Friendly reminder of this thread: Malta was on the list for 10.5% foreign born children.
An open threat and a justification for ruining the Maltese nation, by funding of the pension ponzi scheme. Contrast this with Viktor Orban's policies for increasing the host nation's birth rate and hence population. Population replacement justified by a ponzi scheme.
Please do note that Joseph Muscat's administration has been wrought with corruption charges and money laundering accusations. There has been no spread of wealth at all and the poverty gap in Malta has widened dramatically during his administration.
Money is all that matters. The nation does not matter.
Malta is a small country, the influx of foreign labor has caused property prices to skyrocket and with them the cost of rent. It is no longer affordable for a typical Maltese family, as the rent is priced to be split by 10 foreigners living together.
Creating the environment to further dwindle the Maltese birth rate and hence further justify the necessity to bring in foreigners.
At last some honesty, because we have been properly boned.
Wasn't Malta a bunch of hyper-kikes mixed with sandniggers to begin with?
Colton Turner
Not only this, but there was a high profile political assassination of a journalist investigating the corruption charges during his first term. He's well known for his ruthlessness and isn't shy about openly threatening his naysayers (while pretending he's the nice guy).
Right now his major next major objective seems to be the ruination of the sister island of Gozo, one of the few places left on the island that isn't over run by foreigners. Instead of adequately improving the ferry services, his corrupt administration insists on and undersea tunnel, so that he can further enrich his criminal construction friends.
Gozo simply does not have the infrastructure in place to justify such a project. However, tourism, more concrete, more foreigners and more money seems to be the order of the day. Business as usual in Malta, the commoner be damned.
Tyler Brown
You are not 100% wrong.
Y-DNA haplogroups are found at the following frequencies in Malta: R1 (35.55% including 32.2% R1b), J (28.90% including 21.10% J2 and 7.8% J1), I (12.20%), E (11.10% including 8.9% E1b1b), F (6.70%), K (4.40%), P (1.10%).
Local TV station asks the question: Should immigrants be given the right to vote?
Translation from Maltese to English:
Nolan Morris
It always seemed like a tax haven for shady businessmen. What's going on in that place anyway? I know some people going there to work in tourism sector.
Elijah Martin
It's still a tax haven for shady businessmen. The leadership of the sister island has decided that being overloaded with tourists during summer wasn't good enough, so the current minister is busy doing ridiculous marketing schemes and publicity stunts to "market Gozo".
Anything they say about the state of the island or environment is usually an outright lie. As long as it looks good on paper, it's good enough to pass as truth. As long as the money continues to flow in for tourist operators and developers, it will continue to be business as usual.
Cameron Baker
What's hilarious is that they're just going to crash the pension/social security fund anyways once they've destroyed the country via demographics.
Eli Lee
malta is a hub for many powerful and shady characters, the maltese know to let sleeping dogs lie.
Jeremiah Murphy
Here in the US, we'll see markets diving until the PPT stops the daily bleeding, but can't stop the sell-offs from happening every week, driving the US into default. This should culminate around July or August bringing all attention to a highly noticeable loss of faith in the petro-dollar, not just at home, but definitely abroad.
What does this have to do with Malta? The same thing it has to do with Europe. The US is just the first Domino to fall.
So, it will be very interesting to see the global (Democratic) socialists scrambling to find the monies to babysit their newfound family of victims. Especially, when $19 - $21 Trillion has been "disappeared" into thin air under 'The Art Of The Steal', and 80% of the globe either doesn't know how to create value, or will not do so to accommodate the global crash.
Oh, is this the new time frame? How many is that now within the last 7-10 years?
Nathaniel Brown
Malta is already completely comped as evidenced by their ability to turn away nigger boats while sending them towards italy.
Gabriel Cooper
Nation and state are beginning to get distinct, as the state is destroying our country with large-scale developments, higher cost of living, population density, a constant presence and influx of foreigners (including niggers). I see chinks, niggers and kikes everyday on my way to work. It is unfortunate that Malta is sending niggers to Italy; personally I support Salvini and from Malta I have a more than moderate amount of support for Norman Lowell. He names the jew. It is also unfortunate that Malta is licking the arsehole of the god-forksaken EU. Our local newspaper made a big fuss over holohoax brainwashing day.
Malta would be a good location for international RWDS though. How viable would be if we all try to get Maltese passports and make it our base of operations? I guess as likely as making a London one, but I might be overlooking something.
Owen Hernandez
Malta is an island of 400k with a shitton of niggers in immigration detainment and a corrupt local elite that milk the European Union.
Loads of nogs walking around, loads of people mixed with sandniggers etc.
Wyatt Baker
Also due to it's size and irrelevance (tiny place) the only major businesses are:
Extremely shady financial companies like FIMB Bank in St. Julians.
(((The gaming industry))) meaning, online gambling / betting / poker which is generally run by kikes.
Tourism with loads of hotels being owned by the (((italian mafia))) or (((russian mafia))) .
It's a giant swamp like Southern Italy.
Jack Roberts
Sounds like a good idea. What's everyone going to be named, Schembri? I can't think of any other Maltese names. Help me out.
Jaxon Baker
Use their lax immigration laws to create a core of white racialists. Vote right-wingers into power. Threaten rich people to fund you or you will freeze their assets/report them to the IRS (or the equivalent) . Get rid of muds and Jesuits. Start training RWDS. Send ships to drown shitskins trying to cross the sea to Europe. Use various shady connections to obtain state-of-the art military hardware so ZOG cannot democratically bomb you for oppressing Muslims. Create an even better tax haven, drawing capital from all over the world. Form a new Templar order. Send agents in every country in the world to fight Jesuits and other globalists. Profit.
Sebastian Adams
OP here but switched PCs. I work close to FIMBank, plenty of (((suspicious looking people))) coming in and out of there; Low-set ears, receded forehead, large nose, large lips. Plenty of Israeli businesses are being set up here as well.
Pretty high percentage of niggers and kebabs. Also a high influx of Italians and Serbians. Architecture has gone out the window, nothing but massive concrete development. Nothing but gooks, niggers and shitskins in the streets.
Malta is at the tail-end of a decline cycle. Divorce is legal, fag marriage is legal, fags having children is legal. Will not be long before abortion is legal. Media is completely and totally pozzed. TimesOfMalta is completely controlled by kikes.
One thing I forgot to mention is that the comment sections in our online newspaper are moderated and subject to approval. Anything outside of the Overton window gets held for a few hours and will make an appearance (if ever) only after the discussion is over.
Recently a local talk-show host; (((Peppi Azzoppardi))) was heavily criticised by the nation for his stance on bringing in shitskins into the country. Amongst the comments were that he is a cuck and the only reason he wants niggers in the country is because a nigger is fucking his wife good. He made an interview decrying these comments and saying that he sees niggers as our brothers.