Armed Antifa "Redneck Revolt" military force in Georgia march to destroy the monument to white supremacy
Antifa Stone Mountain GA
Another video
You have no rights if you're white and don't hate yourself
What's a list of commie-leftist-Jew loved monuments? You know, out of curiosity.
You can't help but admire the hypocrisy of the left being against guns while simultaneously open carrying them.
Kim Kelly - Antifa NY
Also: Trigger Discipline….
there's probably some joke in there about leftists and "trigger" discipline
Are they lead by the (((JDL))) again as seen in the video leaks? They're such a fucking joke. They could be marching on Wall Street but nope. Focus on inanimate objects instead. Idiots.
The lies they have built up around themselves.
These faggots are going to think there going to win.
I see it as a good thing.
First is, everybody agrees gun rights are good so the gun control issue will be moot forever.
Second is the sooner civil war starts, the sooner Russia liberates the USA through the divide and CIAniggers can't do a damn thing about it.
I wonder what will happen when a 3% group shows in full battle rattle up at the same place and time as these commie fags. Those leftist idiots have no trigger discipline and are prone to bouts of uncontrollable rage. Most 3% folks have been shot at and have an in grained response to fight back. I have a feeling it would be another "Lexington green."
At the very least it divides the left, and a divided enemy can never win.
What a deranged looking psychopath that guy is… The left works off of emotion with little logic, and these antifa faggots are VERY emotional, include that with lack of gun knowledge or safety, and belief that people should die for not agreeing with them. Things could get pretty heated in 2020 if not sooner.
This whole situation seems fishy…. I don't trust it.
Going down and shooting antifa and commie fags sounds fun, but something is off.
This sounds like a false flag and if it is and knowing these faggots do not have a trigger discipline is best to stay out of this one and let them do a mistake first while the (((msm))) who were expecting le ebil natzees and how trump is literally hitler who may be gay and fucking his dog. Are shocked that their useful idiots had failed them they will accidently shoot one another as well.
based civic nationalists
I wish…..
The ironic thing is most of them are white themselves.
A lot of us do.
Merely point at this and mention… dont see any armed nazis around… I can see why hitler became quite popular in response to this…
That is because this whole shit seems set up in the first place, no national socialist is stupid enough to go down there and shoot them.
I mean look at these clumsy bastards, they are bound to make a mistake.
Is simply best not to interrupt them.
That is of course a fed who calls him self a (((nazi))) shoot them to reach national news, but even then due to it being a false flag Zig Forums will know is going to be a fbi nigger.
Go there disguised as one of them and be an extreme commie, calling anyone who isn't as extreme a fake. Get them arguing. Remember they can barely stand each other anyway.
The rightwingers turned tail and run away like the pathetic cowards they are. It's laughable how the american right keeps getting cucked by antifa
it would be a shame if people followed antifa members back to their homes and burned em down. what a tragedy it would be
Hi there, glowie.
Oh noes!
How many people wanna bet a lot of these "redneck revolt" faggots just have painted, and customized airsoft.
Jew in the front, manlet with his tranny wife that probably pegs him every night.
Enjoy the r/Thezognald's equivalent.
The only guy there that looked intimidating was that bulky dude with the huge muscles and beard on the left. How much you want to bet he wasn't even part of the group, considering his embarrassed face walking away from the camera.
His finger isnt even inside the trigger guard. He's just holding the stock naturally at the base.
Washington DC.
Some of the faggots here are as bad as these communist bacterial infections. Getting excited to point out a problem with pose, or hand positions as though that grants victory over them is pretty much as flaccid a response as I'd expect from a faggot pretending to mean something.
What kind of fucking retard, takes his time to incessantly point out how harmless communists are. It doesn't matter if they're inept, childish and stupid. Communists and communism, jews and their golem will ALWAYS be dangerous, extremely dangerous.
When communists start larping and lynching people thousands die, sometimes tens of millions of people die, to these same kinds of degenerate retards. This has happened once, and happened many times before. They will continue to incite, and incite, to try to get us to react, and if we really did react, they'd use it as an excuse to cry about it, then regroup and try again. They do not stop. They are a mob, ruled over by Jewish oligarchs and will stop at nothing until their body starts to fail them.
Never underestimate jews, traitors and mongrels. Even if their "trigger discipline" seems off. They can and will kill you if they get the chance.
