COME ON MAN. You expect Donald Trump to go in there as one man and take on a whole gang of people pressuring him to do the opposite of what he wants, while the gentile republicans who are supposed to be on his side simply eat each other and play the coward. This is ridiculous. You need a group loyal to each other who actually loves and supports each other to have real power, conservatives just eat each other, at least now they do.
LETS FACE IT: EUROPEANS HAVE BECOME STUPID. Europeans decided it was a good idea to take their smartest people and put them in monasteries to be celibate and not reproduce. Europeans committed genocide against their own wise men. THE WHITE RACE AT ONE TIME WAS CIVILIZED, now whites are just a bunch of savages who eat each other and shit all over each other and run around from one retarded blunder to the next and then cry because jews make them do a bunch of stupid stuff because whites are too stupid to say no to jews who tell them to do retarded stuff.
WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE CUCKED YOUR WISE MEN BY SENDING THEM INTO CATHOLIC MONASTERIES IF YOU DIDN'T WANT TO BECOME A RACE OF RETARDS WITH NO SELF DETERMINATION. Have you ever considered that? White people can still rebuild their social class of wise men, and actually become a race with dignity in the future but right now the white race is a joke. It's a joke.
And its got a lot of work to do if it wants to become something in the world. A LOT OF WORK TO DO. Because this is pathetic and I am tired of hearing about jews all the time.
Kys jew the Valkyrie are coming to slaughter you and your kin Tick tock
Mason Hill
OP has to be one of the smallest brained niggers around.
Ayden Williams
the woman is a thot with a dog instead of a husband and kids the child is brown
scary accurate
Alexander Foster
OP, I'll assume you're a newfag. This board has had a long history of glowniggers trying to subvert it before /new/ even died. 2016 just threw kerosene on the blaze. Gear up b/c this will be a fun ride coming up shortly that will lead to two-scoop mountainous salt in Nov 2020.
Ryan King
How fucking stupid are you ? We were doing great until we got baited into a series of brother wars. You can even graph the timeline of it happening.
Ryan Carter
No need to worry. The Nazi cucksuckers are going to gas the Jews and save the White race.
You're retarded. Civilizations are cyclical; that Europeans are stupid has happened before in other societies, e.g., Rome, ancient Athens during the Peloponnesian War, Persia during the Alexander's conquest and later against Islam, etc.
Matthew Smith
Here is where all is okay
Here is where all is shit
Aaron Gonzalez
Here is where another debating genius makes a post.
I would own an original Hitler, if I could afford them.
Austin Gutierrez
Of course there were you retard. Just because you aren't holocausting kikes doesn't mean they don't die on their own. What the fuck do you think they did with their bodies?
Ethan Barnes
okay welll were all gonna die then lol xd thanks leftypol
You retards should stop trying to wage war against the famine infected group of southern spics and actually destroy mexico as you promised. unless actions leading to that actually begin happening then you are on your own.