Just like that, the ae of discord trannies is over
Good fucking riddance, to the disgusting faggots and their cuckold/ir spam
Press S to spit and pray their cell mate will be the biggest blackest nigger in the zoo
Other urls found in this thread:
And you’re retarded enough to think that this means the shilling stops?
This. Some money's going to change hands, some laughs will be had at the easily-duped goyim, and it'll be business as usual in no time.
The cognitive dissonance must be turning your brains into mush.
Based Israeli
Still want hezbollah to turn every man woman and child of Jewish decent into ashes
Context user, you lack it.
>someone took IRC and made (((IRC)))
It won't stop the homosexual grooming squads on this site.
It takes a serious hormone imbalance to attention whore like a woman.
low-res phone poster or homosexual?
The jannies on /v/ have a discord they all use to coordinate moderation, shilling, and general faggotry on /v/ and counter operations against /cow/.
Mark has ALOT of CP that he shares there too, so expect juicy boy to go down soon.
fucking finally
since 2016 the hacking skiddy groups used to operate on discord and I couldn't have fucking waited, because they always jumped from server to server
VERY big if true
Bump for a possible good cause, my dick can only get so much fucking erect
I hope none of you faggots use discord
Thanks. I was about to post that.
How's that ban treating you kike?
More full size versions in case you are not an ant.
Only when shitposting as a jew.
i remember investigating php forums. they hop on a server, dump all their shit and continue. it's insane
BBSs went through it, AOL went through it, newsgroups went through it etc. it truly is insane the lengths they go to.
Just a friendly reminder that if you do not explicitly announce and defend beliefs antithetical to lefty degeneracy they will overrun your hobby and turn it into a cesspit.
Have this webm from a /v/ thread my nigger
Whoever made that needs to make more
Kill yourself fucktard.
One year of grooming and this will lead to plenty of new regulations for communication. All that will happen is we will get more rules in our nsa prison. If there were two Walmart employees caught raping kids walmart would go out of business.
Meanwhile the entire religion cuckstianity exist only for scamming people and raping kids, every city on the planet has hundreds of cases of child rape done by priests, and there have been zero new rules made for the church.
This is because nobody gives a fuck . Every human on the planet is here to serve themselves and themselves only.
That is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that this world is a scam run by evil money worshipers. When woody Allen was caught raping kids zero people gave a fuck. Ronald trumpet went to Epstein island and has paid off countless women he raped. The dude had an underage beauty pageant for fucks sake. Meanwhile you praise him.
If you condemn one person's action then support another doing that same action , you are a fraud and are wasting your time trying to prove otherwise.
The jews are quite impotent in shitting on christianity when it isn't called for. If this makes the feds regulate shit even more, let 'em try to do it, the only thing they would do is shoosh the normalfags away, since they wouldn't even know how to browse something else than the clearnet.
Get tired of shitposting on Zig Forums?
By that logic most of Zig Forums is reddit memes.
ironically posting big chungus is still posting reddit memes user
Reminder that Zig Forums has a homegrown trap cult nearing 5k members and fucking nobody knows about it outside /hypno/.
Really activates the almonds.
You know what's funny? Im completely captcha locked out of 4chan right now. I was fucking range-banned for a dox, that wasn't even a dox, gave up no pertinent info. The ban has been over for a week now. But, when I go to post, the captcha just spins, nothing to click on comes up, then resets. Making it completely impossible to post. 4chan is COMPED and needs to be taught a lesson, badly
You sure it isn't the atrazine?
I think we underestimate and overlook how much shilling China probably does. They're much better at hiding it than kikes.
Oh yeah, I really have no faith in the FBI doing squat. You guys DO know you if you're in the same chat on that server. you can identify single user, right?
You're all going to burn though.
Similar shit happened when someone on Zig Forums made a Huawei thread and it was immediately flooded with anons insisting American tech companies were worse.
I won't use the Discord program, but I have occasionally popped in on their web client. Anyone know if it's relatively safe compared to their full power botnet?
