The father of a U.S. missionary killed by a tribe on a remote island has blamed extreme evangelical Christianity for his son’s death. John Allen Chau, 27, was shot with bows and arrows by tribal people in November after stepping foot on North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal, which outsiders are banned from visiting. Local officials said that Chau was a missionary, who was attempting to proselytize to the people on the island.

In comments to UK newspaper The Observer published Sunday, Chau’s father, Dr Patrick Chau, blamed “extreme Christianity” for pushing his son to a “not unexpected end.”

“If you have [anything] positive to say about religion,” he said, “l wish not to see or hear.”

“John is gone because the Western ideology overpowered my [Confucian] influence,” he said, referring to the teachings of Chinese philosopher Confucius.

Chau, who was from Washington state, studied at Oral Roberts University, an evangelical institution in Alabama.

Mary Ho, executive of the All Nations Christian missionary group, of which Chau was a member, told the Washington Post he had long wanted to visit the Sentinel Island people.

Six fishermen Chau bribed to take him to the island were arrested after his death.

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Other urls found in this thread: 1&version=KJV

Lmao the Professor is literally trying to capitalize on his sons death by pushing his shitty ideology no one even in China wants.

If he actually read the bible he would have gone to the island fully armed and with a contingent.

How is that possible when chinks and niggers don't have souls?

For some reason Christianity is really blowing up over there right now.

Christianity is only gaining a foothold in china because of the great leap forward. Most chinks are raised as atheists, and nature abhors a vacuum.

good riddance, abrahamutts just can't keep their slave religion to themselves

I hope chinks start throwing them to the lions before the opium spreads again.

Chinks v. Muslims will be glorious.

I think k OP had a little climax with his e-peen

OP needs to accept Jesus into his soul and take the cock out of his mouth

>(((Western))) ideology
FTFY, Chau

Dead kike on a stick?
Sounds legit.

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Retards fall for another Jew thread.

Glad to see how Christianity is different to Judaism.
And yes BTFO. You cunts are always trying this bullshit. If only the french or the romans were as smart as these niggers.

Sage for off topic Zig Forums thread that will probably only get any moderation action at all on it because it's not pro-Zig Forums off topic spam, but anti-Zig Forums.

Read Urantia

Try harder, jew.

Daily reminder that kikes want to destroy Christianity above all else because Jews at some point literally exchanged God for Satan.
They are deconstructing Christianity since they got some of their long tendrils installed in Vatican.
They destroyed post schism Christians long time ago.

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Bump. I feel bad for the father. He came to the land of plenty, and his son rotted from the Evangelical cancer.

My parents eternally try to push the judaeo-christian BS as the foundation of all civilisation. It's unending I swear.

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You mean the aryan race. Cucktianity is their weapon for destroying my race, the aryan race

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God sent his son to save the Jews from their backwards practices. They utterly hated his guts while non-jews were freaking out over what the Jews who were blinded in their ways couldn't see.

I just wish Pontius Pilate stuck to his principles.
Yes, the Jews would have caused a riot which meant crucfication.for Pontius Pilate, but it's likely that he would have been resurrected.

Consider how you had powerful local Roman lords love Jeus's teachings. If Pontius Pilate was resurrected to the horror or the Roman army in the area, it might have meant Jerusalem gets sacked there and then.

It would have been interesting if Pontius Pilate was sent to Rome after being resurrected like how Jonas was ordered to go to Nineveh.

Didn't he? He promised to be the 'respect the local culture' governor, washed his hands of it, and let the jews democratically decide the fate of Jesus.

Of course it was not his weakness nor his son's, it was the west and it's teachings. kek

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He gave Jesus to the Jews because they were going to riot.

If he was resurrected and sent to Rome he could do miracles on the way which would strengthen the newly converted's conviction. Perhaps all water that flowed into more by Aqueducts would turn into wine before his arrival.

The army would be horrified over what they did to Jesus,and the Jews would probably be banished from the empire for being so blind.

What is with the Soylent Grin? I didn't know Christians did that.

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credit for the following text goes to the other poster(s) that wrote it:

This is an astroturfing post. The main issue here is that the conflict is white versus jew, not christian versus jew. This poster intentionally is identifying the opposition to the jews as christians, thereby implying that the racial element is not the issue and that since Zig Forums is aligned against the jews then Zig Forums is made up of christians.

