/SIG/ Self Improvement General - Embrace The Polar Vortex Edition

Before we can defeat the jews in the World Bank and the jews in Hollywood, we must first defeat the jews within ourselves

Hygiene is important. BRUSH YOUR TEETH TWICE A DAY FOR 2 MINUTES, don’t forget to floss. Make your own toothpaste. Get a tongue scraper too. Your tongue should be a nice pink color, not white or yellow. This is not some ancient, long forgotten secret, but its amazing how many people neglect oral health - it’s just as important as lifting. Deodorants containing aluminium salts are toxic, avoid their use at all costs. You can make your own spray from baking soda, water and a few drops of a nice smelling essential oil. This will stop body odour without making you sterile.

Lower your carb intake and eat more animal fat. Eat lots of organic meat and fish. The (((food pyramid))) overestimates the amount of carbs you should be eating - stop consuming excessive amounts. Do not eat feminized products soyboy. Treat yourself to an occasional glass of good red wine. Try intermittent fasting, a simple 18/6 routine can work wonders.

Do not breed with roasties or THOT’s. Find a wholesome waifu. Do not expect to meet a wholesome girl in a bar, nightclub or university campus. Plan a family. Raise strong men and respectable women who will lead in the race war.

Meditate. It calms the mind, builds discipline and is an ancient, tried and tested method of building mental clarity, control and spirituality. Start today, it only takes 10 minutes.

Do not act like a nigger, do not steal, rob or vandalize. Violence should be used sparingly when there is no other option, you are not a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degeneracy of feminism.
Stop consuming (((pornography))). Oh, you think that you’re not addicted to porn? Prove it. Try to go without porn or fapping for a whole week. Then aim for a month. Its harder than you think.

Quit playing video games faggot. Do something productive, write something or build something. Plan your career, climb the ranks or start a business. Learn something useful.
We need more strong, kike-free men in positions of power.

Now get off the internet, go /out/side and get some sun. Go for a hike. Go camping. Join some wholesome clubs and make some normal friends. Do not reveal your power level to normalfags, drip feed them redpills. Stop smoking cigs and don't do drugs. Don't watch degenerate (((media))) and read some good books. You can easily source used books cheaply from local stores or online.

Work towards owning property and/or land. Don’t waste your time and money buying new cars on finance, it is a jewish trick.
Save 10% of your income for a rainy day, even a little will go a long way. Stash some money in safe alternate forms, like silver and gold (maybe a little crypto too, but be cautious).
Become informed on prepping and homesteading, make sure you’re ready when SHTF.

This is your life now.

Welcome to /SIG/ Febuary 2019

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Like clockwork

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Yeah you're one predictable little faggot, no doubt about it.

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Mobility is important too, without it we can't squat or handstand. I know it looks gay but it's necessary.

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counter-((((enlighten)))) me

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It's been month since my last post so I guess it's time for an update. Hope everyone's had a good 2019 so far. It's been a slow month for me. I'm down about 5 more pounds which is about 90 total now (usually it's been around 10 per month). I'm starting to get concerned about loose skin from the weight loss. I'm hoping muscle gain can help, but I doubt it will much. I really don't want to have to get surgery for this since it'd take multiple and be expensive.

Welcome back, keep up the good work. Putting on some muscle will help with the loose skin, fasting can also help you in this regard. It really depends how bad it is, if you go from whale to /fit/ in a year and have rolls of skin, then you might need surgery.
Otherwise keep at it, if you're really concerned, you could slow down your cut. It will take longer to loose the fat but you also lower the chances of developing loose skin.

cutting out sugar makes it very easy to eat less, but now I'm struggling to eat enough, I'm at 1k kcal with 100g of protein.

Remember we are being attacked by shills. They're goal is to prevent us from getting stronger. I remember a few weeks ago that someone attempted to start a (((new))) /sig/ thread with the goal of getting women (instead of destroying the jew). The shills probably learned that it was too obvious so they start this bland thread instead. Notice the lack of redpills compared to the December edition.

For about 9 months I've been paying for a gym membership. Thursday was the first time I actually went to the gym. I wasted about 200€ while continuously thinking "uh, maybe next week". Better late than never, though.

