It's become quite obvious to alot of people in our movement that we have alot of women in our circles that parrot what the men say but do not follow it to any degree, purely seeking male attention, who end up having a secret nog fetish or skeletons in their closet. I want to start a thread for us where we can publicly expose these race mixing bitches for the fakes they are. I will start with one of the most famous ones on facebook, Emily rose aka emily hilmarsen, who was dating a black guy for 10 years while meeting an alt right guy 2 years ago and continuing to date mr black man while fucking the white guy just so she can live off sweet military money. Larped as a virgin and a prude but anyone with a brain knew it was a pretentious act.
Alt right facebook thot exposure thread
Other urls found in this thread:
why sage your own OP?
Why would i use my own email as the poster?
Use someone else's, poser.
don't derail the thread and it's purpose.
Anyway, i ask all of you goys to post these alt right hoes and their bullshit trad larping asses being caught in the act sending nudes to you guys.
Good thread, deserves a bump. She burned the coal, and now there's a toll to be paid.
I couldn't care less about your incel revenge fantasy. I'll post whatever and wherever I want.
Don’t care. Never heard of her. Any woman interested in shilling politic movements has something severely wrong with her and/or she is just exploiting thirsty cucks for ethot cash. Ignore and avoid women in politics at all costs.
This is the only redeeming thing about your thread. We REALLY need to co-opt this. We need to use tens of thousands of bots on all the major social media networks to get kids to believe that THIS is the norm. We have to fix society, and to do that we have to get rid of this oversexualization.
Stigmatize nudes.
The best part is that the social media sites can't come out of this looking good if they delete our bots (as long as our bots are ONLY posting this kind of content and not anything else), because how could they POSSIBLY defend "banning users who DON'T want children to sext each other" to parents?
whatever retard
This is a name and shame thread of alt right trad larp hoes for all the men to be wary of and ignore, we all need to be aware of what personalities to ignore and shame so they fuck off out of our movement.
You guys are so autistic it hurts
Are we sure she isn't a kikess?
She didn't say anything bad about your based shitskins so probably not.
If it has tits and talks about politics, ignore it. That’s all you need to know. But I suppose newfags need examples why. Carry on.
Yes, and that's totally fucking retarded. My idea is actually useful.
While I understand what (((you))) mean. She's clearly a leftycuck.
The tattoos are a dead giveaway.
not an argument you fucking shill
lol. Her cuck white boyfriend who married her STAYED with her after he found out just because they wanted to make white babies.
That's one godly white woman tbh.
There is no "alt right". There is only political dissidents of the judaised world order.
Nobody will ever use the internet to organize a political counter-revolution on a general basis, only as communications for local organization.
The "alt right" is a label put upon us by centrist fence-sitters, communists and jews. It only reflects someones discontent with mass immigration from 3rd world shitholes, and therefor their wrong-think.
Tyrone got her virginity, but an Aryan warrior maker got her womb… whose the cuck now? #winning #whitebabies #childsupportaryans
Who the fuck is this cunt?
I hate the aut-kike so much.
i know the feeling.
Yeah can't wait for a bunch of white kids to get raised by a single mother, not to mention whatever incurable STD(s) they are born with because their mother was a coal burning whore to enter the world.
You don't need to put any email address in the email field to post you faggot.. Christ, I don't know where you fucking came from but whatever, better thread than half the shit still on the front-page.
Nigga who wasn't retarded back in 2011? Full Redpilling can take years man, I know for myself it did. Also these hoes post nudies probably for validation and the thrill of it. Maybe you should pull up some posts that aren't 7 years old and likely lacking relevancy when discussing this person.
Also, this thread reeks of impotence, like those guys who get angry when an IG girl like this gets a bf. I agree that people, especially women, tend to Virtue signal though and people should be more aware of it, just in a less fantastic beta fashion.
I bet you're one of those faggots that larps as a nigger on twitter.
This level of thirst is unreal.
you dont need no man, you go girl
fuck thirsty faggots!
her importance extends to the reaches of this thread … nothing more
this is the new sex tape promotion … put naked pictures of yourself on Zig Forums , larp as alt right, get twitter followers
Thou shalt not suffer a thot to live
Don't look at the milkers, they are only temporary
The Emperor is forever.
No need tbh fam
You asked for this
i still have no idea who the fuck we're we're talking about ITT
Famous facebook thot called Emily Rose. An American alt right Nazi "trad" girl.
literally never heard of her until this thread
answer this
you don't understand faggot, there is a REASON they never go back and why we don't want them back it's because they have defective genes (seen in their choice to fuck a nigger) and those traits need to be bred out of the gene pool, she needs to be sterilized like the animals she fucks
This is what happened she was married to tim while this happened
Why do you want to stigmatize it?
The reason why they hide they whore past already instead of showing it to everyone is because they know it's a no no, not because they think it's bad. These people aren't moral people and making it easy for them to show to everyone how much of a degenerate they are makes it easy for us to select against them. You don't need to be told that niggers are disgusting to find them disgusting, either they repulse you or they don't. You don't need to be told that showing your ass to the whole world is shameful, either you feel shame or you don't. If you make them feel bad about themselves, they'll lie to you even more. Just turn the "just be yourself" against them.
this bitch on gab:
e-thot that shares nudes and White genocide graphics
"Doxxed and in hiding"
and this one:
"Pro-White porn"
Goddamn women are dumb. Bitch won't take it down either.
The cuckening of tim
This fucking spic needs to fuck off. I'd like to beat the hell out him for keeping the spirit of Ricky Vaughn alive.