British filmmakers learn Filming in India more dangerous than African civil war zones
As bad as the kebabs are. I have a feeling Indian might be a Potential bigger threat to the world thanks to disease and Pollution. If Indians start going full Thuggees again. They will make regular Islamic terrorism look like kittens.
British liberals got Redpill about India
Please, we have a wall for them too.
So don't mess with the poo in loos. It's their country.
Hey, these film fucks made their bed let them lie in it.
Were those all properly exorcised first from the witches living down in them user?
I think most in our country will admit privately that India is a complete shithole filled with awful people.
The thing about the thuggee is they were a weird mix of religious cult and organised crime.
They had rules, traditions and things they just didn't do.
Watched the vid. Those guys are determined filmmakers. I've downloaded the Dead before, but never watched it. They should have made a documentary while making the film. Probably would have been better, and more successful.
British carrying guns illegally? Do they have a liocense for even knowing what a gun is?
Are you sure? Have you seen 7/11s bathrooms?
India is what a multicultural libertarian society looks like.
If only there was a way to ensure all culturally enriched white people were liberals the world would be a perfect place. Unfortunately they rarely ever reap what they sow, but they're beginning to, and it wont get better for them.
Shame it didn't happen.
Britain colonizing India was a mistake. They should've been colonized by the Spanish.
So they conquistadors could've racemixed with them like they did with Amerindians?
If they did you would have never had your Aryan ideology and Hitler.
So that they'd have drained all resources they could without giving savages the fruits of civilization they weren't ready for.
Why do you think that's what would have happened? Civilization is exactly what the Spanish brought to Mexico, with the Catholic element securing the place of the Natives in that society. Once again, white people, instead of killing their competition, gave them opportunity.
It works on white people, and that's all that matters.
Because the Indian underclass have adapted to being repressed. Once that pressure is released, they don't have the IQ or inner mechanisms of self-control. Niggers typically keep their own violence among each other in check. It's mostly inter-tribal warfare. Indians have less family cohesion and tribal loyalty than even fucking niggers.
this. (((gun control))) is blatently anti white and the NRA always cucks out.
trying to enforce gun laws is laughably retarded, if you really want a gun, you can make one with a few youtube tutorials and a trip to the hardware store. a SMG even. No 3d printing required. its hilarious libniggers and anti white cucks are messing with polymer lathe/printing files to virtue signal how anti white they are.
I think if (((they))) thought they could do so politically, they'd be very good at enforcing the laws. The law, in general, seems to work quite well when it comes to punishing whites. This is one of the things that busted me out of libertarianism: the realization that people organizing into a collective are not incompetent, but actually hyper-competent (so long as there is a hierarchy of competent men); and all the stories you hear about government failing to do things well was actually a misrepresentation of what the goal of that government was.
Jews are running our government, and the apparent incompetence is a cover for their maliciousness.
I have a DACApede friend who went to India and he says the food there sucked.
Why does the SAS use AR-15s and not SA80s?
Did he say why?
Keep in mind. Natives were practicing human sacrifices and practicing Tibal genocide long before the Spanish conquered/converted them to catholicsm. If you look at the Aztec and Mayan mass graves. Spanish Conquest saved millions. If you think Mexicans are violent now. Wait until Islam or Revival of the Aztec religion gets popular in Mexico. Hell liberal media don’t even deny Mexican cartel practicing blood libels and ritualized Cannibalism. That should tell you something. Islamic mexico will make Africa look like Euro Disney.
The cartel violence is some of the worst shit I've ever seen. I've been to Mexico a couple times, and it's a fucking shithole. Trees growing in the middle of the road, trash everywhere, mangy dogs roaming free, and that's just the tourist traps. I'm sure it's more peaceful away from the cities, same as the US, but this people should have been replaced by the Spanish. Not proliferated
I read somewhere that india has a high rate of rape and gang rape not only on tourists but among their families i read about children would be passed around by family members sent to group homes for sex slavery if the daughter didn't except a boy to mary they would toss her to group of men to rape them into choosing or some other Niggertier Abo style backwards custom the curry niggers practice
Could have been propaganda. I like facts anyone got any thing on the ways in which the designated street shitters operate because being in the know is better then getting eaten and or raped by a group of dot Indians
If Zig Forums is anything it's cultured
Butthurt poo detected.
What kind of cell phones do Indians use?
I know Indians like their own shit but seriously?
Scarily, this. If it passed in the Us boomers would just comply without a second thought.
this PSA aired only in India. it's called "boys don't cry" and it is nothing but an attack on masculinity and the concept of emotional discipline, directly blaming these things for domestic violence.
HD version. the campaign was called #startwiththeboys
guess how much backlash they faced for basically spreading pro feminist anti male blood libel. if you guessed "absolutely none" give yourself a gold star. don't try to claim for a single second that the feminist poz isn't in India.
here, have some more.
wow their team deserves to get raped.
It only shows a guy being told not to cry his whole life then him as an adult hitting a woman. What trash these people are. The only wife beater I ever knew was an emotional train wreck who was always on about being depressed or having existential dread, made suicide jokes, and had a break down at work once. His emotional instability is probably why he lost his self control.
Don't tell me not to walk down a dark ally at 3am, tell muggers not to stab people! Most muggers are men, start with making boys cry more.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? they have no capacity for logic.
I am assuming you are not just talking about the injuns.
The people doing the filming were apparently not from India as they were surprised by it's violence. Those people, absolutely retarded.
i'm sure you're just a concerned enviornmentalist and not a shill demanding India become westernized and embrace Western Democratic Enlightenment Values to eradicate those pesky Aryan values once and for all
The problem isn't their potential for violence but your lack of ability to exercise it. Animals fear predators not prey. Thanks for confirming that you are a civcuck.
Anyway, Indians truly are subhuman. They are cockroaches that live inside a shit encrusted toilet. The epitome of low-culture and uncleanliness. How the Northern Aryans have not cut themselves off from the mid and southern hells with the worlds largest and most dangerous wall, I don't know.
Fucking based.
Is it just me or she has mild Down syndrome?
All I know about India comes from a screencap.
Care to elaborate? Wouldn't want such a thing explode in one's hands in minecraft
Madarchod, randi ke olad sale. If you don't like India, don't come to India. Why the fuck do you speak bad of India. You will get beaten hard you know? We are stronger than you. Bhosdi sale.
Remember your Ancestors Britain. When the subhumans start getting uppity; annihilate a couple of neighbourhoods with your cannons and wait for them to come out and prostrate themselves before you.
That caste system will be our future if immigration isn't stopped soon.
Fuck off, kutte ke pille.
This guy is fucking crazy
I guess Apoo's in the loo
What a shithole.
Chutiya. Bhag sale.
You're a fuckin' dead man.