Is what people think Satanism is just the purest form of Judaism? Why is sex occult shit and Satanism so popular with progressive liberals? It doesn’t make sense. Shit like blood libel appears too often to just be a mere coincidence.
Occult & Satanism in the far left
Other urls found in this thread:
It isn't just liberals. The Franklin Scandal was mostly republicans. ZOG is a pedophocracy.
It's not libel if it's true, and it's true.
Judaism is a type of Satanism, as the Bible very clearly states.
Because Satan is real and they're on his side. That doesn't mean that the particular things they believe they're doing actually work, or that all of them believe in it, but demonic influence is the driving factor behind globohomo. Kikes are just a particularly good tool.
This should help. If you haven't read the Bible, then stop being a lazy faggot and do that first. Remember, there's nothing worth knowing that can be easily understood in just a few minutes.
Occultism is Christian, Satanism is Christian, therefor you are talking about Christianity in the Far Left.
You're overthinking it, OP. They worship Satan, because are satanists. They like to lie, to cheat, to deceive, to destroy and to defile. Spiritually they are defilers, vampires who would never worship anyone but Satan, because that's who they are. Being something that they are not is as inconceivable to them as it is to you. Why does the cat catch mice? This is who they are.
pic related
Do you have an ancient Greek or Latin pagan source that mentiones that Saturn is associated with the middle finger.
Are… are you like, brain-damaged or something?
Explain why Christian movements are somehow not Christian, go ahead, I am waiting!
Kikes are literal demons created by satan, and their religion is satanism, henceforth all of their puppets turn out to be satanists too. Kikes are a sentient virus, a space AIDS if you wish.
Christianity is satanism too, but dumb christcucks don't realize it.
Judaism, Satanism, Occultism are all Christian movements. Jesus is burning in Hell, says the Talmud, which proves it's Christian origins.
He's burning a fat bong load in hell.
Could you quote Greek or Latin pagan works on why Saturn is 7?
no I just saw it here
why is saturn 7?
You are okay with taking the world like this, taking random facts that you know not the origin off and putting them together to tell stories?
I was just making a joke about jesus smoking a fat one
I honestly can't tell, there are people here that genuine talk like that and are death serious.
I'm going to need a source on that.
lel no worries
always remember no matter what you may think is real, kikes with trillions of dollars are making their talmudic dreams reality
Jesus was a Judean, not a Jew.
During the lifetime of Jesus, no persons were described as Jews anywhere.
The term Jew has its origins in the eighteenth century as an abbreviation of Judean, meaning a resident of Judea.
The so-called "Jews" of Eastern European origin are unquestionably the historic descendants of the Khazars, a pagan Turko-Finn ancient Mongoloid nation.
The religious sect of Judea in the time of Jesus were the Pharisees. And it is the Pharisees to which self-styled "Jews" today refer to as "Jews" of that period.
Judaism is identical to the Pharisaism of the time of Jesus Christ.
From what, not Christianity, because they are literally Christians.
I've heard that before and I've never looked into it. I'm going to look it up later, but do you happen to have a source handy to save me some work?
Just random copy and paste arguments, that have no relevance to what I wrote.
Christians attack occultists, satanists, masons, liberals, socialists, jews, muslims and all these moments are primarily Christian.
The writings of Jason Collett
It's all about virtual signalling and opposing anything that isn't jewish, which translates to nature, religion, morality and anything good. So of course there has to be satanism.
Almost all of these take these "moments" take the individual as prior to society. Such a claim is certainly a Protestantism.
To take any or all of the divergences of Christianity, regardless of the time or nature of that divergence, as still fundamentally Christian; to take this to all be a single tradition eating itself; is nonsense.
Right, now protestantism is suddenly no longer Christian, even though these people base everything they do around the same holy book as the catholics, again proving my poin.
Why? Why is it nonsense?
I'd imagine that the original sources are greek, not latin given that palmistry is completely based on greek mythology. The ring finger is linked to Apollo (The sun) and the middle finger is linked to. Saturn and is generally associated with criminal behavior, pyschopathy, sociopathy, eye diseases, sin, cruelty and other undesirable traits.