Be wary of how christian shills word threads. And by christian shills I mean the JIDF. They're the ones who want to turn this into a christian versus jew conflict even though christians view jews as allies and brethren and bible makes it clear that all christians are jews because they worship the same lord.

Nothing you've said is legitimate, and five seconds of reading the New Testament (which your holy book says you aren't allowed to do, so you haven't done it) disproves your lies, you fucking kike.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Christianity provides a moral framework that was used to bring Europe out of the dark ages and into an era of world domination through trade and through new inventions. Massive cathedrals that have stood for hundreds of years are a testament to the power of Christianity.

The "Jesus was a Jew" shitposts are retarded. Jesus was a Jew, but proper context is required to understand what role this played within the Bible. The entire New Testament of the Bible is the story of God sending a part of himself in human form to be a messenger to the Jews, who at this time were still his chosen people. Over and over they betrayed God, and so Jesus was sent to tell them to knock it the fuck off. That's when they freed a murderer and had him nailed to a cross for saying things they didn't want to hear. And that's the reason why Jews to this day are cursed to wander the Earth and constantly be cut down and expelled by everyone else. That's why they hate Christianity. It's a constant reminder of the sins of their fathers. And rather than acknowledging these sins, they perpetuate this cycle of sin and death by creating conditions so intolerable that others murder them in droves.


Jews hate Christians and whites. And they especially hate white Christians, which is why all this anti-Christian shilling happens on Zig Forums.


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Aww geez. I can't even imagine why.

Perfect description of (((atheism))), nice

don't reply to me if you are a christcuck

Rabbi explains the Importance of sucking Blood from each circumcised Penis

Not every culture whose members drink human blood are found only on remote islands.

He looks like a soyboy anyways

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Not at all. Especially when pretty much all examples of that" power"(those cathedrals) were built during the Renaissance.

The cool thing about the English language is that you use the word God. So, who is that God? Zeus, Zupiter, Týr? Maybe Deus from the popular "Deus Vult"? Not really, right? That "God" is more something like a lich, maybe a volcano Demon, right? What do you want to call it, is YWHW alright?

Turns out that thing is not even European, so we prefer to keep that thing out of Europe.

because christianity is a religion for feminine cosmopolitan bug-people. it's the perfect religion for the chinese given their feminine, conformist nature

Those spice monkeys didn't kill him for being Christian; they killed him for being a fucking soyboy with that stupid gaping mouth submissive chimpanzee grimace perpetually on his cretinous face.

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You might want to point out to them that all those beautiful ruined Greek and Roman temples weren't destroyed by barbarians ( who revered all pagan gods ) but by early Christian monks, stinking buggerbeards who never took a bath, and regarded those temples as abodes of satanic demons. Armies of monks would attach ropes to those pillars and would pull those temples down.

Watching them make arguments on any subject is always amusing.

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They want to destroy Christianity because it's a heretical jewish sect, fucking idiot.

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low IQ paganlarp post.

the guy that went to the island wasn't a White Nationalist dummy.

Atheist then:
Atheist after losing their community:
Look if your going to counter signal something at least be consistent with your insults.

Only these two are false:
Kikes caused slavery
Totally false, they adore their Godly niggers.

This face creeps me out when I see it. The same soy lovers that are always joking about existential dread and anxiety are the ones doing it. I think they are dead inside and it's easier to do this face than a fake smile. It's not just an open mouth on an otherwise blank stare. The eyes are wide and the eyebrows are inconsistent. Sometimes the upper half of the face looks like an angry expression, other times it is like shock or horror. Normal smiles the eyes will close some while the brow remains the same. The rest of the face betrays them, I don't believe any of them are actually happy. Excited, perhaps, but not happy.

It's a very hollow expression for vapid people with small goals. What makes a 34 yr old happy? A children's toy? Of course it doesn't make them happy or fulfilled. They don't even have friends to share it with. That's why they have to post it on social media. You don't see normal mentally healthy people doing this. I've bought a house and nice car and had kids with a nice wife, and so have a lot of people, and no one does cuckface infront of that stuff. No one is doing cuckface at their wedding or infront of baby pictures etc. I am simply fulfilled having a nice home and family, and still having money for the things I want. I was depressed before, but right wing ways taught me the way and now I find my life quite satisfying. I don't need to pretend or hype it up or show off how I feel because the good things in my life are meaningful on their own.

