White gangs with baseball bats patrol niggers lurking in train stations
The emergence of Safety Squads is now
White gangs with baseball bats patrol niggers lurking in train stations
The emergence of Safety Squads is now
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I thought Australians played cricket? Oh well, I recommend to Australians using one made of quality oak. I heard they have a really hard one down there called bull oak.
get your shit together daily fail
fucking based
So there are still some minor pockets of life in Melbourne still. Not bad.
Nah, mate. It's just a really aggressive program to improve Australia's basketball teams.
How come the Australians turned out to be the only decent Anglos?
Brittan was a prison island just like Australian. Criminals among criminals must be decent folk
I like how the media literally wants us to be more mad at the vigilantes, than the niggers robbing people on the tube.
Great lads. Buy them some golf clubs and crowbars.
they dont play baseball , they play cricket …. wtf are they doing???
Respect is key.
If you don't show respect, you will get made to
Australians will back the 'vigilantes', nothing justifies the africans doing this. .
Australia, yes
We're they hired by the strayan Vietcong?
Hit a dindo like this
Hit a dindo like that
Hit a dindo with a skull crushing bat.
Now I'm on the run, the cops got my gun
and right about now it's about to kill some nogs for fun.
This was my hypothesis too, basically anyone deemed unacceptable by the den of snakes that was the Britain at the time turned out to be cool. Australians and (original) Anglo-Americans being the most notable examples. Too bad Australians joined the (((Commonwealth))) along with Island Anglos and cucknadians. They should start by leaving it and renouncing the (((Crown))). Also, they have no idea how utterly kiked their society is at the top.
this seems to be a two part story
first part as follows
>For his birthday, [Xavier] asked for everyone to donate to suicide awareness instead of a gift,' the father said. 'He suffers anxiety and also lost his uncle, my younger brother to suicide. So I surprised him with the necklace and cross.'
>But both Xavier and his father allege the officers did nothing to stop thugs and instead called police.
wait, how did cameras get there so fast?
You feel for the meme, they are just the same scum with a heaver tan. Just look how cucked their country is, it is Canada level of fucked.
That's because they are still subjugated by the Crown, not because of the people (In UK and Canada it's mostly people that are the problem)
They aren't, the crown has been powerless since 45. Australia is more dominated by America in the current day.
The people are no different. In fact the largest migration group to Australia is still the British.
Maybe because they're descended from criminals
wtf is that? Please tell me it's not a mix of niggers and habbos.
A criminal in the eyes of Talmudic law is a saint.
Burger bats are made of ash.
OP Pic related they are wielding modern clink metal bats.
ancientfag cant even think of that fucking gay ass sound they make when you get a hit
You know (((how))) same way they Coincidentley showed up 2 Thursdays ago when the fall guy for the hole trump alphabet soup smoke and mirrors thing it's a warning to not interfere with the great replacement goy
Funny that when they are on the receiving end of confrontation / violence, all the details on the race of those involved becomes apparent. If it were the other way round, its the ambiguous 'gang of youths'. Alternatively, its 'white youths' bullying for no good reason african 'teens'
The Eastern States residents are. Not SA.
(((They))) count Abdul Al Mohammed of Iraq as a british immigrant because his passport says "brittish".
If you read the article, you'd see that the retaliation had been organized by the boys beforehand and the media showed up to document it.
i.e. threaten the White kids.
cheeky cunt but everyone knows what youths mean if race isnt mentioned now
Moonman approves
genepool's closed :^)
If that's the case the niggertier behavior of letting the state know is stupid but Real or not Fake and or gay the situation is fucky and if the rolls where reversed the story wouldn't of been News worthy,scratch that yes whites mugging people is less common then African Australians so the Spotlight of Evil Whitey would continue
So basically, if you send White me to serve out a sentence to an island, in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but sand and boomerangs; you get one of the most powerful economic engines on the planet
It's a real Man bites dog scenario
Most of the 'British' immigrants came long before there were shitskins other than heebs in Britain you fucking mong. Do you really the Brits coming out in the 1850s were actually pakis?
No nigger it's nigger week, stop being a 1-A human and editing your statements
fucking based
Mate you try swinging a cricket bat with speed it's impossible
They're much heavier and denser than a baseball bat
Hit a guy in the head with a baseball bat he'll be concussed/knocked out
Hit him with a cricket bat you are going to flatten a portion of his skull
About time some group of white people somewhere decided to start collectivizing to project strength. How do all these dumb shit-skins and niggers so naturally collectivize for group interests, yet you need to move mountains to get just a tiny few white people to do it?
