Recently, a different drag was caught dancing at a gay bar for tips
Recently, a different drag was caught dancing at a gay bar for tips
so a Negro, a Reformed Judaism and a Groyper walk into the Gym called 'Guy's Heaven'
Degenerate mother
Memeable if true. Either she gets fired, or people learn that this is state condoned
Find the mother, beat her to a pulp. How difficult is it?
Just another day in Wiemar States of America. Remember times when mother sold their kids as sextoys in Germany? This future you chosed in 1939.
This country is dead to me
Last stage of kali yuga, no wonder things are as fucked as they are. Soon the judgement will come and the land will cleanse itself from this abominable disease that is modernity.
I can watch every sort of gore with no reaction. This made my skin crawl, and I had to close it.
Weimerica does something Weimerican. It's all so fucking tiresome.
Yeah. Messiah is coming back. Any minute. He is almoust here. Propably 2022. Or maybe 2028. I am sure it will hapen and it will be soon. And that god wil fix it for us because….
LARPing is fine, but it is problem when you don't know it is just LARP.
This. The USA fought for the kike's side in World War II (although, the former Axis countries are also sliding into the same depravity). It's all pretty fucked.
"What's the matter, goy? You don't like this bright (((progressive))) future that (((we're))) making for you?" Yeah, the kikes are just begging to be snuffed out at this point.
We need to spread this far and wide. We are almost Wiemar now, all we need is the runaway hyperinflation, and Hitler can return.
And this time, he'll have nukes.
I didn't open it.
I don't need to see it, to know it exists.
Repackage NS, so the normies won't knee-jerk reject it, and find our new leader.
No Poland, this time, no excuse to attack the Reich, and nobody will attack a nuclear-armed nation, anyway. We could annex Canada, drive all non-whites from the nation, and no one could do a fucking thing about it.
And when we demand the breakup of the banking cartels, the world will follow.
How though? Germany was paying massive war reparations that it in no way could properly pay, which is why it had runaway hyperinflation. The closest contemporary country to Weimar today is Greece, and the kikes have declared that "the Greek debt crisis is over," meaning that even (((they))) realize that they can't get any blood out of a stone. The USA is financially in much better shape, especially more so since Trump had some of his tax and economic reforms passed. Unless the kikes at the Federal Reserve decide to pull another 1929 for whatever reasons, I have yet to see any indication that it will happen. (((Them))) crashing the economy in a Great Depression-style way would completely ruin their entire postwar world order.
Still, should prepare for it regardless, in case it actually does come about, but it wouldn't do them any favors.
Last I saw, the U.S. was closing in on 22 trillion dollars of debt, and the only thing hiding our inflation is slave-labor from overseas, making our dollar APPEAR strong, in terms of buying toys, like Ipods.
Look to REAL property and REAL expenditures in the cost of living, like the cost of land, houses, rents, college, health care, and the like…you'll see our real inflation.
You can't continue to blow money by the trillions and not raise taxes on your well-shekeled masters…and 80% of this country is too poor to pay any federal taxes, beyond gas tax.
When the time comes that we are paying a large enough percentage of federal tax income to nothing but interest-only payments on the debt, and there is nothing left to maintain a military or provide basic services, you'll see the government turn to the Treasury for rampant cash creation (trillion dollar coin scheme).
And the inflation rate will skyrocket overnight.
Ahh crackers
satanic kikes must get the oven
"Mankind would sink into eternal darkness and once more into a primitive and dull primal era if the Jews were to win the war. They are the incarnation of those destructive impulses that raged in these terrible years of enemy warfare against everything that we regard as noble, beautiful and worthy of preservation. For this very reason alone do the Jews hate us so. They despise our culture and education, perceiving them instinctively as way above their nomadic world view. They fear our economic and cultural high achievements, because these no longer allow much movement for their parasitical activities. They are the enemies of our inward orderliness that has no room for their tendency for anarchy."
Dr. Joseph Goebbels
Something about this doesn't seem right to me.
They usually have cops in on it ready to call to intimidate investigators. That works on low levels I suppose.
