Niggers Complaining About Being Slaves

400 Years Under the Ottoman Turks and War of Independence, 1821

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Mega kiked first post.

too bad you Gayreeks killed the Romanian who was raising an army to fight the Turks, after he gave you shelter. Tudor Vladimirescu, assassinated by Ipsilanti in…1821. Your jewish trickery will not be forgotten, nor the fact that for 200 years Fanar Gayreeks did turkroach biding.

Oh, and fuck niggers.

Greekanda Forever

Nice priorities, faggot.

Lol and they ask why greeks and turks don't get along very well.

The modern creature called Greek is truly a sad sight.
It's true. The modern Greek is indistinguishable from the turkroach. There are a few slightly European Greeks left. It's heart wrenching what enforced miscegenation can do to a people. The same can be said of many Italians. The greatest crime Arabs, Muslims, Jews and Semites have ever done was enforce miscegenation. They are one and the same, the same enemy. Never forget that.

Anatolia has been sitting next to Greece for some millions of years, people in Greece and Anatolia were genetically similar, much more than today, already ~10000 years ago
if anything, Greeks and Anatolians(there's little really "Turkic" in "Turks", they are essentially arab Byzantine Anatolians speaking a chink language) have never been so genetically distant
stop projecting amerimutt mongrel

Fuck Turkey, Turks, and Islam.

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Need new word.

Modern greeks are much more turkish now than ever…

A study of 2009 shows that Italians, together with the Finns, are one of the purest peoples of Europe and also one of the oldest, descending them from the ancient Italics.

false, anatolia_neolithic and peloponnese_neolithic were much closer together(essentially the same) than modern ones
same is true for mycenaeans and bronze age anatolians, much closer as well
modern Greeks are more slavic/continental influenced too, while eastern anatolians have much higher levantine/caucasus/iran related stuff, the two populations have in fact diverged ever since
modern Greeks lack the asiatic lineages and small east asian autosomal input present in turks to have been affected by them to any significant level

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Well hello there, my fellow Greek, I am a Turkish man.
There should be no borders between our amazing countries, as a matter of fact, we should both open our borders to as many Africans and Arab refugees as we can.

You already did.

The hell? Why is there so much hatred towards the Greeks? I expected more solidarity for them. They are at least more Europeans than Albanians and Bosnians.
t. Brazilian

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I think the previous BO or one of his janitors was a Turk. He probably still posts here.

That some very interesting grouping you've chosen to make there user.

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That's Sardinians, you dumb nigger. Technically answerable to Rome, but let's get real here.

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One of those little Turkish balls got in the the white zone of your version user…

Hi Vasilios!! You maaaadddd????

I didn't make it myself, mongrel

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Maybe it's because the Greeks today aren't the greeks of pre-christ?

user, I…

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roaches fear the Greek warrior

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looks like a map of the world , where the center of the whites are in the area around bosnia

Because Greeks were the 'allspark' to western society.

Why would they fear themselves?

Well, how about we start convincing our women to start breeding with blacks then?

Don't need to. The kikes are already doing that.

We should start molesting children again?

You'll probably hate me because I'm Bulgarian, but we were right there with you. Blood tax, rapes, pillages, the Batak massacre, 500 years of terrorism, and unlike you, we couldn't even free ourselves, we had to rely on the Russians to do it for us.

Bumping this thread because the kikeshills and faggots are crawling all over it.

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Remember to know about islam and hate it.

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Ottoman Empire was one of first cryptokike empires. Some anons used to post stuff about it being as kiked as modern USA or British Empire. They all used the same Talmudic governing model, which is also why many Freemasons had a boner for them. I'm pretty certain that their emergence was a pure coheincidence. Blood tax, forced miscegenation, slavery, original host turning to shit after the (((empire))) collapsed and the parasite found a new host. Islam was always a semitic weapon against whites.

Should we*

If Greeks aren't white, then what would that make the Turks?

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Russian woman, Balkans woman, and the whitest looking woman they could find in Turkey. Some Turks look ironically whiter than Greeks because of ancient Anatolian phenotype and mixing with Europeans.

Modern anatolian turks are not even close to their ancestors in terms of physical appearance, true turks were just like their Uighur, Kazakh or Uzbeki cousins.
This is what a true turk look like, these guys never left their homelands except to raid and plunder russians lands for booty and slaves (like it or not, russians were mongolian and turkic bitches for many centuries).

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Why did he kill him, if they both had a common enemy?

Turks are not white and never will be berkay.

Traitors user, the world is full of people who would gladly join the enemies if offered with money or other personal advantages.
Why do you think kikes own the world ? it's because traitorous goyim would gladly join their cause for shekels or some sort of petty power.

But I looked it up and he was a Greek Revolutionary Hero too. He fought against the Ottomans and died in Exile.


I appreaciate for the ammo, user.

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Those look like just haplogroup %s, not entire genomic composition PCAs

Not super useful

I will give you that, some of them are mixed, but look distinctly good-looking/white.

Not even a Turk myself and I loathe them almost as much as kikes though I would consider having those girls I posted before as sex slaves and forcibly converted to Christianity, but that is not the point. Why are Turks even considered whiter than Greeks?

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nope, it's an admixture run on autosomal DNA, not haplogroups

you know who really hates the greeks and sees them as their mortal enemy going back thousands of years in their scriptures?

as if every other European race has stayed the same since ancient times

Explains why Kyrgyz, Kipchaks, Cumans, and Xiongnu were described as fair featured.

Gr*eks are anything but white. Most of them are descendants of North Africans, hell even most Turks are whiter than Gr*eks. Gr*eks are the lazy scum of Europe and worthy of genocide.

