Masonic controlled opposition wants pot testers in Vancouver schools as vape use rises


“We are trying to get them into stores, but also in different places,” said McColl, adding she showcased the product at the Wellness Show in Vancouver over the weekend.

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Not bad tbh, kids should be kept safe from drugs and adults should freely decide to partake so long as no other laws are broken. It's good imo that students will have a harder time getting away with pot use in schools.

Sounds like another chapter of the zero-tolerance, make everyone a faggot or criminal saga.


I know you are shit posting but ill humor you. Keep your lunch in your locker retard

You're saying that Acacia sprigs will be in stores soon?
Holy shit. If this dumb McColl bitch gets that to happen. Well.
Look here under Fabaceae. This is fucking hilarious.
People all over will be tripping on DMT, a class A illegal psychoactive.

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Wait. I think I was mistaken. Why the fuck did OP say "sprig of Acacia" if it's not even in the article? Forget it.

Masons get out.

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This isn't a bad idea tbh, they should distribute these en-masse and make them available to the public both so parents can know if their kids are using drugs and so that "responsible" drug users can know if they're smoking real weed and not laced shit.

oh, OP is just one of those DMT retards larping as masonnigger. head on back to endchan lad.

Kikes doing kike stuff I see

"masonics" want plebs to be worthless potheads.


masonry is mystic kikism for goiym. no need to say masons when saying kikes covers masons but not vice versa

This, nothing turns an able man into a worthless zombie like pot. Even getting white men to smoke monthly is a huge win for them.

Try quaaludes, man.

They mean pot prohibitionist? Who wrote this crap? I guess big words scare simple people.

I could imagine that a THC test kit might be nice to have to confirm that what I have is in fact cannabis.. maybe.

How are they going to avoid false positives? What a great way to get back at your schoolyard enemy, smear his locker and things with pipe resin.

Giving this even more thought, false positives are going to be the reason why this won't work. Kids at school will likely come in contact with traces of cannabis their parents are legally using.

Honestly, being canukistan, I half expected them to hire a nigger to physically test everything with a puff.

Make sure every teacher and admin's crap has residue on it. Impressionable kids need protecting doncha know.

A little bit of iso and a spray bottle and the whole school will turn red.

(don't play with solvents kids!)

Go back to reddit

I'm not a Mason, you stupid piece of shit. I have argued with the dense mother fuckers at the bottom tiers of Freemasonry to insist they're heavily kiked. Last year before the GMs changed hands, I pointed out many GM jews.

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I don't use Reddit.

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Spoken like a low IQ puritan that's never tried it and only knows what jew tv falsely claims.

Exactly, what kind of shit is this? Pro DMT and anti cannabis? wut?

It doesn't matter does it, if it suits the argument they're for it, if it suits the argument they're against it. It's just silly that anyone would want to protect children.

Your body produces naturally DMT, it doesn't produce niggerweed. Unless you're a nigger. Producing weed.

dude just try one puff man you'll know what's it like to be like me (300 iq, big dick…..)

Must be nice living under the hemp flipflops of liberal organ harvesters and child traffickers.


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The brain produces cannabinoids as well.

Fuck of retard

Endos like anandamide that we biosynthesize, that aren't psychoactive.

Nice rebuttal.


Fun fact in the year 1818 all drugs were legal in US. Let it sink in for while.

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So not zero tolerance?

Only 4 years after the Rothschilds made their famous bet.

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Your idiotic scenario doesn't make sense.

Enjoy your McDonalds.

Speaking of organ harvesters and child trafficking.
No wonder NBC hates RT. Probably hate their secrets leaking.

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Every stoner I was friends with in highschool is a dumb dirtbag piece of shit now, save for one.

You pointed out that jews exist? Good job. Did you do so while misunderstanding the double triangle?

Mary Jane… causes dain bramage.
I couldn't give a flying fuck about marijuana. If someone wants to get high and fuck up their brains, then that's their problem. As long as they don't have any responsibility in life, then let them do whatever they want.

that british kike bitch is connected to gangs and serial scams