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I have found a potential new vector in our quest to wholesome ness (and for me personally, for more emotional stability/sanity)

as in slowness. I have received the concept in the book "cutting through spiritual materialism" and just started noticing, and thinking "what the fuck is the pace on the internet, on the chans". And does anyone else notice how many youtube video's are specially designed with cut out movements. So that the crap is accelerated. And many movies too are just at a franctic pace. I just keep wondering. What if this contributes to our problems. Maybe even the format at a more busy, cuckchan, constant refreshing, constant new posts.

So I thought that perhaps the pace between someone who is low frequency (low emotional string frequency as some other user remarked in the previous thread) and one who is high frequency. May be tied to the formats, but also to screen flickering (refresh rates of monitors?) All of these things could contribute to an unnatural pace. So I just cut off screen time by 60% to see if it could help.

I need a recommended translation of Plato's Republic. A friend gave me a copy, the notes in the back lament that Plato was "not a true feminist."

Have a bump, brothers

Bro I'm a nazi any girl worth having wouldn't have a thing to do with me stop with this pure aryan waifu bullshit.

Roll faggots

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Bordie user reporting in

Had a hard time keeping my training and meditation pace while in university (too much freedom), but now with the daily grind, it´s much easier to take ten minutes for meditation each day, and soon I`ll be starting with gym again. Mostly back, core and shoulders bcs 11 hours white-collar slavery but fuck it. I feel like I´m betraying my own cause by working for an investment bank, but it´s what I like to do, so what can you do?
Although it is painful for me, I want to go to church again. Philosphy (Nietzsche, mostly) has split me in two, and I want to make me whole again. Does anyone know that feel?
Maybe I´ll even start playing the trumpet again, that would be cool.
Gotta hustle with networking and learning Python over the next months. It ain´t for wankers, being a banker.
No therapy, fuck that shit. Don´t need it anymore.

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Perhaps you should add what you think is missing.

That's pathetic. Do better. We need you to represent whites well. Every white that is fit, well dressed, and coherent builds upon our collective identity as one that is superior to others, and something to be proud of. Whites have the best naturally developed stereotypes (as opposed to the artificial jewish ones), but they need to be even more obvious. You are a part of whole.

Eat shit, bergelstein.

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Protip (borrowed from an user in November /sig/): set a 30 minute alarm and check yourself to make sure you are doing SOMETHING productive when it goes off. If you arent, then change that.

I'm 24 and currently working as a sales admin. So I do minor HTML, graphic design and data entry as part of my work. I currently make $12 /hr and work full time.

I'm thinking of going back to college and leaving my job or at least working part time. I live on my own, with three roomates.
Any advice on what I should do? I was thinking going into civil engineering?

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Why go to college? School in general is one of the prime breeding grounds of the marxist filth that is contaminating the minds of our people. Everything taught there is approved first by our (((enemies))). What can you not learn on the internet? What books, what information is unavailable to you outside of college? In my opinion it's a colossally retarded waste of time, will, and money, you'll be giving it straight to (((them))).

get a trade, collage doesn't add a real skill base outside of theory. unless you are in medical or engineering.

The only times you should ever go to college is if you're going into law or medicine or working for a large company and they agree to promote you if you get a degree and help you pay for it.

You can make decent money in b2b sales if you're gregarious, if not you can use your job as a springboard to other management positions.

Which is exactly why you never reveal your powerlevel, you drip feed redpills. Obviously a girl will be repulsed if on your first date you go full 14/88.

You could always make a throwaway Tinder and do what Murdoch Murdochs friend did. He allegedly copy-pasted the 14 words to every White girl online to see if they bite. When the replies inevitabley roll in that seem semi interested, that's when you hit them with stats. It might be it'sfuckingnothing.png but it doesn't hurt to try.

There's something to be said for being straight with your beliefs. You have to able to comfortably communicate them, though. If you say "W-we m-must secure the existence of our p-people, and an existence for white c-childre…" the result will be repulsive to anyone in ear shot.

What is this autism, you can't just jump into Heidegger, because his philosophy is based on Hegel. Because you need a frame of mind, or paradigm of thought set before you can read them so you can properly understand what they are addressing. Read Hegel before Heidegger, read Schopenhauer before Heidegger even lol. Without that you'll be basically blind and wasting your time.

Alan Bloom is best translation imo, others such as the Peguin classics are too directly translated and kinda dry. Bloom version is great. Listen to some lectures by Pierre Grimes as well for extra understanding.

Ignore my previous post, user did have some good Hegel recommendations.

