Off-duty TSA officer publicly an hero's

Not exactly sure what to think of this. Part of me is happy there's one less asshole to grope me in front of hundreds of other people just because I have a laptop in my bag but the other part can't help but feel like he was just a decent guy going through some shit and took the easy way out. Guess we'll just have to wait for more details to come out to see for sure. On an objectively positive note though, it's a damn good thing this didn't happen during the shutdown or you just KNOW the (((MSM))) would've blamed it on Trump, although (((they))) tried to pin not just one but TWO fucking hurricanes on him so if they try to make goddamn weather patterns seem like his fault, odds are they'll try to tie him to this somehow too.


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I wonder if this can be memed to FINALLY highlight the massive suicide epidemic that we're facing.. And finally, perhaps examine the real underlying causes.

>>>Zig Forums

Correlation does not imply causation. He may have committed suicide because he found his girlfriend getting fucked in the ass by a black bull for all we know.

Why haven't they released his name?

You failed.
Go home.

Jesus Christ dude what're you doing?

Fuck's sake and we're back to too many active reports again.

>blamed it on Trump, although (((they))) tried to pin not just one but TWO fucking hurricanes on him
We really are at an impasse:

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TSA agents aren't people.

The only good TSA gropist is a TSA gropist that realizes he's a traitor and ends his worthless life.

Get this off Zig Forums cocksucker.

So, don't be a TSA nigger?

No Name Yet? Thrown off? MSM spinning stressed from "Trump" shutdown, "jumped" herp derp…
Is hotel inside security? Doubtful, Hookers do not want to pass through security over and over…? Overlooks a promenade where hundreds of people gather daily (MIA same?), good thing a Terrorist did not bring into "Hotel" WMD's to drop over balcony… hmmm
What zero Cameras?

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TSA faggots are fucking pieces of shit. I hope more follow his example. Same for all fucking feds.

It's no different than when Hitler talked about the exact same things. The kike system is a hopeless system. That's why there are high suicide rates. Everything has a cost, especially shekelgrabbers that steal all the fucking worth.

Yes, emulate a dictator from 100 years ago. That will solve everything.

If it wasn't work-induced, he woulda ate a shotgun ate home on his couch.
the medium is the message

nice false dichotomy, Menachin

he either developed a conscience
or lost too many narcobux due to the shutdown
if dubs it's a spic and the latter

caused by the shut-down no doubt.

Could he have had inside info about an upcoming "incident" and got shoah'd for it?

Nice bizarre non-sequitur strawman

What name was the room under? (registered)
Top priorty.

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Is there something wrong? Did you want more board space for off topic Zig Forums slide threads or hype over normal winter weather?


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Guess they were waiting for his parents to set up a gofundme page before releasing his name.
Anyone have info on this org?

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