Bring it on, warmongering yankee savages
>If the U.S. intends to invade us, they will have a Vietnam worse than they can imagine
Bring it on, warmongering yankee savages
>If the U.S. intends to invade us, they will have a Vietnam worse than they can imagine
I don't want my country to invade but the war would be over in 6 months. Most of his military would go awol and he doesn't have civilian support. Once the cash ran out for the paid guns it would end. NVA/NVK had a reason to fight. Starving hispanic people have no reason to fight. US would bring them food anyhow.
Ummm technically we are only going to 'fund' the invasion. None of us except maybe the glowniggers are going to actually fight in your burnt bean war. It is better to simply fund that then participate. Bean people are nothing but parasitic savages ANYWAY…better to let them exist in their natural state…MURDER than to try and stop it.
I love the smell of burgers in morning ::DD:DD:D
Russia sends two nuclear-capable bombers to Venezuela
>#Russia's government has sent bombers halfway around the world to #Venezuela.
2nd pict
I knew those liars didn't kill Saddam.
Hey 808, those bombers are for the uncooperative bean people, not for the bankers people. Remember user, they play both sides and keep each other explicitly informed about 'enemy' troop movements so that they can murder the people they desire to murder, while making it all 'look palatable' to people.
inb4 fags saying that me saying that Venezuela is a commie shithole means I am a neocon supporting its invasion.
Never thought that a failed spic state would get fanboys who come out of woodwork just like in every North Korea thread anyway.
¿cómo estás, mossad?
Anyone getting vibes like this happened before ?
Beaner doesn't know we weren't trying to win it?
Also is the sephardi jew still trying to steal the country's gold?
except the fact that Venezuelans fucking loathe their government.
Naw that already happened over the last year…now the kikes are just trying to clean house with their bean golems. They are unhappy that the bean golems don't want to turn over their country's natural resources with kike central.
(((you))) swapped IPs Moshe.
I thought he was trying to take their reserves too.
I am pretty sure those are gone now. Robbing retarded beans was easier than plundering the USA…and then importing 'replacement' migrants.
Tell that idiot about the rules of engagement in Vietnam. How enemies couldn't be pursued and dumb shit like that.
Holy fuck that made me cringe…
Trump makes a better el presidente.
Still wondering who let Saddam out of the kitchen. Isn't he supposed to be making sammiches for the shrubs in TX?
He fed that shit to the press right? I hope he licked it all or used it to wipe his ass first.
Niggerball players. With the shutdown the staff was out so he had it catered. kek
Oh well…they won't know any different then.
so you're saying we need to get involved with every failed state? Or just the ones with natural resources?
The war was a heroin war user. It was about extracting heroin and destroying fields.
Guess we're going to (((discover))) poppies in Caracas real soon now.
We have synthetics that far surpass them so it will probably be about securing the oil and the coffee for the people and the environment.
We literally don't even have to invade you, we can just blockade you and let you starve. That is what Hitler should have done to Stalingrad.
Personally I don't have anything against you wetbacks, but my government is owned by zio-kikes who do.
1) we have gotten better at war
2) we have gotten better at propaganda , there will be no hippie uprising
3)all we want is oil, get fucked
Reminder that pretty much all of this was said about Afghanistan and Iraq.
Only the ones who ditched the dollar
To be fair the jews starved millions and they're still kicking. It isn't as effective as they like to make you think.
Op kill yourself. Op is a kike , no archive article and calling White Americans savages when, its purely kikes that have been starting wars with the shitskins. So they can be brought here as rapeugees.
Starving out and bombarding the city for a couple months still would have been better than busting in like the Germans did. They just got bogged down in Urban Warfare, and it's difficult to beat a (((rat))) in it's own sewers.
Except I've said the complete opposite? It amazes me that fucks here somehow manage to read "Venezuela is a shithole that I wouldn't like to live in" as "bomb spics now".
pls no more agent orange
We don't support this bullshit, this is clearly for corporations and global Jewish Hegemony, you know the two biggest donors to trump.
