He's getting roasted by his own fans over this hard, even on his subreddit. Dorsey owns CashApp, who sponsor the podcast. This all interview was bought and paid for and Joe didn't stand for free speech once.
Toe Rogan outs himself as globalist shill
He has always been an globalist libertarian pothead – and openly, too, I might add. Well, maybe not "always", but he has been one for quite some time. Anyway, how is this OP-worthy? What is your justification? It's like making a thread about how Ben Shapiro is a Jew. Shocker! Seriously, is this the best they teach you at Tel Aviv? Or are you just retarded?
Trick question – Jews are retarded! Fuck off Kike. And may the ban hammer reign down upon your frail body and cleave you in twain.
Calm down user, there are wayyyy worse threads than this up currently.. This is just the state of nu-pol.
Your post is cringey as hell. Like something I'd read on a normie website.
How do you do, fellow shitlord?
You are part of the problem. Don't forget that.
You were so busy caressing your fumbled bottom that you forgot to sage lmao. Literally nu/pol/ by your own definition now!
It's okay that you watch Owen (((Benjamim))), but don't bring his lingo here, buddy. Also e-celeb cancer.
I'm using dark theme so the colors don't change, which is why I forgot but that not make me nu-pol. I'm anti-nu-pol by virtue of being against this cancer, unlike you, fag. Keep posturing for the cool points – no one is buying what you're selling. We can all see you for what you truly are: a Kike. Yep, your nasal effluvia of that protruding giga-snout is dripping from my screen. So disgusting. Just leave, Levi.
Goy Rogen is a fucktard. It’s insane how the unfunny roided manlet has gained so much traction to his podcast, but I guess he’s gotten really good at sucking Jew-dick. Fuck him and his npc followers.
He's a voice for the demographic of men who aren't cucked enough to be soyims but are too cucked to actually be anything more than a recepticle for moderate ideas, like fans of Juden B Peterstein.
I am sageing.
I don't have to justify my post to you, you autistic retard.
I'm listening now, seems pretty boring and awkward. What does he say that's so bad? I don't want to listen to the whole 2 hours.
E-celeb turns out to be a globalist kike puppet or controlled opposition?! *shock *gasp The horror!
It has been obvious for a while, the interesting development is that his fanbase is vocally rejecting his attempts at conditioning them
I'm not watching this shit; give me the highlight reel.
I figured it out when I finally listened to Terrence Mckenna. He quotes marx. Joe Rogan is a useful idiot.
There isn't any particular highlights, it's Joe gleefully tonguing Dorsey's ass as he dribbles shit for two hours. Not much point in watching besides where Dorsey lets some info on Twitters censorship mechanisms slip. Just leave a dislike and a comment shitting on Joe.
Joe should have ripped him a new one, I guess? I've always known Joe wasn't the smartest guy… Never expected him to be fully redpilled about anything.
(polite sage)
Plus, remember when he tore Steven Crowder a new one and everyone got pissed at him? He even had to bring Steven back on the show and basically apologize? I think he's scared shitless of his audience and just wants to keep the cash flowing. He's eventually going to become like larry king and the like, giving lip service to famous cunts for money
Dude, he's admitted to being 1/4 Jewish but is a Christian and has recently been NAMING the Jew and calling them out for their crimes against humanity. Owen is based.
Plus, his proper nickname is Joe Rogaine
you should go back there
He claims to be a WWII history major who interviewed "holocaust" survivor…yet never read Mein Kampf. He now bought it from (((amazon))) even when he got thousands of anons telling him that these version are edited. He made it 10 minutes into "the greatest story never told" before dropping it. He claims to never have heard of the Kalergi plan. He defends the "holocaust" but admits that it was misrepresented/exploited. He is spewing jewish lies about Germany whenever Hitler comes up. He defends the "not all jews"-excuse with everything he has and makes sure to bring it up whenever he called out one of the hollywood kikes.
Totally not an agenda behind that, he just doesn't get it yet…yeah right. Do you know how much cheddar he makes with telling stuff Zig Forums is giving you for free? Same with his buddies Crowder and Vox Day, who are selling you the truth, for money, while leaving out the obvious damaging parts to the jewish hegemony. I mean those guys are great, intelligent, charismatic, entertaining and straight up role model quality, but they don't help you against what the jews are dishing out. They are just brazen enough to skid the grey era, while making fat cash off it.
Joe Rogan’s wife is a Jew and he’s about the most kosher and pro establishment ‘anti-establishment’ type there is.
He has good guests on there sometimes. I liked the one he did with Elon musk but that may have been the only podcast I ever listened to.
Your post is worse than the OP. Never type again, fag.
I get what you're saying but it's irrelevant whether or not he gets everything right. When it comes to the culture war, all that matters is that he is reaching people and bringing them closer to the truth. If people are incapable of doing their own research, then they're probably going to stop listening at the word "Jew" so that's why I say it's not important for a comedian to be right about everything, just as long as he is generally right and having a positive influence for our cause.
stop it
get some help
The worst thing about this whole thing is all the infocucks in the comments who think they've figured something out. What Rogan's doing in this interview is what Jonestein's done his whole career.
Also, Owen Benjamin is a rotten kike.
