationships.

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cookie cutters

polish hands wrote this post

kill all germs tbh fam

You are going to regret your smug kike face

Germans are bugmen who can't step out of line

This is the problem with German people. This right here just exemplifies it. I see this everyday here in Wisconsin too. Germans are seemingly incapable of having a civilized discussion over anything taboo, either frothing at the mouth and being hotheaded, or just sweeping it under the rug and ignoring it.

Wisconsin is literally Little Germany; same mannerisms, same blood, same lifestyles, same terrain, and the same idiosyncrasies. We just speak English here is all.

Absolutely NOTHING compared to the Anglo. There's a reason Orwell wrote 1984, he knew exactly how Britain and the British would end up. They are eternally slaves to their aristocrats and authority figures.

I think it's like that everywhere, user. It's sort of built into the definition of taboo.

Could be worse, bud. I live in Minnesota, and like the Swedes who settled it, we're now in a race to see if we can't create the largest Somali population on the planet outside of actual fucking Somalia. Blood is blood, and behavior is largely hereditary. Germans are still Germans 200 years later, Swedes are still Swedes 200 years later, Somalis will still be Somalis 200 years later.

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Snow niggers have the lemming gene, that makes them 1. obey authority unconditionally to the point of suicide and 2. coordinate very well in groups like many drones.

Western civilization started with the Greeks and Romans. Everyone who joined later is, by different degrees, less of an ideal free man. You got monkeys, you got fleas, you got drones.

We get it you're Mediterranean.

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And you wonder why everyone says you shit brown midgets aren't white kek

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To be fair, don't historical records confirm many of the most prominent of the Med civilisations blonde/red hair and blue/green/grey eyes?

Beta slaves

Pick one, nigger.

The people who still had an ounce of backbone and didn't want to be ruled over by kikes came here. The NPC's stayed in Germany.

ETHNO-GLOBE will make the world tremble once more, but only long enough for them to die.

You forgot the remaining country; Germany certainly hasn't, to their credit.

The "real" German culture, the one closest to the old ways, is still present in a lot of ways in the North-West.

explains why Europeans are so cucked on AoC
>oy vey goy, teenage girls can't have kids! its against the (((law)))

This gaijin hornet fears the bee samurai! We're on to you hornet sympathiser.


The thing is we fucked up the germans really bad and no I do not mean it as a good thing since it's clearly evident we fought the wrong enemy and butchered our brothers without questioning and what we were fighting for till now.
All that propaganda and the soviets raping for over 70 years had fucked them up even more.
No one should see that as a good thing. Hell I don't think a fucking apology would get the new re awakened germs to accept. Overall I cannot blame on what is happening to the germans right now.

t. burger :DD

14 Years:
A good part of the slavshit

15 years:
Czech Republic
More Slavshit

16 years:
Yet more Slavshit

17 years:

"Snow nigger", Greek, and Roman societies were essentially started by the same people at the same time.

The first 3 attached images show these 3 stages of European history.

The final 2 attached images are PCA charts showing the relative genetic composition of European peoples form these 3 invasions. Note however, this is not intended as D&C, but rather the opposite: On a world PCA chart, all europeans are very tightly clustered. The attached images are merely to illustrate that all europeans are composed of a mixture of these 3 groups and thus closely related with only slight genetic differences.

The Med/Nord thing is really stupid D&C

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I think the Germanic conformism is useful for Australia.

8ch Zig Forums: A place where autistic people will become genuinely angry over a potential misstatement of fact (used in a metaphor about politics) regarding the hygiene of bee hives. This will happen completely unironically in every thread.

I can never remember whether I love this place enough to die for it, or I hate it enough to just kill myself. Either way, I'm off to suicide bomb a synagogue. Wish me luck!

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the conformity is a strength if wielded in the proper hands. why would you wish us to be like the latins or French. These people shit in the streets and rape babies. our conformity, our solidarity is what make us great. it's only in the last century that nationalism and national interest has been so demonized that we have the issues we face today. as for the why; it depends on how you view the world. One might say that developing in a harsh climate forced strong social bonds to be the norm. I personally think it has more to do with the divine and being the master race myself but to each their own I suppose.

Don't forget the optics.

ITts called a bike lane because it is for bikes and not for pedestrians you nigger!

Why's privacy bad? Why do you need street view? It's just some toy and a data mining tool for (((ALPHABET)))

I'd be glad to help you Bruce.


even niggers look down on you

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