4/10 Not as hot as Luna or Desmond is Amazing.
jk. Why is no one set everyone on fire though. Like nobody is just going to start smashing everyone with the cameras?
Kill her for the male prostetution of her son, user…it isn’t like ‘she needs the money’. She has a job and everything.
Bump because you can’t hide this.
Yeah, but at some point you have to laugh at them, right? Remember the ‘tv special’ where hitlers family made a big deal about how they were going to ensure that their DNA never passed itself on, on Earth and that they had either chosen not to have children or basically rendered themselves infertile? Well don’t you think that a pack of subhuman niggers (mentally anyway) DESERVES THIS as their reward? If they are wantonly immoral then they DESERVE everything that comes to them.
this just looks like a bring your daughter to work day picture
Can anything be done about this? Doesn't this fall under literal child prositution?
you are underestimating the corrosive effect of degeneracy on society and the economy.
The problem is that the government is complicit in this filth. That's why we need a new government. In fact, I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that the populations of cities or even states could just start paying their own police forces without oversight from the federal government. States already regulate themselves for the most part. A police for is just one tiny part of that. I wouldn't mind paying $10 or however much a month for cops who kick pedophile's teeth in with impunity.
Jews have torpedoed this.
If the police bring charges, they are instantly sued for discriminating against faggots.
This was the reason Jeffery Dahmer was able to murder and eat one of his victims, that had managed to escape him.
The victim was bound and bloody, and had run into the street right in front of a patrol car. He was drugged, so he was incoherent. The cops stopped and tried to question him, but Dahmer came out on his front stoop and told them, "he lives here." The cops returned the victim to Dahmer…why?…because they saw that sort of thing in faggotville every weekend. S&M was normal for faggots, as was extreme drug abuse, and if they tried to prosecute anyone for assault, or drugs, or illegal detention, the "victim" inevitably didn't bring charges, and the cops were sued for violating their "right" to live a fagocentric "lifestyle."
So they just gave the victim back to Dahmer, who proceeded to kill and eat him.
The final solution is to crush the sodomite.
And it will come to that, never fear.
History shows us it always does.
Weimar is almost complete, all that's left is for 9 year olds to be sucking dick for cash.
I can't blame people for decisions of their ancestors. But honestly America is Israel wardog. Hollywood is obviously run by jews. Even NPCs notice that every movie have cool nigger chad. Even better if it is cool nigger chad with white chick and some white cuck.
Americans send their soldiers around world to spread (((freedom))). Yet Americans still support their goverment. No wonder jews see us as stupid goyim. Today it is Blacked and Amazing Desmond. Traps, Queers and leftist. I don't want to see this world in 20 years. Or 40 years. Every American and British soldier who fought in WW2 should spend eternity in hell for his crime agaisnt humanity.
This shit is like 2 months old at this point.
You don't know what Amazing Desmond do in that NY gay club after his dance performance.
What do you think they do after hours? And anyway, we are not quite at Weimar levels of degeneracy yet. But they, at least, were still white.
No, they don't.
Only libtards and niggers support the government, because the government steals from everyone else to give it to them.
When the government was shut down (and every time it gets shut down) working Americans laugh about it.
He's pimped out to faggots, I think we all know that.
I can't make myself laugh at it. Polite sage for blogposting.
No, they were not evil, and they were brave men, fighting for…they believed…their countries.
It is not a crime to be lied to. Especially when those doing the lying are the only voice you can hear.
the people that deserve an eternity in Hell are the ones that did the lying, sending an entire generation of men to die, working against their own interests, and helping to bring about the possible destruction of their own descendants, at the hands of the worm-tongued "people" that lied to them.
And those assholes are unquestionably screaming constantly in Hell, even as we post here.
You cannot die with that much innocent blood on your hands, and ever be forgiven.
It is natural that some people, for their actions, are destined to go to Hell. But it is pure justice that some people struggle to gain entrance.
Ultimately soldiers are responsible for their own actions. The French, the Poles and other Europeans have a plausible excuse for fighting in WW2, but Americans? Traveling across the Atlantic to kill your distant relatives? There's just no excuse.
Fair enough although Americans were strongly isolationist because Pearl harbour.
