White Americans are a joke, they sit there watching movies and listening to music produced by jews, they give all sorts of charity to non-whites; and then they shit all over their own kind and destroy each other eating each other. White people are largely a race of pathetic cowards who take oit their aggression on their own kind because its easier to hurt people who are vulnerable to you.

White people go hard on each other and go easy on outsiders, they pressure each other to destroy themselves through endless hard work while they show all sorts of respect to lazy jews by eating up all the words these jews say reverently listening to them, meanwhile whites have been shitting all over their own intellectuals. White people really do suck. At least the ones in America do.

"Muh Jews made me do it", white Americans go around fucking up everything in the world and then try to escape responsibility because some jew told them to do it even though this is like the thousandth time a jew told them to it. "Muh Sacklers did the opioid crisis", white people don't want to blame white doctors who pushed these drugs on white people and so try to shift entire blame onto Sacklers, who do deserve some blame, Jews do deserve some blame for stuff, but so do whites. Whites deserve the main blame for the retarded stuff they do, and whites are retards.

"Buh but look at all the technology we invented", oh that's fucking great, autistic fucking nerds invented a bunch of gadgets, ya I guess that makes up for the fact you just let jews fully fuck you up your minds ass telling you what to think about everything… oh wait, no it doesn't make up for that, white people are still a bunch of retards even though they produce a bunch autistic shitty gadgets.

Maybe you shouldn't have cucked all your smart people by sending them into monasteries and to be priests for hundreds of years so they could molest little boys. Maybe if your smart people actually reproduced whites wouldnt be retards.

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Oh wow I'm so BTFO how Zig Forums ever recover!



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"Why do we fall Bruce?"

"So we can learn to get back up again."

Our culture is presented to everybody everywhere, and nobody seems to catch on to it. You all linger in the darkness waiting for a savior, and never realize that's the exact opposite of what you need.

Yes, pathological altruism has destroyed us.

Sometimes I feel like, we just weren't evil enough and we live in the evil universe.

We were the first race responsible for mostly eradicating slavery around the world but get punished the most for it. Arabs and Africans still have slavery and they get rewarded for it.

Or maybe we live in the good universe and we didn't punish enough evil, we let it out like pandora.

Reading the bible, it strongly approves of slavery. God approved of slavery, it's even in the most important laws the Lord gave us. It is God's will that Ham's accursed spawn be slaves forever.

Our mistake was we let the spawns of evil be free, we gave them freedom, we gave evil freedom and God punishes us. Now it is up to the Arabs and Chinese to put an end to Ham's children, the cursed dark monsters of sub-Saharan Africa.

Leeeeel, jews.

Nice britcuck flag
