Black Panther is free in theaters for Black History Month.
Black HIstory Month
Nice effort, faggot.
I wonder why a propaganda movie would be free.
You doubt the historical veracity of Black Panther>?
With all the current space-marines tech advancement going on in Bakawandaland, how can the Chinks for Bad Orange Man's SpaceForce compete?
I actually love this movie because its lore perfectly reflects how leftists and niggers believe the world works. The greatness of Wakanda comes not from the hard work and ingenuity of its inhabitants but because they literally got magic space rocks that make everyone around them smarter, grow plants that give you superpowers and can be used to do pretty much anything with ease. And that's how they think whitey got ahead in real life, that we just got it all handed from no place in particular and any other group that got it handed too would be just the same.
If trips, we welcome Jews and based Trump-supporting blacks into the ethnostate.
Oh boy, that time of the year again?
Kike posting is not a meme. And. . .
I think you just summarized Guns, Germs, and Steel. Pulitzer Prize for you, I guess.
I found it comical the movie had people living in mud huts next to skyscrapers while royalty on hover-bikes rode by.
Why isn't there a white history month? We built civilization n shieet.
Free for niggers or free for everyone?
do you want to sit in a theater with a bunch of niggers?
Kind of funny they show magic niggers for black history and geordi is left in chains and forgotten.
to their credit Einstein was basically a nigger, though he stole most of his work
better than the truth,
This is now a nigger hate thread.
so you didn't like black panther?
Wakanda 4-ayver,dood!
Nate Higgers here, holy shit!
Why don't you see very many spics breeding with niggers?
Because the offspring will be too lazy to steal.
Do you VOAT?
Wakanda forever!
That like that jenkem crap kids were into back in the day?
well,, all those N.F.L. fans wanted it.
There is a member on voat that goes by, "I'm Nate Higgers & I hate niggers"
Does that gun have a red tip?
You've got Central Rockford on that pic twice. With different graphics, genius.
Jiggies gonna jig!
it amazes me how many hateful threads that show africans, blacks in a negative light as if they are ignorant, lazy, did not contribute to civilization or the building of the new 'america' for free!
So, how can you explain why soo many "whites", etc. CONSTANTLY trying to figure out all the AMAZEMENT of EGYPT over 3600bce+, not to mention most of the artifacts (90%) have their noses purposely "CHOPPED" off?! Why? Could it be because the MOST PROMINENT facial features of an African/Black are the nose & lips!!!! Not to mention why ALL the interest in Egypt (which is located in Africa) prodominately African/Black! Yet, you have ALL these fakes that wanna be/claim "egyptian" and KNOW w/in themselves it is a perpetual lie!!! Or how about ALL the NATURAL RESOURCES (amongst so many other great resources) in Africa (gold, copper, diamonds, rubber, oil, gas, etc.)! If Africans/Blacks soo bad, then why NOT get the hell out of their COUNTRY & stop robbing, stealing, murdering for their resources?!
Let's not 4get the numerous times the TRUE isrealites/jews mentioned in the bible are African/Black! Oh, and how many popes have actually been pictured praying to a Black Mary & Baby Jesus?! Could it possibly be that they "know" the REAL TRUTH and the rest of you have been brain/whitewashed the LIE that has gone around for centuries!
It seems that those here with such a hatred towards Africans/Blacks, you may want to do your homework, research the REAL history on the things stated above and STOP falling for the perpetual LIE you've been told for soo long.
It feels like nigger history month every fucking day, when they have nothing new to talk about they just distort the past with kang history.
How do you niggers keep finding Zig Forums?
At least I ain't a nigger!
Oh,Hay-ZOOS Hector Christo on a pogo stick, that dusky tater doesn't even have the luxury to say,"at least I ain't a nigger!"
lol. niggers. everyone hates niggers. even niggers hate niggers. niggers, amirite, niggers?
So they have Black History Month.
At least we have Father's Day.
I haven't been to a movie theater in 7 years.
Why start now?
Last movie I saw on the big screen was the batman movie w/ Bain.
The one before that was glorious bassturds.
Now you know why.
I can't be the only one noticing the forces lined up against whites are using nigger and chink females to do their dirty work and those filthy scum appear to do so willingly. Some shaniqua nigger actually says whites are subhuman? Fair enough, I'm ready to put aside my altruism completely, non-whites really have no fucking idea just how quickly we will wipe them out. I want to get started, I keep asking God to just say the word and I'll spend however long I have left hunting jewish filth and any niggers too stupid to realise without white men their lives as they know it are over.
I celebrate Black Metal History Month instead.
When lefties at work have asked I just say I'm not comfortable culturally appropriating a holiday.
You can almost hear the gears seizing up as they try to process it.