Hi Zig Forums. Porn is an extremely important topic. Especially on Zig Forums, because of our imageboard culture, which contains a lot of porn and very unsusal sexual fantasies. Just a glance at 4chan's /r9k/ frontpage should should suffice at how damaging to the psyche porn addiction is. Especially for sexually inexperienced males.
I consumed some of the worst porn out there. It's all about making you tolerate disgusting fetishes, while you search for new stuff.
Boomer will never quite realize how fucked up this is.
The first sexual experience of many young kids will be to see female Overwatch characters with dicks have sex. Or getting knotted by dogs. Kids want to look up naked Nightelfs from World of Warcraft and find that half of the artists draw them with dicks.
In addition these rule 34 sites are also shared by the furry community, who have inhuman degenerate fetishes like Inflation, Diapers, Age regression, Farting, Scat, Necrophilia, Bisexuality, inhuman genitalia.
This will be normalized and tolerated by the brain in the search for the porn you want and in the end, your resistance and disgusting for these things lower.
I had first hand experience with this. My sexuality degenerated. Coupled with low self-esteem, because of a lack of sexual experience this can become dangerous. I fapped to shemales, 2D traps and even feminine twinks. My lowest point was watching gay porn, where I just saw the asses and then with extreme disgust looked away as I saw the distinctly male faces of the men having sex.
I am not a very unusual case, if you think about how normalized anal became over the years and how the mainstream likes asses now. Also I not open about this. I would never tell anyone that has seen my face or knows me about this phase I had. It's shameful.
AMA if you have questions or talk about your own experience about how your overcame this.
If you have ever been to rule34 sites, watch 2D porn or degnerate 3d porn, I strongly recommend to quit porn for an entire month. It helped me.