Welp anons i found out where all the shit posting on here and 4chan is coming from
the kikes at leftie are raiding us and the nigger faggot mods on 4chan call any mention of the thread (((((spam))))) and wont allow you to post it
with luck i'll be able to post here and show you guys whats going on
Other urls found in this thread:
oy vey nothing to see here
This picture needs better formatting, this text is too crammed
The picture is fucking garbage. It's got everything wrong with it that /leftynigger/ always fucks up. It's overly wordy, shitty 2005-era demotivational format, and it's just an all-around mess.
Learn what line spacing is, Jesus fucking Christ.
its litterally a fuckin parody of a lefty pol meme i saw a little while ago
calm your tits murdoch chan
Jesus learn how to font. We all know /lefty/pol are a bunch of retarded niggers but that doesn't mean you get to rape our eyes.
>>>Zig Forums
not even Mein Kampf? shamefur dispray
They are pretty retarded, even by chan standards.
That fucker is probably busy playing through the 2000$ collection instead of reading there shit books. Says pol and doesn't include Mein Kampf. Try harder
Zig Forums is too busy infighting between the Strasserists, Maoists, Fabian Socialists, Cultural Marxists and so forth, anyone thats been here long enough can easily detect when they do post.
Yeah that picture is so fucking diusgustingly low effort it makes leftypol look really good look at all those fucking books, meanwhile there's more Halo books than anything political. And Lauren Southern is a retarded hypocritical thot just out for money, I'm still waiting for her to address the fact that she's already been plowed by shitskins
Could we start referring to lefties as Otto?
Thanks for the laugh user.
They have been doing this shit for years.
They use the cyclical /leftytrash/ to raid and push their crap on cuckchan, /biz/ has been hit the hardest, they constantly flood with board with pink wojacks when buttcorn goes down a fraction of a percent. They then take screencaps and post them in the stock market cyclical.
Oh and if you call them out or even mention Zig Forums on cuckchan you get a three day ban. They have even managed to hijack several generals on /vg/ and sperg out over the most inane and inconsequential bullshit like wanting a poncho in a game and will accuse you of being a "Zig Forumstard alt righter" interjecting politics into muh vidya.
Why are you so upset? It reflects the current Zig Forums userbase perfectly.
it seems there's an 8ch board for nogged porn
a few posts suggest activity outside their board, and outside 8ch, for 'converting' purposes
I dont know man i guess im still relatively new trash
only been here since 2015 but god damn has alot of shit changed since then
most of the boards on 4 went to shit in 2018 and i just fuckin saw the first natsoc general i had in months on there a little while ago
its just good to know where all the shit flowing down stream comes from
besides the jews in general of course
Good to know where all the shills came from
Notice how the tranny jannies aren't bumplocking threads? They obviously were coordinating these raids.
This whole board right now, smh…
Faggot they are litterally coordinating to shill in a thread
that isnt a fucking pipe dream
that isnt a conspiracy theory
that isnt seeing monsters that dont exists
that reading a fucking thread on lefty pol
it is coordinated
it is on purpose
and it is happening
yeah it's a lot of alinskyite d&c and spergbait
it's all super obvious
it's been going on for years
and it's likely not just Zig Forums
What the hell are you talking about nigger? They openly brag about doing this shit and constantly post screencaps of their shilling. They even directly linked to one of their thread on cuckchan.
It should be encouraged. Maybe they’ll learn something. It converted me, coming here to raid back in the day and ended up seeing things I couldn’t unsee.
Zig Forumsyps aren’t some evil Soros funded operation. They are just misguided. They are also equally hated by 99% of mainstream socialist because they are not self hating whites. Play into that to subvert them
Where the fuck have you been? They've been trying to "colonize" other boards and forums for years. Remember a couple months back when they fucked up taking on /tv/ of all places?
Just visited said board for the first time. I need to shower again.
just remember to get rid of all the filth when you do user…
tried going there once, it gave me the nastiest case of the cooties, more so than any other time in my life
/lefypol/ is retarded, but not a single one of you has ever read anything from wyndham lewis, mishima, gobineau, dante, goethe, the german idealists, etc. You guys only meme about Mein Kampf, Culture of Critique, or shitty infographs
You realize the point of the image is that none of you guys have any interest in books beyond "le epic redpill text".
It's nice to read other books that are obviously not full of subersive pozz however shitting on Zig Forums because they only picked a few books that synchronizes well with right wing ideology is simply stupid.
thats a bad macro, user
Well the more the lose the more they sperg out and the worse it gets. It was to be expected.
Hey leftyfaggot watcha doin?
waaaa Im going to sage everything I don't like because I keep getting BTFO in other threads
text on op image is frustrating me
But the holohoax never happened though.
You know where most of the "shit threads" come from?
Normal fucking users who hate the jews and are as white as snow.
Do you know why? Because the mods, or janitors as I like to call them, are faggot rule cucks and annoying the shit out of them once or twice a day is the moral thing to do.
You know what? Fuck that I was wrong.
They aren't rule cucks because they dont follow any set of rules, they just arbitrarily ban and delete anything they don't like.
Which is what 95% of online communities do at this point m88. When your enemy uses your principles against you, he wins, if you let him.
The state of shills on Zig Forums right now.
