Why do so many Germanic People exhibit this kind of conformist Autism? I am German and the stereotypes about Germany like avoidance of open Rebellion, Conformity (see what Napoleon said about us) seem to be true.
Sometimes I think whether this comes from it actually being true or our countries having the highest number of Non-NPCs, who notice this kind of thing and call it out, while it would be seen as just typical human behavior in other countries.
You have Swedes going over an icey, muddy lane, while ignoring the free and unused bike lane.
At the same time they have no problem with letting Migrants break their rules in a hundred different ways. From not paying taxes (Germany cannot properly audit foreign restaurants for example), making the streets dirty, raping, killing, etc.
This shows that we are not really moral. It's just conformity. Look up Germany in Google Maps. Now switch to Google Street View.
As you can see even countries like Belarus have full access to Street View, while our German Autism about Privacy chased Google off. Seems like many are content to let the world do whatever it likes, as long as they have freedom inside their mind.
Why are we this way? I can see potential for it being used, once we gain power or at least once our views have become the Mainstream and anyone else deviating from this gets shamed as we do now.
But what untill then? Why can't we be more like Latins? Like the French, who love Revolution. Granted, it was pretty disappointing, they only rise up, because of boomer welfare reasons, but still. This would be unimagine in Germany.