>thinks 8ch, a site owned by a Kike Freemason Jim (((Watkins))) and administrated by a halfbreed Gook-Kike Ron (((Watson))) isn't a normie website honeypot
Absolute Boomer
The absolute state of /nu/pol, brought to you by the Mossad and CIA LARP known as QAnon
And e-celebs are still promoted…
Owen may "only" be 25% heeb (like Tim Wise), but he argues like he's 250%.
I saw him say we all need to stand with Israel, because "there are no churches in Iraq". There used to be a secular nationalist government in Iraq that protected Christians, and their president made donations to churches around the world, but Owen's co-racialist put a stop to that. Only a kike could use something caused by Israel to make the case for Israel.
Is his wife taller from this micro nigga?
Why she is hanging with blacks ?
Why are you just now finding this out?
He's no different from being a new Alex Jewowned or Kike Enoch.
All three were literally married to kikes and two including blow rogan is directly funded by heebs.
Well nevermind, jewrogan is small twat>>12752566
No one gives a fuck joe.
Kinda pathetic
wow, its the nofunallowed crew, little that you are unaware, you're a cancerous NPC ruining this board and it's culture.
you're shitfleeing around nu-pol but you're the brightest definition on the book, you're a laughing stock and a huge faggot, the type of faggot nobody wants around, fuck off and let others have fun, gay ops.
It's cool guys, his wife is 7'
last one
5' 6" Joe Rogaine has always been an insecure faggot. You only have to look at how desperate the midget was to get on TV, the church of faggots, and stand next to Andy Dickstein.
As long as Joe Rogaine doesn't get destroyed, like he should, for funding Girls Gone Wild which exploited underage drunk girls and public domain rights for profit, he'll backstab anyone and bend over on any issue his paymasters demand.
This is the best description of his fan base I've read.
All e-celebs are shit.
I think you're getting him confused with somebody else.
he promotes drugs and married a jewess, are you slow?
most of the time I don't like joe but that's smart I want my wife to be taller than me as well so I will have taller children. I'm only 5'8 without shoes
Cable Tow Joe is going along with the (((narrative)))? Wow, so shocked.
Next you'll tell me Liberace was gay.
Joe's wife isn't taller than you. She's 5'8"
No shit you retard
no u
Toe Rogan :D
No you're not you absolute fucking mongoloid. Fuck outta here
You still don't fit in, boomer.
Joe Rogan has always been a Leftist retard, he just slithers between opinions depending on what guest he's having.
She cheated on him with a jew. kek
Why are you retards still watching Joe Rogan at all? He's racist as fuck! He literally said that he supported white genocide on air. "White people are dying" - some guest. "Good" - his response.
You need to stop giving him views you fucking idiots. Simple as that.
Dat third pic 😁
She has another daughter with a NIGGER.
(((Rogan))) is 50% JEW. He has daddy issues because his kike father would beat the shit out of his, dumb, Irish whore mother. But yeah, one of the tribe.
Pol: if you are poor its your fault. You just aren't contributing as much as the federal reserve, Joe rogan, and miley Cyrus.
Gas yourself, yid.
toe rogaine confirmed gay
This but unironically.
Yeah? Zig Forums is exactly the opposite of what it was a few years ago.
its the jews fault, cause of usury n shiet
also being a lazy nigger doesn't help
Nah hes part of it. They let him do whatever he wants until they need him to either sewer someone or softball questions to a shitlib.
Dorsey needs to be hanging from a tree. I don’t know why a brave user or anons haven’t blasted him in his face; which is just asking to get smashed. >inb4 glownigger. I don’t care his face needs to be smashed it has Antifa and communism practically written all over it.
toes an admitted (((satanist)))
He is part the (((IDW))), why would this surprise any of us?
how good's this bit though
Omg gossip gossip gossip E celebs hehe xd RAWR
Die nigger
no one is going to watch that shitty ass video of an nonfunny dude
Being a mischling and worshipping a jew doesn't actually make matters better.
I like Owen's content, but it's not Zig Forums tier. The literal jews that infest this board will marginalize him because h wasn't to the right of Adolf Hitler.
Daily reminder: kike literally means "Anti-Christian".
Shut the fuck up
fuck off joe you literal kike lover.
Like Owen?
I did, just to spite you.
These shitstains are a good representative sample of the group that keeps this place empty. They have no wit, no intelligence, and no sense of humor so they just complain any time someone posts. They are mediocre in every way and are a symptom of decline in a human group. The more it loses its meaning and spirit, the more this type of mediocrity rises to a position of influence.
If you think a post is stupid, and you had any value as a poster whatsoever, you're write a funny response calling out the stupidity of the post. You're all incapable of that, which is why cuckchan dominates and the 20 of you regulars here sit and stew in your own juices.
I was a fan of Rogan when his podcast was just starting, before I realized the extant of his shilling.
I realized it when he started playing dumb on conspiracy issues he used to speak incredibaly sharply on.
I realize now Rogan is one of the enemies most guarded weapons. Rogan is fully under the control of the enemy.
No, like God-hating kikes.
Is Owen one of those elusive "good jews"?
Owen does not qualify for the law of return, so your question is false on its premise.
He's a racial jew by his own admission.
Nah, Joe Rogan fans are more pathetic than genuine soyboys.
And Elizabeth Warren is a savage.
Your nose is showing, Moshe.
Tim Wise would be just as much a piece of shit regardless of his ethnicity. Owen is a jew-naming Christian who does not qualify for the law of return. The one making equivocations here is you, kike larper atheist faggot.