Any sources, can't find anything about your claims online.
Calling yourself a christian doesn't make you a christian anymore than calling yourself a king makes you a king. When you are a follower of christ and live according to his teachings, you are a christian, otherwise you are not, no matter what you call yourself.
I don't know, there's probably a greek source text on if you search palmistry or the greek word for it.
The distinction between Protestantism and Catholicism is enormous; go and read about the five solae.
Sola scriptura: Scripture alone must govern church traditions and interpretations which are themselves subject to scripture.
Sola fide: Virtue is not a means or requisite for salvation; it is by faith alone that salvation is granted.
Sola gratia: Salvation is an unearned gift.
Soli Deo gloria: All glory is due to God alone; no saint, pope or member of ecclesiastical hierarchy is to worthy of glory.
Solus Christus: The ecclesiastical class is unnecessary for the sacraments.
All of these contradict Catholicism and, perhaps, more importantly, the very concept of a tradition.
To be a Catholic, one must read and understand the bible as a Catholic.
To be a Protestant, one must read the bible.
By consideration of sola scriptura,
If I can define B by A, why can I not define A by B? Such questions cannot be answered by a text alone.
Inevitably, I require some ontology of interpretations so that I can define and understand a text. Without this, all tradition ceases.
To consider the various branches of Christianity to be at all similar, even if historically accurate, is theosophical nonsense.
No, someone is a Christian, because they operate within the context of Christian mythology and tradition, whatever YOU personally think a Christian is or should be is irrelevant, because it's your own personal opinion.
If someone worships the devil and does all manner of weird stuff, they are operating within Christian mythology and tradition, thus they are Christian.
This can be applied universally, Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism operate in the same mythology and tradition, so do confucianism and daoism.
Your personal opinion do not matter.
Christian orthodoxy is not subject to debate. It's not a matter of opinion what the teachings of christ are. Don't play dumb.
I don't even understand what you are trying to say here.
That is your personal opinion, someone else might not think these differences are enormous and like I said, both groups share mythology and tradition.
Never said they are similar, I said they are all clearly the same religion, a hindhu that is a cannibal and woreships kali by killing people, is still operating within the same mythology and tradition as a buddhist who is a vegetarian and holds all Gods to be imperfect.
Yes, that totally explains the thousands of cults, denominations, orders, movements and individuals within christendom who all have different opinion on the matter and who all think something different, but who all share the same basic mythology and traditions.
Look, they clearly accept the basic Christian worldview that the devil exists, is an angel of god and has power in this world.
Thus they are a Christian movement.
I can't tell if you are trolling, but let me indulge you:
Satanism is to christianity what cannibalism is to veganism, there's no heritage whatsoever and using christian terminology or christian (anti)symbols for your religion doesn't make a christian religion any more than using the french language to describe things makes them french. Satan is a spirit and his manifestations are are described by hundreds of different cultures and yet the only thing Satanism is based upon is the Lord of the flies himself.
That's not how words work, kike. "Christian" literally means "of Christ," and nothing else. No matter how badly you and you golems try to twist the meanings of words to suit your faggotry, this will always be true. That is why you and your disgusting synogogue of filth will always be the offspring of satan doomed to burn for eternity with your lying, word twisting father
Like my point about Hinduism, that both forms are common within the same religion.
That is a silly concept, being French is a concrete position of belonging to a specific ethnic group with a specific ideas, being Christian is about ideas….
Nice, does that apply to the other Gods and or Angels and if that is the case, why bother being a Christian?
Schizo boomer thread
Yes, the same Christ who raised the death and controlled evil spirits, like occultists have been doing in the middle ages, it's all so similar.
If I cosplay as Bane does that mean I'm Batman, fucking faggot? I swear the mental gymnastics that some of these kikes pull off is amazing sometimes.