You think writing a word salad makes a point? You're as bad as the fag spreading misinformation that I was replying to.
checked. you're not wrong. of course they never stop, and them larping then lynching 10-20k in one night of terror would be the best thing that could happen for us. it would be a great catalyst for some real action happening.
oh no scary big commies, please PLEASE don't lynch 10,000 please don't try it.
remember what Sun Tzu says about enemies and river crossings user. also yes very soon they will be destroyed to a gene through open destruction. there needs to be a solid catalyzing event that is bigger than 9/11 that they attempt. one night of red terror or some shit like that should do it.
Don't let them kill you, kill them in a ditch from 500yds away first. and yes 20,000 is a number I would happily and willingly sacrifice as pawns to achieve my goals
Sorry, I mistook you for a regular. On your way then, intl kike.
haha bring it on pussies
If anyone ever rolls up to one of these events as an armed counter-protest they'd have to make very sure they only bring close friends and trusted allies.
Minimise the chance of glowing gunmen, needless to say the optics could get a little shabby otherwise
who let retarded captain obvious in?
Ah the old "reported for intl" shill.
nice to see codekike let you fucks back in
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…
Not sure why you fags care so much about optics, not like any of us have or ever will turn in our bump stocks. Mowing down some communists herded by kikes? I don't see a problem here. Besides, it's not the first times anons infiltrated antifa and look what we found
They are ticks of the JDL rats, that's why you never see them do shit to the billionaire kikes like you naturally assume they would. Double controlled opposition.
III% faggots will side with antifa against the ebil nahtzees. Their Council already put out a statement telling members to refrain protesting BLM and Antifa because the media would say they associate with the bad White Nationalists.
Man, you’re pathetic.
These antifa morons got trolled – There was no actual confederate rally planned. No nazis or confederates actually showed up.
They were just marching around in a giant lefty circle jerk.
We need to do this more often guys. We need to plan massive right-wing rallies, not show up, and just let the lefties make idiots of themselves.
By that screencap I'd say you got btfo
Nice, but it seems that even back then they would try to make the left look good by pretending they didn't start the fight.
Holocaust memorials.
Kek the tryhard is so cringe.
Always gather armed people and kill Antifags whenever they show up.
Violence is the only solution.
Kill all leftists and all jews.
Fuck off commie scum.
Literally this, they sided with the communists at the statue protest in New Orleans and when a few of them got into a fight with some fat rednecks they got their asses kicked. Some of them even joined antifa after that. Remember cuckknight?
You're right. My bad.
Kim Kelly NY Antifa might be a future coder.
1) let it happen
2) arrest key members and create a civil suit to make the group pay for the damage
3) use the damage money to erect a new , greater bigger monument
4) pass legislation that allow you to call acts against monuments acts of terrorism across the state (nation)
Based so much for the tolerant left 😎
It's the same people who genuinely believe Trump is going to shut down the government again. It's basically Stockholm syndrome at this point
Okay, these people just look like deranged freaks.
Imagine if their opposition (nationalists) actually became organized and didn't look like deranged freaks themselves.
Holy shit, the Amish are with them!!!
Almost all Christians are
Sooo… did they destroy this thing, whatever it is? Also, not much going on in your life if this is what you do on a Saturday afternoon.
Cringiest thing I've seen in many a cringy post.
Anti-Trumpers, Communists, BLM faggots, regular faggots, and I'll bet more than a few faggy vegans thrown in, as well.
Chanting the streets belong to them, inferring they don't belong to everyone else, too.
Chanting that the KKK stayed home today (all 12 of them, if you subtract the glows).
One freak was walking backwards, firearm at the ready, apparently scanning the treeline for snipers, which he'd then would dispatch at long range with his shotgun…
Dorks, freaks, fruits, and flits.
No, it's a state park.
"The largest high relief sculpture in the world, the Confederate Memorial Carving, depicts three Confederate figures of the Civil War, President Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson. The entire carved surface measures three-acres, larger than a football field and Mount Rushmore. The carving of the three men towers 400 feet above the ground, measures 90 by 190 feet, and is recessed 42 feet into the mountain. The deepest point of the carving is at Lee's elbow, which is 12 feet to the mountain's surface…The carving is actually much larger than it appears from Stone Mountain Park's attractions. Workers could easily stand on a horse's ear or inside a horse's mouth to escape a sudden rain shower. A dedication ceremony for the Confederate Memorial Carving was held on May 9, 1970. Finishing touches to the masterpiece were completed in 1972."
I've been there, they have a laser light show after nightfall, which tells the stories of the men depicted, and the lasers make the carvings seem to move.
