I like to listen songs from languages I don't speak, like to watch youtube tours of random countries, like to read about african lore and generally learn about non western cultures.
Explain to me why diversity is wrong. Not come to argue why diversity is good, but I don't see why is bad.
I know, right? These stupid Zig Forumstards are just scared of all that delicious, deep fried bushmeat of dubious sanitary quality! I love living around stoned niggers and day-drinking spics because I can get REAL MEXICAN TACOS complete with REAL MEXICAN SALMONELLA! XD
detroit and other american cities is the fault of capitalism, not of diversity.
Jason Davis
Oh yeah, fo sho. Let me guess, Africa and South America are such dumpsters because of their colonial legacy, right?
Henry Fisher
I'm not pro inmigration, though.
It seems you're using straw mans.
Ayden Bailey
Lel nigger lover, what an obvious bait thread. You answered your own question in your post, you like to learn about other cultures from off-hand sources. Walk down a dark alleyway in Chicongo and tell us how much fun it was being diversified.
Wyatt Richardson
So you don't read?
Nolan Green
my town is 60% black, so I don't hate blacks.
Samuel Martin
If you mean the type of diversity that forces bringing together a bunch of dissimilar species/sub-species that don't want to be near each other, then think about the results of putting a gorilla, lion, zebra and elephant all in a cramped pen together for the sake of "diversity". Make it illegal to not put lions and bears in the same cage. See where I'm going with this? Diversity is good, forced integration of human sub-species is bad.
A virgin can't give a review of sex. Sociopath rejects with inferiority complexes commenting on how "weird", other people are in a desperate attempt to trick people into thinking worshipers of Adolf Cryptokike Failure are not the lowest people in the world can't give a review of anything in life. The only thing more pathetic than a chan user is a chan user who claims they are superior to people like some faggot meathead doing pissing contests
Nolan Foster
I agree! It's their culture, not their color. Also, The Bell Curve was racist!
I've read more about subsaharan african history than all pol combined.
not all african countries had violent history or civil wars.
Botswana is one example. Seychendelles is a touristic atraction with a HDI similar to europe. Ghana has a similar homicide rate as germany. There's 20 black nations with less homicide rate than the US.
and so on.
Adrian Clark
Then go to the fucking library or browse Youtube. Essentially you want to fill your country with 70 IQ savages and destroy your quality of living and national character because you have a "noble savage" complex. Holy shit, I can't believe people like you exist. You need a bullet in your head.
This is a 4chan-tier thread and you should feel bad about it.
Is 'liberty' wrong? Is 'justice' wrong? Could be, yeah! People having the 'freedom' to rape kids? Not good, certainly not right. Is society imposing 'justice' - in the form of parents losing access to children they won't support in becoming homosexual or trans at age 11 - wrong? YES. NOTHING EXISTS IN A VACUUM YOU FAG.
So, is diversity wrong? Depends on what you mean.
If you mean, "hey, we should shove all these drastically different racial groups together in close proximity and make it illegal for the majority group to segregate from the others or advocate for their own interests", then you shouldn't have to ask us to explain to you why that is 'wrong'. Doubly so in that, guess what faggot? Such faux-diversity actually DIMINISHES the diversity on the planet as the result of race-mixing!
I support genetic diversity in the extant hominid population, that's why I oppose proximity and support racial segregation, to prevent hostile conflicts which emerge through proximity and to avoid diminished genetic diversity within the population. I listen to songs in languages I don't speak too - I don't need the people who speak that language to live in my country, do I? I like to watch youtube tours or random countries, and might even want to visit there someday - but I don't have to go live there and demand it my right, do I? I like to read about all manner of lore from around the world and the cultures thereof - but I don't need those cultures in MY COUNTRY in order to be able to enjoy their content, do I?
In all cases, the answer is no. You don't need to ship a bunch of Mexicans in to make tacos, nor do you need Middle Easterners to make kebab, and the same applies to other areas of culture as well. If you DO ignore this paradigm, you'll only end up losing out on things, diminishing the diversity you claim to care about.
because diversity is a code-word for white genocide you faggot and genocide of white people is wrong
Xavier Bell
You've never read anything about any topic. Never post here again.