Christians worship the creator of the material world and believe in literal resurrection (as in, corpses rising from the dead). Even their idea of heaven is just the material world with no suffering, and hell is physical torment. There is no immaterial whatsoever, just like in Talmudic Judaism (which is a precursor of two other satanistic religions, Christianity and Islam). Their Jewish messiah became an animated corpse, whose blood you should drink and whose flesh you should consume so you get favor of Jewish god and avoid his wrath (satanist reward-punishment conditioning)
Christianity is a materialistic religion, making it a satanist religion. In essence, it's no different from Marxism and other materialistic cult such as Freemasonry. It promotes necromancy, cannibalism, favoritism (blood worship), etc.
No, It means you are a DC fanboy.
Wrong, Benjamin. Your soul leaves your body and you go to Heaven. Making your whole post invalid from there on.
Excuse my phoneposting
Yes it does. You could live a christian life without ever having heard of Jesus, Christianity or having read the bible. The term is not the thing itself. You don't have to call yourself a christian to be a christian. At the same time calling yourself a christian does not make you one.
Christianity is a complete package and carving out the intricacies of the religion on your own just to avoid the term christianity would be a waste of time. You place too much emphasis on labels.
Yeah, you’re mentally ill. No one is going to fall for this, moishe.
It takes quite a lot of mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion.
Then you won't mind me worshipping Christ, by calling him Yngve-Freyr!
Yeah, right, we should abandon all labels and just mix everything up, strange how you people go from extreme dogmatism to newagism in a blink of an eye.
Try sitting in the middle.
No, never used those words.
How exatly is worshipping Satan the exact opposite to worshipping Christ, when they are both tied to the same YHWH?
I wouldn't, but it's rather pointless, isn't it? You'd distance yourself from other christians for no reason other than to be different.
Labels are important, but as i said they are not the thing they describe. If you don't have an understanding of the thing you are labeling, then the label is meaningless, which seems to be your problem.
Fascinating point. I never thought of it that way but it is interesting to think about.
How do you know this?
We should be critical of labels, because logically speaking satanists are a christian denomination and this is problematic, so if we don't label things, i don't have to pretend I share the same religious space with people I don't like.
The entire bible is satanic. There is continuous blood sacrifice. Sometimes even human. Jesus was a human sacrifice. The one world religion and government spoken of in revelation is judeo christianity itself. There are gods though, and much older. The bible is a jewish psyop of Jew vs Christian. In reality jews win no matter what kind of christian you are because if you follow the bible you become a toothless enemy and if you just listen to your pastor you are israelfirst. Christianity is slavery. The bible admits that if you go after foriegn gods you will be cut off from your people. Then it says that everyone in the world must throw out their traditions and Gods and serve the jewish god. Logic says that if I serve the jew god I will be cut off from my people. I don't want that. Also the Hyksos were white people in Egypt, they brought the chariot. The jew moses made a blood oath with satan in the desert to sacrifice as many pure bloods as possible. Satan gave him power to plauge the whites who only wanted their stolen money from the likes. But the kikes had drained the economy and wanted to take the money and run. So satanic plagues ensued, but the arayans stayed strong. But then they were told to either participate in a satanic ritual or lose all their first born. The ones who stayed faithful to the Aesir suffered greatly. And the jewish blood oath to serve satan for eternity was sealed with slaughter of all arayan first born all at one time. The kikes celebrate this abomination every year during passover. And christians honour the slaughter every time they take communion. Christ even admits he comes only to save the lost sheep of israel. Christianity is for jews not white people. Our gods are about 38,000 years older than christianity. Our gods call us to bravery, virtue, and nobility. There is no list of donts. Your reputation is your responsibility.
Here we see another schizo nutjob turning christianity on itself.
This is completely normal, he is accusing christianity of being to christian, so we should all turn towards christianity and not christianity.
This, user. It warms my heart that others are beginning to understand the Ritual Human Sacrifice.
Heaven was never properly defined. And the ultimate goal of Christianity is coming back to your flesh and the material world, so even if they imply the existence of immaterial, it's material that is their ultimate goal.
Protestantism, not even once. When you got brainwashed by kike poison but are too stupid to understand reality, so you stick to it without even knowing what do you believe in or stand for.
