Just in time to make the Trump's State of the Union address. Thanks Abel, very cool!
MS-13 murder on 7 Train in NYC
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Public transport in the USA will always be shit thanks to shitskins.
Just another day in goymerica. Move on, nothing to see here folks.
He needs to change his name, to idiot
Mosso loses to MS13 spic.
Will this be a trend? Can the old mafia hold out against the influx of new ultra murderous psychos?
Niggers killing niggers. So? If we got rid of them we wouldn't have to hear about it.
kek what a jewish title
We could've had something wonderful, but the traitors in the government just had to import shitskins and destroy our future thanks for nothing
(((public transport)))
Them feels
This makes me sad user. My family helped build all of Detroit and they destroyed it.
this is why women shouldn't have rights
what a shame
Nice to know that on top of all the nigs and spic gangs we already have we are now importing East Los sets to shoot up our neighborhoods. Latin Kings , Bloods, Crips, Trinatarios etc etc. Thank's Jews!
Who gives a shit?
yes , and new york
new york is for cockaroaches , rats and dogs … snakes dont make it up north
Of their behavior helps wakes up whites to their behavior, all the better. May help us deport them one day
The white coming home from a hard day at work to feed his kids that gets hit with a stray gang slug?
That's some world-class camerawork-fail.
Part and parcel.
Guns need to be banned. Fact.
Stray purchases without background checks at gun shows in the neighborhood states. Gun control should be nation wide or its a joke.
I have a solid 3 Bitcoin that says 20-year-old Abel Mosso's 35-year-old mother will be in the gallery with Melania at the SOTU address. Any takers?
sorry it's only worth 1 bitcoin to me, who fucking cares?
You don't fit in here, you know. We are aware of your refugee status, you illiterate nigger. Get your shit packed and go home to halfchan. This board – if you can believe it – still has some standards.
Also, trying too hard.
Yeah, then New York can be murder free like London.
From wikipedia:
"Murder on the International Express." Sounds like an Agatha Christie mystery.
I'm not saying they should be here in the fist place, but I don't see any dead white people in this story, do you?
Both of you are going back.
What the motherfuck are you on about you sperg?
Ban pointy objects while you’re at it
I wish.
Niggers: And Then There Were None
You're a glow nigger.
He's a consensus cracking double secret probation glow nigger.Here to subtly concern troll and demoralize the board.
The mafia hasn't been shit since the 70s. Even normal nig street gangs would stomp their shit
You work for George Soros.
This isn't his territory. Get lost.
no you stupid nigger shut your mouth and think more rationally, your kind is ill equipped to speak without being spoke to. know your place.
The borough of Queens is a spic-ed up shithole.
This. Glad I drive my car now. I hated taking public transport back when I was in (((college))).
I watch that speech of Degrelle's every single day. I don't think we'll ever have that spirit reignited. Imagine if Degrelle were alive to see things today? He would have stroked out immediately. That old world, that old spirit, it's gone forever.
Most Whites are retarded and won't wake up. Young White girls around here spread their legs for these spics.
I don't need shills to demoralize me, reality itself is enough to demoralize anyone.
Subhuman trash
Take your own advice retard.
You don't fit in here, you know. We are aware of your shill status, you illiterate nigger. Get our shit packed and go home to Israel. This board - if you can believe it - still sees through obvious shills.
same here in germany
my bus to and from work is a multi-racial hellhole ride every day. and very smelly….
I'm a Midwestern farmboy…94% gun owners. Come take 'em cityfuk
They think they've secured their future by doing this.
I didn't think they were that short-sighted.
Implying whites can and would stop the violence. The race war already started and you're too coward to do anything.
Rule of war # 1, Never interrupt your enemies while they are killing themselves.
because they cry in the background? You are a fucking idiot.
We should just ban you. You know, faggot, there are nations that have gun control…I don't see you moving there…
That's why MS-13 is garbage.
It is crazy how a train ride costs nearly as much as airtravel. Planes are uncomfortable, but at least fights between niggers is a rare occurrence. Who would ride a train anywhere other than downtown?
niggers do use planes, where have you been?
I liked how everyone stood around watching like it was a UFC fight until he started shooting
I said fights between niggers is a rare occurrence (on planes) not niggers do/can not ride planes
Though that would be pleasant. They should ban fat people too.
Go back to voat, faggot.
wtf I love MS13 now
Then we smuggle guns from other nations.
We could learn a lot from public transportation in Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing, and Seoul. The overpopulation part sucks, but at least you don't have to worry about getting murdered by a spic.