I never thought I would create a Tinder account for the purpose of ideological subversion / potential waifu recruitment, but I've seen crazier plans carried out.

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Don't go to college goy.

Wew…so many fucking Jews on this board

Fluoride is necessary for regenerating tooth enamel.
The natural source is tea.
With milk gives all the ingredients to regenerate enamel.
Regenerated enamel is harder than original.
Also tea is an antibiotic.
Extra better is real cheese with tea.
Gives the minerals a protein structure like new restorative treatments.
Five cups a day, after two weeks teeth feel stronger.

Shills are on a fuckin mission today boys

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What? College is the prime time brainwashing spot these days. most kosher material that is still a little too intense to be forced onto the general population begins here

This board is at least half kikes pretending the other half are kikes.

Don't stress it user. Sure you spent some money, but since you kept up your membership that barrier wasn't there when you finally decided to follow through. It's like if you want to practice guitar you have to keep handy nearby on a stand, in tune, so that you can easily grab it and bang out a 15m session whenever you feel the need instead of dragging it out of the closet and needing restring it. Anyways, now you just need to follow through with a basic routine. Whatever you're doing, make sure that you add another rep or two each session, or add another 2.5-5lbs on the machine or barbell. As long as you are consistently making some, any, progress, it will add up over time and one year from now you'll look back and realize a lot has changed.

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Some of the pace might even be signal:noise. Instead of following news feeds and refreshing I've moved toward weekly or even monthly news magazines. It's still kiked jew shit but at least I don't get the drudge-tier reporting on every turd Manafort drops the latest opinion of Kang West, all of which is pure narrative-pushing noise.

If you're already doing HTML and graphic design you can learn to code and easily jump to $40k salary even without a degree. Learn some basic CSS, some Bootstrap HTML, and JavaScript. Build a simple portfolio project and make it open source. Then practice some brain teasers on leetcode, and look up interview questions to prepare yourself. After a couple years you at your $40k job you can easily jump to $60-80k in your next job by repeating the process of building your portfolio and technical skills. Don't be afraid to aggressively trade up in jobs, because it's way faster than waiting for raises within the same company.

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dam and i was just going to post kike free first post

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bad advice. you can only jump into philosophy by being, hm, 'charmed' and Heidegger here is an excellent option as because of his uncanny position. otherwise it is painful talmudism.
'read this this this this and submit p a p e r s to prof. Torahstein' this attitude kills natural and organic interest and fascination of a child.

Follow an Ariadne's Thread. Philosophy is a Spiritual quest.

Why would anyone want to look like this amish-style faggot? Dude looks like he crawled out of the shallow end of the gene pool. 100% incel for sure.

This is great advice for anyone, in any career. I made the mistake of sticking with my first job for 10 years at a small business getting tiny incremental raises and thinking the company would finally take off and I'd be set for life since I got in early. Then the owners sold the company and everyone got laid off and got jack shit.

I could have doubled my salary easily during that time if I had been aggressive about applying for upward positions beyond what I was already doing.

but malnourished

I member that thread

body hair is supposed to be there, shaving it is only going to hurt you, shaved pubes for example will cause you to get rashes and zits around your crotch with the added benefit ofthe stubble poking your cock, and exfoliating your face is akin to peeling it, just use a fucking washcloth to wash off the dirt and dead skin.
shit doesn't have to complicated

Smells like soyboy rules.

Thanks for sharing. The Weston A. Price Foundation gets quite a few things right when it comes to nutrition. Keep in mind however, that legumes, nuts and seeds contain anti-nutrients like phytic acid which hinder mineral absorption.
Regarding meats and organ meat in particular: Meats are unrightfully claimed by a global vegan agenda to be unhealthy, yet people like the Eskimoes or the Masai live in perfect health when eating nothing but animal products. Even our ancestors, who are genetically way closer to us, ate meat and animal fats for the most time, especially during the ice age. Most modern plants suited for eating are cultivars.
Organ meats are cheap and nutritious, offering Anons who don't have a lot of money a great source of nutrients. Consider eating liver a few times of the week. Source it well and it tastes delicious, especially lamb and veal liver. Chicken liver is also nice.
On fermented foods: Kefir definitely is an awesome food/drink. If fermented long enough, it seperates into curds and whey, allowing you to drink just the whey, a great drink. It's really nice when prepared with raw milk, but store-bought milk gets the job done.