Christianity = Talmudism = Globalism = Ritual sacrifice = Materialism
Incorrect it follows a pattern of odd numbers, 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 (I have never seen more than 17 but I'm sure given a long enough vegative stage and ideal conditions it would do more). When the plant (which was obviously created by God because Satan isn't a creator but a destroyer, if you believe such things) goes into flower it reduces the number of leaves gradually back to singles, and in fact each flower is just a modified single leaf.
So that blows your gay theory about marijuana, cannabis, hemp being somehow synonymous with saturn satan seven etc.
What else you got?
Not even a Christian…. never mind, tired of all this schizo talk.
Marijuana fries your brain making you stupid an irrational. It also makes you addicted and prone to immoral acts. God is smart and rational, also just. That makes weed get you further away from God, and is thus satanic.
Hey don't blame me, I didn't make it God did, so that was a bit careless of Him to make a plant that makes you worship satan. You are of course completely retarded or intentionally trying to associate unrelated things to feed into your own apophenia. So if marijuana fries your brain, I'd have to ask, what's your excuse?
Christcucks GTFO
talmudism is the worship of satan (and theyre aware). islam is the worship of satan (and only the talmudists are aware). hindu, buddhism, taoism, etc etc etc is the worship of satan (and none of them realize it yet)
Christianity is the only way to the truth.
God didn't in fact, make anything. You are a smelly pothead, no heaven for you.
Please elaborate on what you mean when you say
saging because I am not trying to hijack this thread topic
Welp. Guess I'll check out hell and see what's poppin' over there.
That was your best reply and a sage so your btfoing didn't get promoted? No, no, that wont do, that wont do at all.
God didn't make anything? You decide who is pious and who is not? You sit in judgement do you?
You are the most sacreligious charlatan I think I have come across so far on Zig Forums and this place has seen posts from the most revolting satanic pedophilic monsters in existence, so bravo to you.
If you are a Christian you merely playing at it, you blatantly told lies about the marijuana and saturn both of which are Gods creation because He made everything and if you deny that you aren't a Christian at all. You are simply afraid of death and pretend to know the Son that you may gain the Father, but you know not the spirit. You are a liar, and most likely attempting to undermine Christianity if anything.
I will still play nice cop and make the assumption there might be some hidden logic to what you said, if there is please do elaborate.
The reality is he is a pathetic bottom feeding pseudo gnostic attempting to drum up interest in a time sink scam in the hope it turns into a flat earth tier following for patreon bux etc. Stealing money and time from the retarded and lost.
God is maximum actualization of natural laws/perfection, not the creator. Nothing was ever created, everything that could exist, did. The only difference being did it manifest or not in the physical world. And it's not even all that exists, just the culmination of good things that exist (based on mathematical perfection). Like racially conscious white people. Divinity is objective and extremely prejudiced against the inferior. God doesn't care about your subjective views and feelings. Hitler was very close to God. Universalists like christcucks, globalist jewry and leftist degenerates are not. Very distant, very distant indeed (entirely in case of kikes since they don't have souls and can never reach God)
No heaven for hippies either. Or niggers. Only non-degenerate Aryans.
Being pious is meaningless. Following the rules of the sand demon (god of kikes, SJW's and christians) does not make you more divine.
Yes. God sent me to judge you.
Thanks for the compliment.
Enjoy losing your brain cells, the only thing which can bring you close to the Divine
Expose it for being a satanic demon worship
God is a caring being that arose out of the domino effect of existence first. He is caring in the sense that he sends his avatars like me to judge kikes, subhumans, leftists and other degenerates from time to time. I am His Witness.
[inferior screeching intensifies]
*sheds the light of Reason
*burns you
Nothing personel kid.
The main question is: why aren't you mass killing leftists yet?
Why don't we just legalize weed and let folks grow it for fiber and fuel as well?
Just think, men living plainly on farms happier than beta cucks slaving for Jew money, that would be quite the upset to many self-superior "we live in a society" NPCs.
Its feels nice not being balls deep in a retarded larp
Just admit you want to get high
Also lol most people grow weed in their basement
Not entirely identical, the Talmud didn't exist at the time. Judaism is descended from pharisaism, though.
Wow, you like, know so much.
(Citation needed on all your claims.)