The 7 train only goes through Manhattan (Midtown/Hells Kitchen/Central Park-ish) and Queens. Thanks to gentrification, Queens is not THAT diverse anymore. The trains that run through the Bronx and West Harlem are much worse.
I grew up in a small Kansas town, but it's full of spics now. Care to share the state?
Pussy cameraman. Take better videos coward.
don't forget
Vendors can't transfer firearms at gun shows, retard. You can take orders for them, and accept payment, but you have to take possession of the firearm at the gun shop, WITH a mandatory background check.
You CAN sell firearms privately, without a background check, but NOT at a gun show, there is a legal distance away from the show you have to be.
You want to get firearms out of the hands of criminals?
The laws you need are:
1) 50 years, no parole, no time off, for stealing a firearm…including minors steal a firearm.
2) 50 years added to sentence for committing a felony while possessing ANY weapon.
3) mandatory death sentence for murder, no commutations allowed,
There…now criminals will avoid guns like the plague.
fixed for you
So Zion Don is going to do another crapshoot speech with the Dems doing the whole scripted "much Russia" crap? Well time to brace for what the kike puppet in chief is going to say while the trumpniggers flood Zig Forums again. Polite sage for off topic.
This is why fascists are so totally based. To solve the problem of gun violence, I would much rather live in a police state than a society without niggers.
I heard he's going to blow Bibi right there in the House in front of everyone as a way to bring Republicans and Democrats together by highlighting their common ground on Israel.
It brings a tear to my eye just to read about it. Donald Trump is truly based.
I don't see a problem with that
longer prison time just means more violence committed during the crime.
13 murdered on train by 7 people?
13 people murder 7 people on train?
The text makes it more clear.
26 people murdered 18 year old on 20 train by 13 precinct at 7 o'clock.
looking forward to AI replacing humans, because this rubbish was written by a fucking mental invalid.
you mean we should implement the airport style security checks they have in beijing and shanghai? i would rather have few criminals shoot each other than tsa screenings and queues everywhere.
My sides have left the atmosphere
If some guns and immigrants are illegal… how could this happened?
You shouldn't have listened to the jews that told you to separate from the English Empire for the sake of a 2% tax - because immediately afterwards the jew started taxing you 30%, then 40% and so on. That is when the jew began to take a foothold.
The last stage was from 1900 to 1950, when the number of jews in the states went from 10-20,000 to 5 million.
1950 was the end of america, and the peak. Everything afterwards was lost.
It went from 95% true america, european blood, to 50% now.
It is a great shame. All that was built, for nothing, and now the same thing is being done to europe.
There was even a proposal once to repatriate all the negroids back to africa, with the end of slavery. That should have been absolute priority. America was always a meritocracy, those who worked hard and had new ideas could rise to the top and thrive, enjoy comfortable lives and better lives for their children.
Leaving useless negroids scattered everywhere was like leaving poison ivy to grow in your garden.
Communisted it right up, didn't ya?
Go fuck yourself.
fixed it for YOU, phagit
"Muh knife"
Generation Niggest in Afrimerica. lol. Ignoring science for more diversity was such a great idea.
we mexico naow
Uh, retard…The Rothschild's OWNED England by that time, buying titles of royalty for themselves, from the degenerate crown.
And the tax was only the last straw, anyway.
The real reason for the revolution was that the colonies were not being given representation in Parliament.
If the crown had given us a few seats in Parliament, there would have never been any war.
on the bright side, man who died was gang member, and the killer now caught was a gang member, so thankfully two thugs are now off the street, its a shame one died through. may he rest in peace i dont even believe he should of died like this, its kinda fucked. im sure he thought it would be just another fight on the train like we always have in NYC.
A step up from a WN mongel mixed race Asian baby.
I live in a neighbourhood just like this, but with more trees, right next to a little forest. White paradise in the middle of a shitskinned Canadian city. Feels good man. We'll defend it somehow.
The sad part is, he won't be executed.
You're supposed to kill someone to join the 18th st gang so fuck the victim, he would happily afford others the same courtesy he received.
Yeah I hear you user but it didn't used to be like this.
The 2nd webm brought a tear to my eye.
Your problem is not public transport in and of itself, but rather your public.
The quality of a city depends on the quality of its people.
Why don't National Socialists go down and protest the border?
wtf I love MS-13 now
2 videos doesnt mean shit … it does happen,
now take 2 minutes to search bus and train fights …. its disgusting
For the capitalist profits.
This is nothing compared to the thousands of people Pissrael and their American goys have killed.
oh mah dog ::–DDD ibs anuda 9/11 :–DDDD