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question, WHERE did you find your job? like how did you get it? how did you hear about it?

for any anons reading this, I want to give you some advice, if your a skinny fag then you are going to hate any trade you do, truck driving for example will smash the skin between your bones and seat. physical labor jobs such as construction, welding, things of that sort, will cause you to fatigue quickly and also cause you to get light headed very quickly.
just wanted to put that out here.

clean shave is actually a better look than most facial hair, besides, soycucks prefer to grow out their beards as a way to feel like true Men™ they aren't

And it’s always a patchy soy beard, THAT looks like shit. Nothing beats a great beard, but it has to be attached to a worthy man. The beard doesn’t make the man, but it’s a nice way to finish one.


This is my going now. I have had a recent surge of will so now I am on the "doing" wave of things. Hopefully this spirit will continue.

It feels good

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Intermittent fasting is going well. My fast ass has lost close to 20lbs since yhe beginning on January. I'm starting to construct a 1 meal a deal plan that would include a good bone broth, a large bowl of greens, and a good amount of meats and fats. I already transitioned to a 20:4 split and it actually feels even better than when I was at 16:8.

Do you yourself live upto those standards currently, or do you merely wish to?

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fuck this piece hits right in the truth.

t. skipped today's planned training.

..and my gym is already closed. fuck. I will train at home. have a blessed day.

Civil engineer is definitely a more right wing workplace than most and a respectable white man’s profession although you’ll most likely be helping to build infrastructure for shitskins and chinks to invade your nation. That will be demoralizing if you’re red pilled, but if DOTR ever happens your lifetime, your skills will be in extremely high demand to rebuild. 4 years is a long time to go back into the university system with all its poz and faggotry. I know I couldn’t take it at 24. So make sure it’s something you can find enjoyment in.

Post your progress
didn't have facebook for years anyway but I really got rid of anything vaguely resembling social media
only thing she has vaguely resembling social now is her photography account. (Not instagram. A site where you take film photos, scan them and upload them. Site has no ability to private message or anything and I like her hobbies.
It's a lot better. Was smoking a pack a day.


Is this a joke or what?
I work a bare basic job and still get a monthly salary. If you miss a day do you just not get paid?

He can't help his genetics, user. It takes incredible dedication for anyone to stand up again with that much weight on their back, let alone with his tiny frame.

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No they don't, that's entirely mythology. Eskimos have always been among the least healthy people ever encountered. In the 1800s white people first encountering them found they looked incredibly old in their 40s and 50s, and died before 60. They had massive amounts of heart disease. They are far too reliant on fish and the toxic PUFA in fish causes heart disease, premature aging and early death.
Our ancestors lived in Europe during the ice age, Europe did not freeze over. There was plenty of plants.

Look at that weston price foundation bullshit. It is full of contradictory advice just in one tiny infographic. But because it is just some dumb kikess cashing in on price's name (which should be worthless because he was a fraud), she has no fucking clue that her advice makes no sense. Common wheat is just as traditional as emmer wheat, we've used them both for the same length of time, which is longer than we've had rye. Yet she claims you shouldn't eat common wheat but should eat rye because "traditional". She says to eat raw seeds even though they are full of anti-nutrients and phytotoxins just like legumes, which are seeds. The very reason we have cooking is to make seeds safer to eat. She says animal fat and sunflower oil are healthy. How is that possible? What on earth do those things have in common? Sunflower oil is toxic PUFA, it is not safe or healthy at all. It is just as bad as canola oil or corn oil or soy oil.

a large part of females are straight up whore trash. you shouldn't fault a guy for being unable to get laid, fault him for why he doesn't get laid (i.e hes a ugly fucktard)

Does anyone have that pic where they said hitler never jacked off.

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Hello Ray, there are you again! It's been a long time. Still you don't have any accounts on how the Eskimoes health was so terrible, huh?
Regarding your other remarks: I said they get quite a few things right. I pointed out the problem with grains and legumes.

How are trailer parks? Are they safe or not? Should I apply for section 8? I need to get off my parents basement because my mom is overprotective and have barely make enough income to buy even a condo.

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Is calling someone Ray supposed to be your heeb version of us calling you Shlomo or something? What do you mean still don't have accounts? Every account ever for the last 150 years has said the same thing. Getting a couple of things right by accident isn't ok. That just makes it more likely for people to see something correct and assume the rest of the wrong shit is also correct. Facts are facts, you don't promote a kike a mix of truth and lies in an infographic and pretend that's ok because "well something in there is probably true".