You give leftypol too much credit. The people ruining Zig Forums are pol-tards themselves who basically wouldn't remain in their containment boards. As you autists (mostly newfags) kept shitting up other people's boards with your racism, misogyny, and general repressed faggotry, the collective mass of boards slowly began to despise everything you claim to believe in. Everyone hates you because you guys suck. And now, you are scapegoating leftypol for the fact that you guys destroyed yourselves from within, by being annoying faggots. Heh, it's pretty funny seeing you all crash and burn. I remember 2 years ago you faggots were fantasizing about a yuge turnaround. heh, tough luck kiddos.
That's a lie. While people hate on pol sometimes they still believe pol is right. What you call shitting up other boards is just posters converting to pols ideology. You know it's true dude, you even admit it in your own threads.
To quote from leftypol thread:
it's just smiley and his 90 tulpas shitposting and like four trannies and the one actual tankie that got sick of posting on commie forums because they ban him for saying 'fag'
i've lurked the board. 90% of the posts are unironically smiley shitposting. i know he gets used as a boogieman a lot but he thinks he's fighting some great battle by doing this when really he's just ego-boosting some trannies and a stalinist.
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All of these are Smiley, he makes up a good 1/3rd of /b/ too.
I'm not a leftynigger, nigger. They are full of shit too, except they know how to contain themselves. What they fail to see however, is the fact that whatever they see that is reactionary, is primarily Zig Forums leakage. The fact that some guy on Zig Forums perceives the majority of image-boards as reactionary proves my point. Individual boards are aware that they are perceived as reactionary. Do you understand what I'm telling you? Take a moment. I understand what you said, for example.
When you say 'they still believe pol is right', what you really mean is that 'pol-leaks'/infiltrators of other boards gives Zig Forums-members the perception that Zig Forums is naturally a construct in other boards. YOU AND that one leftypol comment are correct, for the wrong reasons. And because other boards are aware of the correct reasons that this is the case, (you have to really understand that because you are a member of Zig Forums, you have a yugeee blind spot as to what individual members of other boards perceive when they perceive Zig Forums in themselves. you see Zig Forums others see annoying faggotry), there is a general disgust, and revolt, that TO YOU INDIVIDUAL POL MEMBERS, appears as leftypol raids. Your enemy is not your enemy, or not the one that you know. There is a degree of sophistication here that I do not expect you to understand. I mean, you cannot even contain your faggotry to one place. So I don't expect you to contain this either.
get a life
fucktard, most of us were against vaccinations not because of muh autism and muh they don't work but because we wholly reject the multicultural post-industrial society that leads to a poor immune system and exposure to third world diseases in the first place.
The initial inception of vaccines and innocoulation against disease is a good idea, but they've taken it to the point where it's causing problems. This is a problem with living in a sick jewish society not a problem with immunizing people against disease.
The polio vaccine didn't cause mass-tism, it only does this because we pump babbies full of drugs as a last-ditch effort trying to "prevent" them from getting turbo-AIDS in the filthy hospitals they were born in. Some kike decided that making a bunch of spergs was better than letting the "hospitals are filthy and third world tier" cat out of the bag.
put the bong down, boomer cuck.
nice try
vaccines are kike poison
Leftypol thinks anything that isnt leftists is reactionary. They legitimaly think that they are the ones that can make a revolution because Garl Marx said so
They cant even find a job.
>(((Lauren Southern)))
Also Zig Forums is retarded, they don't understand that basics for the politics is race, not class, and that not everyone is capable of leading and equality is impossible just because humans are so different
Get info on them and organize groups to kill them in their homes.
this is how it’s always been since pol went global here, and even before that. let them come to us, thats how they change and become us
waaaa Im going to sage everything I don't like because I keep getting BTFO in other threads>>12755970
Thats not Smileberg, his posts are way more schizoid than that…unless hes taking his schizo meds like a good jewboy.
Three of the people are jewish, this is the weakest shit I've ever seen.
b…but they're nationalists and are against socialism!
Threads are barely being bumped. I call bullshit on there being a raid.
Way to bump the raid thread, dumbass.
Have a bump for bringing attention to this. They're not actually raiding though. They don't even have enough people to raid with. But they do seem to think they can convert Zig Forumsacks by showing us how big-brained they are. I suggest we repay the favor.
That's what's happening in that thread right now. Honestly it's a pretty decent discussion, don't fuck it up.
I'm in that thread nigger.
it's just another shitty leftypol fake makro crying for attention and pushing some shitty leftypol cope. No one gives a shit about their retarded Marxist circlejerk and they struggle to stay relevant. Ignore this shit and ignore this shit thread.
Just saying for the low chance some of your are genuinely retarded and not just samefag from leftypol
The only problem is that they aren't a high enough userbase to matter, and all they can do is post nonsense like all other shills. I can't say I really care, honestly.
Fucking retarded newfag. All I did was read books growing up. Reading Mein Kampf as a teenager made no difference to the redpill. That comes later.
oh god for fucking bid that people know about shit
Yes please do go back to talking about to talking about how colbert beet pol the fuck out and the smiling kid was actually jewish
im sure thats such a better use of your time
The amount of anti Trump spam flooding the board by people claiming to be on the right isn't a considence here. Zig Forums is using Alinsky tactics to divide us against Trump because Jews and trying to make us vote far left because Jews.
Yeah, I've noticed this. Seems like their go-to tactic is to falseflag as natsoc while trying as hard as possible to make the position seem flawed. They know that if they actually try and defend their ideas they'll get proven wrong very quickly. It's funny that people in OP's linked thread actually think that mods are conspiring against them just because Zig Forums won't agree with their actual opinions.