Appearing on NBC’s Late Night With Seth Meyers Thursday, aired early Friday morning, left-wing film maker Michael Moore promised viewers that if he ever ran for president his first agenda item would be “outlawing billionaires.” Asked about socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate for the wealthy, Moore endorsed the radical proposal. Gushing over Moore, liberal host Seth Meyers wondered: “If you were running, what would be your platforms? What would be the things that Michael Moore would promise to the American people?”The Fahrenheit 11/9 director proclaimed: “Well, I have a number of things I would do. First of all, I love the idea of just outlawing billionaires. It really is immoral.”
>fatass wants to outlaw billionaires, not (((billionaires)))
Brayden Kelly
This. Let's just get it over with and ban millionaires.
Jackson Taylor
This would hurt Jews, so why not?
Luis Rivera
What is immoral is that fatsos like you aren't put in concentration camps
John Anderson
Aren't all americans fat anyway?
Eli Morgan
Because the jewish usury scam will destroy the world economy and make money worthless, afterwards it will be replaced by a jewish cash-less currency, which will be run by an institution inside Israel. The jewish elite running this now has infinite amounts of fantasy money at the tip of their fingers. A ban on billionaires would force all the remaining non-jews to say goodbye to the safety bubble of the jewish elites forever. No more classes afterwards, only jews and their gentile slaves.
Aaron Brown
They'll put in plenty of loopholes. In fact, it'll end up mostly hurting the upper middle class, as usual.
Jacob Price
The left everyone.
Gavin Turner
nice meme
Henry Flores
I call for banning him from eating
Jason Myers
When someone like him says "billionaire", what he really means is "white".
Justin Jackson
This is essentially what internationalism-jewish world domination is. They run a politburo of jewish bar mitzvah buddies and rule over the goyim deciding who gets children, who gets in the (((workers party))) and who gets access to the food. No goyim allowed in the politburo
Logan White
Usury and the international money system were just an elaborate ruse for the jews to gain all the real material wealth with their Monopoly money
Liam James
He means ban white people from being rich. Only Jews should own the means of production.
Gavin Thomas
That is correct. Money today is nothing but a tool to ensure slavery.
Noah Mitchell
Yeah guys let's just kneecap the financial and creative capacity of our societies super wealthy so foreigners can buy up even more land. Because you know he is only talking about Americans.
Carson Evans
70% of them.
I'm a burger too, I'm the only person who is fit in my social circle.
Eli Thompson
What's fat arse Michael Whore's net-worth and how diverse is the area his mansion resides in again? Heard his divorce reveals quite the amount of assets.
Christian Harris
i guess fat boy is gonna donate all his millions to charity now and live a humbly. good for him!
Alexander Adams
Michael "I was famoust 15 years ago" Moore? He is propably poor again, so he shill for communism even more.
Ryan Sullivan
What's really immoral is how the dollar has been so terribly devalued that billionaires are even a thing.
Angel Taylor
I'm honestly surprised he was married to begin with.
Leo Davis
Thats the point. Hell even trump would be allowed to wiggle through.
I wish charity could not be a write off.
Nicholas Allen
The power of money. Ironic, no?
William Barnes
1) Outlaw billionaires 2a) Outlaw physical assets 2b) Give physical assets to (((trusted officials)))
Even if the rich gave up 80% they would still have more than the rest and our countries wouldn't be in such financial ruins. I'm ok with draining the blood back out of jews.
David Watson
I agree (((billionaires))) should be hunted down and their funds re-appropriated for the white race
This is a joke. This is all a joke. Americans are always so willing to protect the people who have the boots on their neck, because they are trained from birth to believe that if they work hard enough, eventually they will be the ones with the boots.
Can we ban criminals and illegal loan sharks next. Or maybe even make it illegal to harm other, or even to die so we live forever.
Brandon Brown
What's stop from the window moving from billionaires to millionaires?
Parker Lopez
I thought Michael Moore would be far too busy recuperating from his sex change surgery 🤔
Elijah Mitchell
How does it feel being an unpaid intern to a jew-loving fat fuck?
Dylan Roberts
depends on where you live, I guess. it's like saying all yuros smell like shit
where I'm from only poorfags are usually fat
Noah Adams
But government's having and spending billions and trillions of dollars is perfectly acceptable, isn't?
Fucking commies…this is just like their attempts to ban firearms. Oh they don't think the people should have firearms, but the government? Yeah, it's great if they have firearms.
Lucas Hill
Where do you think those extra billions of dollars taken from the billionaires would go?
Lincoln Wilson
Acceleration is the only way things will get better.
Charles Allen
Impose the 100%inheritance death tax on the parents and ban high interest loans then we will start talking.
Gabriel Lopez
Imagine being so mentally deranged that you take gluttony to the point of morbid obesity, then have the nerve to call other people greedy.
Lucas Wright
In that case, I hope he runs for president. All the flaming, wet liberals will mindlessly vote for him and then be devastated when he fails to be chosen by the elites to succeed Trump. Which I actually think is a shame. I'd like to see an incompetent, dim-witted, slob with no political experience placed in command of the empire.
Jaxson James
That could work in our favour. Our opponents greatest strength would also be their achilles heel in such a situation. And it is much more easy to encourage opposition to an obvious tyrant than a subtle one.
Adrian Green
Kek and he thinks the people who have a stranglehold over the world are simply going to give away their billions of dollars?
Chase Lewis
Sounds good. Billionaires deserve to be killed
Zachary Ward
Alexander Martin
You don't understand the 'international clique'.
The money doesn't exist in any specific location, their wealth isn't tied down to investments or properties in any single country. America could go full communist and these people would be fine.
Jack Fisher
Cool. So he wants more money to be stored offshore?
Jonathan Lee
institute wealth transfer tax
Joshua Williams
If we are going to tax over 90% of what billionaires own, then they are gonna fucking leave or operate from places that offer lower taxes. That's why we give businesses like Amazon and Google Tax breaks… because it's better for CA to keep them when they can tax 3% of their income rather than 0%. If they raised it, then the second it's higher somewhere else the company would move.
Most big companies and billionaires already won property in the next best tax locations. The second you change the law they adapt and change their operating HQ's and residence.
Taxing the extreme wealthy was one of the major flaws in Valenzuela's recent decline. It completely failed and chased off every oil tycoon. It was much more beneficial for their country when the rich could stay and pay some taxes.
Jordan Bailey
The obesity rate has gone down a bit, but yeah, still a lot of fat fucks around here.
Lincoln Roberts
As am I, but we all know that this proposal, if actually enacted, won't affect any of (((them))).
Cooper Ramirez
How come Alaska isn't colored dark blue like the rest of the USA?
Brody Torres
That is why it is ok to kill leftists.
Brandon Ward
What about thousandaires? Might as well take them out then
Oliver Barnes
Because the Kochs, Waltons, Bezos, etc. are B A S E D