Lower percentage of Jews compared to rest, US and UK particularly
70 years of relentless propaganda.
If you do anything, anything other than all than posting on anonymous image boards you are some sort of federal agent
That pisses me off. They are nothing but a fucking disease upon this planet. The blight of humanity.
Why did you post that picture the wrong way up?
this tbh, story should read gang of 20 africans hospitalized after suspected vigilante revenge attack.
Australians are fucking nuts man. The ones I've met anyways. The (((media))) will always divide, if this was Israel the headline would be different. Local men patrol streets beating thugs that are robbing holocaust survivors.
Just a reminder, there is no "gang" problem. This is typical African behaviour that can't be solved by any expensive social programs but can only be solved by sending them back or giving them the same fate as Tasmanian Aboriginals.
How new are you?
The "gang problem" they're referring to is the fact that White kids are banding together to confront the niggers.
Doubt there is a more related thread so does anyone happen to have video of the axe/machete attacker killed by police at Elmvale Ottawa this week? Whole area is shitskin central so curious what flavour of nigger it was.
You are such a fucking goddamn retarded cunt you should fucking kill yourself
The fucking queen is our head of state, she controls the military, parliament is a smokescreen, we are a parliamentary monarchy you utter fucking dipshit
Fuck you fucking abo iq nigger
Fellow ancientfag here.
Metal bats make a "ping" in baseball, and a "whonk" in softball. And I'll wager there's no one around who knows about a fungo bat.
Does it really even matter when the US and UK are both controlled by Israel
Do you think it "is still" 1850 you glue-eating abortion?
lol one article referred to "caucasians" attacking "african Australians" as if the descendants of Celts and Anglos convicts attacking niggers is "un-Australian" or something.
cbf archiving
"caucasian youths" vs "african-australians"
btw latest stats show that there are more poos and chinks than brits migrating. Indeed both groups separately are each bigger than the brit group.
That article doesn't say it. The Herald Sun article does, I think, but I can't cap it because of the paywall.
god I hope this continues
Good on these lads. Support them.
checked and kekd.
What an insane time to be alive. I never thought the day would come when us "Yanks" would be giving you Aussies advice on using baseball bats. Well, give 'em hell.
Chink Chong!
Literally the largest immigrant groups in Australia are Asians. Mostly Chinese and Filipinos.
Sounds absolutely absurd. Thanks america for starting this fucking stupid fad.
screenshot it
every last european blooded country is being deliberately invaded by shitskins.
this is awesome, good lads. could kill emu, no sweat. 10/10
the X YES, or X NO! meme is shite tho
B-but this is bad optics!
What is that site?
Goddamn French, you'd think they'd have learned after Waterloo!
Just fuck my shit up fam.
They live in a survival of the fittest environment, not a survival of the richest, this in turn has caused them to have to not be shitbags if they don't want to die, and to severely punish the shitbags who make survival harder. Same thing happened with europeans and the cold, only this time it's happening in a different hemisphere with blazing heat.
Yeah, it's a joke. Nobody for a moment thinks they're Australian. Literally everyone recoils when they see a nigger in Australia; some have just learned to mask their gag reflex.
Aussie here, literally the first fuckin time I've seen that word.
Everyone here hates Somalians. It's a fuckin epidemic and nobody has it. Search up 'Australians Retaliate to Somalian Gangs' or 'Apex Gang Bashings in City Centre'
There's literally a 'Fuck Apex' tag with a heil hortler-esque swasty under it near my house
Found the pic I took.
'DOG APEX FKD' pretty much sums up how people think of these retards.
I was actually grabbed in the city by one and he asked for a ciggy or something. Stared him right in the eyes and smiled until he let go. Cunts are just lookin to pick on people who can't defend 'emselves.
Lots of gold mines in Australia.
Mix in some aluminum and Crucible Industries science and you get something with higher tensile strength than titanium.
Guess who has the largest bauxite mines in the world?
Christ. When did that happen?
All that makeup and cosmetic technology, and that's the best they could do kek
Australia is pretty much just a big mine with settlements round the edges
It is easier to fit a kikel through the eye of a needle than to make an abo bangable.