I always see in these threads to take cold showers but I've never seen a reason why. I can guess that there's a good reason but I was wondering if anyone had information on the matter.

Being cold raises your testosterone.

bump please answer question what home can white man get if he makes 10/hr?

The way our brain work, well I am starting to get a very slight grasp as to how the hormones play a role. The dopamine especially. With porn I could feel several arousal type of effects being prolonged. Without porn they just dissipate faster. And the eery thing is that chart which displayed the time passage, I remembered it and then applied it to myself and I found it to be accurate.

The eery part is that it controls how we think. Sexual desire for women makes us pay attention more to them, which forms emotion, tied with mirror neurons. All of it is a fucking joke man. I went through many of these emotions, and things that people have taken for granted, poetically, romantically, but also spiritual and religious. And I have found most of it to be laughable. These things that people thought that they were special and magic and whatever. They turned out to be combinations of hormones, states of mind and lots of other dumb things combined. Each isolated onto itself devoid of higher meaning.

And out of this mess only the spirit of self control and discipline has remained intact. Self control, self mastery and discipline. Stoic virtues.

And dopamine and pace, could be another thing that we could use to get to a higher level of self control, which isnt religious bs, its quite accurate. The weekly to monthly magazines is a nice approach. Perhaps we should get a mailing list like service that stallman has lol. But the pace of this board is still nice enough. Tho I think I will avoid halfcuck for a long time now.

yea fuck therapy, meditation is pretty neat, it can solve a lot of problems. Funny thing is that some shrinks actually recommend it.

They're fine. My neighbors made me unofficial security since I'm the "gun toting nazi". Kek. Just look around the neighborhood before you choose. The trailer park i'm in is 100% White, while if i would have moved to the one 15 minutes away there would be spics. Get out, live cheap, and you can always upgrade later.

Two reasons. First cold showers boost your immune system. hbr.org/2018/03/cold-showers-lead-to-fewer-sick-days

Second, white people have an organ we call "brown adipose tissue". It exists to break down fats and use the stored energy to produce heat. In doing so, it also releases the fat soluble vitamins with it, like vitamin D. Because of our native climate, we don't get enough vitamin D in the winter from the sun. So we evolved to store up vitamin D in fat during the summer and then release it during the winter. But if you stay warm all the time your BAT is never activated. Cold showers are enough to activate your BAT and release your stored vitamin D.

oh and to add: control of pace gave me the ability to sleep normally again. I just noticed something weird, whenever I go on the internet, and I witness something that it too fast, too aggressive, be it threads or a video of sorts…it basically turns my brain into an overdrive mode. and I require more tiredness to fall asleep. I also lose track of "myself", some sense of hydration, basic maintenance of all sorts.

perhaps it are the symptoms of an internet addict.

So when I adjusted for the pace again, I found myself to be able to sleep well once more. Not in specific times, but when I was tired, any time of the day really. And then I realized that this too was kinda uncommon, as a lot of people, even outside of the internet have problems doing just this. Pace…they also had problems with it. Perhaps through other means, through smartphones, or emotional engagements in their own lives that were overburdening them.

So yea.

there was a rumor of sorts that the jews deleted the natsoc physical fitness manuals…I think that we are slowly uncovering those things manually right now. Racially specific diets, and now also racially specific exercises? People probably tried to explain wim hoff.

no thanks im not a heathen

What are some /sig/ tier stuff to watch on jewtube during my commutes to work. No documentary shit, actual stuff that will improve me as a white male with a wife who wants to improve his family by getting a better job.


Trips of truth about being straight with your beliefs. Whether to beat around the bush or not is debatable.

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Don't be a goat.


Seems like the place to leave this

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Just to offer a suggestion. Never tell her what you're actually doing.

Say something off the wall like, "Reading a book about some couple and the woman is off asking the standard questions like a call center employee of her significant other, and he's telling her that he's playing with wet panties."

Women aren't for thinking, user.

lol women dont know what The Turner Diaries is. I think the world would freeze over if an actual women read that from start to finish.

Holy fuck my sides. Supreme kikery rabbi (1) and done.

See that7how they get you. They tell you they will let you have anything you want if you suck their dick once, next thing you know they are trying to pay thousands of dollars to do it again.

