Fun Times Exposing Things

It sure is fun to expose things.

I just figured out that the mods appear to be able to turn reports on or off, or at least, can turn the captcha component on or off.
They seem to be able to alternate it, as when I called it out it stopped working, but then after a minute or two it went back to that functionality.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (776x506 37.09 KB, 41.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fun times.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1430x824 98.65 KB, 93.45K)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2484x958 188.36 KB, 174.71K)

So, basically, the mods are actively ignoring reports while shilling the fuck out of the board.
What a surprise.

Sure am glad CodeMonkey stepped in to give up better moderation than the roach, eh lads?

Archive in event mods try to shoah thread for muh meta.


Thank ya sir!

Oh wow now its really getting weird.
Seems like only certain POSTS are protected against reporting!
I can type in whatever I want in the captcha field for the report on this post, and it gives me a 'report submitted' output. Yet others, for example those in this thread, require a captcha to be accurate.

huh. eceleb and youtuber posts cant be reported. just like cuckchan. it's almost as if…

HMMMMMMM indeed.