It's probably bring someone else's daughter to work day.
Americans were told Adolph Hitler was the personification of evil, that he wanted to expand and take over the world, that he was threatening our bestest allies, the Brits.
We were even told that Joe Stalin was a great guy and a hero, he was promoted in the Jew media as "Uncle Joe," and he needed our help.
The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, which got us into a war with them, and Hitler declared war on us, because he had a mutual defense pact with the Japanese. We went to war on both fronts.
But to fight for what you are told is "good," especially when there is no dissenting media to point out why it might not be "good," is not an evil thing to do. It may be naive, it is certainly misinformed, but you are not evil for being duped.
In this day and age, there are people that would love to join the U.S. military and defend their country, but they don't do it, because they know that our military is often used for evil purposes, and they don't want to be a part of that.
It is even postulated that the reason we went to an all-volunteer military is that they wanted a mercenary force, people who were in there for the pensions and perks, who would follow orders just as an employee will. People who would not question the orders of their superiors, nor care about their agendas.
Americans thought they were defeating a monster. And the "holocaust" lie just went to reinforce their belief in that propaganda. Someday, the people that firebombed civilian populations all over Germany were going to see the footage of what they had done. They needed an excuse, something to stop them from breaking down mentally when that realization hit them.
So they were fed the ludicrous dogma of the "holocaust," so they could think to themselves that the people they burned to death were horrible creatures, that tortured people in death camps.
I think this is 90% of why the military command went along with the hoax. They needed justification for the millions of German civilians killed, so THEY never ended up in the history books as "the monsters."
As for the French…where were their noble ideals when they pillaged the Ruhr region of Germany, and raped women?
Where were the ideals of the Poles, when they were brutalizing Germans still living in the region of Poland that was German soil, before the treaty of WW1 handed it to them, gratis?
Yea, there's plenty of Hell to go around. Good thing we have an endless supply of it.
Best post seen here in a long time
You are right, but the result remains the same. Eleven million men left the US to fight overseas. There must have been more than two dozen European wars since the founding of the US that had no American involvement. That changed with WW1 and american foreign policy and American war policy has been a total disaster both for the US and the world ever since.
It's still going on. Saddam Hussein, Muammar Ghaddafi, Bashar Al-Assad. It's the same boogeyman story and the result is always the same. When will the American people wake up and realize that they are being lied to?
It will only ever get that bad when whites are only 10% of the country.
But the majority of Americans were against the wars in Syria? The lies kept becoming more ridiculous anyway headlines of 'Assad wins, gasses people because reasons, stop asking questions goy'.
I don't disagree with any of this. No more brother wars.
You left out Bin Laden being framed for a CIA/Mossad hatched 9/11, which murdered over 3 thousand U.S. citizens.
As for, when will they wake up, I think you're seeing it happen now. The Jew media is not the only game in town, anymore. And try as they might, they have not gained control of the entire internet.
Sure, there are lazy-minded people that would rather not even consider the implications of their being lied to, 24/7, by their trusted electronic Jew, but many of them are apathetic in the first place.
We're making inroads, even if they are not immediately apparent.
I recently read that since it was illegal to volunteer for service in WWII, everyone who was selected by the government was specifically chosen for conservative political leanings so that they'd die off and leave the government controlled by leftists.
Fun fact: the GOP has not had a supermajority in the US Senate since 1930.
Who the hell fed you that?
Of course you could volunteer for military service in WW2, whoever wrote that you couldn't was lying to you.
is there a repository of Zundel videos anywhere now that Youtube is censoring everything in sight?
These kids deserve to be gang raped by muslims and indians
I know the post he is talking about. Someone repost it if you know what I mean; I didn’t save it last time.
The picture of the post series I'm thinking of was in a thread about the GOP never getting a supermajority after a point. I can't recall more than that.
These are the same western lunatics who criticized Japanese for drawings. LOL!
