How many of these brown fuckers do you think are going to swarm into Texas once the bombs start falling?
Venezuelan Refugee Crisis Begins
Here is the video.
Forgot to attach it to OP.
They're there to stop them from coming north.
And you're sagefagging why?
50 cents a post.
Just like Syria?
I never asked for this.
and I thought this place had smarter anons than the other!
Bringing freedom and democracy!
Get out.
I like how that (((white guy))) tweeting is already fantasizing about the deaths of millions.
To all of my Fellow White Nationalists.
Make Special note of what leaders support Trump reguarding Venezuela and What they Promote.
Brazilian Populist and Italian Populists support this.
Venezwuela is a Key entry Point into White North America for Subhuman shit.
By Destroying decimating Venezwuela we Whites Take control of African and Muslim infultration, We take the most energy rich grounds and 2nd best gold reserves to replenish White Coffins in the Process.
My White Nationalists…
Who are you yelling at?
They have actually connected roads all the way through the Americas so they can import these shit-skins all the way to Alaska even.
Fuck these kikes.
The majority of Central and South American women are dark brown and 4'10" with no tits, giant asses and cheddar cheese thighs. Maybe 1 out of every million looks like Sofia Vergara or Shakira.
That before or after the 15 lbs of makeup?
Then we should only import the good looking ones and colonize their wombs.
I'd rather colonize them with bullets.
Report this paid shill.
You sound like a Fed. Very transparent.
All those women would be kidnapped into sex slavery. They'd never make it to the US you fucking desperate, pathetic, race rejected loser.
Time for an american rapefugee crisis
Fuck off nigger. Invaders should be shot.
Quit being a cuck and defend yourself god damn it.
You have the right idea but no guidence.
It is We Whites who should be doing the attacking. It is We who should be spreading Multiculturalism upon the subhuman. You are Smarter faster stronger and better equipped White Man.
It is You White man Who should be Killing and dominating the subhumans. The Nigger will get angry. Blame the Jews and Abruptly cancel Your support for Israel.
I want to see the Beauty that the Muslim Semites will do upon the Kike.
I hope they take it slow.
Hard working spics gonna learn to work harder.
Post a smug to prove you're from here.
Bolsonaro and Salvini are kosher fronts.
kill yourself, retard
I don't feel the need to bump kikechan threads.
Why is the US getting involved here? Socialism turned against the kikes?
Colombia didn't want to get stuck with them if we stopped them at the panama border.
well a road isn't necessarily bad or for importing migrants, it's for trade and transportation. obviously it can be used for that, which is bad
Filter this kike shill. Only jews are enemy of Jesus.
You kikes will say anything without even a second thought.
No nigger, the OP belongs in kikechan. hate/pol/ has standards.
No power here.
You hate Zig Forums's standard, yes.
If Trump really does this, I'm gonna build a time machine to replace him with Hillary, just because. Unless the US forces go there to annihilate every spic, or they uncover a secret Nazi technology to annihilate all kikes.
That's right yid, you have none.
Why give a fuck about venezuela and not just invest in building a wall? why even waste a single bullet on some beaner shithole
, 12750144, 12750152, 12750169 ← this last kike was asleep while Whites Where telling each other stuff… Girl You have to suck a kike dick to get out of this one.
The Kike Cries out in pain as he strikes You.
Because they are pulling a syria to flood us with shitskins. The wall will not be built fast enough so they are putting boots to asses as well.
Oy vey goyim why didnt you just privatize the oil now we have to send our zog nogs to liberate you
Keep screaming, moishe. It's not being hidden.
Literally does not matter in any capacity.
Who cares? Rapefugees are a problem because the belong to the violent, racist Islamism, while most latinos, Venezuelan's included, are Christian, and inherently Conservative. They saw first hand the evils of socialism, and will fully embrace capitalism, the constitution, and Qanon.
A wall hardly matters when legal immigration is accelerating
Fuck off kike2.
don't forget LARPagan racist who started showing up after the elections just to shit on Trump
just what is the point anymore. They get paid per post so its not stopping anytime soon
Habit. Like tossing change into traffic when around jews IRL.
Cry more maganigger
Grass grows, the sun shines, and Americans die for Zion.
This is so incredibly gay.
I like you
I'm willing to accept Euro-blooded peoples from all across the globe. Don't despair, I'm coming for you. I'm quite aware of the cultural differences and am willing to offer concessions as long as kikes stop existing.
That's a contract offer, you should take it
this tbh
I'll be laughing the whole time his business and brand goes down the drain and he doesn't get a second term. If he had actual balls he could save his money and his country by building a wall and arresting most of DC, but at this point there's no way he's not going down in history as too much of a coward to live up to his promises.
