I am a jew ask me anything. I am not a banker btw, and I do support Zionism but I am not a Zionist myself.
I am a jew ask me anything. I am not a banker btw, and I do support Zionism but I am not a Zionist myself
Prove your a Kike and we can continue. until then, sage.
Kike-friendly first post.
I actually support Israel, so long as the US isn't paying for all its military operations.
Why do your people support the importation of antisemitic muds?
How many gold coins can you fit in your nose?
Why did you leave 4chan and why won't you go back?
fav gas?
It's because they care more about destroying whites than having a couple little yids die. Holocaust means "burnt offering", a sacrifice in other words.
if a shekel drops and no jew is around to oy does it vey?
op is a nigger
Serious. What is your opinion on White Genocide?
Bumplock is good. Where's the permaban?
spiteful sage
That's an oxymoron. Besides, considering Jesus made Judaism a thing if the past, try being kind to your Palestinian neighbours lest you reap more sin on your head and on your brethren.
Plenty buddy. plenty.
To many Muslims there.
Very bad, Europe should close it's boarders the same way Isreal does!
We offered them the West Bank and the Gaza Strip for reconization, they diden't do that so we're taking it back! Also you guys also hate how Muslims are invading Europe but when we stop our invasion you guys are pissed.
Isreal cannot afford to stay ahead of all the other guys or else they finna rape us. Also the US dishes out tonnes of foreign aid to many countries in need so what is the difference?
Why do you guys suck blood from a baby's cut dick ?
Radical Jews do that, not normal ones!
nose pics or you're not one of the chosen
Ok, but why ? wasnt killing Jesus evil enough ?
Why do you keep pushing the Nazi larping on Zig Forums?
Why do the crusades happen? Wasen't the Spanish inquisition enough?
Sucking innocent baby's off explain please.
I already said that is extremism!
Having foreskin feels great. It makes a man complete, not that you'll ever know.
And what isn't
What angle does your mutilated B'nai birith shlong point at it. Did your mother enjoy watching your cock sucked by the "moel" …. For more information google "oral suction site:jpost.com". Also Did your child rape and genital mutilation make you a pervert?
fuck off kike
I went to see a movie at a Jewish film festival. The entire festival was all about promoting open borders and the commercials were pushy on this issue to the point of very obvious subliminal messaging and hypnosis. For example, the phrase "no borders" would be followed by white noise.
In the movie the camera would subtly refocus on communist symbols and mention "beliefs" as if to suggest that having any beliefs is the cause of violence.
What do you make of that?
Why don't you realize you never received the covenant with God, Edomite?
So, if you've been here a while you're redpilled on Jews, & there's clearly no hope you'll ever change.
Why haven't you gone all Brother Nathaniel then?