A few weeks later, you're making tens of thousands sucking dicks.

I don't know if that is really how it goes. That's just what I imagine it's like for prostitutes.

As much as I would like to, I have a hard enough time just getting out of bed in the morning, if I wasn't NatSoc then I probably would have unironically an hero'd by now.
I got screwed as a kid by being left behind socially and academically, there are few if any jobs I can do, and even if I do get a job it's unlikely that I will keep it for more than 2 months.
Everyday is a struggle, I have become so despondent, I no longer care about attaining social interaction, or money, or a woman.
I'm not even sure if I will live to see the end of this year, let alone old age.
I'm tired frens, I really am.

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Stay breathing for your Folk user. Even for those who do not appreciate it. They will understand either in this life or the next.

Gotta Check those, stay with the living friend. Things can get better for those that work for them.
is a goddamn excuse. Make yourself care, or pretend or do it out of spite and anger and hatred at what society, your peers and ancestors have made you into. Get up, get better, exercise if for nothing else to tell life to go fuck itself every morning. Keep a job for 2 months and then three months and then get a better job and then three months and then 6 months and just keep going and going and going. Don't kill yourself, you can do better and you only need one person to believe in you. It's me you fucker so get up, don't fucking proove me wrong.

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True. Pay attention to when a woman doesn't ask you questions, though. If she's not interested in what you're doing, then she's not that interested in you. If she's not acting a like a fan of yours, wanting to know every detail, but instead responds to what you tell her with a description of what she's more interested in (in this case cartoons in bed) then something is wrong.

Also that message exchange starts with "hey sorry, I got a little busy", implying a modern woman put down her phone to do something else, to which I say "citation needed". Bitch is cheating, or stringing along an orbiter.

Your dubs have been outclassed.

Heil Hitler user must live.



well if you work 40 hours average every week for a year then you will make roughly $21,000 (taxes usually go on a 1/8th to 1/9th scale which as that pay is somewhere between $2200-$2600 for he whole year) and also not including overtime, bonuses, tips, etc.

So that leaves you with between $18k and $19k

So lets factor in a car + costs (gas and insurance will be the biggest recurring cost, maintenance and repairs will cost almost as much if not more) a car is a good tool to have as it permits more freedom and mobility, but just assume that used car = $2k-$5k for one that is in OK condition, insurance is likely to run $1k-$2k a year depending on the company you get, gas can be a little more forgiving as it is determined by what you drive (prius vs V8 super hemi dually) how much you drive (daily commute + any special trips or travel) and how how you drive (stomping on the gas vs taking it easy) this can also be alleviated if you can ride a bike or moped to work.but lets say $150 in gas for a month ($1800/year) so already you would be spending $6300 for a modest choice your first year and ~$3300 every year after, but since we're just starting out we'll go with the former. Now we're down to ~$13k

At this point you have to focus on, and only on things you NEED, like a safe place to sleep at night (cold can kill so a shed won't cut it unless you do some heavy remodeling, which we are below poverty tier poor, so that's a no-go)
A decent room for rent will run you about $500 smakeroos/month, so thats another $6k each and every year (it's much more if you actually own a place)

So now your poor ass is down to a whole $7000
if your like mostnormal people then you don't want to starve to death/get lightheaded at work, you will need food, now this is an entirely different subject on it's own, but it's gonna cost you, especially for a whole fucking year, but here is a basic. If your a lazy poorfag that can't cook and has to eat dollar menu shit food (let's say at taco bell) for you to actually get close to "full" your gonna be buy ~$10 bucks worth of food every day (less if you don't mind skipping a meal, which I do not suggest) so that's ~$300 a month, so $3600/year
Congrats skippy, you have survived a whole year and have ~3400 a year to spend on whatever you would like! internet, cable, phone, vidya, computers, whatever. However please do be aware that how I have estimated you are likely to have closer to $2000 overall spending money, which in all honesty your probably gonna have to spend a good chunk on car maintenance (which I didn't factor in) and whatever else may pop up (like medical, which there are ways to circumvent, but not always)
My final suggestions would be 1. get a gun (niggers can and will steal whatever you have because lol niggers) 2. save your money like a greedy kike (keep some in cash in case (((banks))) try to fucko you)
Have fun, and welcome to The United States of America™!

Thank you kind anons, it gets lonely sometimes, it's nice to know that there are comrades out there.
Hail Victory!