Admit it.
Like a 3-d tour for real estate. Except it's live virtual reality video recordings.
These things are obvious, it's not a matter of needing proof.
What else is obvious? How far are we willing to go to uncover the truth?
Admit it.
Like a 3-d tour for real estate. Except it's live virtual reality video recordings.
These things are obvious, it's not a matter of needing proof.
What else is obvious? How far are we willing to go to uncover the truth?
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone here will be forgotten in 4 generations.
Only a fraction of a percent of anyone alive in the world will be remembered beyond that.
Stop inflating your worth.
Shit thread is shit.
Shilling Tactic 47: State 2 intelligent observations, then insult OP 2 time.
no they dont
yes. they fuckin do.
video related:
Okay where can I download them?
nah , wrong
you have to be connected into the elite to know that. im just talking about what is plainly obvious from the common man's perspective.
Well then I have to do it myself after all. Thanks for wasting my time OP
But, user…
go on… say more interesting things
yeah its called the akashic record
Whatcha slidin', Moishe?
What? You mean there is a recording of my entire life in some kind of 3D virtual reality format?
Ignoring for the moment that there is no fucking way that kind of technology actually existed when I was born in the 80's (CGI was in its infancy), the combined file size of such a thing would exceed the entire storage capacity of the entire planet.
black cube???
(((glowing cube))) VS murder Zig Forumsube
who would win?
murder Zig Forumsube
There's several sources in the meme, including: PBS, IBtimes, and Science Daily. You cherry-picked one source and ran with a strawman argument which leads me to believe you're a CIAnigger
What the fuck is this thread even about? I can't tell if this is /x/ or /b/ tier boogerloogies
This person is trying to claim that the government is using supercomputers to model civilization down to the individual using actual data on each and every person in the world. An AI that uses every source of information they have to predict civil unrest, stage coups, and timing of other jew fuckery they desire.
So basically you exist as they know you in a simulation designed to help control the world. This is why the jew's have a deep desire to control AI.
See cell phone sonar tech reveal in Batman dark night here:
It's not that hard to imagine that hidden technology has developed ways to store vast data in small spaces. From the common man's perspective, you have to assume this.
WRONG. Technological advancement has been hidden since the dawn of civilization for war purposes. Don't act all surprised to think that some ancient egyptian figured out these simple parlor tricks that it takes to make a computer. You are naive to think they didn't have all this "current" technology at the latest by WW2.
Smile for the camera Winston.
Who the fuck let OP out of the padded room?
I don't know what the fuck he is talking about with the 3D shit. I agree that makes no sense whatsoever.
Not really though. All it is is a database of your location, political category matrix (radical to conformist, violent to peaceable, dependent to independent etc which puts you in a category of threat or non-threat) based on your tweets/posts and searches, and a few other data points like identity (age, sex, race) and connections to others.
7 billion entries, with 10 data points each, is only 70 billion datapoints. The large filesize of 3D virtual realities is in the rendering, and obviously they're not rendering an actual world. Their algorithms just use the database to see patterns and extrapolate them. Smaller databases and algorithms roam the net, interpret data and feed into the larger picture one.
Scrying 5 days ahead is pretty pathetic tbh. I can see further than that. Their predictive power is mostly in paying attention to lots of things at once, rather than reading actual signs.
Post source or fuck yourself sideways with pic related.