Like all communists and libtarded leftists, they have no idea what it took to build this monument, all they can do is try to destroy everything they touch, statues, history, and nations.
The need to be destroyed, themselves.
I don't see the problem with this.
Enshrined in the constitution is the 2A
Don't all people have rights?
Exactly. The left can shut the fuck up about gun control forever now.
pick one
That guy in the jean jacket looks like a jew in a comically bad redneck disguise.
That's beautiful. I'm not a civil war historian and don't really have much interest in that bloody time of American history but I really want to visit this now for the sheer immensity, beautify, craftsmanship and engineering that had to have gone into this!
Your bluffs have been called and they’ll just ramp it up now they realized the “right” is nothing but blowhards trying to threaten their way out of destruction.
Since when are leftists people?
Also, I just invaded Mexico
getting pretty sick of this meme
Imagine being white and actually showing up this with a gun in face of the slander thrown at white people day in and day out by the extreme left
That bald guy has an Aux cable going into his earmuffs, plus the microphone on his plate carrier. Would be a shame if someone used the airwaves to spread the word of Hitler…
I expect this shit in commiefornia or the northeast, but I am disgusted that this happened in my Deep South. I have no doubt that they were bused in from somewhere, but to see communist flags waving in the South angers me beyond….40 years ago, they'd be shot at and or ran out of town by the boys in the hood. I never can believe that people like this can get away with their leftist ways in the South.
If you're reading this and you live in Georgia, kill yourself you fucking cuck.
These faggots are LARPing so hard it's actually kind of repulsive. If someone actually fired a shot at them they'd run crying.
There really isn't so much a "south" or "north" or what have you. People move around so rapidly now, is why you'll see fresh off the boat chinks in small town alabama or pajeet in rural nowhere texas manning a gas station(which i think is a total scam since pajeet gas stations are fucking everywhere now). It doesn't matter if it's the most right wing state, the cities in it are heavily pozzed and have 100's of thousands of screeching turbo commies.
Hmm, makes me wonder who is playing this game.
I know well enough to keep my distance. I actually know what's going on, do you?
I'm looking forward to the campaign season. It's going to be much worse than 2015/16. White people are going to be looking toward white nationalism at rates never before seen.
We laugh at you ami’s. All those weird left and right wing groups….. fucking hell. 9/10 of you don’t even care about ideology, morals and values…. Or are even incapable of thinking about concepts like these. It’s sad to see s nation descending in such a decline.
Anyone feeling devilish?
And Europe is better? The whole world saw pantyfa at the G20 summit rioting destroying the cars and property of working class people and when an Italian reporter went up and asked them why they did not riot in the rich district or the billionaire's villas pantyfa gommie says "because we would be shot". Seriously. The pantyfa do not do shit unless they have establishment backing, they are cowards and useful idiots of the elite many of them are children of the elite themselves such as the children of German politicians and that's why they keep getting away with it. They rally with glee importing the invaders to replace the working class. They can destroy the working class while pretending to be on the side of the working class. Evil.
there's a better way to do that
I know.
you dont go after anybody shut the fuck up
Looks to me like they're in a major urban area, under the protection of local police and politicians. Get back to me when they leave the major urban areas and come to rural white America. They won't though. No funding, no protection, and big, mean white men with guns live there.
This. Makes the left mad when they pay protestors; alert the MSM, and then we don't show up. Equating not getting trolled by the left and their goons as cowardice. That's rich.
This is one of my favorite demoralization tactics. Plan 'hateful' white supremacist activities online, hype it, then blow it off.
Makes (((them))) waste money.
Weird. No critical press whatsoever. No mention of the armed factor either.
theyre always going to be under zog protection you fucking retard. and you keep letting the zogs little minions get upgrades. they started off easily stompable throwaway units they just keep getting better and bolder while you cope post about them not coming to your neck of the woods. dont be so confident either the internet has ensured even your neighbors are infected no matter if you think differently because you see bubbas buying chewing tobacco at the local gas station and filling their brodozers. what a joke faggot stone mountain isnt even urban.
There was something similar to this that happened on a college campus where Antifa showed up. Two journalists went undercover and got in on one of the groups.
They got the Antifags to talk about how they brought weapons to the demonstration and one of them passed a knife to one of the journalists.
Eventually the two went to the police that were overseeing the demonstration to alert the officers. They even tried to talk to the local press about it but they were brushed off.
I can't find the video/link of it atm.