Aiden Moore
Hey faggot, did you notice that ‘’’none of the shit you mentioned involves actually interacting with minorities’’’? I like watching car crashes on YouTube. Doesn’t mean I want to be in one. You are So dumb.
Jose Gonzalez
nice double thinking retards.
I speak an european language and european culture was imposed on my country by force since 500 years ago.
I'm not even white yet my race was forced to become westernized or face genocide.
Kayden Thompson
And the commie kike reveals himself in his second post
Christopher Ross
Now it all makes sense! Forget arguing with you, you can just fuck right off, shitskin.
Carson Carter
Fuck off moshe.
Parker Rodriguez
Non-European cultures are generally shit and piss, with few notable exceptions. If you like African lore, go live in Africa.
Dylan Martinez
Nope, demographics.
Blacks cannot run a modern city, they are not fit for it, and when you gave them control over the city, alongside liberal political rule, you got a complete shitshow. Just like in Africa. Unless you're going to try to claim the state of modern Africa is entirely the product of 'capitalism' or, even more ridiculous, 'colonialism'.
Define "diversity". Be specific.
Either a lie or you're not White - or you're an outlier. Snapple Fact time faggot: People who live in 'diverse' environs are MORE LIKELY to be racist than people who don't.
Difference + Proximity = Conflict Difference alone will not create conflict - you can't be in conflict with someone who is thousands of miles away and who cannot have any impact on your life. Only when forced into proximity with people utterly unlike yourself can conflict emerge.
Ethan Long
And there we have it.
Which one? Which country?
Jaxon Martinez
Actually, now that I read this, this is just gay. This is a shitty trolling thread, 4chan-tier. The mods exist for no purpose other than to ensure this kind of trash doesn't show up.
Reported for low-quality bait, even though I'll probably wind up getting hooked again by this faggot kvetching about my responses to his awful shitposting.
this, last time you heard Africans heading to -> China -> Russia -> India -> Mexico -> Japan -> Saudi Arbia only seems to be white European settled areas
Bait threads like this are popping up on all leftist-opposing boards right now. You should have picked up on it when he said Detroit was the fault of capitalism, not niggers. Stop replying and report.
Logan Ward
All that diversity and culture that you love so much will all be destroyed if we continue to mongrelize into one race.
well I am white and our country was conquered and enslaved by other whites for centuries, is that why we deserve genocide now?
Julian Scott
Pol has never read anything regarding black history or black race.
Not all blacks share the same culture.
Nigeria capital (Lajos).
53 nations, which do u mean? Not all are shitholes.
Not really, socialism and warlords.
My town is 60% black.
Racism don't exist in latinoamerica.
Spanish South america.
So, this board is just a circlejerk or a safe space?
I'm not even a fucking commie and I hate communists.
More straw mans and slippery slopes.
Nice level of debate.
Carson Thomas
"Diversity", as a concept of the liberal ideology, means inerchangeable, cosmopolitan, gender-neutral willing selves manifesting their nondescript otherness in the eyes of the anointed ruler of society (the liberal ideologue), a manifestation that is simultaneously regarded as "enriching and vibrant" and completely meaningless, being only "skin deep".
Much like a human zoo from back then, it serves as a prop for the managerial elite to hug the world by a sanitized proxy.
Detroit was the fault of companies outsourcing the city main industry to other places, not niggers.
David Lewis
Sure, but you keep strawmaning me when I'm a fucking nationalist.
Kevin Lewis
the appreciation of diferent cultures, not necesarelly this mean pro inmigration though.
Jeremiah Butler
lol, you were forced to modernise, develop and stop living in your own shit. White ppl never colonised an african nation in that great a number to wipe out the indigenous people. Just dumb nigger show them as gods
Multiculturalism destroys diversity. All of those different cultures and languages would cease to exist if you blended them together.
Elijah Cox
What a gross shithole. Fucking hundred-acre dump that can be seen from space.