I worked as a bartender and was fired after a co-worker said she was a Wiccan witch and I said "suffer not the witch to live"
Bar was shutdown months later for serving minors multiple times
Not an argument
Oh great. Another one of these threads. I'm an actual occultist. I had a traumatic Christian childhood and became an atheist and materialist for a while, but the study of comparative religion and mysticism as part of my occult studies restored my relationship with God to a healthy level. I have a great deal of respect for many Christians, although I acknowledge it's severe faults and limitations.
One thing I've learned when these sorts of threads show up is that Zig Forums is simply incapable of discussing these things maturly and responsibly. Any thread on the occultism of the elite devolves into Christian/Antichristian D&C, relating everything back to "Satan" (Seriously Christians, I'm big on seeing the patterns in all religions, but you gotta stop calling everything a demon or Satanism) or just endless screeching. If I have to see one more spookyoccultgoat.jpg or "Saturn = Satan" or "Babylonians were ayy lmao flying saucer ice giants from the hollow earth" I'm going to throw my heaviest copy of the Corpus Hermeticum at somebody. If you look at the "Jew magic book" thread you see a perfect example. From the modern images, newness of the materials and history of fakes from the region it's been pretty clear from the first thread that the books are most likely fakes, or at least late 19th century and thus not indicative of any "secret evil Satanism jew club of the ancients" or whatever. Yet the thread goes on and on and on and on getting more absurd with every uncited "ALL CAPS SCREECHING BLARG POST."
It's a shame really, because how different magic systems work as delineated by race is a fascinating subject. We never get around to the cool questions like "Do souls reincarnate only along racial/bloodlines?" or "If most Aryan religions revolve around the cycles of the Sun, do other races latch on to different heavenly bodies?" It's just endless screeching about nonsense. Sometimes there is truth in these threads, but they're buried in all the shit. There is a lot of Saturn symbolism in a lot of kike arenas, but it's for a more complex reason than just "BLARG SATAN EVERYWHERE!1!" And all the D&C this generates only astroturfs this whole board in the eyes of the young normalfags we're trying to convert, as well as sliding the few remaining good threads we have. I always try my best to add good content and posts, but it's like pouring a cup of clean water in a river of piss.
Stop discussing mysticism and occultism. No good ever comes of these threads.
You want to go deeper, there is no such thing as occultism, it's an invention of the middle ages, when people sought something beyond the rigid systems of the major abrahamic religions, now a days we have science, which is a hundred times more complex, so this desire for the occult is a desire for simpler times.
Satan = Saturn. Deal with it.
Satan means opposer in Hebrew, deal with that
The elite ruling jewish bloodlines are all Satanists. The progressive leftists are their spiritual minions. They serve themselves just like their masters. Immersing oneself in degenerate filth is part of their self-serving, do-what-thou-wilt "spirituality"
If science removes your fear of death, hardens your resolve and provides strength you can draw on during the coming tribulations for our race, then great! I don't care if you believe in Christ or the great pumpkin, so long as you're a good person and will stand with your folk when the time comes.
Hans! Get ze heavy book!
Satan is pure unending evil, opposed to infinite good. Saturn is part of the "planetary luminaries" model of occultism. Saturn is like the "bad cop", and is associated with the material world (hence the mythological associations with harvest, time and destruction). The kikes put Saturn symbolism everywhere because they are materialistic hedonists that want control over all the material world. There is nothing wrong with the material world, and there is nothing wrong with Saturn. The problem comes when you focus only on the material without any higher purpose guiding your actions. But now I'm going off on a meaningless tangent.
Believe what you want if it gives you strength, and stop tearing down your racial brothers in arms for believing what gives them strength.
I'm so beyond the average Zig Forumslack in occult knowledge that this whole thread is hella cringe.
We had plenty of such discussions too, but Zig Forums astroturfing had to be dealt with. I'm bored so greenpilling some normies and funposting wouldn't hurt I guess.
Jewish (modern) science doesn't actually explain anything. It gives some loose models that might, or might not work. At least advanced science.
It's a dead-end even for self-serving people, they are just too stupid to realize that.