I'd never heard of this until someone posted it in the /v/ thread shitting on discord. How is that even possible? The combined unique IPs of the top three boards on 8ch are only a little over 5k, and when you take out duplicates from people using multiple boards or phoneposting that drops it further. Are they recruiting elsewhere now? How long have they been around?
It is bad enough that everything is made in China, but Huawei is just double chinkshit.
This would be a lot more acceptable (and lucrative) if trannies were passable and functional people.
If they were passable and functional they would not be trannies, user.
Anime is for literal homosexuals and pedophiles, any website where anime is constantly posted is a site ran by pedophiles for pedophiles
It becomes a trap once someone can be fooled by it. 8ch userbase doesn't seem like the type that could be mangled into a lucrative form, outside of /fit/ and /lit/.
I want to know why they are investigating discord, but not twitter or facebook. user have been outting and ped0hunting on both platforms since 2011-12. That, and they both openly shadow ban the President. It's even worse for just normie conservatives when it comes to shadow bans and bans in general. They shape public thought. They shape political influence over entire nations, aaannndddddd nothing. The same with Google. And all 3 have lied to congress 2-3 times each. Shit, Roger Stone made an error, and 29 kicked his door down. These people, shape the world, through censorship and nothing.
Ello, FBI Niggers, Where Are You On That?
The headline is misleading, if you read the actual article. The FBI isn't "investigating Discord", they've simply gotten warrants to get data from Discord in a few specific cases. It's clickbait.
Who in the fuck is they? Beaners? They sell their own children for fucksake. They are Jewier than the biggest Jewiest Jew.
Holy shit you are a loser. Quit harping about a form of entertainment. Go outside and do something productive.
Good thread, needs signal boosting.
They started sometime in 2017 as some guy making crappy text-to-speech hypnosis files. For several weeks after (possibly months) every fucking /hypno/ thread was hammered by fags spamming ads for these unrelated files until they were finally locked up into a general. Often their generals made up most of the board's active posts, but they've slowed down lately and I assumed they were finally dying out.
Apparently I was wrong. I checked their thread recently and found a link to their Discord. Not only does it have thousands of people, they're making advertisement videos on PornHub with tens of thousands of views. It seems they've switched tactics and gone from obvious shilling to recruiting on normalfag sites and carpetbombing the board with trannies.
This coincides with some stuff /hypno/'s BO posted recently starting with >>>/hypno/54657 . Since 2017 sissy shit has risen from around 12% of /hypno/'s content to over half and any time someone says something negative about sissyfaggotry, the BO is spammed with reports for "hate speech" and "abuse."
fuck off boomer you are worse than spics and muslims
Aww the atrazine slurper is sad…
They do that for ALL platforms, including 4chan…and Zig Forums. It doesn't negate the statement made about them shaping policy through censorship. Which imo, is worse than a handful and trannies and small time ped0s.
I only use discord through a vpn
They still record everything you say, they could link it the real you through writing analysis. You don't want give (((them))) more examples for your writing nor voice prints.
Jesus fucking christ, this has gone too far.
The sad thing is that you feel as though this solves anything
Would have been better to lure these people out via this vector and kill them all.
Just sayin'.
This is going nowhere.
I wonder why the FBI is actually investigating. Probably to shut down "Right Wing Ops" discord servers. Obviously the FBI doesn't give a shit about child sex grooming.
I fucking hate that all of my friends use this shit voice com and im pretty much required to use it as well to chat with them. I want the it to be charred alive and ventrilo is release a improved version of itself.
Mumble is superior.
Don't wanna sound like a conspiritard, but this shit seems backed by money. Freaky as fuck
o-only when I play DayZ with my mates.
its called sexual abuse
you mean jap culture. i bet you're the type of sick fuck who is interested in that "guro" shit from an "artistic perspective", right? tell me, do you have the guts to tell your parents, or anyone close to you about your obsession with anime? yeaaaah. that's what i thought.
of fucking course not.
lets be realistic … what california tech startup doesnt do this to some regard
who can you trust from california?????