Every single one is a shithole mate, I've been there.
Hahahahahahahahahhahahahah, okay, so, now, its the fault of socialism. Its almost like, no matter what system Blacks attempt to espouse it still winds up a shithole.
Not if you live in Nigeria its not. Oh, its the 'esoteric' shill. Which means this is a mod-made thread. Of course.
Write something three sentences long and don't hit enter.
What city? What country? These are simple questions.
Julian Harris
Fast breeding shitskins good 4 capitalism.
Jaxson Perez
indigenous culture was almost entirelly wipe out by europeans.
It only exist now among some remote villages or in majority amerindian nations like bolivia and paraguay.
there's poverty in lajos, but there's also a big modern parts of the city.
Should we cherrypick now? I could cherrypick european cities to make them seem as shitholes.
Not really.
Seychelles has a HDI similar to Chile. Botswana has a PPP similar to Brazil.
By this logic, the US is the most developed thirld world nation.
yes, they stagnated economically for decades because they aligned with the soviets during cold war.
Again, define what country or region.
Nigeria soon will become a regional power.
I'm spic, racism doesn't exist here. People don't care about your skin color here.
I literally told you my definition. The admiration of human cultural diversity.
I'm not a liberal globalist.
I'm in the pacific area of colombia, a majority black region.
Gabriel Thomas
Watch the video I've provided and you'll know.
What matters is how the majority of non whites behave not the lone token individual "nice" black/mexican friend you might have or the talented singer/rapper/actor, etc.
Well the majority are the absolute scum of the earth just as this video correctly shows them to be and we don't need them or want them in our previously safe all white countries.
Jews however work tirelessly along with their liberal Democrat and zionist Christian conservative shabbos goyim lackeys to bring this dangerous and deadly third world detritus into our white countries however in order to kill and dissplace us in our own homeland.
Cooper Robinson
I'm not sure about that theory.
From what I understand american culture is toxic and makes everything into shit.
I consider white americans as trashy and dumb as niggers. Even asian americans are despised and trashy when looked by real asians.
Chicano culture is an entirelly american phenomena and is not even something that exist south of mexico.
Almost as retarded as thinking I'm the same or the people here as the same as Chicanos because we're the same race.
Are europeans trashy because of white american trash?
Do u know whites are considered niggers in japan and they prefer africans to white americans?
Op, how would you feel to be in a room of 100 people, where 99% of them are uniform, and you are the odd man out. Do you think these people will treat you fairly? Would you even question why you are the lone specimen? Do you think you have a future? This "diversity" is being forced on Whites world wide. Our tax dollars are stolen to prop up the low IQs of Africa/the brown world so they can breed unabated. Would you feel comfortable funding your own replacement?
Exactly – even the crack selling nigger Jay Z was invited to the White House because of diversity. …. Op, you somehow question that this system isn't rigged? You simply have no argument other than – "no, that's not right cause a book I read that a jew wrote says so"
Eli Scott
Where is the straw man? Maybe I misunderstood your question, because it seemed like you were talking about multiculturalism.
Gavin Peterson
American culture is shit, BUT WHY? Because American culture IS multiculturalism - it says, hey, lets mix all these cultures in proximity, what could go wrong?, and the answer is that they all become the same shitty culture and lose much of their benefit.
Well, you're fucking stupid then… Which makes sense, given spics have an average IQ sub 90.
Brazilian culture is just as disgusting, if not more so.
You are. You're both moronic scum, to be quite honest, and you parasitize off your betters. Pic related.
Sauce please, baitnigger. Hurry, before the mods show up and delete this shit thread.
America was just keen until 1965 where the 3rd world was preferred to their own people.
OP – please show me one example where diversity is pushed outside of America, Europe, or "white countries." Please show us how Africans are forced to mix with Mongolians simply because of "diversity" and no other reason.
Austin Jenkins
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Cameron Ross
Also, they've started doing this in both Japan and China now, so your argument isn't even fucking good.
Its not just Whites, though its MAINLY Whites; but Asiatic advanced countries are also getting the diversity = bring half of Africa here, treatment.