Best journalist in America and ainec, he's the guy that put the Lobby hidden cam investigation together.
This one is tough. Maduro is a fucking commie and as all commies, he ruined his country. Created a "refugee crisis" (all of them fat 20-30 year old males niggers) in Latin America. But i'd rather have that, than the jews using their lap dog to invade and seize control of the country and its oil. How much time before US troops get "attacked" and just have to retaliate?
I dont want us to put troops in Venezuela, but its painfully naive to compare them to Vietnam who were backed by China just next door. Most North Vietnamese troops were actually from Southern China.
Venezeula is backed by muh Russia but they are a long way from being able to provide that level of support.
The cause of their problems is the sanctions from the US. Isn't it strange we still haven't lifted sanctions on Cuba? I'm starting to think another communist revolution is the way to go, only this time the Jews and Christians will trade places.
It's not imaginery if it actually happened
They just laugh at us
They still wont play fair economically
Their economy collapses and the population is reduced to eating rats.
1. They are pussies
2. They setup their economies badly.
take a look, these are your (((yankee savages)))
It's nu/pol/. If you don't suck the diseased cock of communists you're a "neocon" because fuck logic.
I was going to say who gives a shit what's going on in Venezuela.
But then all of these other countries are gathering to discuss Venezuela. Like they're a bunch of schoolgirls talking behind each other's backs.
Our elites actually want to destabilize and wreck both nations, so promising them what they want isn't a disincentive.
Why? Allergic to charisma?
I'm perfectly fine with shitskins ruining their countries. The only time my country should intervene is when they're pollutiing the Earth, or in some other way disturbing my existence.
No way the US is even making it past 2050
jews want to invade you with their jew foreign legion the us military using everyone else to pay for it. You want to wipe out those lackeys for jew shekels attacking you, pissing in jews cereal, is fine by me. I guess they want your oil, foothold, or just churn the jew mic shekel grabbing wheel.
aka I do not support jews' troops.
The kikes would be NOTHING without the shabbos goy doing their dirty work.
Russia = America. This happens all the time.
Same shit since WW2. Russia and America are allies.
Surely the Venecos won't get support from .ru like Syria. No way will all the spics in our military sabotage operations and provide backdoor intel. No way will this end like Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Syria. Damn you really haven't thought this through have you.
This. I've known a number of VZ expats from like 10-15 years ago who lost everything because Chavez stole their businesses and assets to hand over to the jungle niggers of that country, like in Cuba the Castro family with some top government officials outright own EVERYTHING, there is no such thing as private ownership of anything for the 99% of its citizens. Spics would rather vacation in Dominican Republic or Brazil than set foot in Cuba or Venezuela which shows how much of a shithole those two countries are.
He wins elections for 20 years now and military even after 5 years of crisis didnt rebel and supports him. No.
Same goes for Putin, but I don't see the USA invading Russia.
(((Maduro))) and the ((Castro family))) are sephardic jews you stupid motherfucker, talk to any of the Cuban expats about the JQ, surprisingly know all about how jews have been behind communism.
Thats how hardcore the brainwashing goes on over there.
You failed
But yet Canadians, Euros and the rest of the world have been doing commerce with Cuba for decades, Cubans (guess it would be our equivalent to our bureaucrats) travel to the US and bring shit back to their country all the time, if you're not working in the Stasi over there then you're fucked.
Maybe you're blind.
No, they just know that if anyone else comes to power they will lose control of their national wealth - oil.
How so?
But yet those stupid niggers rely on the Russians to run their petrol plants/refineries.
$20 says nothing happens. Trump and Putin are having a pissing contest for fun. Trump is still a kike though.
It’s always been a game to control resources and assets.
>(((Party Leaders))) seize control of Corporations and their assets
>(((Party leaders))) siphon revenue and production into their pockets
>(((Party leaders))) negotiate purchase of State Assets for pennies on the dollar
Venezuela is at the collapse point. This time it looks like (((they))) will just seize the state assets with the US Army’s help.