Soylent League's cuckface is a prime example of NPC behaviors meeting head on with a meaningless life brought out by leftist ideals. It's hollow because their life is hollow and it reflects them. Like they forgot how to smile because they do it so rarely and this is the face they make when they should show positive arousal even when the positive stimuli is trivial. This is likely the happiest they will appear while using their toys.

It's creepy to me because they are obviously pretending. I know their existence is one wrought with hardships and dissatisfaction. From a right wing perspective we know why. It's because they chase hollow materialist goals instead of true fulfillment. Extinction awaits them and all they can do is pretend like children's toys are as fulfilling to them as having a good family is to me. It's sad, but terrifying that people could be brainwashed so effectively.

>(((western))) ideology overpowered my ching-chong-ding-dong ideology
Well at least when the kikes move to China those bug bastards won't stand a chance.

translation :john ministered the gospel despite me trying to use eastern lies to stop him

Yeah we know that nigger has a boner for his Semitic faith.

This. Semites fighting Semites. Unfortunately whites were gullible enough to pick a side. I wonder if we will be dumb enough to pick a side in the Muslim vs. Muslim fight.


Found a better god

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There is something to be said for this "christcuck" stuff user

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He got what a missionary deserves. These shitskin "christians" converts always end up in our countries. Nothing of value was lost.

That's redundant user

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That father should maybe learn about what missionaries actually are then, the idiot. If the apostles got skinned, boiled alive, burned and crucified–not to mention the thousands of years of that happening since by Synagogues, Inquisitions, Jihads, Socialists, Commies, and random thuggins–then you can't be surprised if your missionary son meets the same end.

It's called "logic" half-wit.

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Autism goes hand-in-hand with stupidity.

Mind you,
That's sinful, isn't it?

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I wonder why.

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What is this incomprehensible spam?

How is being "witty" a virtue? Do you even know what a virtue is?
Not a virtue.
Not a virtue.
Not a virtue in itself. Courage is but that includes confidence. You can't be both spineless and brave.

These are virtues. To protect the weak, to gently treat the feeble, etc. all stem from such virtues.

It's the counterpoint to the OP

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Found a better god

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You dredel spinning faggots look disgusting

Jesus faught the false jews, retard

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yeah because he wanted to fix judaism, his own religion, good for him, nothing to do with Europe or any non abrahamutt religion
though I'm sure Europeans are actually the 12 lost tribes /s

Christcucks and their lies

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We are really extraterrestrials, just believe me goyim
you presented no argument to disprove

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More Jews post here than Whites.

LOL you kikes are desperate today, keep earning those shekels

wrong board, schlomo
Go back to your christcuck board
>>>Zig Forums

Thread does not exist

Oy vey! Christcucks!


Same christcuck lies over and over in every thread

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abrahamutts really cannot conceive of people not liking any of the spawns of abrahamism

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You're spamming.

new christcuck shill tactic, call red pilling "spam".

Trips confirm! Let's push for a new Heavenly Kingdom in china! That would be the start of the collapse of the chinky empire.

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Titus 1 1&version=KJV

This was literally written by Paul. He openly advocated the forceful silencing of Jews.

The jews and their lies, indeed. You are full of shit, and are acting as a useful idiot for the jews, if you aren't a jew yourself.

The muslims din do nuffin!

It's very jewish of you to discard the very next passage, where the ethnically greek woman's daughter was healed from that hour on. It is no secret that the church has infighting and there has been a jewish inflitration, but to claim that the history of its hatred for the Jew hasn't happened is a lie.

And so we have a retard, calling other people retarded.

That's about as much of an argument as saying, "Zig Forums is an offshoot of judaism." Which people have actually tried before. It's a dishonest attempt to claim that the opposition to judaism is also judaism, so we shouldn't oppose judaism. Typical tricks. Stop being such a useful tool.

Make an actual counterargument instead faggot

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Why do you faggots hate Christianity so much? Most Zig Forums Christians I have had serious discussion with are more red pilled then the Pagan/Agnostic ones. Just a reminded Hitler and the National Socialist of Germany had to deal with religious bickering since the beginning.

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What happened to using force to get people to accept spirituality?