Why is the OP a nigger?
this. i know of a 16 year old who is turning "trans", and boy, the shit that has gone on in his life isn't pretty. at age 6 or so he began drinking, later on, his dad raped him when he discovered he was gay, this lead to him developing disgusting fetishes such as liking the taste of his own piss, self harm, etc… his mother even openly supports his mental illness and has no problem with him buying dildos/skirts for himself despite one again, being 16. on top of this, he is friends with multiple psychopaths on discord that fuel his degeneracy, sending him gore (real and cartoon) that he gets off on.
for someone to even remotely consider becoming trans, really really REALLY bad shit has had to have happened at some point in their lives. no exceptions.
I'm not quite sure if you're retarded, new, or a kike.
It's like a protective delusion. "changing" your gender is pretty much the furthest you can get from your original personality. I think that's also why they get so fucked up if you use their real name, since it reminds them of the person they are trying to delete
oh hi bot. please tell me where i said being gay is natural in any shape or form and is not a severe mental illness.
i actually know how this person is. they said they were "joking" about the owning CP part, but they still thought "making middle aged men hurt themselves is a good thing." these people are complete psychopaths.
oh no lowering the jewish feminist AOC to 16, which is what half the states already use and many have an even lower one? Such a horrible scary idea! We must protect our women and raise the AOC to thirty! Fuck off.
Kill yourself.
I said "sexual abuse" … not torture
stay away
You tard. Discord aka Hammer and Chisel Co like their M$ code signing cert was Kike VC x2 funded until chicom QQ tencent bought half. Complains about a kike platform like it should be fit for WN…… Humm…….
Friendly reminder that Discord is the haunt of an extreme death cult. Also there is a branch of Satanism known as Joy of Satan that had a discord servers where they collected photos and cp from their "youth ministries."
I'm an exception. No molestation, no abuse, parents have a healthy marriage, unusually good upbringing in general.
I still wish I were a girl. I'm not transitioning, I know how bad an idea that is. But if I'd been born five years later, and found tumblr or reddit instead of 4chan when I first started fucking around on the internet, who knows what I'd be now.
That's because you're a dumb nigger whose socialization and browsing habits ran you into degenerate shitholes that gave you that mental delusion.
Canceling out your sage with an epic bump.
Keep believing that if you want to keep watching children get sucked into internet tranny death cults.
When you're ready to start actually fighting the problem, I'll still be around.
Kill yourself.
Can you read? I said I want to be a girl, not that I think I am one. A delusion and a desire are not the same thing.
You desire it because it's a fetish. You developed that fetish from your degenerate behavior, low testosterone, and negative influences. That you keep hiding from the fact it's your own fault speaks volumes.
Kill all fags.
Pedos are closeted. Fags are open for business.
All fags were raped as a child and they know what they have to do to keep their movement going. If Isis was legit they would have bombed a fag parade now.
Its not just Milo who was gay child fucked gay. Don lemon CNN admitted it when he was supporting Jerry Sandusky.
Don Lemon opens up about his own sexual assault -
(Him talking about being a child getting gay "love is love)
Star Trek Zulu George Tekei did same about being gay child raped gay at a summer camp.
While I think every EVERY SICK pedo who are pure evil should be left to rot away or have their head chopped off;
At the same time lets look at the psychology behind the differences in these discord:
Some of the pictures were self-cutting = Cool, right?
If those pictures were greasy private parts = Sick, right?
So why is cutting yourself cool? Well why do IS think they are cool in the middle east when they try to inflict so their own 'buzz' towards other people.
If you think violence is cool, then just look at the moms in the middle east, shall we go to the ugly bug ball?
So clearly humans are very special, autistic if they were?
Humans LIKE to look at SHOCK related deaths and violence, THIS shows HUMANS ARE FUCKING SICK USELESS CREATURES.
Now if it is bum & Poo & pee humans think that is SICK,
BUT IF THOSE HUMANS WERE SEXUALLY ATTRACTED to the other creature, e.g: a hot woman, then its ok? .
No, actually. I know pretty well what arouses me, and this isn't it. Just because trannies hate Blanchard doesn't mean he's right. He's a projecting faggot who views everything through the lens of sexual desire because that's the only thing he thinks can motivate people.
It absolutely is a fetish, you mong. You would not be desiring being the opposite sex if you were of a sound mind.