In this hypothetical war nobody wins, the hard working venezuelans have been long gone to other countries already, most of them since at least 10 years ago. The ones left are the lower strata composed of mulatto and miserable mestizo, all living on welfare.
Russia/China lose an important base in Latin America due to their incompetence regarding keeping their ally on a moral leash about what and what not to do with the population.
Cuban Socialist Council, latin america's equivalent of the Illuminati/Elders of Zion (and fitting, as said council is mainly jewish) is now much more widely known for their antics and will be on the sights of many conservative groups that may spawn or already exist.
America, even when relatively doing the good thing in the shallow sense (ignoring they will kike the place quickly due to the population being extremely demoralized already and drained of all its skilled members) will still be seen as a total warmonger due to all the highly questionable decisions made before.
Has anyone confirmed these to be actual US helicopters?
A significant portion of the people who left are kikes.
ffs. I hope (perhaps in vain) that they will just be there to keep the hoards at bay.
That is true, but also a much more significant portion were basques and other assorted spaniards of leftist inclination from the Spanish Civil War, italians and germans of right-wing inclination from WWII, a bunch of dutch for some reason, and believe it or not, a good chunk of the remaining christian palestinians granted asylum from OPEC deals.
Guess who had rampant economic persecution from the government and who didn't. Chavez did a lot of politics to keep stable a bunch of protesters, hence why he constantly referred to Ilic Ramirez as a good friend and send oil to Palestine, even when he stripped their businesses in Zulia and Trujillo, plus giving bonuses and free land to Salomon Cohen Levy and his group.
The entire thing is a big farce, probably to steal money and seemingly to stabilize Cuba's economy via puppet functionaries. Hence why the whole thing collapsed when Obongo cancelled the cuban embargo and they no longer had to depend on Venezuela.
I'm more amazed bolton actually accidentally leaked real info instead of it being fake info to poison the media/other nations intelligence. This is beyond satire at this point.
Never mind, he's clearly a tool.
Everyone (China, Russia, Venezuela's neighbors, etc) is preparing to take a piece of Venezuela when it collapses… the US is just securing some of it for many reasons (some altruistic, some not so much).
Go back to your containment board.
It has been in freefall since before Obama. kek
Shut up loser.
Shut up, faggot. Christianity is the Trojan horse of religion.
The faith of treason.
Any and all universalist ideologies/religions are anathema to Nationalistic intent. You can't be a Nationalist - a nation being a thing of blood - AND espouse a universalist cult claiming equity before a sole divinity of semitic origin.
It keeps happening
USA needs more brown people please come
Trump still hasn't addressed the declining white demographic in his third year as president and theres still no wall and Trumpniggers will still defend this fat kike faggot. Its like poetry.
the '14' one at the bottom middle is the best.
it looks like a 70 year old gorilla.
once saw three chinooks flying
better than that, while camping, saw a fighter jet pass a few hundred yards above the treeline. don't know what it was doing there, but saw the underside of it quite clearly.
You underestimate the enemy. Just wait until the kikes start sending boat loads of them over, and the media starts kvetching about the "humanitarian crises". Of course, one humanitarian crises always seems to lead to another.
This argument is dumb because Venezuelans have been flooding out for over a year now.
This argument is dumb because it doesn't understand how the syrian conflict has been used as an excuse for a rapefugeee crisis in Europe.
I don't see why a few bombs would suddenly change the refugee situation in that communist shit hole. I figured refugees would be fleeing since the switch over. If maduro dies then what reason do the locals have to flee? It's as if the jews are waiting for the US to do some thing first to make it seem like the refugees are our fault, giving the fools cause for guilt driven acceptance of shit skins. Compassion and honor is the value the jews use against us as clearly outlined in the protocols of the elders of zion.
I wanted to put up an idea to import them to Alaska and Alaska only because shitskins hate the cold, but then I remembered that Alaska pays you for living there - and seeing Sweden's example, they'll totally put up with that cold if there's gibs.
We understand it just fine. It's the jews doing.
trump sure knows how to pick them
The only solution to all those political maneuvers is genocidal violence.
Kill all jews. Kill all supporters of jews.
If you don't, the jews won't stop.
This is clearly plot to flood Brazil with Venezuelan Rapefugees to stop fascism from spreading though out South America.
please describe what's happening, I couldn't tell with all the explosions
This guys gests it. The two dumbest things people do are 1. consider various neutral things bad just because Jews happen to use them, 2. attack symptoms, not the cause
The only good solution is to lose the Jews.
Can send the military to Venezuela but deport the 25 million that he admited to being here.
Because they have fucktons of oil and Russia and China were going to move in which would be strategically bad for us. Its shitty, but we dont have much choice.
My main criticism is why invade when we could have sent an assassin like we did for Chavez?