The woman is pretty even in these circumstances.
poor mentally abused child young boy convinced to dress up as a girl and dance around a group of poo poo eating pedos in a parking lot all the while his brainwashed man hater of a mother cheers her little boy on and probably sells his ass for sheckelz also she works for the state so commies are taking over
Seriously though
this is child abuse and everyone involved needs gassed
Fresh OC
5 star post
It's ok USA Venezuelan oil is about to be stolen
Damn, I didn't even see the toddler.
‹‹The Cutting Scene, Mandan O-kee-pa Ceremony›› by George Catlin, 1832. Back when the redskins were doing it, we called it savagery.
‹‹Mark my words, in America you will have Weimar conditions, and in America you will have solutions to Weimar conditions. Americans have revolutionary blood in their veins.›› Or however Zundels quote goes.
See an optician
If i tell you to kill your mother and you did it, it is my fault she is dead or yours?
We can study what hapen in WW2. Poles shouldn't play tough guys and attack Daznig. Jews shouldn't start communism, zionism and banking cartels etc. Brits shouldn't start war with Germany. So on. It is tragedy that destroyed white race.
British pilots knew who they doing. Communist knew what they doing. Even today. If you are soldier, everything that hapen there is your fault. If you are police man, you protecting elites. Not citizens.
Hell propably doesn't exist. At least not as eterenal punishment. I don't think Satans chosen people suffer in hell. I think they work there.
Anyway. Situation is soo fucked now, that there is no way it end well. Should we join muslims and fight jews?
Should we join jews and fight muslims and become their slaves? Should we just give up and be erased from history? All this hapen because previous generations LARPed as heroes. At this point even Samson option would be lesser evil. We will have hell on earth in future. I have zero respect for WW2 soldiers. These satanic talmudic jews are to blame. People had choice during WW2. We don't have choice. We will be erased or enslaved.
You drunk too much of Jamal's jizz and it's affecting your reasoning. Nah, just joking because you're not D&C cucked white, eh schlomberg?
There is lot of Zundel videos on youtube. I downloaded all of them from youtube.
more like i am too much blackpilled.
I miss the old /zundel/
never now stfu
Unfortunately it does appear state condoned, in that no one seems to get punished for this.
Meanwhile most of stupid America thinks it's fine that teens can b drag queens because it's gender expression or some shit. We'll never see serious charges from this because the radical left protect there own and have upturned noses to child molesters running rampant. Burn em all.
Me too. He invested his whole to keep flame of national socialism alive. We should do our best and continue on this. Zionist will force us to some solution anyway. Now you can chose to be nationalist or give up and be eaten alive by hordes of shitskins and niggers.
Whenever I see this shit happening in this Country is where the fuck are the Christfags who protest abortion clinics? Where are the god hates fags Christfags? Where are all the Christfags who marched alongside "GODLY" niggers during the civil rights movement? Where are these Christfags and why aren't they lynching these pedophiles?
Fix'd my typo, shouldn't post while drunk
same place you are I'd guess
Why aren't *we* lynching these pedophiles? Even better, why isn't our government lynching these pedophiles for us so we don't have to? Isn't that what a functioning government would do?
But user! That only works when the pedos aren't themselves in the government
why would your jewish goverment do that? after all this is their plan.
Christcucks support Israel and send money to Africa. Do you realy expecting anything usefull from them?
I know this. It's just sort of an emotional reaction.
Not everything that people say here is said calmly.
I was being vagely sarcastic and pessimistic in that one, I know you know
This reminds me of "Stella Fella" human trafficking pedo Jake Docker who works at DOCS (CPS)Bega NSW. Many gay cops and faggots in CPS are child pimps off duty too.
Here's the vid in full - spread it around
Too busy virtue signaling against "homphobia", and "racism" by donating to gay organizations and importing turd worlders via missionary works plus Church efforts.
absolutely weimar
be glad you still have it. i almoust don't feel anything anymore. i should be angry to see abuses kids dancing in front of cucks and pedos. but i know it will be much worse.
that fucking music make it even worse. how these people can watch it and than just go home like nothing hapen? you are sexual abuse kids. you destroying live of this poor kid.
You've probably imagined the most disgusting low a society can sink to. We all know it's coming, so every small step towards it isn't really that shocking.
How much do you get paid for working overtime, moishe?