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They are less European than Albanians and Bosnians
Bosnians are the same as Croats and both are Slav-Greek mix
Albanians are the same as Greeks
READ this article

Huns had a lot of white blue eyed germans and slavs fighting with them since they kicked their asses and assimilated their tribes, it doesn't mean that Attila and other nobles who ruled the hordes wasn't your stereotypical eurasian turk.

I swear that whiteness is the most subjective word in this imageboard and any other forum which ethnicity and heritage are openly discussed.
Take these kids for example, ask anyone who doesn't know their heritage and they'l say that these kids are as white as white be.
Ask someone like you and you'll say that these kids are not white because dozens of generations ago they were turkic/mongoloid.

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Distinct phenotypes are always better looking than mutts/mongrels. I've seen "pure" Turkic people look more beautiful than them mixing with whites. Ottoman empire had a lot of people go there voluntarily to live/work, it was an inverse situation of the one that USA is in. Instead of having a white country flooded with niggers, you had a shitskin country flooded with whites. I've seen a museum of Ottoman rulers and they mostly looked like inbred kikes. The end result is the same.

TL;DR - racemixing turns you into a kike and cancels both of your ancestries

Sparta (a region of Greece) has blonde, blue eyed people even today. Western Turkey was white (before subhuman invasions), deal with it.


did already, old and unrelated stuff, genetics on this shitty board is just (mis)used to push agendas, whites (mis)use it against mediterraneans, I'm just giving them a taste of their own medicine, they too don't like it when you call them mongrels, really gets under their skin

But they are basically Albanians.

kek, im a serb and we have very similar late history with the greek bros, i lucked out to be born a blue eyed, blond haired, thick bearded, broad shouldered and tall pink nippled varangian but the turkish rule surely did corrupt the genepool

anyway here's a fun idea: since greece and serbia and other eastern european countries
the jewish shitskin narrative of 'hurr duurr every white person is an evil colonizer imperialist oppressor blah blah insert buzzwords here', why dont the people in the west larp as serbs or greeks? that way they can dismiss the nigger kvetching of being enslaved for like ~300 years by saying they were enslaved for double that time and first, and should therefore logically receive reperations, quotas, gibs and everything else first

idk not a serious suggest just a light hearted idea but wonder what do people think about it
also the symbolism we have around here, the double headed eagles and whatnot is seriously cool looking to emulate

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I've only ever seen Turks and commies call Greeks Gayreeks.

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There are many white/European nations which were never the colonizers or have never oppressed shitskins in any way (directly or indirectly). In fact, they were the ones being oppressed BY the shitskins. But there is another narrative-crusher that I'd like to add, Serbs were the shabboest of goyim through most of their history, they were on the team Jew for the most part (Serbs saved Jews from concentration camps, preserved their relics etc.), and that didn't stop the kikes from utterly destroying their country by any means imaginable (wars, sanctions, privatization/economic genocide, cultural degradation, faggotry and other poz, shitskin refugees, etc). We got the worse treatment than Germany that actually fought them.

Being friendly with the Jew makes no difference to trying to kill him, he WILL try to destroy you in the end, in the worst way imaginable. People need to realize that keeping their heads down and pretending to be tolerant of them is not going to save them.

t. other Serb

You do realize that if an Albanian walked up to a Arvanite, and they spoke. They could understand each other? This is literally the same autism that goes into Macedonian nationalism. Macedonians understand Bulgarian, but refuse to speak to them because the Bulgarian fully understands what they say.

This is an Arvanite song, sounds pretty unrecognizable to a normal Greek. Dialect of Greek? Nah, they're literally speaking Albanian. Though they call their language Arberishte, which is an archaic term for Albanians.

This is a paper done that studied Albanians coming in to Greece. Most of the Albanians who came in were Tosk mercenaries hired by Serbs to yeet on the crumbling Byzantine empire and influx of Frankish mercenaries.

Greek member of parliament stating that Arvanites speak Albanian.

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Mediterraneans are not monglers, I don't call them that way, anyways if you compare proto-nordic (EHG) and mediterranean (Anatolian farmers) phenotype, you would find them identical, except in height maybe.
They were both high skulled, narrow-faced, doliocephalic and pigmentation varied from blonde hair to dark hair color, skin color was pale. After neolithic, most of the blond haired people were concentrated in northern and eastern europe while genetically identical iberians had dark hair
Natufians were also very similar to this and CHG were also quite similar. except they have the link with hooked noses

That user is probably from Bulgaria or Macedonia

Let me ease your ascent from newfaggotry. Aside from a few vocal D&C shills, there is very little disagreement on Zig Forums as to who is white. If the person in question has ancestry from continental Europe, they're white. Sure, there are brownish white people that blur the lines like Greeks, southern Italians, and Bulgarians, but white is just an umbrella term anyway, like asian. There are many different shades of white. We used to draw very strong lines between ourselves on the basis of being English or German or French or whatever, but now that we have plenty of common enemies to fight, it serves our shared purpose to band together and refer to ourselves collectively as white. It's a convenient term. Maybe, someday, when all the niggers, roaches, and kikes are extinct, we can go back to infighting like we did in the good old days.

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Most of the more asiatic Turks were lower on the hierarchy though. This is well documented in Ibn Abd Rabbih and Ibn Sa’id al-Maghribi, and even the Kyrgyz describe dark hair and eyes as a curse.

Turks in Central Asia are just Corded Ware + Buryats (Siberian Mongols)/Southern Tungusic people
wrote about this in here

Parts of northern Greece were taken by ethnic displacement of Serbs. This is rarely discussed because of muh orthodox brotherhood. Also, Albanians are not even European, they are Caucasian mongrels imported as cannon fodder by the Ottoman Empire.

I miss the days when Germans were not such cucks so we could have a proper krieg with them.

OP here
I just realized why I love MXLinux so much

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